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王青  张丽敏 《时代经贸》2006,4(11):93-93,95
在以往文献中,依据货币政策对实际经济产生的效果,有两大主要观点——货币中性论和货币非中性论。而货币政策的效果最终又可归结为:它在多大程度上引起了通货膨胀,即货币政策绩效中的“中性”成分以及它对经济增长的促进或推动作用究竟有多大,即其中的“非中性”成分。我们在此要探讨的货币政策有效性问题,是要揭开货币的“面纱”,找出其中对实际经济变量有重要影响的“非中性”成分进行研究。因此,本文基于货币政策在稳定货币和促进经济增长这两方面有效性的界定,选择了以有效性所经历的阶段来划分的“货币控制的有效性”作为研究对象。  相似文献   

我国货币经济的数据特征表明,货币供给路径与宏观经济的波动轨迹之间存在着极大的相似性。本文基于现金先行模型方法,将货币因素纳入到真实经济周期模型中来进行考察,并对差分方程系统中的参数与变量稳态值进行校准,通过数值模拟得到模型经济数据。将模型经济数据与实际经济数据进行比对发现,模型经济能较好地解释了实际经济的波动情况,对产出波动的解释达到80.5%。通过脉冲响应分析发现,我国货币政策不仅对产出等实际变量存在影响,而且对通货膨胀率、名义利率等名义变量的影响更大,货币具有偏向中性的特点。  相似文献   

张耿 《经济学动态》2005,(6):05-107
价格粘性在短期货币政策分析中占有基础性的重要地位:正是由于名义价格具有粘性,货币政策才影响到实际货币供给,从而对产出等实际变量发生作用。反之,若名义价格能够灵活调整,则名义货币量的变化只能通过替代效应对实际经济发生影响,实证表明这种替代效应是很小的,不能解释现实中货币政策的显著短期效果。在价格粘性理论的最新发展中,研究者开始放松完全理性和理性预期假设,而日益重视偏离完全理性的行为经济学方法。此类研究初步表明,  相似文献   

我国货币政策的有效性及对策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来,经济学界对货币政策是否有效一直争论不休。根据我国1989年-2009年的经济数据,通过建立名义GDP与货币供应量M2的线性关系和实际GDP与货币供应量M2的线性关系等模型,验证了我国货币政策的有效性。由于货币传导机制不完善、中央银行的独立性不够、经济发展不平衡、金融市场发育不成熟等因素,也制约和影响了我国货币政策在实施过程中的有效性。必须通过健全和完善货币政策传导机制、加强中央银行的独立性、缩小城乡差距、提高利率市场化程度等措施,提高我国货币政策的有效性。  相似文献   

李子联 《金融评论》2010,2(2):83-90
最优货币状况指数是以最优货币政策下所选择的各政策工具的实施力度之比作为相应权重而构建的货币状况指数。基于这个定义,本文构建了最优货币状况指数,分析了它在货币政策评估上的应用,得出几点主要结论:首先,不同于一般货币状况指数,最优货币状况指数除受原指数中相关参数的组合影响外,还受政策目标变量实际值与目标值偏离额的影响。其次,最优货币状况指数可以作为衡量货币政策实施效果的判断标准。再次,汇率和信贷政策与通货膨胀的关系及其在政策目标中的相对干预力度决定了名义或实际货币状况指数权重下货币政策的实施效果。  相似文献   

赵峻松 《经济咨询》2006,(5):42-43,39
货币政策传导机制是研究货币政策及其工具如何通过各种经济变量对实际经济产生作用的问题,在这一领域的研究从早期凯恩斯主义提出的利率传导机制,货币主义补充的非货币资产价格机制,到新古典宏观经济学秉承古典货币中性论,和新凯恩斯主义的创新强调银行资产的信贷渠道,众多学派围绕“货币是否是面纱”及“货币非中性时影响实际经济途径”的争论使西方货币政策传导机制理论研究呈现出众说纷纭的丰富形态,随着理论相互间的吸收与融合,我们可以把所有传导机制概括成两大类.  相似文献   

测度货币政策效应:方法论假说及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 0.调节货币供给与信贷资金总量是我国货币政策的基本运作形式,与货币政策中介目标选择的世界性趋势相一致,名义货币供应量事实上已成为我国货币政策的中介目标。因此,本文在根据总供给函数构建的货币政策效应分析理论框架的支持下,通过考察我国1979—1990年间名义货币供应量及其与同期以国民收入为代表的实际变量间的互动关系,来事后(exante)测度该时期内名义货币供应量管理对经济稳定政策目标的实际作用。 由于可利用的统计资料在因果关系检验方面的局限,这里设立的测度货币政策效应的方法论假说也许较所给出的结论更有意义。  相似文献   

