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曾朝晖 《大经贸》2005,(12):69-71
每一个成功企业的背后,都有一个出色的企业家;每一个出色的企业家,都是一个响亮的品牌;企业家的个人品牌既是企业的财富,也是社会的财富,必须精心打造,用心经营。  相似文献   

每一位公司老板都明白他的公司需要建立一个集信息、名字、声誉和外部形象于一体的独特的综合性品牌。但是,对于个人来说,创建自身的个人品牌也是十分关键的,当然这是建立在你的天赋、承诺和能力基础之上的。  相似文献   

身处竞争激烈的现代社会,我们首先要面对的一个问题是:如何让我们自己在芸芸众生之中被发现?这个发现的主语可能是你的一位上司,可能是你的一位客户,也可能就是一个机会……你可能因为这样一个“被发现”而改变很多事情,从此引人注目、价值不菲;从此不可或缺、受人信任;从此平步青云、事业有成。  相似文献   

彭旭  魏韬 《品牌》2014,(10)
关于企业家品牌,一直在宣扬两个观点,首先企业家是天生的,第二,再天生的企业家都需要学习。说企业家是天生的,是因为每个企业家,都是为了实践自己的梦想;这些梦想大多都很简朴,比如马云的“让天下没有难做的生意”,关键的是,为了实践自己的梦想而进行的坚持不懈、持之以恒的实践;这些简朴的梦想,已经梦想指导下的实践,深深的渗透进企业家的骨子里,成为其一生为之奋斗的目标。本文就企业家个人品牌的建设进行分析研究。  相似文献   

本文首先分析了品牌化这一过程,然后界定了个人品牌的内涵,最后分析了个人品牌的塑造流程,主要包括五个环节:进行个人形象和资质评估、进行个人品牌定位、设计个人品牌识别系统、进行个人品牌传播、树立目标个人品牌。  相似文献   

DQ冰激凌弓;起的团购硝烟最近团购圈最大的地震莫过于美团网与DQ冰激凌的”无效团购”纷争。美团网曾在2月底卖出一万多份“DQ冰雪皇后现金券”。  相似文献   

公司品牌与独立品牌的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要阐述了公司品牌和独立品牌两种品牌命名方式,并从消费者、市场环境及企业自身三方面研究了公司品牌与独立品牌的形成决定因素。论文最后指出,由于不同企业对品牌文化理解上的差异,才导致品牌命名方式的差异。  相似文献   

<正>常言说"大树底下好乘凉"。作为营销人,如何让"大树"给你带来价值呢?营销人运用企业品牌为个人品牌"背书",往往能达到"大树底下好乘凉"的效果。名牌企业,提供给营销人一个良好的施展舞台,营销人以此为"跳板",可以顺利实现"鲤鱼跳龙门"。  相似文献   

林鸣 《中国品牌》2008,(6):132-132
依照传统思维,"个人"和"品牌"之间似乎不存在什么关系,品牌总是与企业、产品有关。可是现在不同了,数年之前,美国开始出现一批打造个人品牌的咨询公司,据说生意还是挺不错的。这些公司的职责就是帮助客户摆脱窘境,积  相似文献   

21世纪是品牌凸现的时代,对职业经理人来说,打造成功的个人品牌是他们通往成功之路的必选方式。只有有了个人品牌,职业经理人才能快速有效的在职场中实现他们的价值。对我国的职业经理人来说,在市场经济条件下,打造个人品牌也是他们必选之路。要想打造成功的职业经理人个人品牌,在具备职业经理人必备的职业能力和品质特征基础上,要结合自己的价值观和特性作出准确定位,然后有目的、有步骤地推销自己,最后还要作好个人品牌的维护工作,让你的品牌形象逐步走向成功。  相似文献   

Corporate citizenship represents various organizational activities and status related to the organization's societal and stakeholder obligations. This study develops five different dimensions of corporate citizenship and examines the relationship between the five dimensions and purchase intention by including two key mediators. In the proposed model of this study, purchase intention is indirectly affected by economic, legal, ethical, general philanthropic, and strategic philanthropic citizenship via the mediation of corporate identification and brand trust. Empirical testing using a survey of 353 consumers from various industries confirms most of our hypothesized effects. Last, managerial implications for corporate leaders and limitations of our findings are discussed in depth.  相似文献   

Strategic corporate social responsibility as global brand insurance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When the competitive strategies of multinationals rely on global brands, corporate social responsibility (CSR) offers insurance against management lapses. The practical need for CSR as brand insurance comes from changing social expectations, affluence, and globalization. Corporate actions that violate societal expectations damage, even destroy, brand image among networked stakeholders who are affluent enough to buy branded products and services. The premiums for CSR brand insurance are paid by leaders who create an organization-wide commitment to CSR as a means of redefining ‘profit maximization.’ By integrating a stakeholder perspective, management is best placed to optimize stockholder returns over the longer term.  相似文献   

