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基于香港离岸人民币公司债券的特点,以结构模型为基础,引入卖空约束系数量化卖空约束程度.使用无本金交割远期外汇交易(NDF)衡量汇率预期因素,使得修正后的债券发行定价模型更具解释力.实证结果表明卖空限制对香港离岸人民币债券的理论价格有显著影响.汇率预期因素使得人民币债券解释能力得到进一步提高,由于缺乏离岸人民币国债利率曲线,模型对10年以上香港离岸人民币长期债券定价的解释能力不足.基于此,提供了促进香港离岸人民币债券市场发展的政策建议.  相似文献   

流动性过剩背景下的紧缩货币政策会给债券市场带来利率风险。运用不同时点的两根收益率曲线为同一种债券定价以及运用远期利率为债券未来价值估价,并对二者结果进行了比较,从而凸现了债券市场的利率风险。针对债券市场的利率风险提出了投资组合管理、投资组合保险技术以及对冲等对策。  相似文献   

利率的期限结构是指某个时点上不同期限的利率所组成的一奈曲线,描述不同期限零息票债券的到期收益率,反映了债券市场利率走势的特点,利率期限结构曲线有多种形状:水平、上倾、下倾、上凸、下凸,但市场的真实利率走向一般呈现上倾式,即长期利率高于短期利率。使用MATLAB进行利率期限结构的静态估计采描绘出中国债券市场的真实利差走势,以此来探究中国债券市场的投资策略,为债券纽舍管理策略在中国债券市场的实际运用提出建议。  相似文献   

均衡汇率决定与变动的综合平价理论探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏平贵 《现代财经》2004,24(4):14-17
现有的汇率理论均存在一定的局限性,如购买力平价只重视价格因素;利率平价只重视利率因素;而汇率决定的国际收支说虽然从国际收支和外汇供求角度对影响汇率的因素进行了广泛的综合,但它得出的结论和汇率表达式却过于简单笼统。本文在借鉴现有理论科学成份的基础上,提出一种既能统一和说明购买力平价和利率平价理论的主要内容,又能概括反映汇率决定的国际收支说主要成果的综合平价理论模型。  相似文献   

结合东亚经济体金融自由化程度的差异,构建计量模型系统研究了东亚各国(地区)与美国非抵补利率平价的长、短期成立条件、长期均衡水平及动态调整速度,在此基础上分析了东亚对外金融一体化及其动态变化.结论是:东亚经济体与美国的非抵补利率平价短期不成立,长期成立但存在偏离;金融自由化差异会部分影响对外一体化程度;金融合作和金融开放可以显著促进金融一体化程度的提高.  相似文献   

人民币离岸债券市场现状与前景分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
裴长洪  余颖丰 《金融评论》2011,3(2):40-53,124
在应对国际金融危机冲击的过程中,人民币国际化进程加速。跨境贸易与投资的人民币结算业务已经开展和试点。但目前我国资本账户尚未完全开放,人民币不能自由兑换,成为人民币国际化最大的绊脚石。而离岸债券市场的建设,将是极佳的策略选择。因为,债券市场的建设,是一国货币的投资职能向储蓄职能转变过程中最重要的一环。而人民币离岸市场的建设,将为资本账户未放开的中国提供缓冲地带,缓释人民币国际化进程中的风险。本文首先对人民币离岸债券市场的发展历程进行了回顾,分析其现状及特点,并探讨点心债券、合成型债券与熊猫债券的区别和联系,最后对人民币离岸债券市场的收益前景进行了估量。  相似文献   

境内外债券市场传递出的信号预示着美元债券或将出现风险,大多数中资企业发行美元债券的积极性将会被削弱。但同时,发行美元债券仍存在机遇和可行性。中资企业应根据业务发展需要发行美元债券,但发行的时间点要尽量前移,并选择固定收益的美元债券,提前锁定发行成本;确定境内外资金分配比例,使发债资金境外使用为主、境内使用为辅,并通过衍生品对冲利率、汇率波动产生的价格杠杆风险;密切关注企业境外发债平台的偿债能力和债务期限,盯紧外汇市场走势,监测境外发债资金及债务人资金回流的汇率风险。  相似文献   

