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This paper investigates the economic significance of mean-variance spanning tests using three classical statistical tests in a unified framework. I show how to compute confidence intervals about the Sharpe ratios of tangent portfolios, the variance of return of minimum variance portfolios, as well as the certainty equivalent utility gains. I apply this statistical framework to the question of whether US investors should diversify internationally. The analysis suggests that a strong statistical rejection of the hypothesis that there is no improvement in the minimum variance portfolio’s standard deviation of return does not imply that there are no significant economic benefits to be made in terms of a substantial risk reduction. These results have important implications for empirical tests of mean-variance spanning as well as empirical assets pricing tests and minimum variance bounds on stochastic discount factors.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a market model with prices and consumption following a jump-diffusion dynamics. In this setting, we first characterize the optimal consumption plan for an investor with recursive stochastic differential utility on the basis of his/her own beliefs, then we solve the inverse problem to find what beliefs make a given consumption plan optimal. The problem is viewed in general for a class of homogeneous recursive utility, and later we choose a logarithmic model for the utility aggregator as an explicitly computable example. When beliefs, represented via Girsanov’s theorem, get incorporated into the model, the change of measure gives rise, up to a transformation, to a backward stochastic differential equation whose generator exhibits a quadratic behavior in the Brownian component and a locally Lipschitz one in the jump component, which is solvable on the basis of some recent results.  相似文献   

The mean-variance hedging approach for pricing and hedging claims in incomplete markets was originally introduced for risky assets. The aim of this paper is to apply this approach to interest rate models in the presence of stochastic volatility, seen as a consequence of incomplete information. We fix a finite number of bonds such that the volatility matrix is invertible and provide an explicit formula for the density of the variance-optimal measure which is independent of the chosen times of maturity. Finally, we compute the mean-variance hedging strategy for a caplet and compare it with the optimal stategy according to the local risk minimizing approach. Received: 14 July 2000 / Accepted: 10 April 2001  相似文献   

The most common equity mandate in the financial industry is to try to outperform an externally given benchmark with known weights. The standard quantitative approach to do this is to optimize the portfolio over short time horizons consecutively, using one-period models. However, it is not clear that this approach actually yields good performance in the long run. We provide a theoretical justification to this methodology by verifying that applying the one-period benchmark-relative mean-variance portfolio, i.e., the industry standard optimal portfolio, continuously is in fact the solution to a specific continuous time portfolio optimization problem: a maximum expected utility problem for an investor who is compared against a benchmark and evaluates her performance based on exponential utility at a deterministic future date.  相似文献   

We replace the conventional market clearing process by maximizing the information entropy. At fixed return agents optimize their demands using an utility with a statistical tolerance against deviations from the deterministic maximum of the utility which leads to information entropies for the agents. Interactions are described by coupling the agents to a large system, called ‘market’. The main problem in economic markets is the absence of the analogue of the first law of thermodynamics (energy conservation in physics). We solve this problem by restricting the utilities to be at most quadratic in the demand (ideal gas approximation). Maximizing the sum of agent and market entropy serves to eliminate the unknown properties of the latter. Assuming a stochastic volatility decomposition for the return we derive an expression for the pdf of the return which is in excellent agreement with the daily DAX data. The pdf exhibits a power law behaviour with an integer tail index equal to the number of agent groups. With the assumption of an Ornstein Uhlenbeck model for the risk aversity parameters of the agents the autocorrelation for the absolute return is well described up to time lags of 2.5 years.  相似文献   