岳喜伟 《经济论坛》2003,(14):17-19
中央银行货币政策的实施如何依次影响经济体系中的各种名义变量与真实变量,即货币政策如何传导,这是货币政策的一个基本问题。弄清这一问题,对于正确认识货币政策的功能、合理确定货币政策的目标、深入分析货币政策的有效性、有针对性地提高货币政策的实施效果,有着十分重要的意义。然而这又是一个非常复杂的问题,激烈的争论始终充斥于西方学者对这一问题的研究之中。目前得到较多认同的看法是,货币政策传导机制可分为两大类:一类是货币渠道,另一类是信用渠道。所谓货币渠道,是指利率渠道、资产价格渠道、财富效应渠道、汇率渠道等,这些已有…  相似文献   

中国名义货币状况指数的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构建和监测货币状况指数是将汇率纳入货币政策框架中的一种可行方式.文章在系统分析汇率和货币供应量等变量对国内消费者价格水平的价格传递链条的基础上,运用VAR方法来构建了2005年7月人民币汇率制度改革以来的中国名义货币状况指数.研究表明,M1和名义有效汇率在名义MCI中的权重之比为1:1.17,在此基础上构建的名义MCI与消费价格指数走势是高度吻合的.从货币政策立场指示器和对通货膨胀进行监测的角度看,我国央行应关注并定期发布货币状况指数.  相似文献   

汇率变动对货币政策操作变量的影响是开放条件下货币政策研究的一个重要问题,它关系到开放条件下货币政策目标和工具的选择,以及货币政策和汇率政策的协调和配合。本文从理论上梳理了汇率变动对货币政策操作变量(即利率和基础货币)的影响渠道,并以货币政策规则模型为基础,对中国1996-2007年的数据进行了检验。结果表明基础货币和利率都对中美实际汇率的变动作出了显著的反应,中美实际汇率升值引起基础货币增加而名义利率上升,这意味着我们在构建新的宏观调控框架时要考虑货币政策和汇率政策之间的相互影响,货币政策的操作过程中不能轻易地放弃汇率目标而专注于通货膨胀目标。  相似文献   

There are two criteria to choose an intermediate variable for monetary targeting. First, the money demand function needs to be stable and second, the monetary authorities should be able to control the target variable given the available instruments. In this paper we examine whether M1 and M2 in the Netherlands fulfil the first requirement, i.e. we investigate whether a stable relationship exists between these monetary variables and key macroeconomic variables. Co-integration techniques are used which are very well suited for this purpose. Monetary policy in the Netherlands has been directed towards the growth rate of broad money (M2). The present findings do not suport the choice of M2 as an intermediate target for monetary policy in the Netherlands. A stable long-term relationship between M2 and real NNP and Long-and short-term interest rates does not exist. The results for M1 are considerbly better, though not favourable at all scores. The estimated moeny demand function for M1 is a good indicator for monetary policy, since the Dutch central bank probably cannot control the growth rate of M1.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to explain empirically the effect of order flow as an unobserved variable on the exchange rate movements based on the theory of scapegoat. The theory of scapegoat appears as the answer to the imbalance in the relationship between macroeconomic fundamentals and the exchange rate. To analyze the validity of this theory in Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand (ASEAN 5), we apply the two-stage least squares method. The empirical testing generates a fact that the paradigm of scapegoat theory works for four countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand. Another finding is that the theory of scapegoat does not work for the Philippines. The implication of policy based on the results is the emphasis of policy that enables intervention in the foreign exchange market, the enhancement of monetary policy transparency in each country, as well as the management of capital flows more efficiently.  相似文献   

黄安仲 《当代财经》2006,(10):41-46
利率和货币量哪个更适合作为货币政策中介目标是一个很有争议的问题,目前许多文献对这个问题的研究并不涉及货币政策工具与利率以及货币量之间的关系。这样的研究实际上隐含了一个前提,即货币政策工具和利率以及货币量之间存在明确的、稳定的关系,从而保证利率目标或者货币量是可控的。基于法定准备金操作的研究表明,法定准备金操作和货币量之间存在确定的关系,而和利率之间的关系是不确定的。导致利率和法定准备金操作关系不确定的主要原因,则是IS曲线斜率正负性的不确定性;同时,对现阶段中国IS曲线斜率稳定性的实证研究表明,其斜率正负性是不稳定的。因此,利率不适合作为货币政策中介目标。  相似文献   

