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党员“一带二”先锋工程也随着工程项目建设延伸到了西北和东北。750千伏兰平线路项目部在工程建设的同时,按照福建省第二电力建设公司党委布置,积极开展了“一带多”帮扶活动,抓点带面,促进项目部各项工作。  相似文献   

甘泉 《中国石化》2007,(5):66-67
工程项目部作为工程管理的基本模式,不仅是建设一线的指挥中枢、经济效益的源头、企业形象的窗口,也是党建思想政治工作的重要阵地、培养人才的重要舞台、党风廉政建设的重要关口。作为企业党组织的重要组成部分.项目部党组织在项目建设中应该成为“三个代表”重要思想的组织者、推动者和实践者,实践证明:快速、优质、高效地完成工程项目建设任务,离不开党组织政治核心作用的充分发挥;  相似文献   

杨春生 《中国电业》2005,(10):21-24
甘肃送变电750线路工程项目部,是甘肃送变电工程公司为承建西北750千伏输电线路示范工程专门组建的一支优秀施工队伍。2004年8月2日,项目部在刘家峡正式挂牌,标志着750千伏输电线路工程2标段施工拉开帷幕。项目部下设7个职能部门、1个档案信息中心、3个施工队、1个机械运输队和1个综合加工队。其中,档案信息中心和思想政治工作部的设置,在历次送电项目施工中都从未有过,充分体现了新的管理理念和以人为本的思想。  相似文献   

人文思想是社会或集团思想文化及人格道德的概括,充分体现了人与人之间理解、尊重等内涵,是群体思想文化的集中反映。在企业中,人文环境还体现为“以人为本”、“平等公正”、“合作互助”的实现程度。据此,以思林项目部为例.思考水电工程项目部人文环境建设的重要性和紧迫性。  相似文献   

项目管理文化是以工程项目管理为主的施工单位企业文化的重要组成部分,是一种独特的企业品牌。十建公司上海高桥石化项目部将十建公司“诚信、务实、和谐、发展”的企业精神融入到项目管理中,根据项目的实际情况,为自己,也为企业打造了一张文化名片。  相似文献   

在我国转变经济发展方式、建筑业走低碳经济发展之路的新形势下,项目管理出现了新走向.创新项目管理的思路和措施对工程项目部的定位思考.工程项目部是企业的基本生产单元,受企业法人委托,在授权范围内对工程项目进行管理,接受企业对项目部的监督服务,实现企业对业主的合同承诺.项目部运行健康与否直接关系到公司的经济效益和社会效益.  相似文献   

施工企业组建的工程项目部是建筑产品的直接建造机构,项目部的赢亏关系到企业的生存与发展。为此,对造成项目部亏损的主、客观原因的探讨,以为控制项目部成本开支,遏制项目部的亏损,提高施工企业的经济效益提供参考。  相似文献   

企业项目遭遇成本之痛   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
施工企业(以下简称为企业)所属的工程项目部(以下简称为项目部),是建筑产品(工程项目)的直接生产者;建筑产品的优劣影响企业的信誉,继而影响企业承揽工程任务,最终影响企业的效益;而建筑产品的直接成本——人工费、材料费、机械使用费和项目间接费全部发生在项目部,这些费用约占企业总成本的90%以上,因此项目部直接成本的高低又决定了企业的成本水平。若企业在以工程结算收入为主要的收入来源时,可以在一定程度上认为,项目部所施工工程的工期、质量决定着企业的信誉,项目部的盈亏又决定着企业的盈亏。而在近几年,许多企业的项目部亏损不断出…  相似文献   

如何控制项目部的成本开支   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
工程项目作为企业施工生产的主战场,不仅是展示企业形象的窗口,更成为企业经济效益的源泉所在。项目部所施工工程的工期、质量决定着企业的信誉,项目部的盈亏又决定着企业的盈亏。而在近几年,企业亏损的项目部不断出现,且有愈演愈烈之势。这些项目部的亏损,直接影响了企业的经济效益,并有可能危及企业的生存与发展。因此,如何控制项目部的成本开支,遏制项目部的亏损,提高企业经济效益,已成为当前企业非常紧迫的任务。  相似文献   

