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新形势下如何做好企业办公室工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
办公室所处的特殊地位和所属的工作性质,决定了办公室工作职能的核心就是服务,发展趋势就是优化服务,实质就是企业的服务中枢。笔者根据工作经验,对新形势下如何做好企业办公室工作提出建议。  相似文献   

办公室所处的特殊地位和所属的工作性质,决定了办公室工作职能的核心就是服务,发展趋势就是优化服务,实质就是企业的服务中枢。笔者根据工作经验,对新形势下如何做好企业办公室工作提出建议。  相似文献   

李月娇 《价值工程》2011,(4):218-219
众所周知,职业意识已成为职场最具竞争力的核心要素,职业意识的养成对学生转变传统就业观念,适应社会发展需要,提高职业生涯发展潜力有重要的意义。因此,在中职教育教学中,除重视学生专业知识和专业技能的学习之外,还应有针对性地加强学生职业意识的培养。本文结合前厅服务教学,浅谈前厅服务教学中有关职业形象意识、团队意识、效率意识、沟通意识、服务意识等职业意识的渗透。  相似文献   

Researchers have pointed out a wide variety of organizational effects attributable to workplace romances, concluding that the impact of such romances on the workgroup can range from positive to negative. To date, however, little research has attempted to pinpoint the elements leading to this divergence. We suggest that coworker evaluation of a romance or anticipatory injustice may play a key role in influencing the positive or negative impact of the relationship on the workgroup at large. Our model proposes that three separate mechanisms (procedural fairness, intragroup cognitive dissonance, and normative adjustment), each corresponding to a different domain of evaluation, may mediate the apparent relationship between coworker evaluation of a romance and various aspects of group performance. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The changing legal landscape of the right of the employer to control and monitor employee behavior is examined. Two distinct areas are defined: behavioral monitoring and behavioral restrictions. Relevant statutory laws and the developing common law are discussed. We also examine potential employee reactions to such policies by evaluating the reactions of graduate students to six employer policies including weight restrictions, grooming requirements, use of GPS locators, drug testing, ban on off-duty smoking, and email and internet monitoring. Students responded to these policies by determining the reasonable interest of the employer in the behaviors being monitored or controlled and the manner in which policies were implemented. Their comments suggest that employees may accept some level of monitoring or behavioral restrictions if the employer can make a convincing social account of the need for a policy. Additionally, the policy must be clearly communicated and properly implemented. However, restrictions on off-duty behavior were typically poorly received with the exception of illegal drug use.  相似文献   

The authors 1 adopted a family resource view of nonwork obligations and examined these obligations' relationships to dimensions of employees' organizational commitment. Complex interactions were found between employees' marital status, number of children, and having relatives nearby as related to the continuance dimension, but not the affective dimension, of commitment. In particular, results were strongest when the focus was on employees' perceptions of whether they would experience a high personal sacrifice if they were to leave their organizations. These findings are discussed in the context of developing family‐friendly human resource programs that may help employees feel less “trapped” in organizations. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

所有权和经营权的分离是社会生产力发展的要求,公司控制权是所有权和经营权之间矛盾运动的纽结,体现股东之间权利配置上的竞争性合作关系。它不仅顺应了生产力发展的要求,也有效降低了所有权和经营权分离的负面效应。公司控制权的发展存在独立化和工具化的趋势,使得股东之间权利配置失衡。在我国政企关系的历史路径背景下,防止公司控制权的滥用和保障公司控制权独立性是我国法律规制的重点。法律规制应与公司自治的基本理念相适应,以表决权的制度构造和对国有股权的监管为主要内容配置股东权利。  相似文献   

