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This study estimates the changes in volatility of the won/U.S. dollar dailyexchange rates before and after the Korean currency crisis, using the stochastic volatility model with the ARMAregression error term. We find that the persistence of volatility increased after the Koreancurrency crisis.  相似文献   

We evaluate the efficacy of price discovery in the round-the-clock U.S. Treasury market. Using a comprehensive intraday database, we explore informational role of trades over the 24-hour day. We find that information asymmetry is generally highest in the preopen period and lowest in the postclose period. Information asymmetry in the overnight period is comparable to that in the regular trading period. However, on days with macroeconomic announcements, information asymmetry peaks shortly after the news release at 8:30. Moreover, information asymmetry is higher on Monday morning and higher immediately before than after the open of U.S. Treasury futures trading. Although volume is low after hours and trading cost is relatively high, overnight trading generates significant price discovery. Results suggest that overnight trading activity is an important part of the Treasury price discovery process.  相似文献   

Intraday Price Formation in U.S. Equity Index Markets   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The market for U.S. equity indexes presently comprises floor‐traded index futures contracts, exchange‐traded funds (ETFs), electronically traded, small‐denomination futures contracts (E‐minis), and sector ETFs that decompose the S&P 500 index into component industry portfolios. This paper empirically investigates price discovery in this environment. For the S&P 500 and Nasdaq‐100 indexes, most of the price discovery occurs in the E‐mini market. For the S&P 400 MidCap index, price discovery is shared between the regular futures contract and the ETF. The S&P 500 ETF contributes markedly to price discovery in the sector ETFs, but there are only minor effects in the reverse direction.  相似文献   

Accounting Choice, Home Bias, and U.S. Investment in Non-U.S. Firms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper examines the relation between accounting choice and U.S. institutional investor ownership in non‐U.S. firms. We predict that U.S. investors exhibit home bias in their preference for accounting methods conforming to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) because such methods are more familiar, reduce information processing costs, and are perceived as higher quality. We find that firms exhibiting higher levels (changes) of U.S. GAAP conformity have greater levels (changes) of U.S. institutional ownership. Lead‐lag regressions suggest that increases in U.S. GAAP conformity precede increases in U.S. investment, but changes in U.S. institutional holdings do not precede changes in accounting methods. We also find that the positive relation between U.S. GAAP conformity and U.S. investment holds regardless of a firm's visibility to U.S. investors (e.g., American Depositary Receipt listing, stock index membership, analyst following, firm size). However, we find that U.S. GAAP conformity has a significantly greater impact among firms already visible to U.S. investors.  相似文献   

Although oil price shocks have long been viewed as one of the leading candidates for explaining U.S. recessions, surprisingly little is known about the extent to which oil price shocks explain recessions. We provide a formal analysis of this question with special attention to the possible role of net oil price increases in amplifying the transmission of oil price shocks. We quantify the conditional effect of oil price shocks in the net oil price increase model for all episodes of net oil price increases since the mid‐1970s, analyze its determinants, and show that the linear model fits the data better.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the premium for volatility risk for European currency options written on British pounds. The average annualized premium for volatility risk is neither statistically different from zero nor invariant to the option's moneyness. However, the risk premium is positively and nonproportionaly related to the level of volatility, except for out‐of‐the‐money options. Finding a zero premium for volatility risk does not undermine the assumption of a zero‐price volatility risk in many extant stochastic‐volatility option pricing models and the option pricing formulas in those models.  相似文献   

We empirically investigate one form of illegal investor‐level tax evasion and its effect on foreign portfolio investment. In particular, we examine a form of round‐tripping tax evasion in which U.S. individuals hide funds in entities located in offshore tax havens and then invest those funds in U.S. securities markets. Employing Becker's ( 1968 ) economic theory of crime, we identify the tax evasion component by examining how foreign portfolio investment varies with changes in the incentives to evade and the risks of detection. To our knowledge, this is the first empirical evidence of investor‐level tax evasion affecting cross‐border equity and debt investment.  相似文献   

汪必旺  王克 《保险研究》2019,(5):117-127
美国的牲畜价格指数保险是世界上最早产生且保险方案相对比较完善的农产品价格保险,它是美国将作物收入保险的经验向畜牧业延伸的结果。通过保险方案的设计和再保险安排,美国牲畜价格指数保险在解决农业价格保险可行性问题上取得了一定效果。相对于期货与期权工具,美国牲畜价格指数保险具有准入门槛和交易成本更低等优势,但也存在操作不够灵活等劣势,总体而言,更适合美国的中小规模生产者,而对大规模生产者吸引力较弱;且与期货与期权工具类似,美国牲畜价格指数保险只能提供年度内的价格风险保障,无法如美国的农产品计划项目那样提供跨年度的价格风险保障。从运行结果来看,美国的牲畜价格指数保险的承保规模较小,且没有发展成为美国占主导地位的价格风险管理工具的趋势。美国牲畜价格指数保险的经验及局限性对中国具有如下启示:错开农产品价格保险的承保期间;建立农产品价格保险再保险制度;探索多种政策可能性管理农产品价格风险。  相似文献   

Price clustering in financial markets is pervasive. Using transaction‐level data from the world's largest financial market, this study is the first to examine price clustering behavior in the foreign exchange swap market. In addition to existing hypotheses, we investigate new determinants of price clustering including the expected return, contract liquidity, and trader's identity. The results support both negotiation and price resolution hypotheses. We find a positive effect from the level of expected return on price clustering. Markets with greater liquidity experience reduced clustering. Transactions involving domestic banks have less clustering suggesting an information advantage over foreign banks.  相似文献   