周建  赵琳 《财经研究》2016,(2):85-96
文章采用动态随机一般均衡(DSGE)模型研究了中国货币政策实施时不能忽略的人民币汇率波动特征。文章构建了人民币汇率波动与中国货币政策及其宏观经济系统影响机制的理论模型,并在模型参数校准的基础上进行了政策模拟。研究结果表明,较大的人民币汇率波动会在一定程度上减弱中国货币政策的调控效果,但是对每个变量冲击响应的影响程度有所不同。较大的人民币汇率波动将显著干扰货币政策对宏观经济需求的调控,人民币汇率升值波动幅度较大时,货币政策对需求变量的调控作用会减弱,但不会影响相关需求变量在不同时点的冲击响应走势特征。较大的汇率波动会减弱利率上行对出口的负面影响,有利于缓解货币政策对出口的负面冲击,但会导致贸易条件(出口价格和进口价格的比值)进一步恶化。  相似文献   

我国宏观经济过去20年间的一大特征就是高增长、高波动,但1996年后波动性有所减小.本文目的就在于考察我国货币政策对宏观经济稳定的影响.通过构建反映我国利率双轨制以及相应汇率制度的前瞻性货币政策反应函数,从管制利率和市场化利率两个维度,用GMM模型实证估计了1987-2007年间以及1996年前后的反应函数,结果发现其可作为衡量我国货币政策实施效果的基准;同时管制利率在1996年以前有放大经济波动的效果,而1996年以后对产出表现出显著的逆周期调控特征,但央行利率调控效果因没有从管制利率有效传导到市场化利率而减弱.此外,我国管制和市场利率都对通胀反应不足,这使得通胀在我国有自我实现的可能.  相似文献   

This paper examines the implications of lag structure for estimating the effects of monetary policy shocks in a VAR. A symmetric lag structure in which all variables have the same lag length and an asymmetric lag structure in which the lag length differs across variables but is the same for a particular variable in each equation of the model are examined. This is important in light of the fact that the true lag structure is generally not known. Four commonly used identification schemes are employed to identify monetary policy shocks. Monte Carlo simulations strongly indicate that the lag structure of a VAR model does matter when assessing the quantitative effects of monetary policy shocks. Given the inherent uncertainty about the true lag structure in practice, it is thus important that one compare the impulse response functions from both symmetric lag and asymmetric lag VARs in assessing the effects of monetary policy shocks.  相似文献   

The role of bank liquidity in monetary policy transmission has received insufficient attention in the literature. Faced with monetary tightening, banks with more liquidity can sell off securities and protect their loan portfolios. We test this proposition using panel data for Indian banks during 2005–2020. Employing dynamic threshold panel regressions with liquid assets as the threshold variable, we show that bank lending declines with monetary policy tightening in low liquidity regimes, but not in high liquidity regimes. We also find evidence for different portfolio reallocation behaviour by banks in high versus low liquidity regimes in response to monetary policy changes.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the economic growth and social welfare implications of monetary policy in an endogenous growth model with endogenous fertility. We show that, in the money-in-the-utility-function framework, endogenous fertility governs the validity of money superneutrality, the transitional dynamics of an anticipated monetary policy, and the optimal monetary policy. Along a balanced growth path, monetary growth increases fertility and reduces the economic growth rate if consumption and real balances are complements or are independent. However, monetary expansion may decrease fertility and increase economic growth if consumption and real balances are substitutes. Generally speaking, the superneutrality of money does not hold in the presence of endogenous fertility. More importantly, with endogenous fertility, the Friedman (1969) rule is no longer a welfare-maximizing monetary policy. We also show that an anticipated inflation induces the transitional dynamics of fertility and the economic growth rate even though the intertemporal elasticity of substitution equals unity. This differs from the conventional notion in the existing literature.  相似文献   

The paper explores the relationships between monetary variables and real economic activity and prices in the six largest industrialized economies. Univariate and multivariate time series forecasting models are used to break down monetary policy variables into anticipated and unanticipated components. Overall monetary policy variables, particularly domestic credit expansion, appear to be significant leading indicators for subsequent real economic activity and prices. Additionally, anticipated components of monetary policy are shown to have as much forecasting ability for subsequently realized economic variables as unanticipated components. This does not appear to be consistent with the implications of pure rational expectations models. It was also noted that results differed significantly according to the choice of monetary variable and across individual countries. In particular the results implied no contradiction with previous findings for the impact of unanticipated money supply in the U.S., though such contradictions would have appeared if DCE had been used as the monetary variable.  相似文献   

We study whether monetary economies display nominal indeterminacy: equivalently, whether monetary policy determines the path of prices under uncertainty. In a simple, stochastic, cash-in-advance economy, we find that indeterminacy arises and is characterized by the initial price level and a probability measure associated with state-contingent nominal bonds: equivalently, monetary policy determines an average, but not the distribution of inflation across realizations of uncertainty. The result does not derive from the stability of the deterministic steady state and is not affected essentially by price stickiness. Nominal indeterminacy may affect real allocations in cases we identify. Our characterization applies to stochastic monetary models in general, and it permits a unified treatment of the determinants of paths of inflation.  相似文献   

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