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Recent theoretical and empirical studies of beef cattle producers by Barros, Jarvis, Nores, Reutlinger, and Yver have focused on producers' supply response assuming cattle represent consumption goods and capital goods. To differentiate producer price response for cattle sold as consumption goods and cattle retained as capital goods requires data on herd and slaughter age-sex structure. This has limited the range of econometric work which could be carried out in many developing countries. This study utilizes a time series of the Colombian cattle herd which was recently constructed by Rivas and Valdes and which has the necessary age-sex and slaughter data to develop a complete system of structural equations representing the simultaneous determination of demand and supply for Colombian cattle over the 1950–1970 period.  相似文献   

Following a general-to-specific strategy of model development, we develop error-correction equations for fed beef supply and feeder cattle demand. Starting with a theoretically acceptable set of variables, preliminary tests for unit roots and cointegrating vectors show stationary quantity variables and cointegrated prices. Simplification of the lag structure leads to equations with considerably richer dynamics than in previous studies. The final model passes several misspecification tests, is robust when estimated on subsamples of data, and makes more accurate out-of-sample forecasts than other models. In beef supply, the estimated error-correction model decomposes the backward-bending supply hypothesis into negative short-run and positive long-run supply elasticities at the monthly frequency.  相似文献   

A systems model was estimated to determine the effects of declining U.S. retail beef demand on farm-level beef prices and production. Retail beef demand declined by nearly 66% from 1976 to 1999. Results indicate autonomous shifts in retail demand significantly impacted farm-level demands and production. Based on equilibrium multipliers, the 1976–99 reduction in beef demand decreased real slaughter cattle prices and production by 32.1% and 11.2%, respectively. Real feeder cattle prices and production decreased by 8.0% and 22.6%, respectively. Combining the decreases in farm prices and production, slaughter and feeder cattle producers experienced a real revenue reduction of $13.3 billion (61%) due to the long-term decline in demand.  相似文献   

U.S. trade of beef and live cattle declined substantially after the discoveries of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in Canada and the United States in 2003. In this study, an econometric model is developed to estimate the effects of lifting trade restrictions on U.S. cattle and beef prices. Results show that increases in imports of Canadian cattle and beef would lower prices of slaughter steers, feeder steers, and retail beef, but these negative impacts would be more than negated by the positive effects on prices that would result if beef exports return to near pre-BSE levels.  相似文献   

Deviations of livestock input prices from processor marginal value product are usually interpreted as an indication of the application of market power by the meat packing industry. However, market power depends on economic conditions that can influence the behavior of meat packers in the market for cattle and hogs. An industry-level translog profit function is applied to data on the Canadian finished cattle and hog markets and industry-wide oligopsony market power functions are estimated. The estimates suggest beef packers exercised a small but sustained amount of market power in the Canadian finished cattle market from 1978 to 1997. This is not the case in the market for hogs, which was competitive from 1960 to 1997. Application of market power in packers'purchases of farm animals decreased with increases in the utilization of domestic supply of slaughter animals and with increased levels of livestock exports. Livestock productivity increases appear to have significantly enhanced oligopsony power in packers'purchases of farm animals. The analysis suggests that beef processors may exert market power when cattle prices are relatively higher.  相似文献   

This article investigates the response of beef-cattle producers to changes in the price of cattle. Previous research has suggested that there may be a negative short-run supply response to a permanent increase in the price of cattle. We build a dynamic, rational expectations model that separates the markets for fed and unfed beef. This separation generates predictions that the supply response is generally positive, even for permanent shocks in the short run, and nests the negative supply response as a special case for appropriately restricted demand shocks.  相似文献   

This paper presents an applied econometric analysis of total (domestic and import) demand for beef in Hong Kong for the period 1970 to 1988. The estimates are in logarithmic form and provide elasticity estimates for beef demand (domestic and import) in Hong Kong. Variables in the estimated domestic demand models (per capita and aggregate) include own price, prices of a substitute (pork) and a complement (rice) and income. Variables in the estimated import demand model include demand side variables (price of beef, price of pork, price of rice and income) and the price of imported live cattle as a supply shifting variable. The elasticities were inelastic for the domestic demand models while most of those for the import demand model were elastic.  相似文献   

Microeconomic capital goods theory was utilised to provide a theoretical framework on which a dynamic econometric model was based. Econometric procedures were then employed in an analysis of sheep producers' decision making regarding the annual supplies of wool, lamb and mutton, and annual changes in the inventory levels of sheep, lambs and ewes maintained for breeding purposes. Estimates show that wool prices provide the long-run stimulus for increases and decreases in the sheep flock while mutton and lamb prices are responsible for short-run changes in flock composition. Substitution between sheep and beef cattle is of considerable importance although no significant substitution between sheep and cropping could be found. Seasonal conditions proved to be an important short-run supply shifter, affecting both numbers and composition of the sheep flock.  相似文献   

