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沈洁  罗翔 《城市发展研究》2021,28(9):92-100
以上海内城社区为例,基于调查问卷数据,对我国大城市的设施共享与社区参与进行实证研究.分析发现,居民年龄和收入与居民社区参与意愿显著相关.与此同时,住房产权没有显著影响,共同利益并不必然引发集体行动.单位社区居民的参与意愿超过商品房社区居民,集体主义文化仍有影响.居住区内部设施通过物理使用、社会交往机会以及参与渠道,对居民的社区参与产生影响.由此提出,发挥公共设施领域化对于社区共同体发育的积极影响,为形成社区共同体提供物质基础,及通过培育社区归属感、增加邻里社会资本等促进社区参与.  相似文献   

老龄化社会中社区防灾减灾工作更为严峻且尤为重要.老龄化社会对社区防灾减灾提出挑战,表现为老年人群比例上升、老式房屋的安全隐患、应急演练多流于形式以及缺乏灾后心理问题疏导等方面.国外社区防灾减灾在软硬件配置、灾情预警与评估、信息化动态监控灾害、灾后社会参与重建等方面具有丰富经验.因此借鉴国外社区防灾减灾模式,我国社区应该在弱势人群灾害风险摸底与防范、灾害地图绘制与信息化建设、防灾减灾宣传与筹备、社会力量参与灾后重建等方面提高灾害治理水平和能力.  相似文献   

社区居民参与问题是社区建设中深为人们关注的问题,在城市社区建设中处于重要的地位,然而现阶段我国城市社区居民参与仍存在很多不足.本文通过对我国城市社区建设中居民参与现状的分析,以及提出了一些解决对策,从而为居民参与提供宽松的环境和便利的条件,促进社区发展.  相似文献   

社会资本视角下的社区治理   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
社区和谐是社会和谐的微观基础,构建和谐社会应该从社区治理入手.社区居民之间普遍的信任、互惠的规范和通过社区组织所建立起来的致密的社会参与网络构成了社区社会资本,它们既是社区治理的基础,也是实现社区发展和社会和谐的社会资源.因而我们有必要培育作为社会资本的认同感、人际互信、平等交换规范和公民参与网络,以推进社区治理与社会和谐.  相似文献   

5·12震灾后的社区重建:含义、策略及其服务框架   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为系统、全面、整合地进行地震灾后恢复重建的方式之一,社区重建能够有效地发动社区居民的参与.开展迅速有效的灾后社区重建,要在坚持充分发挥社区居民的参与,坚持统筹协调发展,坚持民间资源的整合,坚持发挥专业团队作用的原则下,通过行政主导型或社区动员型的重建模式,分阶段有策略地开展灾后社区生态与公共设施重建、社会救助与重建、心理辅导与心理重建、就业与教育促进以及医疗救助与公共卫生服务.  相似文献   

社区文化建设是城市社区发展的重要文化支撑。然而现代社区文化建设遭遇资源匮乏、社区居民参与程度不足等困境,本文在对社区文化建设不足的表现及其原因分析的基础上,从专业社会工作的角度论述了社会工作在社区文化建设中的作用。文化建设应该运用科学的工作理念和方法介入社区居民的文化需求评估、动员社区居民参与以及促进资源的交流和共享等方面,从而解决城市社区文化建设的瓶颈问题。  相似文献   

靖桥 《河北企业》2014,(3):52-52
<正>对社区居民从事健身运动行为与心理的研究,能够更好地了解何种因素可以促进更多的居民投入到体育锻炼的行列中,使他们有充裕的活动资源和正确的健康运动指导。对社区居民参与体育锻炼行为和心理的调查与研究,能够了解社区居民的参加体育锻炼人群基本特征构成、社区居民参与健身运动的路径以及社区体育资源的现状等系列问题,为制定促进社区体育发展的相关策略提供重要的参考依据。  相似文献   

5月12日是汶川大地震两周年纪念日,也是我国第二个"防灾减灾日",今年"防灾减灾日"的主题是"减灾从社区做起"。我国80%的自然灾害发生在农村,提高农村社区的防灾减灾能力显得尤其重要。为此,我们将陆续刊登一批在社区减灾建设工作中表现突出的农村减灾示范社区以及农村社区减灾避灾知识,以期达到推广社区减灾经验、提高社区居民防灾减灾意识的目的,进而全面提升我国农村社区的综合减灾能力。  相似文献   

社区参与旅游既可以看作是旅游可持续发展的一种途径,又可以看作是参与旅游发展的一种行为。社区参与旅游发展中的"社区",最后要落实到社区居民的身上,参与式发展的一个重要过程是强化和提高当地人自我发展的能力。因此,社区参与旅游发展是合理利用社区现有资源和外来援助,从社区的共同意识、利益和需要出发,有计划地推动和引导社区居民共同参与旅游发展。  相似文献   

社区归属感与社区满意度   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用系统研究模式,验证了在社会转型的今天,社区作为中国城市社会中一种新的社会基本组织形态,已经逐渐被广大市民所普遍认同和接受,成为中国城市社会再组织和城市居民再社会化的工具与载体.其中,居民的社区归属感是决定社区存在和发展的重要前提,它直接来自于居民从社区日常生活中所感受到的满意度,而社区质量又是促进人们对社区满意的根本原因.因此,目前我国城市社区建设的首要任务是努力提高居民的社区生活质量,不断提升人们在社区生活中的满足感,以此促进社区的整体进步.  相似文献   

