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This paper examines audit costs for government business enterprises in various Australian jurisdictions, focusing on whether contracting private-sector suppliers induces competitive pricing and hence lower-priced audits. One jurisdiction (New South Wales) is shown to have low levels of contracting-out. It is argued that this lowers price competition and therefore, we predict, audit costs in NSW will be higher than elsewhere in Australia. An empirical comparison shows that, controlling for other factors, NSW is statistically significantly more expensive than other Australian jurisdictions. Alternative explanations relating to variation in audit quality, jurisdiction differences and relative cost are also discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigates the association between the source of funding of New Zealand public‐sector entities (PSEs) and the existence and composition of their audit committees. We examine 134 PSEs in the health, local government and tertiary sectors. Of these PSEs, 81 (60%) have an audit committee. The size of the audit committees are on average larger than recommended by best practice guidelines. However, most of the PSEs comply with guidelines recommended for audit committee independence but not financial expertise. PSEs with higher levels of government funding are more likely to establish audit committees and PSEs that rely on funding from rate payers and debt providers are more likely to have audit committees with a majority of independent members. There is no support for the association between the source of funding and the level of financial expertise on audit committees.  相似文献   

Recent developments in the professional accounting market and by the New South Wales legal profession indicate increasing pressure to consider multi-disciplinary professional practice in some form or other. Two of the Big Six accountants have launched new legal firms. In NSW, legislation has been amended to permit solicitors and other professionals, for the first time in Australia, to share their income. Australian legal and accounting professionals must seriously consider whether, and how, to facilitate the formation of multi-disciplinary partnerships (MDPs) where members of different disciplines combine to service clients' needs and share commercial profits.  相似文献   

Financial sustainability in local government remains a pressing problem which has seen a host of public policy interventions, including compulsory consolidation and performance monitoring through financial sustainability ratios. In September 2014, the New South Wales (NSW) Government announced a reform program centred on increasing scale in local government to make councils ‘fit for the future’. We apply factor analysis to the financial ratios informing the NSW Government's reform initiative to identify the underlying factors for observed financial performance data. We find evidence indicating that three independent underlying factors account for the adopted measures of financial sustainability. The public policy implication arising from this study suggests that the reforms imposed by the NSW Government on NSW municipalities may only meet with limited successa.  相似文献   

R. G. Walker 《Abacus》2004,40(2):157-192
Since the 1940s, advocacy of the establishment of audit committees was undertaken by regulatory agencies, and subsequently by the accounting profession, and committees representing combinations of interest groups. Over time, this advocacy literature has reflected changing views about the key responsibilities of audit committees. Initially, audit committees were primarily concerned with negotiations with (or responding to) auditors, and reviewing financial statements prior to publication. Since the 1970s, formal guidelines or requirements have suggested additional responsibilities that involve oversight of the internal management of corporations. There is a pattern of renewed enthusiasm for enhanced corporate governance and for a stronger role for audit committees following spates of corporate crashes or disasters. Nevertheless, some of the lessons from those events continue to be ignored, so that arguably there are gaps in contemporary guidelines on audit committees. These gaps concern the need for audit committees to review the structure and design of delegations, and the adequacy of financial and operational information being provided to senior management and boards (particularly concerning subsidiaries and associated entities). These gaps are also reflected in the charters of the audit committees of Australia's top 200 listed entities. However, in some respects, Australian practice has gone beyond the recommendations embodied in recent guidelines. Drawing from literature and practice, this article proposes a model charter which, if adopted, may contribute to improvements in the effectiveness of audit committees.  相似文献   

Across the developed world, including Australia, public policymaking now rests heavily on commissioned reports generated by for‐profit consultants, contrasting starkly with the earlier customary reliance on the civil service to provide informed policy advice to political decision makers. Dependence on commercial consultants is problematic, especially given the moral hazards involved in ‘hired guns’ providing support for policy ‘solutions’ desired by their political paymasters. This paper provides a vivid illustration of some of the dangers flowing from the use of consultants by examining the methodology employed by KPMG in its empirical analysis of the pecuniary consequences of proposed municipal mergers as part of the New South Wales’ (NSW) Government's Fit for the Future local government reform program. We show that the KPMG (2016) modelling methodology is awash with errors which render its conclusions on the financial viability of the NSW merger proposals fatally flawed.  相似文献   