利率平价理论有效性的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了验证利率平价理论对人民币汇率的解释能力,本文采用协整检验、Granger检验、误差修正模型等实证研究方法,对2005年7月以来人民币对美元的即期和远期汇率以及中美两国间利率水平差异的数据进行了实证研究.结果表明,人民币汇率决定机制并不符合利率平价理论,对此,我们结合中国的实际情况分析了其中的原因.  相似文献   

从不同的角度理解债券市场的波动性,有着不完全相同的涵义,进而可以从不同的角度来测度债券市场的波动性。债券市场的波动性主要是通过市价的波动体现出来,由于债券尤其是国债的市价波动主要受利率变动的影响,可以说利率是影响国债市场价格的第一要素,所以对债券市场波动性的第一层次理解便是债券市价随着市场利率变动而波动的特征。为了测度这一层面意义上的债券市场波动性,债券研究理论与对发达市场的经验分析主要运用基点价格值、收益率变动价格值、久期与凸性等概念与相应指标。其中,基点价格值与收益率变动价格值是一个问题的两个方面,…  相似文献   

王铁锋 《经济管理》2003,(19):83-87
本文以在沪深交易所上市交易的国债、企业债券和国债回购品种为研究对象,分析研究影响市场利率变动的因素,判断中国债券市场投资价值与投资风险,解读人们对债券投资认识的误区。  相似文献   

Abstract.   The paper argues that China's capital controls remain substantially binding. This has allowed the Chinese authorities to retain some degree of short-term monetary autonomy, despite the fixed exchange rate to July 2005. Although the Chinese capital controls have not been watertight, we find sustained and significant gaps between onshore and offshore renminbi interest rates and persistent dollar/renminbi interest rate differentials during the period of a de facto dollar peg. While some cross-border flows do respond to market expectations and relative yields, they have not been large enough to equalise onshore and offshore renminbi yields.  相似文献   

文章通过对中国和美国债券品种的对比,认为美国债券市场的产品创新主要有两类:一是在期限、利率、利息支付、面值及持有期等债券构成要素上直接创新的产品;二是利用金融工程技术设计出来的债权衍生产品。而我国债券市场由于基础产品不健全、体制不顺及市场分割等原因导致无法进一步进行债券类衍生产品的创新。多层次资本市场的建立需要债券市场更多金融创新支持,而债券市场产品创新演进的过程应该首先是满足市场不断加深的需求,其次是逐步使用现代金融工程技术。文章认为债券市场创新的根本途径有两条:一是大力发展公司债券市场,这是持续进行产品创新的基础;二是发展与股权挂钩的债券创新产品,包括可转化债券、附认股权证的可分离交易债券和可交换债券等。并进一步提出了我国银行间债券市场还应从债券品种、利率、期限等几个方面进行品种创新,进而提高市场交易效率和流动性。  相似文献   

We propose a two-country no-arbitrage term-structure model to analyze the joint dynamics of bond yields, macroeconomic variables and the exchange rate. The model allows to understand how exogenous shocks to the exchange rate affect the yield curves, how bond yields co-move in different countries and how the exchange rate is influenced by interest rates, macro-economic variables and time-varying bond risk premia.Estimating the model with US and German data, we find that time-varying bond risk premia account for a significant portion of the variability of the exchange rate: apparently, a currency tends to appreciate when investors expect large capital gains on long-term bonds denominated in that currency. A number of other novel empirical findings emerge.  相似文献   

We propose a two-country no-arbitrage term-structure model to analyze the joint dynamics of bond yields, macroeconomic variables and the exchange rate. The model allows to understand how exogenous shocks to the exchange rate affect the yield curves, how bond yields co-move in different countries and how the exchange rate is influenced by interest rates, macro-economic variables and time-varying bond risk premia.Estimating the model with US and German data, we find that time-varying bond risk premia account for a significant portion of the variability of the exchange rate: apparently, a currency tends to appreciate when investors expect large capital gains on long-term bonds denominated in that currency. A number of other novel empirical findings emerge.  相似文献   