The evidence of slowly mean-reverting components in stock prices has been controversial. The hypothesis of stock price mean-reversion is tested using a regression model that yields the highest asymptotic power among a class of regression tests. Although the evidence that the equally weighted index of stocks exhibits mean-reversion is significant in the period 1926–1988, this phenomenon is entirely concentrated in January. In the post-war period both the equally weighted and the value-weighted indices exhibit seasonal mean-reversion in January. A similar phenomenon is also observed for the equally weighted index of stocks traded on the London Stock Exchange.  相似文献   


In this study, we examine return spillover, volatility transmission, and cojump behavior between the U.S. and Korean stock markets. In particular, we focus on cojump behavior between the two markets in order to explain the transmission of unexpected shocks. We find that the U.S. stock market causes return spillover effects in the Korean stock market, and there is significant volatility transmission between the two markets. Importantly, we find a stronger association in size, as compared with intensity, of cojumps between the U.S. and Korean stock markets, particularly during the recent financial crisis.  相似文献   

Exploring Metropolitan Housing Price Volatility   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper uses GARCH models and a panel VAR model to analyze possible time variation of the volatility of single-family home value appreciation and the interactions between the volatility and the economy, using a large quarterly data set that covers 277 MSAs in the U.S. from 1990:1 to 2002:2. We find evidence of time varying volatility in about 17% of the MSAs. Using volatility series estimated with GARCH models, we find that the volatility is Granger-caused by the home appreciation rate and GMP growth rate. On the other hand, the volatility Granger-causes the personal income growth rate but the impact is not economically significant.  相似文献   

We find that returns to momentum investing are higher among high idiosyncratic volatility ( IVol) stocks, especially high IVol losers. Higher IVol stocks also experience quicker and larger reversals. The findings are consistent with momentum profits being attributable to underreaction to firm‐specific information and with IVol limiting arbitrage of the momentum effect. We also find a positive time‐series relation between momentum returns and aggregate IVol. Given the long‐term rise in IVol, this result helps explain the persistence of momentum profits since Jegadeesh and Titman's (1993) study.  相似文献   

This paper examines the price differences between very liquid on-the-run U.S. Treasury securities and less liquid off-the-run securities over the on/off cycle. Comparing pairs of securities in time-series regressions allows us to disregard any fixed cross-sectional differences between securities. Also, since the liquidity of Treasury notes varies predictably over time, we can distinguish between current and future liquidity.We compare a variety of (microstructure-based) direct measures of liquidity to compare their effects on prices.We show that the liquidity premium depends primarily on the amount of remaining future liquidity.  相似文献   

This article uses Bayesian vector autoregressive models to examine the usefulness of leading indicators in predicting U.S. home sales. The benchmark Bayesian model includes home sales, price of homes, mortgage rate, real personal disposable income, and unemployment rate. We evaluate the forecasting performance of six alternative leading indicators by adding each, in turn, to the benchmark model. Out-of-sample forecast performance over three periods shows that the model that includes building permits authorized consistently produces the most accurate forecasts. Thus, the intention to build in the future provides good information with which to predict U.S. home sales. Another finding suggests that leading indicators with longer leads outperform the short-leading indicators.  相似文献   

We examine the contribution of cross-listings to price discovery for a sample of Canadian stocks listed on both the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSE) and a U.S. exchange. We find that prices on the TSE and U.S. exchange are cointegrated and mutually adjusting. The U.S. share of price discovery ranges from 0.2 percent to 98.2 percent, with an average of 38.1 percent. The U.S. share is directly related to the U.S. share of trading and to the ratio of proportions of informative trades on the U.S. exchange and the TSE, and inversely related to the ratio of bid-ask spreads.  相似文献   

We examine whether greater futures-trading activity (volume and open interest) is associated with greater equity volatility. We partition each trading activity series into expected and unexpected components, and document that while equity volatility covaries positively with unexpected futures-trading volume, it is negatively related to forecastable futures-trading activity. Further, though futures-trading activity is systematically related to the futures contract life cycle, we find no evidence of a relation between the futures life cycle and spot equity volatility. These findings are consistent with theories predicting that active futures markets enhance the liquidity and depth of the equity markets.  相似文献   

Estimates of the half-life to convergence of prices across a panel of cities are subject to bias from three potential sources: inappropriate cross-sectional aggregation of heterogeneous coefficients, presence of lagged dependent variables in a model with individual fixed effects, and time aggregation of commodity prices. This paper finds no evidence of heterogeneity bias in annual CPI data for 17 U.S. cities from 1918 to 2006, but correcting for the "Nickell bias" and time aggregation bias produces a half-life of 7.5 years, shorter than estimates from previous studies.  相似文献   

对于中央银行是否应该对资产价格的波动做出反应以及如何做出反应.在学术界仍然存在着激烈的争论。中央银行应否对资产价格的波动做出反应主要依据是看资产价格的波动能否对目标通货膨胀率造成影响,而非直接对任何的资产价格波动都做出反应。对资产价格做出反应形成的货币政策被称为“通货膨胀定标”的货币政策。我国应该根据具体国情进行货币政策的改革导向选择,并积极创造条件推行“通货膨胀定标”的货币政策。  相似文献   

This article examines first the changes over time in the variance of the market return on the Sydney Stock Exchange. It concludes that variance changes at a frequency greater than previously accounted for. Some of these changes coincide with political and economic events. Next the market returns are demonstrated to have a normal distribution. This result follows once the frequency of standardization is matched to the frequency of changes in variance.  相似文献   

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