高阶矩风险与金融投资决策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对传统投资组合理论没有考虑高阶矩风险这一缺陷,总结近期金融领域中有关偏度和峰度的研究成果,基于"均值-方差"效用函数的Taylor展开,讨论了投资者对高阶矩风险(偏度风险和峰度风险)的偏好特征。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes individual decision making. It is assumed that an individual does not have a preference relation on the set of lotteries. Instead, the primitive of choice is a choice probability that captures the likelihood of one lottery being chosen over the other. Choice probabilities have a stochastic utility representation if they can be written as a non-decreasing function of the difference in expected utilities of the lotteries. Choice probabilities admit a stochastic utility representation if and only if they are complete, strongly transitive, continuous, independent of common consequences and interchangeable. Axioms of stochastic utility are consistent with systematic violations of betweenness and a common ratio effect but not with a common consequence effect. Special cases of stochastic utility include the Fechner model of random errors, Luce choice model and a tremble model of [Harless, D., Camerer, C., 1994. The predictive utility of generalized expected utility theories. Econometrica 62, 1251–1289].  相似文献   

Inspired by the α-maxmin expected utility, we propose a new class of mean-variance criterion, called α-maxmin mean-variance criterion, and apply it to the reinsurance-investment problem. Our model allows the insurer to have different levels of ambiguity aversion (rather than only consider the extremely ambiguity-averse attitude as in the literature). The insurer can purchase proportional reinsurance and also invest the surplus in a financial market consisting of a risk-free asset and a risky asset, whose dynamics is correlated with the insurance surplus. Closed-form equilibrium reinsurance-investment strategy is derived by solving the extended Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation. Our results show that the equilibrium reinsurance strategy is always more conservative if the insurer is more ambiguity-averse. When the dependence between insurance and financial risks are weak, the equilibrium investment strategy is also more conservative if the insurer is more ambiguity-averse. However, in order to diversify the portfolio, a more ambiguity-averse insurer may adopt a more aggressive investment strategy if the insurance market is very ambiguous. For an ambiguity-neutral insurer, the investment strategy is identical to the non-robust investment strategy.  相似文献   

This paper presents conditions for the existence and properties of stochastic differential utility as a solution of a partial differential equation. Stochastic differential utility is an extension of the classical additively-separable utility model that is designed as a platform for new financial asset pricing results. The extension is important, for example, when investors display preference for early or late resolution of uncertainty. The existence conditions admit Kreps-Porteus stochastic differential utility.  相似文献   

This paper presents an existence theorem for a class of backward stochastic integral equations. The main contribution is a generalization of Duffie and Epstein's [Duffie, D., Epstein, L., 1992. Stochastic differential utility, (Appendix C with Skiadas C.), Econometrica 60, 353–394.] existence theorem of intertemporal recursive utility to allow the information structure to be driven by a Lévy jump process. The existence theorem applies also for a more general class of utility functions, such as recursive utility with habit-formation, and can be used to prove the existence of an equilibrium asset price process as a unique solution to the stochastic Euler equation derived by Ma [Ma, C., 1993b. Valuation of Derivative Securities with Mixed Poisson–Brownian Information and Recursive Utility, McGill University, mimeo.].  相似文献   

The covariance matrix plays a crucial role in portfolio optimization problems as the risk and correlation measure of asset returns. An improved estimation of the covariance matrix can enhance the performance of the portfolio. In this paper, based on the Cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix, a Stein-type shrinkage strategy for portfolio weights is constructed under the mean-variance framework. Furthermore, according to the agent’s maximum expected utility value, a portfolio selection strategy is proposed. Finally, simulation experiments and an empirical study are used to test the feasibility of the proposed strategy. The numerical results show our portfolio strategy performs satisfactorily.  相似文献   

In the paradigm of von Neumann and Morgenstern (1947), a representation of affine preferences in terms of an expected utility can be obtained under the assumption of weak continuity. Since the weak topology is coarse, this requirement is a priori far from being negligible. In this work, we replace the assumption of weak continuity by monotonicity. More precisely, on the space of lotteries on an interval of the real line, it is shown that any affine preference order which is monotone with respect to the first stochastic order admits a representation in terms of an expected utility for some nondecreasing utility function. As a consequence, any affine preference order on the subset of lotteries with compact support, which is monotone with respect to the second stochastic order, can be represented in terms of an expected utility for some nondecreasing concave utility function. We also provide such representations for affine preference orders on the subset of those lotteries which fulfill some integrability conditions. The subtleties of the weak topology are illustrated by some examples.  相似文献   