雅中—江西±800千伏特高压直流工程是电力发展"十三五"规划中的重点工程,是国家电网有限公司第一批复工的重点工程,北京送变电有限公司承担的湘3标段是28个首批复工试点。自2月12日开始,项目部人员就陆续进驻,经过近半个月的准备,复工得以提前顺利进行。  相似文献   

在工程实践和理论研究基础上,为提高建设项目的管理水平尝试性地提出了自组织智能管理模式(SOIMP),它是管理者面向建设项目的一种统一工作平台或系统工作方法。研究沿着管理系统获得、处理项目信息和管理系统动态特征的分析思路展开。选择岗位作为项目和项目管理系统之间的界面(接口),全方位、全过程、全纵深地跟踪项目,通过岗位的特征属性无遗漏地刻画和表征项目。通过知识发现模型自组织地处理项目信息、发现项目知识,将项目转化为可以量化描述和研究的数学系统。在系统层次上分析管理模式的自组织机理,即对管理系统在对建设项目信息的捕捉和处理过程中表现出来的系统运动特征和规律的研究。  相似文献   

Creative fluency in the R&D department can be enhanced by understanding the decision processes and information needs of the individuals involved. Through a recognized construct of cognitive style, we examine the R& budgeting and project selection process with respect to innovation, project acceptance, and organizational harmony. We suggest that many of the conflicts and inefficiencies of an R&D department can be explained and prevented by recognizing the innate problem-solving differences between scientists and managers.  相似文献   

A study of 32 purchase situations within a large research organization organized under a matrix form confirmed that members from both functional and project groups were participants in the buying center. Another finding was that the influence of buying center members across five stages of the purchase process remains the same. Significant differences in influence were found however, among the different functions with program representatives having a greater influence than project ones.  相似文献   

高校历史悠久,许多学校自建立以来房屋维修欠账多,基础设施大多已老旧甚至损坏,另一方面,随着高校的不断发展,一些原有设计已无法满足新的使用需求。从学校基建部门的角度出发,通过文献研究、实践、专家访谈,分析了高校维修改造工程的特点以及造价管理的问题,研究表明:建立统一的项目申报平台;建立服务单位备选库平台;善用过控单位和全过程跟踪审计单位;加强基建管理人员专业方面的培训;完善基建内控制度和造价管理办法,是使高校维修改造工程的造价管理工作效率更高,更易操作,避免投资失控的有效对策。  相似文献   

In this article the results of a critical reflection on the analysis of 564 technology education lesson plans are discussed. The critical reflection draws on the responses of approximately 120 South African technology education teachers in a teaching practice workbook where they had to choose a project and base five lessons on the project. The analysis of the above mentioned lesson plans is done in such a way that the linking of learning activities and assessment activities to learning outcomes and assessment standards is highlighted. In general it can be concluded that, although the learning outcomes and assessment standards are readily available and specified clearly in the policy documents of the national department of education, the particular teachers find it difficult to translate theory into practice when converting what is specified in the policy documents to learning activities and assessment activities in their lesson plans. This implies that the instructional strategy for the particular technology education programme should be adapted to include a comprehensive section on how to integrate aspects mentioned in the policy documents of the national department of education into actual lesson plans. Although the outcomes of the critical reflection on the results of the analysis mentioned above are directed at improving and adapting an instructional strategy in a particular in-service technology education programme in South Africa some knowledge transfer to similar situations should be possible.  相似文献   

The management and controlling of the industrial project acquisition process, with its staged, funnel-like structure, has been neglected in empirical research so far—even though an effective acquisition process is crucial for economic success. In addition to profitability, the main goal of industrial companies is to implement a pipeline process that ensures that the pipeline is always filled with acquisition projects and results in a constant stream of orders over time. The projects considered are characterized by complexity, uniqueness, and discontinuity. Based on a large-scale survey among German industrial companies, we describe the industrial project acquisition process, where the projects mentioned above are sold on a non-continuous basis to industrial customers. We assess how the industrial project acquisition process is really structured, whether a sales funnel management is applicable and utilized by sales management to monitor and control this process, and whether a sophisticated sales funnel management contributes to enhanced economic success.  相似文献   