The United States' Governmental Accounting Standards Board has fostered the development of reports on "service efforts and accomplishments". The SEAs framework for classifying performance indicators and providing accompanying contextual data and interpretative commentary was adopted in New South Wales, but developed through its application on a "whole of government" basis and the adoption of distinctions between "program outcomes" and "community outcomes". The whole-of-government approach has the potential to provide a more consistent track record of public-sector performance in the face of departmental restructuring or the shifting of programs or subprograms between agencies.  相似文献   

Public policy based on numerical indicators – a form of ‘public management by numbers’ – has become commonplace across the world. Whereas a good deal is known about the deleterious effects of this type of policymaking – including ratcheting, output distortion and ‘gaming’ – unfortunately little attention has focused on the adverse local government policy consequences of inconsistent depreciation accruals by local authorities. This paper seeks to address this gap in the empirical literature on local government performance. After examining the use of accounting data by local government policymakers, the paper reviews available empirical evidence of inconsistent depreciation practice both in Australia and abroad. We then consider the recent New South Wales (NSW) Independent Local Government Review Panel's use of accounting ratios as supporting evidence for boundary change in local government as a case study of the adverse impact of inconsistent depreciation practice. The NSW experience clearly demonstrates the distortionary effects of empirical evidence resulting from significant variation in depreciation accruals by individual local councils. The paper concludes with an assessment of the options available to local government policymakers wishing to obtain more accurate accounting accrual data for policy formulation purposes.  相似文献   

The United States' Governmental Accounting Standards Board has fostered the development of reports on "service efforts and accomplishments". The SEAs framework for classifying performance indicators and providing accompanying contextual data and interpretative commentary was adopted in New South Wales, but developed through its application on a "whole of government" basis and the adoption of distinctions between "program outcomes" and "community outcomes". The whole-of-government approach has the potential to provide a more consistent track record of public-sector performance in the face of departmental restructuring or the shifting of programs or subprograms between agencies.  相似文献   

This study examines the association between the quality of audit committees on financial reporting quality and external audit fees in an environment where the formation of audit committees was unregulated. The study uses a sample of 87 New Zealand firms in 2001 when no regulations or listing rules existed for audit committees. The results show no significant association between the quality of an audit committee and the quality of financial reporting. These results are robust to alternative measures of earnings quality. Similarly, the quality of audit committees has little impact on the level of fees paid to external auditors. The results suggest that the benefits of ‘best practice’ audit committees may be less than anticipated by regulators and policymakers.  相似文献   

The paper reports the results of a study of Australia's largest 250 companies' audit committees in two years (1998 and 2001). The audit committees were scrutinised on the bases of audit committee independence and the frequency of meetings. Australia's audit committees did not score highly on either criterion and most companies fell short of best practice guidelines. Further, it was puzzling and of concern that Australian audit committees appear to have deteriorated in terms of independence and frequency of meetings between 1998 and 2001.  相似文献   

This research addressed the questions: do audit committees (AC) in Victorian local government function effectively? Qualitative and quantitative data were collected to measure the perceptions, attitudes and perspectives of mayors, chief executives and chairs of the AC. The results were compared with perceptions of committee members of the Local Government and Shires Association of New South Wales and board members of the Municipal Association of Victoria as the representative bodies of local government in New South Wales and Victoria. There was a similarity of views in relation to: (1) inputs of an AC; (2) the behavioural nuances of the rigour of debate, trust and effective communications; and (3) the relationships with councillors and management. Limitations to effectiveness included: (1) attraction and retention of members; (2) the variability of expertise and the skills of the members; (3) continuing professional development for members; (4) ‘gaming’ behaviours; (5) power games associated with the appointment process; and (6) domination of the AC by members or management. The suggested way forward is the reinforcement of a strong governance culture in local government and an effective AC providing oversight of compliance, governance, internal control and risk processes.  相似文献   

This study investigates demand and supply characteristics associated with firms that voluntarily established audit committees meeting ‘best practice’ membership guidelines. We focus on a set of best practice criteria rather than on the separate elements of the best practice criteria as in past studies. We conduct our tests using a sample of New Zealand listed companies that, relative to firms in other capital markets, are smaller and have more concentrated ownership. This setting differs from prior research because we expect the costs of voluntarily achieving best practice to be reasonably high. The results show that demand factors are not significantly related to the presence of an audit committee that conforms with best practice membership guidelines. However, supply factors (i.e. those firms with larger and more independent boards) are more likely to form audit committees that meet best practice. These results suggest that compliance costs will be greater for firms with smaller and less independent boards of directors if they are required to comply with best practice requirements.  相似文献   