A class of stochastic orders is defined on the set of bivariate distribution functions. This class of orders is linearly orderable by inclusion. A family of utility functions, coherent with each of the stochastic orders previously defined, is determined. These utility functions represent pair-wise risk aversion. The relations with univariate stochastic orders are examined.  相似文献   

The safety-first principle is a natural motivational factor in decision making, and is closely related to certain popular heuristics such as satisficing. We provide a systematic analysis of optimal portfolio choice under Roy’s safety-first principle by examining and comparing the behavior patterns of three popular investment strategies: the optimal constant-rebalanced portfolio, dynamic-rebalanced portfolio and buy-and-hold strategies. Our results indicate the importance of a match between the investment strategy, the investment goal, and the investment horizon. We also develop a geometric approach to investigate the relationships among the safety-first, expected utility, and mean-variance models and offer an explanation for the long-standing debate concerning different patterns of time-diversification effects.  相似文献   

This article develops a new portfolio selection method using Bayesian theory. The proposed method accounts for the uncertainties in estimation parameters and the model specification itself, both of which are ignored by the standard mean-variance method. The critical issue in constructing an appropriate predictive distribution for asset returns is evaluating the goodness of individual factors and models. This problem is investigated from a statistical point of view; we propose using the Bayesian predictive information criterion. Two Bayesian methods and the standard mean-variance method are compared through Monte Carlo simulations and in a real financial data set. The Bayesian methods perform very well compared to the standard mean-variance method.  相似文献   

We select a menu of seven popular decision theories and embed each theory in five models of stochastic choice, including tremble, Fechner and random utility model. We find that the estimated parameters of decision theories differ significantly when theories are combined with different models. Depending on the selected model of stochastic choice we obtain different rankings of decision theories with regard to their goodness of fit to the data. The fit of all analyzed decision theories improves significantly when they are embedded in a Fechner model of heteroscedastic truncated errors or a random utility model. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to give an exposition of the theory behind the Kalman filter and its application to the so-called LQG-problem. This problem is concerned with the stochastic optimal control of a linear system with respect to a quadratic cost in the presence Gaussian disturbances.  相似文献   

This paper looks at the economic benefits of nutritional supplement use. Food plans, with and without nutritional supplements, are developed by maximizing a quadratic food utility function subject to nutrient and budget constraints. The quadratic programming solutions, which include both the marginal utilities and marginal costs of nutrients, are then presented. The results demonstrate the economic optimality of partial supplementation.  相似文献   

We provide new characterizations of the preference for additive and multiplicative risk apportionment when risk ordering relies on stochastic dominance. We then point out a simple property of risk apportionment with additive risks: Quite generally, an observed preference for additive risk apportionment in a specific risk environment is preserved when the decision-maker is confronted to other risk situations, so long as the total order of stochastic dominance relationships among risk couples remains the same. The main objective of this paper is to check whether this simple property also holds for multiplicative risks environments. We explain why this is not the case in general, and then provide a set of conditions under which this property holds. We also show that it holds – and even more strongly – in the case of CRRA utility functions due to a particular feature of this family of utility functions.  相似文献   

A policy maker is asked a few simple questions about his preference. Then the model represents it by a quadratic utility function, which can be made monotonic and quasi-concave (= to provide the convexity of the preference). The design of the interview with a policy maker is aimed at attaining the following goals: (a) no ambiguous output (= degeneration of the model), (b) ordinal approach to preferences (= asking questions about ordinal preferences and providing the uniqueness of the ordinal preference at the model output, regardless of its representation by a quadratic utility function), (c) stability of the model (= the model's input–output transformation is continuous). We also describe briefly the implementation of our model in a user-friendly interface to a corresponding computer program.  相似文献   

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