Sustainability research highlights new challenges and opportunities for businesses. This paper reviews the literature to understand the ability of sustainable green initiatives when practiced as a corporate culture to individually create new opportunities for operations, management and marketing. According to current research, business opportunities exclusively available to different functions of a firm can drive its performance. The role of marketing in the achievement of superior performance by virtue of sustainability practices is also explained by the existing literature. Branding literature, however, fails to explain the influence of a brand on sustainability-driven opportunities available to a firm for superior performance. The objective of this study is to explore if a brand can strengthen the ability of sustainability-based green initiatives of managers to drive opportunities available to a firm for superior performance. A conceptual framework grounded in the triple bottom line theory is presented based on the assumption that brand as a stimulating factor can accelerate the conversion of opportunities available to a business into superior performance. Academic and managerial perspectives have been used to draw upon the implications of the model. Both practitioners and academic researchers will benefit from future research on this topic.  相似文献   

There is a tendency to think of ethics as a universal body of principles governing human behavior. Richard R. Niebuhr challenges this universalist perspective by examining the development of human consciousness as an individual enterprise originating in immediate human experience. His conclusions lead us towards an understanding of conscience as likewise individual and experiential. It also enables us to identify a corporate consciousness or conscience which accounts for, yet prescinds, individual differences. In effect, Niebuhr's thinking in these matters provides us with a chart or blueprint for better ethical decision-making in business situations.Marist Father Patrick Primeaux teaches business ethics at Saint John's University, Jamaica, New York. He has a Ph.D. in Theology from Saint Michael's College of the University of Toronto and an M.B.A. from Southern Methodist University. In addition to business ethics, he is doing research and writing in the area of church management.  相似文献   

This study integrates organizational identity (OI) theory and upper echelons theory to explore the impact of CEOs’ founder status on corporate social irresponsibility (CSI). We theorize that compared with other CEOs, a founder CEO is more likely to generate a high degree of OI with the firm, which will drive the founder CEO to actively avoid CSI that may damage the positive image and long-term development of the firm. Furthermore, we argue that CEO duality and CEO ownership will strengthen the aforementioned relationship by increasing the possibility of founder CEOs generating a high degree of OI. Conversely, CEO underpayment will weaken the relationship between founder status and CSI by decreasing the possibility of founder CEOs generating a high degree of OI. We obtained empirical evidence in support of our arguments from a large Chinese private listed company dataset. Overall, this study’s theory and evidence clearly show that founder status and personal incentives can jointly shape CEOs’ CSI decisions, thereby providing useful insights for corporate shareholders and government agencies to better prevent and govern firms’ CSI.  相似文献   

忽视斯耐波品牌文化的桂格公司,遭到了滑铁卢式的惨败。1993年,桂格公司以高于可口可乐及其他竞争对手的价格,投入17亿美元的价格收购了天然饮料品牌斯耐波。但是由于经营不利,1997年桂格仅以3亿美元的价格,又把斯耐波卖给了另  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2020,63(1):51-60
This article explores how an organization can use its history to define and deliver its corporate brand strategy. We specifically look at Adidas, which, having rejected its history at one stage, rediscovered and used the philosophy and ideas of its founder to provide direction for the future, legitimate strategic choices, and enrich the corporate brand. Through analysis of material evidence and interviews with senior and long-serving employees, we conceptualize the way Adidas developed a systematic approach to the use of history in its corporate brand strategy by creating the means to uncover, remember, curate, and then embed it. Combining the lessons of the Adidas case with evidence from other cases in which history was used to refocus and revitalize corporate brands, we deliver key recommendations for managers.  相似文献   

This study explores the dimensions and components of corporate brand experience in an Internet setting. Corporate brand experience (CBE), which is a source of a company's added value, could be an effective way to position a corporate brand in relation to the overall corporate marketing strategy. However, the concept of CBE has attracted very little attention from previous research, thereby our understanding of what the concept is and how to operationalize it is limited. Previous brand experience research is mainly focused on the conceptual understanding of brand experience itself, and/or the product brand level (rather than at corporation level). Understanding CBE is important because corporate brand equity (e.g. corporate image, brand loyalty) is dependent not only on how one is satisfied with the product (mostly addressed by functional/performance values of product), but also through the values of the corporation (corporate brand values). This study thus contributes theoretically to the corporate and online branding literature by proposing underlying new dimensions and components of CBE in an online environment. A series of focus group discussions (FGDs) with 32 online banking respondents informs the study. We identify five main themes and 26 sub-themes of corporate brand experience — corporate visual identity, functionality, emotional, lifestyle and corporate/self-identity. Financial service providers can address these dimensionalities during the process of brand positioning and when designing their corporate marketing in an online setting.  相似文献   

We propose a framework for the joint study of the consumer’s decision of where to buy and what to buy. The framework is rooted in utility theory where the utility is for a particular channel/brand combination. The framework contains firm actions, the consumer search process, the choice process, and consumer learning. We develop research questions within each of these areas. We then discuss methodological issues pertaining to the use of experimentation and econometrics. Our framework suggests that brand and channel choices are closely intertwined, and therefore studying them jointly will reveal a deeper understanding of consumer decision making in the modern marketing environment.  相似文献   

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