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The concept of organisational commitment continues to interest academics and practitioners despite evidence of low commitment in British companies. Explanations concentrate on why employees fail to respond to management policies or, more radically, on efforts to realign ‘corporate culture’. In this article the focus is changed by John Coopey to enable the effect of managerial culture on organisational commitment to be examined. the conceptual framework is of culture influencing individual attitudes via psychological processes (mediated through relationships). These themes are developed in a two-fold argument: first managers are seen as entrapped in a culture that protects prerogatives through processes of accountability and hence, second, managers find difficulty in acting as exemplars of organisational commitment for potential followers.  相似文献   

本文以沪深两市A股上市公司重大资产重组事件为样本,研究并购重组业绩承诺对上市公司绩效的影响。本文发现:重组协议订立阶段,针对目标资产签订业绩补偿协议的首次公告使得作为收购方的上市公司获得了更高的短期市场超额收益;并购重组活动完成后的3年间,目标资产存在业绩承诺的上市公司在长期市场绩效上同样表现得更加抢眼,但才财务绩效上却与目标资产不存在业绩承诺的上市公司并无显著差别。以上结果说明,并购重组业绩承诺得到了资本市场较多的认同与肯定,但从长期财务绩效来看,业绩承诺的价值创造能力尚待进一步证实。本文的发现对投资者、收购活动参与各方及监管层均有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

A systematic approach to measuring organisational performance is fundamental to the pursuit of business excellence. As such, the area of organisational performance measurement, and its use of data and analysis to inform business decisions, affords statisticians a potentially high value-adding opportunity. To be effective in this area, statisticians need to appreciate the differing requirements for statistical information in various management zones of an enterprise.
This paper describes a strategy that seeks to link measurement to all facets of organisational performance, particularly to desired business outcomes, and also to mesh measurement with process improvement in a natural way. The use of statistics and statistical thinking is then discussed in this context, with particular focus on the opportunity for statisticians to have a key role at the top decision-making level of the organisation. We argue that the role requires skills in both advanced technical statistical modelling and analysis, and in statistical thinking. It also requires a preparedness to form an appreciation of the business and management imperatives faced by the leaders of an enterprise, and a willingness to work from this basis.  相似文献   


The study examines empirically the relationships between information technology, organisational performance, and sectors. The effects of IT on the organisational performance are evaluated with respect to generic strategic opportunities obtained from IT. This relationship and to what extent companies in the two sectors, manufacturing and service sectors, utilise these opportunities are comparatively studied. The findings of the study have shown that the effects of information technology on organisational performance and the relationship between generic strategic opportunities and organisational performance are different in the manufacturing and the service sectors.  相似文献   

从社会网络的视角分析中国情境下组织内特有的圈子结构对组织承诺的影响。以一家台湾高科技集团在大陆的分公司作为研究对象,对研究变量进行圈子结构分析和统计分析,实证检验了企业内部圈子对组织承诺的影响。研究发现,圈外人比组织内其他人的组织承诺低;大领导班底和非正式领导班底的组织承诺高于大领导圈边人;桥的组织承诺高于大领导圈边人;大领导班底比非正式领导班底的组织承诺要高。  相似文献   

丁建龙  赵亚香 《价值工程》2012,31(19):168-169
本文从知识要素的角度入手,深入探讨在企业CEO变更的情形下,企业业绩变动的原因。企业要实现可持续发展,就应建立有效的CEO选拔、培训机制,同时也应加强制度建设,加强企业的知识管理功能,实现CEO的个人知识向组织知识的转化。  相似文献   

Using matched employer–employee level data drawn from the 2004 UK Workplace and Employee Relations Survey, we explore the determinants of a measure of worker commitment and loyalty (CLI) and whether CLI influences workplace performance. Factors influencing employee commitment and loyalty include age and gender, whilst workplace level characteristics of importance include human resource (HR) practices. With respect to the effects of employee commitment and loyalty upon the workplace, higher CLI is associated with enhanced workplace performance. Our findings that workplace HRs influence CLI suggest that employers may be able to exert some influence over the commitment and loyalty of its workforce, which, in turn, may affect workplace performance.  相似文献   

党员公开承诺制是新时期党建工作的创新发展,是发挥党员先锋作用,提高服务群众自觉性的有效途径。本文分析了绩效评价体系应用于党内公开承诺的必须性、可行性,并提出了党内承诺绩效考核体系的构建和要求,旨在进一步提高党内公开承诺的践行度,构建党内公开承诺践行的长效机制。  相似文献   

高校财务绩效评价指标体系及实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校财务绩效评价是指运用特定的评价指标、合理的评价标准、科学的评价方法,对高校财务行为过程以及结果进行科学、客观、公正的衡量比较和综合评价。笔者结合工作实际对高校的主要财务绩效评价指标体系:财务综合实力指标、财务运行绩效指标和财务发展潜力指标运用具体数据进行了实证分析。  相似文献   

