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基于人力资本差异而形成的团队合作是国际服务外包的典型特征。运用简单的两国模型分析培训成本及人力资本水平对服务外包团队合作决策和收益的影响,研究结果表明:跨国团队的培训成本是国际外包决策的重要影响因素;团队协作成本不同的条件下,培训成本对发包方的收入影响不同;接包国的人力资本水平越高,发包国获得的收入越高,越有动力实施服务外包。  相似文献   

This study reports the results of a factor content analysis of the sources of West Germany's comparative advantage in 1976, 1980 and 1984, using highly disaggregated skill variables. The county is found to be most abundant in certain skilled manual occupations and a very limited number of professional and technical occupations. The results differ markedly from those reported in similar studies for the UK and the US. The importance of intercounty productivity diferences and the implications of using only a subset of the economy, i.e. manufacturing, in the calculations are assessed. While using only a subset of the economy might have been appropriate in the past when services trade was relatively unimportant, this is no longer the case, especially for Germany with its diferent performance in goods and services trade. It is argued that the explanatory power of comparative advantage as a basis for trade among similarly developed countries is much higher than is commonly perceived when human capital is disaggregated into detailed skill categories that allow the recognition of different skill mixes between countries. The use of a disaggregated ‘labour-based’ neoclassical trade theory is advocated.  相似文献   

This study addresses the power relationship between TNCs and their partners in the host region, a question that critically affects regional development in this globalizing world. Site interviews suggest Shanghai’s special standing in China, providing it with stronger power in bargaining with TNCs than any other region in the country. Shanghai has thus gained tremendous benefits in technology transfer and managerial skill improvement. Company studies further reveal that the bargaining relationship between TNCs and local companies differs according to many factors. The level of ownership is determined by competition between both sides in terms of capital strength, technology level and marketing capability. The level of localization is affected by the previous status of the local partner, the size and development of the domestic market and the capability of the local manager. The change of one region’s bargaining power is also related to the power of other (potential) competition regions. The degree of regional economic imbalance between regions within a country tends to be enlarging in the process of global-local interaction mediated by TNCs. — Cette étude concerne les relations de pouvoir entre les entreprises transnationales et leurs partenaires dans la région d’accueil, une question qui affecte de façon critique le développement régional dans un monde qui se globalise. Shangaï a une position spéciale en Chine qui lui donne plus de pouvoirs que n’importe quelle autre région du pays pour négocier avec les entreprises transnationales. Shangaï a donc acquis des avantages importants dans le transfert des technologies et dans le perfectionnement des compétences des cadres. Les études de firmes révèlent que les relations dans les négociations entre les entreprises transnationales et les entreprises locales changent selon de nombreux facteurs. Le niveau de propriété est déterminé par la compétition entre les deux parties quant au pouvoir du capital, au niveau technologique et à la capacité de commercialisation. Le changement des pouvoirs de négociation d’une région est aussi lié au pouvoir des autres régions qui pourraient lui faire concurrence. Le niveau de déséquilibre économique régional entre les régions d’un pays tend à s’accentuer dans le processus d’interaction local-global dont les entreprises transnationales sont le médiateur.  相似文献   

朱艳阳 《物流技术》2005,(9):125-126
分析了跨国公司供应链管理的特点及其几种主要模式:戴尔模式、海尔模式和摩托罗拉模式,论述了跨国公司供应链管理与物流管理的关系,最后从供应方、销售方和公司内部角度对跨国公司的物流策略进行了分析。  相似文献   

本文概述了我国企业海外并购的现状,分析了海外并购过程中人力资本流失的原因,从并购前、并购中和并购后三个方面阐述了对目标企业进行人力资本保护的措施,并提出人力资本向组织资本转化的一些建议.  相似文献   

We introduce firm-specific returns to experience and tenure into a standard two-way fixed effects model, show that they are separately identified under the standard exogenous mobility assumption and with sufficient between firm mobility, and provide a new evidence on heterogeneity of returns to experience and tenure across firms using the administrative data from Brazil over the years 1999–2014. We document that (1) returns to tenure are not strongly related to firm wage premia, (2) returns to experience are strongly negatively correlated with firm wage premia, (3) the relationship between firm wage premium and return to experience is stronger for ‘blue collar’ firms.  相似文献   

This symposium focuses on understanding key territorial‐level innovation trends and processes by country, region and technology. It questions various widely accepted assumptions, offers fresh perspectives, both conceptually and methodologically, and challenges a paradigm shift in the field of innovation and spatial dynamics. It consists of three articles analysing at different scales (urban, regional and national) the territorial dynamics of innovation and their determinants. The innovation process, with local symbiosis and spatial spillovers at its core, is analysed within the conceptual framework of national and regional innovation systems and regional economic development. Based on a discussion of spatial spillovers and the way they shape the evolutionary and symbiotic relationships between local agents and actors, including university, industry and local development agencies, the symposium highlights the relevance of this framework for a better understanding of the transformation of local economic development processes. It investigates the differences in the geography of innovation regarding different institutional settings, different systems of innovation, and different national innovation strategies. While addressing mainly the EU, the US, and emerging countries such as China and India, the contributions also highlight the critical role of current innovation policies from a general perspective. In so doing, the symposium recognizes a contrarian perspective that argues that contemporary information and communication technologies (ICTs) provide a way to leapfrog the dominant role of proximity in innovation processes, creating a complimentary rather than a substitution effect for more remote and peripheral places. That said, this symposium focuses primarily on an urban network view of the innovation process and proximal effects in this context.  相似文献   