Using a qualitative research paradigm, this study examines audit committee effectiveness from the perspective of audit committee members of New Zealand listed companies. The findings reveal that audit committee members perform a range of overlapping tasks and justify their existence in their audit committees by fulfilling the ‘expectations’ that are placed on them. Many quantitative research studies have examined the association between different dimensions of audit committee inputs and financial reporting outputs. The empirical evidence, however, is mixed and remains far from conclusive (Bédard and Gendron 2010). One of the primary reasons for the inconsistent findings is the lack of understanding of the actual process by which audit committees perform their responsibilities. Using a qualitative research paradigm, this study examines audit committee activities, processes and effectiveness from the perspective of audit committee members of New Zealand listed companies. The study argues that performing audit committee duties is an intended process, whereby audit committee members justify their actions and the effectiveness of their audit committees. The paper contributes to the limited literature on how audit committees operate and, by doing so, provides possible explanations for the inconsistent findings of the quantitative audit committee research. In particular, the paper invites further discussion on whether audit committee members can be (or should be assumed to be) independent when discharging their role of overseeing auditing and financial reporting‐related matters.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship of career anchors and work‐related barriers to career progression for female CPA members working in the New South Wales (NSW) and Western Australian (WA) state public sector. Results of regression analysis found technical functional competence, managerial competence, security and pure challenge career anchors to be significant and related to career progression in WA. Additionally the security and lifestyle career anchors were significant in NSW. Work‐related barriers were found to be significant and negatively related to career progression. These findings suggest alternative strategies to improve career outcomes for women working in the state public sector.  相似文献   

A review of reporting practices in 1998 suggested that New South Wales universities were systematically breaching requirements for the publication of budgets in their annual reports, since the coverage of published budget documents did not encompass all financial transactions reported in financial statements. A government funding agency has required universities to present operating statements in a standard format. But the definitions used in these instructions lead to understatement of spending on administration by not counting expenditure incurred in faculties, schools or departments. It is argued that the combination of reporting practices based on government instructions and the failure of NSW universities to comply with state legislation has led to the production of accounts which are of limited usefulness to key stakeholders.  相似文献   

Despite New Zealans public-sector reformers' claims that financial reporting changes promote competitive neutrality and improved accountability and transparency, privatisation-favouring "incentives" were designed into the system at a hidden detailed level. That distorted system has been encompassed within the accounting profession's standard-setting activities through standard-setters' erroneous claims, in Australia and New Zealand, that the accounting profession's conceptual framework and accounting standards are sector-neutral. These claims help to conceal the fact that the public-sector financial management system has been designed to be partial, with its incentives structured to erode the public sector and favour privatisation.  相似文献   

Despite New Zealans public-sector reformers' claims that financial reporting changes promote competitive neutrality and improved accountability and transparency, privatisation-favouring "incentives" were designed into the system at a hidden detailed level. That distorted system has been encompassed within the accounting profession's standard-setting activities through standard-setters' erroneous claims, in Australia and New Zealand, that the accounting profession's conceptual framework and accounting standards are sector-neutral. These claims help to conceal the fact that the public-sector financial management system has been designed to be partial, with its incentives structured to erode the public sector and favour privatisation.  相似文献   

This paper first investigates the impact of New Public Management (NPM) practices, particularly competitive grant funding, on Bushcare New South Wales (NSW), an Australian environmental volunteering organisation. Secondly, identifying such local volunteering organisations as repositories of valuable social capital, it explores the link between volunteering and social capital. Using mixed methods and institutional theory, the study reveals that an increased level of professionalism and accountability is required of Bushcare groups, and that local coordinators face a challenge in balancing local, regional and national priorities without sacrificing Bushcare's mission. These dynamics, it is proposed, have potentially serious social capital implications.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explain how William Bassett Chinnery, who was appointed Agent for New South Wales on 1 May 1787, was enabled to embezzle more than £80,000 of Treasury funds prior to his dismissal on 17 March 1812. In this chronicle attention is concentrated on Chinnery's duties and peculation rather than his private life and his love of music which has been exposed elsewhere ( Yim, 2004 ). Attention is paid to accounting and control systems used at the British Treasury and the function and operation of the Audit Office which was established in 1785. In conclusion, it is argued that Chinnery was able to avoid detection because contemporary charge and discharge reporting, cash control and auditing were inadequate.  相似文献   

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