英买力气田产能建设项目以创国优为目标,以安全第一、质量先行为指导思想,以HSE目标为基础管理理念,在管理上推行“小甲方、大监理”的管理模式。从质量管理机构、施工人员组织培训、过程控制、教育宣贯等方面阐述项目质量管理体系.其中过程控制是质量管理中管理内容最集中、强度最大的环节,是执行整个质量管理的重要内容。项目部在控制工期、投资的同时,优质、高效的完成该工程并一次投产成功,为完善质量管理体系文件、明确管理程序和质量标准打下基础。  相似文献   

Concurrent product development process and integrated product development teams have emerged as the two dominant new product development (NPD) “best practices” in the literature. Yet empirical evidence of their impact on product development success remains inconclusive. This paper draws upon organizational information processing theory (OIPT) to explore how these two dominant NPD best practices and two key aspects of NPD project characteristics (i.e., project uncertainty and project complexity) directly and jointly affect the NPD performance. Contrary to the “best practice” literature, the analysis, based on 266 NPD projects from three industries (i.e., automotive, electronics, and machinery) across nine countries (i.e., Austria, Finland, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Spain, Sweden, and the United States), found no evidence of any direct impact of process concurrency or team integration on overall NPD performance. Instead, there is evidence of negative impact of the interaction between project uncertainty and concurrent NPD process and positive impact of the interaction between project complexity and team integration on overall NPD performance. Moreover, the study found no evidence of any direct negative impact of project uncertainty or complexity on overall NPD performance as suggested in the literature, but found evidence of a direct positive relationship between project complexity and overall NPD performance. The practical implications of these results are significant. First, neither process concurrency nor team integration should be embraced universally as best practice. Second, process concurrency should be avoided in projects with high uncertainty (i.e., when working with unfamiliar product, market, or technology). Finally, team integration should be encouraged for complex product development projects. For a simple product a loosely integrated team or a more centralized decision process may work well. However, as project complexity increases, team integration becomes essential for improved product development. There is no one‐size‐fits‐all solution for managing NPD projects. The choice of a product development practice should be determined by the project characteristics.  相似文献   

IOCL is a pioneer in the country in the field of bulk chemical manufacture. The company achieved its leadership position by utilizing the locally available feedstock i.e. ethyl alcohol from molasses and homegrown technologies to produce a range of bulk chemicals. The R&D activity in the company started almost simultaneously with the erection of the first production plant. It was envisaged to play a role of a typical ‘in-house’ R&D set up. Thus, its activities encompassed the traditional spectrum that most in-house R&D departments of the times were built to perform. These were: 1. Supporting ongoing production activity. 2. Value addition by extending the product line. 3. Improving the quality of the products. The R&D department played these roles competently. Towards this end, the department was well served by trained task oriented staff. However, perhaps the very success of its efforts led to the development of a highly inward-looking culture. However, the post liberalization era brought with it a new set of challenges. With entry barriers slowly diminishing, the company was no longer able to sustain its position of pre-eminence in the fields that it was a leader. Local competition by leaner and meaner players equipped with better technology also played its part in this erosion. Unfavourable economies of scale and lower margins on the traditional products led to the management to rethink on future business strategy. A change of course was called for. For a company with IOCL’s resources, the course change that the management thought would preserve share holder value, was to shift the product mix from bulk chemicals characterized by high volume/low value to fine and specialty areas characterized by low volumes and high value. It decided that the R&D would provide the driving force for this strategic change. In essence, the R&D would be supporting a cluster of new activities, which would be revenue generating and thus be able to metamorphose from a cost center to a profit center. In order to play its new role, the R&D required to redefine its own character. Several changes in the existing systems and introduction of some newer management practices were necessary. The steps to be taken were identified as follows: 1. Shifting from a skill-based to knowledge-based staffing; 2. Creating a structured approach to project management; 3. Initiating a multi functional approach to shorten the project time cycles; 4. Putting in place mechanisms to interface and interact with the customers; 5. Inculcate a business orientation into a traditionally groomed group of scientists and technicians; 6. Integrating the activities of R&D into the enterprise resource planning network of the company; 7. Most importantly, set up a mechanism to market the R&D services.  相似文献   

施工阶段的投资控制是保证建设项目按期完成及节约工程成本的重要措施,结合新疆下坂地水利枢纽工程实例,介绍了建设过程中为防止投资突破预算限额而实施的施工阶段投资控制,并针对实施过程中存在的问题和困难,提出了改进方法和措施,对水利电力工程建设阶段资金全过程造价控制管理有着重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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