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I examine how decreases in government coverage of home health care visits to the elderly in the United States have affected their living arrangements. Specifically, I exploit geographic variation in the Medicare Home Health Care reimbursement rate that arose as a result of legislation passed in 1997 and I identify its impact on the living arrangements of older Medicare beneficiaries. I find that less generous reimbursement policies lead to a greater fraction of elderly giving up independent living. Baseline-model estimates suggest that a decline in reimbursement of one visit per user leads to a 0.98% increase in the fraction of elderly Medicare beneficiaries living in shared living arrangements, that is, living with somebody else, rather than alone or with only the spouse. This estimate implies that a decline in reimbursement of 5.1 visits per Medicare beneficiary increases the fraction of elderly that live in shared living arrangements by 1.12 percentage points. Such an increase is consistent with the time-series increase in the fraction of elderly that live in shared living arrangements between 1997 and 2000.  相似文献   

我国城市格局逐渐由以单位为基本元素的体制向以社区为基本元素的体制变革,居委会是社区各项事务的管理与服务组织者,产权关系界定不清使居委会成为政府、民众乃至市场竞相逐利的“公共领域”,是导致社区工作效率低下的根本原因。为了明晰居委会的产权界定,实现社区资源的优化配置,市场化道路或者行政化道路应当是两条理想的改革路径。  相似文献   

食品安全治理中的消费者行为及其引导   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前治理食品安全市场、恢复食品安全供给绩效已成为政府、产业界和学术界共同关注的课题。人们普遍提出治理食品安全政府责无旁贷。对此,笔者没有异议。但是考虑到政府治理力量的作用过程和治理效率,笔者认为,重视消费者的治理力量才是政府力量得以充分发挥的必要前提。本文从消费者的行为表现——消费者麻木与敏感来考察消费者的治理力量及其对政府治理力量的影响,并从制度建设角度提出加强消费者治理力量的建议。  相似文献   

随着旅游业呈现出快速发展的势头,各地纷纷将旅游业列为重要的经济增长点。辽宁省只有对经济发展及资源环境有一个客观、准确的综合评价,才能更好地制定政策、发展经济。在构建旅游经济评价指标体系的基础上。运用因子分析方法对辽宁省14市的旅游经济进行综合评价与排序,根据研究结果提出改善辽宁省各城市旅游经济发展的对策与建议,为辽宁省各城市旅游经济的发展提供实践性指导,从而促进辽宁省旅游经济高效稳健发展。  相似文献   

The explosion generated by the global financial crisis in 2008 and its transmission to the real economies have been interpreted as calling for new kinds of regulation of the banking and the financial systems that would have allowed re-establishing a virtuous relation between the real and the financial sectors of the economy. In this paper we maintain a different view, that the financial crisis and the ensuing real crisis have roots in the strong increase in income inequality that has been taking place in the Western world in the last thirty years or so. This has created an all around aggregate demand deficiency crisis that has strongly reduced prospects and opportunities for investments in productive capacities and shifted resources toward other uses, thus feeding a perverse relation between the productive and the non-productive assets of the economy. In this context the way out of the crisis is re-establishing the right distributive conditions, which cannot be obtained by a policy aimed at relieving the weight of private or public debts but calls for a redistribution through taxes on the incomes of non-productive sectors, a fine tuning that should prevent excessive taxations transforming positive into negative effects.  相似文献   

The concept that the economic development and supremacy hydropower energy are superior to any others leads to the excessive hydropower exploitation of the west Sichuan, deeply threatening the fragile eco-environment in this area and that of the whole Yangtze River and even of the whole country simultaneously. The present paper put forward that hydropower should be developed with ecological, social, and economical concern. The primary, extensive, circling-developing development model should be altered immediately, and that based on caring about eco-environment, being harmonious to the regional eco-environment should be highlighted, and sustainability of hydropower should be paid attention to.  相似文献   

商业言论是否得到宪法保护及应得到何种程度的保护,对此学术界存有较大的争议。以商业言论的典型表现广告自由表达为研究对象,通过其法律地位、特征、价值等方面的分析,认为商业言论不但受宪法保护,而且具有与政治言论平等的法律地位。  相似文献   

从当前危机看政府与市场的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在金融危机引致全球经济衰退的背景下,政府与市场的关系再一次成为讨论中的焦点问题,实际上,此次危机在很大程度上恰恰是政府对市场长期实行不当干预的结果,是不恰当的政府调控、政府干预,是市场运行被长期扭曲所造成的一切不良后果的总爆发,也是市场规律对这些后果最终所作出的强制平衡。因此,要正确地汲取危机的教训,最重要的应是反思政府调控方面存在的问题。  相似文献   

焦翠影  王桂荣 《经济与管理》2005,19(5):17-18,40
人类内心最渴望的是快乐,那么经济增长究竟能否给人类带来快乐、能带来什么快乐呢?分析了济增长与快乐的关系,指出经济增长虽然不一定给人类个体带来快乐,但有助于人类的长期快乐,因而应一如既往地发展经济,寻求增长与快乐的最佳配置。  相似文献   

为了深入探究全球性金融危机的根本原因并对转型的中国经济以有益的启示,在自由与制度辨证关系的基础上提出金融自由化的本质是自由与制度结合的理论观点。在这个观点的基础上提出金融危机是“错误金融自由化”的假说,并以理论和实际数据验证这个假说。验证的结论是,此次源于美国的全球性金融危机是错误金融自由化的结果,而非金融自由化制度的问题。  相似文献   