The right to the city concept has recently attracted a great deal of attention from radical theorists and grassroots activists of urban justice, who have embraced the notion as a means to analyze and challenge neoliberal urbanism. It has, moreover, drawn considerable attention from United Nations (UN) agencies, which have organized meetings and outlined policies to absorb the notion into their own political agendas. This wide‐ranging interest has created a conceptual vortex, pulling together discordant political projects behind the banner of the right to the city. This article analyzes such projects by reframing the right to the city concept to foreground its roots in Marxian labor theory of value. It argues that Lefebvre's formulation of the right to the city — based on the contradiction between use value and exchange value in capitalist urbanism — is invaluable for analyzing and delineating contradictory urban politics that are pulled into the vortex of the right to the city. Following Lefebvre's lead in such an analysis, however, reveals certain limitations of Lefebvre's own account. The article therefore concludes with a theoretical proposition that aims to open up space for further critical debate on the right to the city.  相似文献   

周扬莉 《价值工程》2011,30(12):303-304
文秘专业的实践性、应用性本质决定了文秘专业实践教学的突出地位。近年来,以秘书事务所建设为实训途径的探讨尤其在校企合作方面的开展越来越受到职教界的关注。为进一步开发、完善对文秘专业学生实训高效集中的组织和管理,提高学生的专业操作技能,本文结合株洲职业技术学院文秘专业绿叶秘书事务所的实践经验,力图对基于校企合作的高职院校文秘专业秘书事务所的组织与管理、运行与成效等方面进行有益的探索。  相似文献   

文章简述了公路职工素质教育现状,提出了加强公路职工素质教育的方法及措施,对加快公路事业的发展有重要意叉.  相似文献   

In the last decade, the right to the city has evolved as a powerful rallying cry in the struggle against the exclusionary processes of globalization and the commodification of urban space, and in conflicts over who has claim to the city and what kind of city it should be. Drawing on the work of Henri Lefebvre the vision of the right to the city has inspired a global social movement, legislative reform in Latin America and international debates (e.g. at World Urban Forum 5 in Rio de Janeiro). Nevertheless, despite its theoretical appeal, the content remains elusive and implementation is fraught with challenges. This article critically examines the right to the city through the lens of contributions to the UN‐HABITAT e‐debate in November/December 2009, which gave voice to those who might otherwise not be heard. Drawing on these contributions, the article argues for a new conceptualization of citizenship, and for a redefinition of the role of the local state and social actors in implementing the rights‐based agenda that the right to the city entails.  相似文献   

In this symposium, we explore how urban citizenship is about expressing, if not producing, difference, and how fragmentation of claims affects urban citizenship and right to the city movements with their universal, all‐inclusive ideals. Investigating social movements, political participation and conflicting diversities in public space in Tel Aviv and Berlin, we see a trend towards a diversification of interests, a weakening of movements, and even a competition over rights and resources rather than a development of mutual support and solidarities among various groups on the pathway to a livable city. This tension, we argue, deserves attention. Radical urban scholarship and politics need to better understand the historical and place‐specific contexts that structure the formation of citizenship claims and the courses that citizenship struggles take. Celebrations of urban citizenship as a more contextualized, community oriented, and bottom‐up framework (in comparison to national citizenship) should therefore be complemented by a careful investigation of their fragmented and fragmenting practices.  相似文献   

The publication of Unfair Advantage, a report published by Human Rights Watch (HRW), documents and analyzes how employers routinely violate international human rights standards by depriving U.S. workers of their legal right to organize. In a recent symposium on Unfair Advantage published in the British Journal of Industrial Relations, 7 essays analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of the HRW report from a variety of ideological and theoretical perspectives. Although the scholars who wrote these essays raised a number of important issues concerning Unfair Advantage, they failed to provide any concrete or practical methodologies for using this report to promote the collective bargaining rights of U.S. workers in the early years of the twenty-first century. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to critique these symposium papers as well as to propose a minimum program, on the basis of Unfair Advantage, for advancing the collective bargaining rights of U.S. workers.  相似文献   