In May 2003, a beef cow in the Province of Alberta tested positive for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE or mad cow disease). In December of 2003, a dairy cow in the state of Washington also tested positive for BSE. These discoveries disrupted cattle and beef trade in North America and major export markets. We examine the effects of these two North American BSE events on U.S. fed and feeder cattle prices. The results indicate that the demand for U.S. beef was affected to a much greater degree by the reactions of foreign governments to the BSE announcements than by the reactions of U.S. households.  相似文献   

Livestock markets influence income generation for producers, but also accessibility and affordability of highly nutritious animal-sourced foods for consumers. Despite their importance, the functioning of livestock markets in lower-income countries is poorly understood and rarely studied compared to more developed countries. This study analyzes wholesale cattle markets in Ethiopia using a uniquely rich large-scale dataset covering both prices and cattle characteristics in 39 markets (in both highland and lowland areas) over a 10-year period, and hedonic regression models structured to understand both cattle price formation and seasonal and secular price dynamics. We show that cattle prices are influenced by a wide range of factors, including proxies for meat quality, religious fasting practices, climate-based seasonality but also climate shocks and availability of grazing land, competition from animal traction services, and rising consumer incomes. However, the implied effects of these factors are often significantly different in highland mixed crop-livestock areas compared to agro-pastoralist lowland areas, emphasizing the dualistic nature of cattle markets in Ethiopia. The analyses help inform the systemic challenges that Ethiopia will need to overcome to meet rising demand for beef products in the face of sustained income and population growth, as well as the adverse effects of climate change.  相似文献   

This paper tests for segmentation of retail meat markets in Russia before and after the financial crisis of 1998. Using monthly prices of pork and beef in 80 regions of Russia from 1994 to 1999, we measure the short-run response of regional prices to changes in foreign prices and domestic inflation. We find that changes in both foreign prices and domestic inflation have distinct impacts on the prices of these commodities in different Russian cities, indicating that the markets are segmented in the short run. An analysis of the effect of the financial crisis shows that the response to the crisis was mixed, with some regions showing more evidence of segmentation than others.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the determinants of new single-family housing supply in local housing markets in Germany, using construction permits as the dependent variable. The empirical estimations are based on a panel data-set for 413 German counties and cities spanning the time period of 2004–2010. Employing dynamic panel data analysis, the findings suggest that the local ratio of existing home prices to housing construction costs and past local permit rates act as important drivers of new local housing investment. The average long-run price elasticity of new single-family housing supply is considerably less than one, but sizeable differences exist across the urban hierarchy.  相似文献   

We analyze Canadian beef cattle cycles using time‐series properties of four variables: total cattle inventories, beef cow inventories, beef supply, and beef prices. Our aim is to provide up‐to‐date estimates of the duration of the cycles, and to determine whether or not some of the recent market shocks can be associated with changes in the nature of the cycles. Spectral decomposition of the variables reveals 10‐year cycles in total cattle inventories, beef cow inventories, beef supply, and beef prices. Seasonal and annual cycles are also found in beef supply and prices, respectively. Using intervention analysis, exchange rate appreciation, feed price escalation, and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) are modeled as pure jumps. Exchange rate and feed price shocks are modeled as having started in 2002 and 2007, respectively, and persisted up to the end of the sample period, while BSE is modeled as a shift for the period 2003 to 2005. We find significant impacts of the three shocks on total inventories, but beef supply appears to have been impacted by exchange rates and BSE. A spectral comparison of the pre‐ and post‐shock periodograms of beef supply reveals a 58% reduction in the peak amplitude of the beef supply cycle.  相似文献   

In this article, we estimate a model of oligopsony behavior under imperfect monitoring of rival actions to analyze weekly marketing margin data for the U.S. beef packing industry. Oligopsonists are hypothesized to follow a discontinuous pricing strategy in equilibrium, and we focus on shocks in the normal throughput of supply as a potential catalyst for regime switching between cooperative and noncooperative phases. We adopt an algorithm developed by Bellone (2005) that relies on Hamilton’s (1989) multivariate first‐order Markov process to test for the cooperative/noncooperative switching behavior. We find strong evidence that links switching conduct by packers to disruptions in coordinating the derived demands for processed beef with the supply of live cattle. Once switched, cooperative regimes lasted an average of 21 weeks, while noncooperative regimes averaged 33 weeks. The average marketing margin for processed beef was 68% lower in the noncooperative regimes compared to the cooperative regimes. This led to an annual average increase in profits of 408 million dollars to the beef packing industry and about an 8–9% reduction in live cattle prices.  相似文献   

This paper examines the potential impacts of expansions to Canadian cattle slaughter capacity with varying assumptions about the ability to export live cattle to the United States. A synthetic model is calibrated to historic data and then used to gauge the impacts of changing slaughter capacity, commercial grade beef import competition, and export potential for lower quality cuts on the Canadian cattle and beef sector. Expanded slaughter capacity improves fed cattle prices, but cull prices remain below pre-BSE levels. Reduced ability to export lower quality beef and increased import competition from commercial grade beef also further depress cattle prices .
Le présent article examine les répercussions potentielles d'une augmentation de la capacité d'abattage au Canada à l'aide de diverses hypothèses sur la capacité d'exporter des bovins vivants aux États-Unis. Un modèle synthétique est calibré selon les données historiques et utilisé pour évaluer les répercussions qu'une modification de la capacité d'abattage, de la concurrence quant à l'importation de bœuf de qualité commerciale et de l'exportation éventuelle de coupes de viande de qualité inférieure aurait sur le secteur canadien du bœuf. Une capacité d'abattage accrue améliore les prix des bovins finis, mais les prix des animaux de réforme demeurent inférieurs aux niveaux de prix observés avant la découverte de l'ESB. La diminution de la capacité d'exporter du bœuf de qualité inférieure et l'augmentation de la concurrence pour l'importation de bœuf de qualité commerciale contribuent également à faire baisser davantage les prix des bovins .  相似文献   