This article uses the DCC-generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity model to investigate the existence of time-varying correlations between public debt and economic growth. To that end, we use annual data from both central and peripheral countries of the euro area for the period 1961–2015. The results suggest that the relationships between these variables are time-varying and that in some countries and for some periods, there is a positive association between them.  相似文献   

An idea that seems to gain recurrent popularity in the economics profession is that, because of technological change, changes in consumer demand, skill mismatches, and the like, the unemployed tend to become concentrated or trapped in particular geographic areas and that for these reasons unemployment rates have grown more disparate over time. This paper examines the theoretical conditions necessary for the above argument to hold and shows that such conditions are not consistent with the notion of a competitive labor market. The paper then examines various measures of unemployment-rate dispersion in order to determine whether or not unemployment rates have indeed drifted further apart over time. The empirical evidence presented indicates unequivocally that geographic unemployment rates are neither more nor less dispersed now than they were twenty years ago. The results, therefore, suggest that the competitive view of the labor market is appropriate and that the hypothesis that unemployment rates have become more dispersed over time because of structural imperfections in the labor market should be rejected.  相似文献   

Empirical findings state that the disclosure requirement might be a reason for firms to rely on secrecy rather than patents to protect their inventions. We choose a dynamic framework in which we can explicitly analyze the patenting decision reflecting the tradeoff between a positive protective effect and a negative effect due to the required disclosure of the protected invention. In spite of a patent, the inventor's rival may still enter the market with a non-infringing product. Measuring the technological lead of the inventor by a time advantage he has compared with his rival, we show that if his headstart exceeds a critical threshold, he will not patent and rather rely on secrecy.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of the market volatility index of the Chicago Board Options Exchange (VIX) and the immediate interest rate of the United States on the Dow Jones Islamic Market Index (DJIMI) using quantile-based techniques and wavelet coherence (WTC) analysis with monthly data for the period January 2010to May 2021. A quantile cointegration model indicated that the relationship between the VIX and the DJIMI can be valid in the long term since the estimated coefficients are negative and statistically significant across the quantiles 0.05 and 0.50, while a quantile autoregressive model revealed that large negative and positive changes in the VIX and the immediate interest rate of the United States do not have a significant impact on the DJIMI in the short term. Allowing the role of regime changes, it was found by the quantile regression model that an increase in the VIX lowers the performance in the DJIMI, supported by the WTC. It was also underlined that the DJIMI may not benefit from the positive financial conditions. According to the quantile regression models, the immediate interest rate of the US has asymmetrical effects, and the stabilizing effect of the increase/decrease is valid during bearish/bullish market conditions in the DJIMI.  相似文献   

传统体育教学模式是以教师为中心建立的,学生始终处于被动学习状态,每一步教学程序都是学生按教师的指令运作的。而国内外出现的种种现代教学模式,其发展的趋势之一,就是强调学生在教学中的主体地位,注重调动学生的主体性和积极性。强调教学着眼于发展学生的智力,培养学生的能力,这是现代教学的时代特点。因此,作为高校体育教学必须落实到提高学生知识质量的基点上,从而达到使学生最大限度的获得知识,提高能力和锻炼身体的教学目标。  相似文献   

The standard property rights approach is focused on ex ante investment incentives, while there are no transaction costs that might restrain ex post negotiations. We explore the implications of such transaction costs. Prominent conclusions of the property rights theory may be overturned: A party may have stronger investment incentives when a non-investing party is the owner, and joint ownership can be the uniquely optimal ownership structure. Intuitively, an ownership structure that is unattractive in the standard model may now be desirable, because it implies large gains from trade, such that the parties are more inclined to incur the transaction costs.  相似文献   

This paper tests the main hypothesis that firms that cross-list have higher valuations, and provides evidence on the valuation effect of cross-listing on a major non-US market, the UK compared to the US market from source countries in the Asia-Pacific region in 2003–2004. We find evidence that there is a cross-listing premium in both markets. However, the evidence on whether the premium is significantly different in the two countries is mixed. Using univariate, OLS and random effects methods, we find some evidence that the premium in the US is higher, but using a treatment effect methodology we find that the difference is not robust.  相似文献   

高等职业教育改革与发展实践越来越清楚地表明,我国高等职业教育还缺乏现代办学理念及其保障机制。职业教育要始终坚持"面向世界、面向市场、面向学生、面向未来"的办学理念,才能实现职业教育的科学发展。  相似文献   

利用向量自回归模型和多变量GARCH模型,对人民币汇率改革以来人民币、欧元、美元和日元之间的收益溢出效应和波动溢出效应进行了研究。结果显示欧元、美元和日元对人民币存在显著的收益溢出效应和波动溢出效应,但是人民币对其他几种货币的收益溢出效应和波动溢出效应并不显著。研究结果表明,人民币汇率形成机制改革以来,人民币汇率正在融入世界主要货币汇率市场,但是人民币汇率市场尚不成熟,目前我国仍然应该实行有管理的浮动汇率制度。  相似文献   

在公共品供给中,政府责任是提供它需要并且能够提供的公共品。需要提供的公共品是指在现有的资源技术条件下,达到社会效用最大化所需提供的公共品。能够提供的公共品是指征到拉弗曲线隐含的最大税收量所能提供的公共品。需要并且能够提供的公共品是指需要提供的公共品与能够提供的公共品中量较小的一方。通过比较政府实际提供的公共品与需要并且能够提供的公共品,可以评价政府在这一领域称职与否。  相似文献   

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