We examine the interest rate volatility spillover between the offshore and onshore Renminbi (RMB) markets. The Hong Kong inter‐bank RMB offer rate (CNY HIBOR) and the Shanghai inter‐bank offer rate (SHIBOR) are used, respectively, as the interest rates for the offshore and onshore RMB markets. The results of our research show that there was significant volatility spillover between the offshore and onshore RMB prior to 21 June 2013 and that direction of the spillover from the SHIBOR to the CNY HIBOR is stronger than that from CNY HIBOR to SHIBOR. However, the spillover declined in strength between 21 June 2013 and 20 April 2016. We also find that the interest rate correlations are low and unstable. Our research reveals that the offshore RMB interest rate has been an independent system that is not determined by the onshore market, and that the determination of the offshore RMB interest rate is very complicated. The Hong Kong market is increasingly playing a more important role in the determination of the RMB. This study contributes to our understanding of the interest rate determination in China and has important implications for policy makers in terms of interest rate policies in the offshore and onshore RMB markets.  相似文献   

本文的研究结果表明在岸市场依然具有人民币汇率定价中心的性质,主要体现在在岸即期和远期汇率都会对离岸远期汇率的变动有显著的均值溢出效应。而离岸即期市场对在岸即期市场存在较小幅度的均值溢出效应以及三大市场之间已经存在着一定波动和冲击溢出效应,则表明在岸市场已经不是一个完全定价中心。从溢出效应的程度和传递方向来看,稳定在岸人民币汇率定价预期仍然是降低汇率过度波动的关键。  相似文献   

Ombretta  Terazzan 《Economic Notes》2006,35(3):355-375
In this paper, we estimate the term structure of credit spreads on Euro-denominated corporate bonds with a modified version of the Duffee (1999) intensity-based model. The empirical analysis considers monthly observations for a sample of investment-grade euro-denominated corporate bonds analysed for rating classes. The model is estimated with a maximum likelihood – Kalman filter approach over different sample periods ranging from January 1999 to August 2006. The estimation results, in general, support the application of the theoretical model to the euro-denominated bond market and exhibit some interesting characteristics of this relatively recent market.  相似文献   

近代中国政府公债的发行开辟了政府动员国民储蓄的新时代,也为资本市场的发展提供了契机。事实上,公债已经在一定程度上介入了当时的金融市场,成为银行券的发行准备、储蓄存款的保证、银行放款的抵押品、金融业的投资筹码以及维护经济稳定的筹码;公债的交易也推动了近代中国证券市场的发展。然而,文章通过计量分析发现:利率对公债价格没有解释力。这说明政府公债还没有完全与金融市场融为一体,公债价格应该还受到很多非市场因素的影响或制约。1921年和1932年的公债整理对债信的维护具有重要意义,公债收益率的下降则是理性的回归。而法币改革则使政府摆脱了公债的财政制约。  相似文献   

The economic and political changes which are taking place in Europe affect interest rates. This paper develops a two-factor model for the term structure of interest rates specially designed to apply to EMU countries. In addition to the participant country's short-term interest rate, we include as a second factor a 'European' short-term interest rate. We assume that the 'European' rate follows a mean reverting process. The domestic interest rate also follows a mean reverting process, but its convergence is to a stochastic mean which is identified with the 'European' rate. Closed-form solutions for prices of zero coupon discount bonds and options on these bonds are provided. A special feature of the model is that both the domestic and the European interest rate risks are priced. We also discuss an empirical estimation focusing on the Spanish bond market. The 'European' rate is proxied by the ecu's interest rate. Through a comparison of the performance of our convergence model with a Vasicek model for the Spanish bond market, we show that our model provides a better fit both in-sample and out-of sample and that the difference in performance between the models is greater the longer the maturity of the bonds.
(J.E.L.: E43, C510).  相似文献   


John Maynard Keynes held that the central bank’s actions mainly determine long-term interest rates through short-term interest rates and various monetary policy measures. His conjectures about the determinants of long-term interest rates were made in the context of advanced capitalist economies and were based on his views on liquidity preference, ontological uncertainty, and the formation of investors’ expectations. Is Keynes’s conjecture that the central bank’s action is the main driver of long-term interest rates valid in emerging markets, such as India? This paper empirically investigates the determinants of changes in Indian government bonds’ nominal yields. Changes in short-term interest rates, after controlling for other crucial variables, such as changes in the rate of inflation and the rate of economic activity, take a lead role in driving the changes of the nominal yields of Indian government bonds. This suggests that Keynes’s views on long-term interest rates can also be applicable to emerging markets. The empirical findings reveal that higher fiscal deficits do not appear to exert upward pressures on government bond yields in India.  相似文献   

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