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The biotechnology industry is seen as one of the most globalized. It is also an industry dominated by SMEs in most countries. It would be expected then that these biotechnology SMEs themselves would be global in their focus. It is the intent of this research to understand the globalization issues that are encouraging biotechnology companies to go global, whether these companies really are truly global companies, and if not, at which stage of the globalization process these companies are operating. The study is undertaken using secondary quantitative data on all the publicly listed biotechnology companies in Australia that have undertaken some form of internationalization, based on 2003/4 annual reports. The main conclusion from the research is Australian biotechnology companies are still in an immature stage of development in the globalization process. The companies’ market strategies are directed at profitable countries and regions, such as the USA and Europe. This neglects other markets that are more accessible and can provide much needed early income streams. The internationalization effort of Australian biotechnology companies is only partial and could not be considered to be a true globalization effort.  相似文献   

The idea of constructing regional advantage (CRA) has recently been emphasized by scholars as a new way for firms to gain competitiveness in a globalizing learning economy. The rationale behind the idea is that advantages in a regional industry can be constructed by proactive public–private partnership. This article uses, and examines the relevance of, the CRA framework in analysing the development and functioning of the marine biotechnology industry in Tromsø, which is a fairly peripheral region in Norway. Despite the fact that much effort has been put into education and R&D at the University of Tromsø and related research institutes, and the fact that many public policy tools have intended to create a blooming marine biotechnology industry in the area, the results have so far been meagre. This article explains the rather weak results in terms of the number of firms and jobs in the marine biotechnology industry in Tromsø as being due to a lack of synthetic knowledge on how to industrialize research results and little spillover of market knowledge. With regard to more general theoretical lessons linked to the CRA framework, this article argues for seeing the concept of related variety in a broader industrial and geographical sense in peripheral regions.  相似文献   

This study examines factors that may affect innovation strategies and performance of firms in the biotechnology industry. Specifically, differences between factors common to firms with high R&D intensity and those to firms with low R&D intensity are investigated. Biotechnology firms with relatively higher levels of R&D intensity attribute their innovation performance to research-based innovation factors and strategies such as strengthening their own research capabilities, entering into research collaborations with universities, industry leaders and other biotech firms, and licensing their technology. These strategies can be summarized as alignment within the industry. Firms with relatively lower R&D intensity have a hybrid focus—they invest in R&D but may also have products on the market. These firms attribute their innovation performance more so to production-based innovation factors and strategies such as gaining market access and maintaining connections with customers. Their strategy focuses on competitiveness, marketing, and distribution channels, while not ignoring the importance of a strong research base and the need to advance technologically. In a sense, strategies employed to achieve successful innovation reflect the stage of innovation in which a firm is operating for a particular product or process.  相似文献   

吕海平  刘毅 《价值工程》2013,(11):10-11
21世纪是生命科学的时代,生物技术的作用和潜力日益显现,以生物技术为支撑的生物产业,正在成为一个新的最具活力的经济增长点。未来谁拥有生物技术创新优势,谁就能占据生物产业竞争的制高点,掌握未来经济竞争的主动权。河北省生物医药产业基地的建设对于我省的生物产业发展是有重要意义的,本文就对此进行了分析研究。  相似文献   

Countries undergoing the difficult transition from state ownership to market economies have characteristics which are often portrayed by scholars as adverse to the development of SMEs. Others nonetheless suggest that the performance of such firms can be positively influenced by business strategies. To develop a better understanding of the relation between these two seemingly different standpoints, this paper investigates the effects of (1) human capital; (2) administration system for start-ups; (3) financial capital; and (4) intellectual property rights on the emerging biotechnology industry in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland and considers the strategic response of two highly successful dedicated biotechnology firms (DBFs): Bioton in Poland and Fermentas in Lithuania. The results suggest that the decision to implement an internationalization strategy (and alliances with foreign partners) in association with the production of low cost, high quality products can drive the growth dynamics of SMEs.  相似文献   

近年来,物流安全问题引发的社会关注度越来越高。物流安全是一个庞大的系统工程,它涉及物流系统的方方面面,还与社会环境密切相关,其中作为物流行业重要组成部分的快递行业安全更令人堪忧,如何建立快递安全体系以适应行业发展是我国快递行业亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a questionnaire‐based mail survey which was conducted to examine the influence of managerial cognitions on the strategies for biodiversity conservation undertaken by individual companies in the North American biotechnology industry. The study confirmed that managerial issue interpretations and risk propensities were significant influences on organisational actions for biodiversity preservation. More specifically, the biodiversity conservation strategies undertaken by individual companies were influenced by whether or not the managers of these companies interpreted biodiversity conservation as an opportunity or a threat as well as the propensity of these managers to undertake risk on behalf of their companies. This article concludes that opportunity interpretations of biodiversity conservation by managers of biotechnology companies will be translated into proactive environmental responsiveness strategies in uncertain environments only if these managers also exhibit a high risk propensity. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