The effects of task performance and contextual performance on turnover, job satisfaction, and affective organizational commitment were examined for two samples of Air Force mechanics. Supervisor ratings of task performance and contextual performance were obtained in 1992 (N=419) for one sample and in 1993 for the second sample (N=991). In both samples, task performance and contextual performance predicted turnover and job satisfaction in 1996. Task performance predicted reenlistment eligibility and promotion eligibility in the 1992 sample, but only reenlistment eligibility in the 1993 sample. Contextual performance only predicted promotion eligibility in the 1992 sample, but predicted both outcomes in the 1993 sample. Results support the distinction between task performance and contextual performance.  相似文献   

在现代高强度的工作环境下,企业竞争越来越依靠于人才的配置。为了吸引和留住人才,越来越多的企业更加关注公司员工的感受和需求,在提高员工满意度的同时提高员工的工作绩效,保障企业的高效低成本运作。员工满意度、组织承诺、工作绩效是企业能否长时间留住人才的主要指标,对于企业人力资源管理有着重要意义。从理论上来说,通过实证研究可以具体量化三者之间的关系;从实践上来说,对三者之间影响关系的清楚认识可以为企业人力资源部门提供制度和政策上的指导,从而降低企业的人力成本、提高企业运作的效率。研究的主要内容为通过问卷收集的方法,以各类企业员工为研究对象,探究员工满意度、组织承诺和工作绩效之间的相关关系,建立员工满意度、组织承诺和工作绩效三者之间的量化研究模型。根据研究结果,给企业人力资源管理部门提出具有建设性的建议,以在减少成本的同时促进企业的高效运作,使企业更具凝聚力。  相似文献   

吕宗社 《价值工程》2011,30(12):204-204
学员由一名高中生参加高考参军入伍,是人生经历的一次重大转折,面对身份和环境的改变,许多新学员在新鲜感和好奇感过后,常常会出现一些心理上的不适。为了配合"军事基础集中强化训练"任务的圆满完成,我们针对学员的心理健康问题进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

杨艳 《价值工程》2012,31(16):195
近年来,网络虚拟社区的存在与发展影响了大学生的现实生活,有积极意义,也有消极影响。本文主要从网络自身和学校教育机构两方面提出了针对这些弊端所采取的管理及对策。  相似文献   

吴泽强 《价值工程》2014,(19):209-210
著名教育家王广亚先生在60年的办学实践与探索中,形成了丰富的教育思想理论体系:"伦理、创新、品质、绩效"的办学理念,"勤俭、朴实、自力、更生"的成功校训,"爱国爱校、宁静好学、礼让整洁"的成功精神、"好的师资、好的设备、好的制度、好的管理、好的福利"的办学原则和"三三三制"的办学特色等。把这些理论体系用于指导我们的办学实践,将会为民办高等教育事业的发展起到极大的促进作用。  相似文献   

组织文化与关联绩效是企业经营管理的两个重要方面,本文以中国的文化为背景,着重从人际和谐与集体主义两方面探讨了组织文化与关联绩效的结合,希望能为以后关联绩效在中国的研究与发展提供一些帮助。  相似文献   

黎毅 《价值工程》2012,31(2):206-207
文章运用Feder模型测算陕西省教育投资的外溢效应,从分析结果中得出,教育部门每增加一个百分点,非教育部门会增加0.5841个百分点,同时生产总值会增加7.7531个百分点,由此可见教育投资对经济增长有巨大的促进作用,另外教育部门的边际生产力低于非教育部门。  相似文献   

We administer an experiment to investigate a commitment device in the form of an unobservable commitment regarding a superior's acceptance rule for a subordinate's budget request. We find that unobservable commitment, when exogenously imposed, diminishes superiors' propensity for costly norm enforcement. The results for an endogenous treatment are similar except that those superiors who choose unobservable commitment only occasionally use the commitment device in a manner consistent with norm enforcement. Our interpretation of the results is that unobservable commitment decreases the emotional response to unfair behavior and that information asymmetry accentuates this effect. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In a multisource field study, we examine the relationship between employee perceptions of high‐commitment human resource management (HRM), task proficiency, work engagement, and organizational commitment. Based on conservation of resources (COR) theory, we first propose that work engagement mediates the relationship between high‐commitment HRM and organizational commitment. Second, we propose a mediated moderation model in which employees’ task proficiency moderates the relationship between high‐commitment HRM and work engagement, which in turn affects organizational commitment. Results indicate that the relationship between high‐commitment HRM and organizational commitment was fully mediated by work engagement. Results also supported the mediated moderation model. A significant indirect effect was found from high‐commitment HRM to commitment via engagement for low task proficiency, but not for high task proficiency. Implications and directions for future research are discussed. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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