历史文化村镇保护的目的不仅在于保护其历史建成环境,保护其所代表的传统文化、民俗、社会关系等方面的原真性,更在于改善当地居民的居住环境,保持地区发展活力,以及促进传统文化的延续和发展。文中分析了现有历史文化村镇保护模式和途径存在的问题,提出应将传统城市规划和社区规划有效结合,建议历史文化村镇的保护应采用基于居民参与、社区自治和自助的参与式社区规划新途径,并详细阐述了参与式社区规划在历史文化村镇保护中的适用性、工作过程和路线以及特点。  相似文献   

In contrast to models of compassion within existing organizations, this grounded theory study examines how ventures emerge relying on localness and community in direct response to ‘opportunities’ to alleviate suffering in the aftermath of a natural disaster. While a natural disaster is a surprising disruptive event devastating a local community, that local community is nested within a broader community, which can be a source of abundant resources. Ventures created in the aftermath of a natural disaster, given local knowledge and unencumbered by pre‐existing systems, procedures, and capabilities, are highly effective at connecting the broader community with the local community through customizing resources to meet victims' needs and to quickly delivering these resources to alleviate suffering.  相似文献   

王郁 《城市问题》2006,(5):56-61
回顾、总结了城市社区改造理念的变化及其发展历程,结合典型事例介绍并分析了发展中国家低收入社区的参与型社区改造在项目手法、开发方式上的阶段性特点,从社会、经济、政治的多维视角总结了参与型社区改造的经验,并揭示了其对中国社区改造的启示意义.  相似文献   

李本强 《基建优化》2001,22(5):37-38
合理确定抗灾设防标准是抗灾工程设计中的关键问题。本文结合抗灾工程的失效特点,提出了模糊失效准则,并对灾害破坏等级进行模糊划分;同时,针对灾害发生的随机性,分析了任一设防标准下可能出现的损失情况,定义了过设损失,并提出最优设防标准化的目标函数中应同时考虑失效损失和过设损失。  相似文献   

文章以社区营造在台北市的操作经验为主轴,从"地区环境改造计划"、"社区规划师制度"、"地区发展计划"等政策推动,说明民众参与都市公共空间营造机制的建立:台北市社区总体营造的机制重组、社区规划师资深与养成制度的建立、研订"台北市社区总体营造条例"、社区服务资源网络的串联与社区规划教育的普及与深化等等.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between industrial relations climate and the employee attitudes towards participatory management in Chinese-, Japanese- and US-invested electronics firms in Taiwan. Among the findings, Chinese firms tended to have a higher level of participatory management and more effective participatory management than US-invested firms in Taiwan. It was also confirmed that the harmony and openness aspects of industrial relations climate had a positive and significant correlation with the effectiveness of participatory management, including the personnel, operational and social matters. It was concluded that multinational corporations (MNCs) which need centralized control of their overseas operations will be less willing to encourage participatory management in their local operations. Finally, it was revealed that the effectiveness rather than the level of participatory management could better predict industrial relations climate.  相似文献   

In countries where systemic inequality is pervasive, purposeful businesses that assume wider societal responsibilities try to counteract its effects by including marginalized social groups in their value creation processes. While current research documents a variety of business approaches for community inclusion, the nature, drivers and effectiveness of these inclusionary practices are not fully understood. We develop and empirically validate a framework of community inclusion that explicates the mechanisms through which purposeful businesses generate civic wealth – or economic and social benefits – to disadvantaged community groups. We differentiate between commercial practices that recast existent firm-centric processes towards creating value for marginalized groups and collaborative practices that aim to devise novel, participatory processes for engaging marginalized groups. Analysis of primary data from a sample of 430 small businesses in seven African countries confirms that the effect of social purpose on civic wealth is partially mediated by the two inclusionary practices. Businesses are more likely to extend the scope of their inclusion through collaborative practices when they receive favourable external validation and when institutional voids are low. We contribute to the literature by documenting the role of social purpose in motivating the pursuit of community-level goals and by unpacking the specific inclusionary practices used to achieve them.  相似文献   

Participatory research, a concept developed in the Third World, has been increasingly applied to community and health research in developed countries. However, little is known about attitudes to the participatory process in the context of workplace research, especially that carried out in health care settings. In this qualitative study, employees participating in a quality of work-life (QWL) project at a Canadian cancer centre were asked about their perceptions of the participatory research process. Using a phenomenological approach, the author interviewed 12 employees. The following themes emerged from the analysis of interview data: (1) The role of management and senior management was viewed as being important but employees were uncomfortable with the presence of management at meetings; (2) The desired composition of the committee was more complex than ensuring representation from workers and there may have been a natural process by which this composition was attained; (3) Participatory research without action was unacceptable; and (4) Full participation in all aspects of the project was difficult to achieve. These findings have important implications because they challenge some existing notions in the literature about participatory research. Recommendations regarding trust issues, membership recruitment, and the role of members in the participatory process are outlined.  相似文献   

The crisis management of disasters does not follow automatically from disaster planning. Research has shown that successful disaster management results primarily from the activities of emergency organizations. In particular, there are management problems with respect to the communication process, the exercise of authority, and the development of co-ordination. There are at least five different areas of difficulties in the communication process, namely, intra- and inter-organizational behaviours between organizations, from organizations to the public, from the public to organizations, and within systems of organizations. Exercise of authority difficulties stem from losses of higher echelon personnel because of over-work, conflict regarding authority over new disaster tasks, and clashes over organizational jurisdictional differences. Co-ordination difficulties come from lack of consensus among organizations, working on common but new disaster-related tasks, and difficulties in achieving overall co-ordination in any community disaster that is of any magnitude. Prior planning can limit these management difficulties but cannot completely eliminate all of them.  相似文献   

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