The demand for innovative and cost-effective products has had considerable impact on the Research and Development (R&D) portfolio of pharmaceutical companies. With the advent of the new enabling technologies, the biotechnology revolution has created a need for a new and more appropriate paradigm for drug development. The progress in the biological understanding of disease processes and related technological developments have been a major step forward for drug discovery. However, the great majority of the biotechnology companies are confronted with the same issues as major pharmaceutical companies in terms of R&D productivity. This article intends to unfold the challenges faced by biotechnology companies involved in drug discovery by managing the complexity, uncertainty and urgency of technology integration through organic, acquisition and partnering strategies have become priorities for biotechnology companies in helping them achieving more efficiency in their pharmaceutical R&D efforts. Such strategies help biotechnology companies apply their technologies across a broad range of applications within the drug discovery value chain to maximize opportunities for product development. Competitive advantage in the marketplace ultimately derives from providing better speed, cost, quality and direction.  相似文献   

‘Environment Friendly’ has become one of the most popular catchphrases of the 1990s and its implications are causing problems for many industries (The Economist, 1991a). The problems and response strategies vary from industry to industry and probably from country to country. In this study attention is focused on the pulp and paper sector in Europe. Pulp and paper is selected because for a long time it has been regarded as one of the most damaging industrial activities (Zavatta, 1988). The increasingly popular desire for a greener environment has exposed three particular problem areas for the pulp and paper industry: the production process; its supply of raw materials; and marketing strategy (Brown, 1991). Technology and consumer demand are the important variables that are dictating how fast, and to what extent the pulp and paper industry can respond and become more environment friendly. Pressures on the pulp and paper industry to improve its environmental performance are shown to emanate from three distinct groups. These environmental pressures have encouraged and are encouraging the industry to adopt new technology to improve both its production processes and the quality of its product. Environmental pressures also, have encouraged the industry, (armed with improved technology), to search for new sources of raw materials. Two of the most important developments have been the more widespread substitution of hardwoods for traditional coniferous softwoods, and the increasing trend towards the recycling of waste paper; wastepaper is now recycled more than any other commodity. Recycling of waste paper has further promoted new layers of industrial activity in the form of collection agencies, international trade and deinking installations. The combined result of all these developments is shown to influence the spatial and structural dynamics of the pulp and paper-industry in Europe.  相似文献   

This paper examines management practices and strategies that are critical to successful commercialisation in the biomedical sector and how these practices and strategies impact upon performance innovation. The paper also details emerging issues and challenges for the biotechnology industry including human resource issues, access to venture capital, the development of basic business capabilities, and efficient and stable supply chain linkages.The research findings are based on data obtained from an action research methodology where 14 representatives of the biomedical sector were active participants. The qualitative data was analysed using a multiple cross-case analysis technique that explores the underpinning determinants of performance innovation in the industry. The research study identifies high-performance work practices and critical success factors to accelerate the ‘Innovation Cycle’ from idea to market. The paper concludes that managers in the biomedical industry need to acquire new business acumen skills to maintain a competitive advantage in a fiercely competitive global market. Organisations are recognising that knowledge workers with the requisite skills and expertise are critical to improving innovation performance.  相似文献   

随着物流行业的发展及壮大,人们逐步转变观念,将以往处于从属地位的物流服务业上升到一个新的市场战略高度。文章对通过改善物流环境来促进营销作一定的论述,将作为营销后续服务的传统物流运输业提升至与营销同等位置的市场战略高度  相似文献   

随着物流行业的发展及壮大,人们逐步转变观念,将以往处于从属地位的物流服务业上升到一个新的市场战略高度。文章对通过改善物流环境来促进营销作一定的论述,将作为营销后续服务的传统物流运输业提升至与营销同等位置的市场战略高度。  相似文献   

白永宏 《价值工程》2012,31(20):185-186
本文在解释生物产业竞争力概念的基础上,分析了我国目前生物产业发展的现状和存在的问题,根据生物产业的特性,在依据波特的产业竞争理论的基础上,分析了生物产业竞争力的决定因素,同时分析了我国在生物产业发展的现状与不足,提出了具体的经济战略及措施。  相似文献   

河南承接国际国内产业转移的对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前国际产业转移和我国东部地区产业向中西部转移的进程进一步加快,河南要抓住历史新机遇,在承接产业转移中实现科学发展。一是审时度势,把握承接产业转移的战略和策略;二是发挥比较优势,因地制宜承接国际国内产业转移;三是扩大开放领域,提升产业转移的层次;四是拓展融资渠道,创新融资方式;五是加强开发园区和产业集群建设,发挥增长极的辐射带动力;六是加强组织协调与政策引导,切实改善投资环境。  相似文献   