This article engages in the debate on urban contentious politics by returning to the Tunisian revolution. In the article, I chart movements provoked by neoliberal restructurings, and show how these ultimately came together to form a mass movement demanding radical political change. I first describe the socio‐spatial roots of the Tunisian revolution to understand its dynamics. Based on the chronology of the unfolding events I sketch the classes, social groups and movements that coalesced against authoritarian rule in early 2011. Although the Tunisian revolution started in rural environments, I focus more specifically on the role of urban social movements in the uprising to link questions of urbanism to what were clearly national revolts. Secondly, I outline the scope of neoliberal reforms in Tunisia by looking at the impact of these reforms to chart the resulting emergence of contentious politics in response to the increasing violence that characterized all levels of economic life during this period. I also consider the resulting uneven development and the changing relations between the state and the different social classes. This enables me to reflect on the politicization of the city with the aim of opening up new opportunities for engaging with a more comparative and cosmopolitan theory about cities around the world.  相似文献   

We explore corporate environmental strategy over time, investigating the patterns of evolving environmental investment decisions. Longitudinal case studies provide evidence that environmental strategy evolves through a feedback process, wherein outcomes of earlier decisions have an impact on subsequent decisions. Specifically, positive feedback from outcomes like innovation triggers higher goals, enhancing the undertaking of advanced investments, whereas negative feedback from outcomes, such as increased costs, decelerates the adoption of further investments. The study points to an emergent view of environmental strategy, where capabilities that are gradually developed in concomitance with environmental outcomes lead to an upgrading of environmental goals, thus triggering the feedback process. The process eventually culminates in higher levels of environmental conduct, being more and more integrated with business strategy and competitive advantage. Managers' values and environmental attitudes influence environmental decisions and actions, affecting the acceleration of the feedback process and the magnitude of responses. Managerial implications are discussed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

Despite being regarded as a critical psychological process influencing the effectiveness of change initiatives, concerns about change have not received empirical attention in the organizational change literature. The present study addresses this issue by examining the relationships among employees' concerns about change (conceptualized as including concerns about the contents and benefits of change, and concerns about mastering the change), commitment to change and innovative work behavior. First, in a hospital undergoing a major administrative change (N = 435), concerns about change were generally found to be negatively related to affective and normative commitment to change and positively related to continuance commitment to change. These results were replicated in a chemical and pharmaceutical company undergoing a technological change (N = 113), except that concerns about change were unrelated to normative commitment to change. In addition, employees' innovative work behavior moderated the relationship of concerns about change to affective commitment to change such that the relationship was negative when innovative behavior was low but nonsignificant when innovative behavior was high. This study provides scholars and practitioners with a theoretically and empirically grounded framework for assessing employees' concerns about change, and moves research a step forward into identifying the behaviors that organizations should support to counteract this psychological threat.  相似文献   

近年来,民营企业的企业社会责任(CSR)备受关注。本文以员工权益责任为视角,采用多案例研究的方法,选取5家民营企业为研究对象,考察了其成长过程中各阶段的CSR行为,构建了民营企业CSR战略行为理论模型。研究发现,影响企业CSR战略行为最关键的因素是企业在价值链中的位置,其次是企业家的个人价值取向。企业只有进行较高的市场定位才能具备较强的CSR能力,才有可能善待员工,随之带来企业高成长率、员工低流动率等战略绩效,这些绩效的获得又为企业进行更高层次的市场定位创造条件,进一步增强其履行CSR的能力。  相似文献   

曹璐  王连森 《价值工程》2012,31(14):119-120
资源基础观的企业发展,意味着资源的不断聚集与留衍,这有赖于资源的持续吸纳和有效利用。如果赋予资源持有者/投入者以尽可能完全的产权——明晰的归属权、适切的生产性控制权、严正的分配性控制权、足够的收益权、充分的留衍所有权,将促进资源吸纳及利用效率的提高进而企业的发展,而这需要相应的治理安排对这些权利、权力的实现予以保障。  相似文献   

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