国人早已关注到这一现象:一些外国的产品,在我国市场上的销售价格反而低于该产品在生产国本国的销售价格。如日本的富士胶卷和美国的柯达胶卷在我国的售价远远低于其在日本和美国的售价。对这一“胶卷现象”,有人解释是外国生产厂家占领中国市场的惯用手段-早期低价倾销占市场,后期高价赚利润;也有人解释是由于我国民族工业的支柱-乐凯胶卷的价格牵制作用。这些解释当然不无道理。  相似文献   

In this paper, we use a unique matched worker–workplace data set to estimate the effect on own earnings of co‐workers’ education. Our results, using the 1998 GB Workplace Employee Relations Survey, show significant effects. An independent, significantly positive effect from average workplace education is evident; own earnings premia from years of education fall only slightly when controlling for workplace education. This result suggests that the social returns to education are strongly positive – working with colleagues who each had 1.2 years (1 standard deviation) of more education than the average worker, boosts own earnings by 11.1%. An additional year of any single co‐worker's education is worth about 3.2% of an additional own year of education. We also test for interactions between own and co‐worker education levels and for ‘skills incompatibility’ when worker education levels are heterogeneous. The interactions appear negative: own education is not much valued at workplaces where co‐workers’ education levels are already high. There is no evidence that workplace heterogeneity in worker education levels adversely affects own earnings. This result runs counter to theoretical predictions, and suggests that workers compete in tournaments for high‐paying jobs.  相似文献   

Based on recent theoretical developments the argument is made that the average level of human capital is a local public good. Cities with higher average levels of human capital should therefore have higher wages and higher land rents. After conditioning on the characteristics of individual workers and dwellings, this prediction is supported by data for Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSAs) in the United States, where the SMSA average levels of formal education and work experience are used as proxies for the average level of human capital. The alternative explanations of omitted SMSA variables and self-selection are evaluated. An estimate of the effect of an additional year of average education on total factor productivity is computed.  相似文献   

人力资本对西部经济增长的贡献分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文分析了教育、科学技术以及健康对西部经济增长的贡献。认为西部劳动力的平均受教育年限虽处于人力资本对经济增长的贡献最为显著的年限,但西部第一产业比重大,农村劳动力受教育年限远未达到这一水平;西部科技进步贡献率水平很低。另外由于西部技术接受者的素质较低,也阻碍了科技推广的速度和广度;而健康对西部经济增长的贡献率高于全国水平。  相似文献   

This paper assesses the strength of productivity spillovers nonparametrically in a data set of 12 industries and 231 NUTS2 regions in 17 European Union member countries between 1992 and 2006. It devotes particular attention to measuring the catching up through spillovers depending on the technology gap of a unit to the industry leader and the local human capital endowment. We find evidence of a nonlinear relationship between the technology gap to the leader as well as human capital and growth in logs. Spillovers are smallest for units with a medium‐high technology gap to the leader, especially for regions where human capital endowments are low.  相似文献   

The issue of possible non-linearities in the relationship between log wages and schooling has received a good deal of attention in the literature. This paper uses data from a recent, high quality household survey for the Philippines, the 1998 Annual Poverty Indicator Survey (APIS), to test the fit of the log-linear specification for Filipino men. The results are based on a number of estimation strategies, including spline regressions, and semi-parametric regressions with a large number of dummies for years of schooling and experience. The basic conclusions of the paper are two. First, there appear to be large differences between the rates of return to education across levels in the Philippines. In particular, the returns to both primary and secondary education are lower than those for tertiary education, a difference which persists even after correcting for differences in direct private costs across levels. Second, within a given level, the last year of schooling is disproportionately rewarded in terms of higher wages. That is, there are clear sheepskin effects associated with graduation from primary school, secondary school, and university.  相似文献   

技术创新型人力资本持续创新力形成机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业竞争的成败取决于企业技术创新能力,技术创新能力已成为企业核心能力的源泉。作为企业技术创新行为主体的技术创新型人力资本的开发和管理已成为制约我国企业技术创新的主要因素。  相似文献   

本文将公共支出引入一个两部门城市化和内生增长模型,由模型导出的人力资本跨时转移条件方便我们分析经济的过渡动力学行为。数值解结果表明,在物质资本报酬递减的情形下,公共支出的部门间配置由经济过渡动力内在地确定和稳定;如果物质资本表现出某种程度的报酬递增,公共支出的部门间配置将表现出内在不稳定。动力学分析表明,公共支出与经济增长之间存在非线性关系,换言之,存在促进经济增长的最优税率或最优公共支出比例。  相似文献   

上市公司资本结构与企业绩效的实证分析   总被引:55,自引:0,他引:55  
本文应用混合数据采用载面分析与TSCS分析方法,对我国上市公司资本结构与企业绩效的关系进行了实证研究,得出它们之间负相关的结论。  相似文献   

This paper surveys and investigates Swedish firms' use of capital budgeting techniques for foreign direct investments. We document that the use of the theoretically correct net present value method decreases with the political risk in the host country, and that the use of the Payback method increases with the political risk. We conclude that in the presence of capital market imperfections, unsystematic and country-specific political risks are important. Because these risks are difficult to estimate (rendering high deliberation costs) managers are inclined to use simple rules of thumb for their capital budgeting decisions. Our results can partly explain why surveys find that alternative methods such as the Payback method are frequently used despite their theoretical drawbacks.  相似文献   

Specialization and Success: Evidence from Venture Capital   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper examines how organizational structure affects behavior and outcomes, studying the performance of different types of venture capital organizations. We find a strong positive relationship between the degree of specialization by individual venture capitalists at a firm and its success. When the individual investment professionals are highly specialized themselves, the marginal effect of increasing overall firm specialization is much weaker. The poorer performance by generalists appears to be due to both an inefficient allocation of funding across industries and poor selection of investments within industries. Venture capital organizations with more experience tend to outperform those with less experience.  相似文献   

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