唐锋波 《价值工程》2012,31(21):6-7
生物技术的发展前景广阔。根据预测,在未来的2020年,56项和人类社会发展息息相关的重要技术中,其中生物技术就有26项。生物产业的发展已经成为了一种驱动力,促进着新的产业革命的进行,其影响远比前三次的科学技术革命深刻,因此,本文对于生物产业竞争力的研究,对推动我国生物产业的发展意义重大。  相似文献   

The main objective of the article is to put forward a broader resource-based view, outlining the influence exercised by the ‘internal environment’on the conception and implementation of teamworking strategies in two multinational automobile companies. While the influence of various external contingent factors — industry, product, technological environment — is often considered in the literature, the role of a firm's internal resources is mostly neglected. the publicity of greenfield-site teamwork arrangements and the concurrent lack of ‘grounded’research has nurtured the idea that within the same industry environment, a best model of teamwork can be identified. One implication of the resource-based view presented here is that a best model of teamwork may have little relevance for many established companies, where the choice to embrace such a model does not exist. the article analyses companies’approaches to accommodating business policy objectives within their existing structural and historical constraints, including traditional modes of control, management style, and company culture. the article thus identifies firm-specific rather than nation-specific variations within the same industry environment.  相似文献   

在过去的20年中,无论是在信息化时代、互联网时代还是数字化时代,新技术作为产业变革的新动能,都能让行业为之触动。5G时代即将来临,诞生的新事物——电子商务行业又将发生何种变化?对于电子商务专业建设又应该如何应对与变革?目前,中国已经开始将5G技术应用于经济生活中的方方面面,无论是5G技术的牌照发放,还是5G网络的建设,都是备受关注的,以往生活的众多需要将在移动互联时代出现更多的变化和令人欢喜的成果。  相似文献   

The expansion of Japanese FDI into the UK manufacturing sector during the 1980s and early 1990s gave rise to the debate on the Japanization of British industry. The paper argues that this debate was constructed from a Western perspective. It did not locate the strategies and structures of Japanese subsidiaries within the broader context of how Japanese multinational corporations were evolving in this period. The necessity to look at these issues from a more global perspective is reinforced by the changes which have occurred since the mid 1990s in the environment for Japanese multinationals. The global economy offers more choices to firms about their location as well as facing them with a more competitive environment. In the Japanese case, this is leading to a growing differentiation between standardized mass production (which can be located in Asia and Eastern Europe) and science–led sectors of industrial production (which necessitate location near to centres of research and development expertise in the USA and Europe). This means that Japanese firms are reconsidering the strategy and structure of their subsidiaries in the UK. Standardized mass production will only survive in the UK as long as costs can be pushed further down and productivity increased, both of which are difficult conditions to meet given possibilities elsewhere in the world for cheap mass production. The growing area of investment will be in science–based manufacturing, though here the UK will be competing against the USA and Germany for Japanese investment. Here, however, the organizational and management characteristics of Japanese subsidiaries will make the necessary connections with local managers and local networks of expertise difficult to achieve. Thus Japanese subsidiaries in the UK are in a period of prolonged uncertainty about their role in the future. These changes open up the necessity for a new agenda of research which goes beyond the Japanization approach and is concerned with the organization and management of Japanese multinationals in an era of global competition.  相似文献   

Do Firms Learn from Alliance Terminations? An Empirical Examination   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, drawing from the learning from failure perspective, we argue that firms that have experienced prior terminations are less likely to have their future alliance terminated. Our key argument is that prior terminations will enable firms to design better alliances and adopt more appropriate alliance management strategies to avoid future terminations. We also suggest a more nuanced view of learning by hypothesizing that termination experience will mediate the relationship between alliance formation experience and likelihood of termination. We used the case–control methodology to select a sample of 198 alliances (consisting of 99 terminations and an equal number of surviving alliances) from the global biotechnology industry, and deployed logistic regression analysis to test the hypotheses in a multivariate setting. Our analysis strongly supports both hypotheses.  相似文献   

The role of the government has rarely been examined in the previous literature on Disruptive Innovation (DI). We present a case study of how government shaped the development trajectory of a DI through both promotional and restrictive policies in the emergence of the electric bike (E-bike) industry in China. We also show how the distinctive nature of DI influenced the strategies of the E-bike firms and how the industry and the institutional environment co-evolved in the process. We believe our study has practical implications for policy makers in making catching-up strategies as well as strategies about the pollution prevention industry and the new energy automobile industry in transition economies.  相似文献   

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