We use the concept of the elasticity of farm incomes with respect to changes in input prices to analyse the effects of a large increase in relative wages on selected measures of farm incomes. In order to estimate the elasticity of farm incomes we have to estimate elasticities and cross-elasticities of demand and supply for farm labour and capital. The estimates of elasticity of demand for operator and hired labour allow us to calculate the impact of a rise in wages on numbers of farmers and hired labour employed in agriculture.  相似文献   

Agricultural exports are usually assumed to operate in perfectly competitive international markets, but many are subject to non-tariff barriers to trade that can affect the degree of pass-through of exchange rate changes to foreign currency prices. The present study uses multivariate cointegration techniques to examine the effects of exchange rate changes on the prices of Australian exports of milk products, cheese, beef, sheepmeat, and hides and skins. The results indicate that Australian dairy exports operate in competitive markets in which pass-through is complete, but there is no stable long-run relationship between exchange rates and prices for any of the other livestock products.  相似文献   

This paper incorporates a representation of producers' price expectations (ARIMA) in a two-period production process to characterise short-run cattle supply. The model provides a framework for examining the role of biological factors and changing expectations of future cattle prices in generating a negative short-run supply response. The biological link between cattle generations requires the farmer to make a decision between production today and production tomorrow. This decision is based on a trade-off between the possibilities of increasing current profit levels by increasing current output weighted against the possibilities of increased future profit by maintaining animals in inventory under the expectation of future price increases. Application of the model to Canadian data for the period 1978-81 shows that the necessary condition for a negative supply response exists, but that the total supply elasticity remains positive.  相似文献   

It has often been suggested that more stable wool prices would lead to an outward shift in the long-run demand for wool. To assess this claim it is necessary to examine different sources of risk and instability in wool prices and their impact on the risk borne by wool users. A model is presented in which the input and output decisions of a wool processor are related to interactions between the wool and yarn markets. It is concluded that, if fluctuations in final demand or exchange rates are the major sources of instability, the long-run effect of stabilising prices is to increase the risk faced by wool users and reduce that faced by wool growers.  相似文献   

On 30 June 1999, the U.S. Department of Commerce issued a preliminary ruling instructing the U.S. Customs Service to require cash deposits or bonds totaling 4.73% (later increased to 5.57%) of the value of imported Canadian slaughter cattle. In November 1999, the U.S. International Trade Commission issued its final ruling which rescinded the anti‐dumping tariff. If the tariff had been permanently imposed, it would have affected import quantities of Canadian slaughter cattle and U.S. and Canadian slaughter and feeder cattle prices. Excess supply, import demand and price transmission elasticities are estimated and used within a comparative statics framework to estimate the impacts of the tariff had it been permanently imposed. We find that the effects of the tariff would have been small even if offsetting increases in carcass beef imports had not occurred. If offsetting carcass beef imports had occurred, any potential price gains could have been offset by increased logistical costs within the processing sector. Thus, this particular rent‐seeking activity would not have had a significant impact on U.S. cattle prices even if it had been permanently imposed. However, the tariff would have had significant negative effects on Canadian cattle prices. Le 30 juin 1999, le Département du Commerce des États‐Unis obligeait temporairement les douanes américaines à réclamer un dépôt ou une caution équivalant à 4,73 pour cent (portée à 5,57 pour cent par la suite) de la valeur des bovins de boucherie importés du Canada. En novembre de la même année, la Commission du commerce international américaine rendait sa décision finale, qui abrogeait le tarif anti‐dumping. Eût‐il été maintenu, pareil tarif aurait modifié les importations de bovins d'abattage canadiens, ce qui aurait affecté le prix des bovins d'engrais et d'abattage des deux pays. Les auteurs ont éalué l'offre excédentaire, la demande à l'importation et les élasticités du transfert des prix, puis ont recouru à un cadre de comparaison statique afin d'estimer les incidences du tarif, advenant le cas où il aurait étéétabli à demeure. On se rend compte qu'un tel tarif n'aurait guére eu de répercussions, même en freinant la hausse des importations de carcasses de büf. La majoration éventuelle des prix attribuable à la réduction des importations aurait pu être annulée par les coûts logistiques plus élevés des transformateurs. Par conséquent, cette activité de maximisation de la rente n'aurait pas eu d'impact significatif sur le prix des bovins aux États‐Unis. En revanche, l'imposition permanente du tarif aurait sensiblement diminué le prix des bovins au Canada.  相似文献   

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