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第一章总则第一条本会是中国共产党领导下,进行城市科学研究的群众性学术团体,是城市开发和治理的咨询机构。第二条本会宗旨是,适应我国经济、社会、科学技术发展的需要,组织和推动各有关学科的专家、学者和实际工作者对城市进行综合性研究,逐步创建有中国特色的社会主义城市科学体系,为社会主义现代化建设服务。  相似文献   

第一章总则 第一条本会全称为中国城市科学研究会(以下简称本会). 英文名称为Chinese Society for Urban Studies,缩写为CSUS.  相似文献   

[本刊讯 ]由中国城市科学研究会主持召开的城市形象建设研讨会于 2 0 0 0年 6月 13— 15日在京召开。来自全国各地的 70多位代表到会。会议聘请国务院发展研究中心、清华大学、北京大学、中国城市规划设计研究院等单位的专家为代表们作专题报告。天津市规划局、河北省形象办、昆明理工大学、邯郸市城市科学研究会等单位代表介绍了本地城市形象建设所取得的成就及教训。中国城市科学研究会副理事长兼秘书长张启成主持了开幕式。中国城市科学研究会理事长周干峙院士出席开幕式并讲话。干峙同志指出 ,城市形象建设必须实事求是、量力而行 ,避免…  相似文献   

一、学术研讨: 1.两个根本转变与城市发展学术研讨会(北京)4月 2.1996—2010年中国城市发展战略研讨会10月 3.城市人类居往环境建设研讨会(北京)5月 4.城市实体概念及其运用研讨会(北京)9月 5.城市环境综合治理研讨会(小城市委员会)(嘉峪关)6月  相似文献   

五年来,在第二届理事会全体理事和各有关方面的关心支持下,通过广大城市科学工作者的努力,我们在国内外学术交流、科普教育、组织建设和编辑出版等方面都做了不少工作,取得了一定的成绩。1991年8月在太原召开的二届一次理事会议和1994年1月在北京召开的二届三次常务理事会议上,曾向各位理事和代表分别作了阶段性工作汇报。这里我再简要作一综述,请大家审议。  相似文献   

中国城市科学研究会紧紧围绕携手建设创新型国家的主题,根据自身特点和实际情况,认真组织开展了科普进社区:推广绿色建筑,促进节能减排活动。一、  相似文献   

〔本刊讯〕 牡丹市城市科学研究会于2 0 0 1年 7月 1 9日在牡丹江市成立。中国城市科学研究会办公室主任金星、黑龙江省城市科学研究会秘书长高大勇到会祝贺。出席会议的还有黑龙江省城市科学研究会副秘书长万友莲、牡丹江市人民政府副市长靖殿元、市建委主任黎景修、市房产局局长祖希宁、市公用局局长罗柱石、市科协主席倪汉民、市建委总工程师孙铁东等。会议收到《城市发展研究》杂志社和哈尔滨、佳木斯、大庆、伊春、北安等 5市城市科学研究会发来的贺电。牡丹江市城市科学研究会第一届会员代表大会会议期间 ,与会代表认真听取了城市科…  相似文献   

一个穷人用从社会福利部门领到的100元钱,买了50双拖鞋,拿到地摊上,每双卖3元,一共得到了150元。另一个人也很穷,每个月也要从社会福利部门领取100元生活补贴,全部用来买大米和油盐。同样是100元,前一个100元通过经营增值了,成为资本,后一个100元在价值上没有任何改变,只不过是  相似文献   

万里东风在神州荡漾 ,科学殿堂瑞气呈祥。中国城市科学研究会 ,改革开放浪潮中诞生成长。二十年开拓前进 ,二十年成就辉煌。她是城市科学工作者的家园 ,她是城市领导者的智囊。她是联系国内外专家的纽带 ,她是沟通政府与百姓的桥梁。探索城市发展的规律 ,咨询参谋 ,服务四方。新的时代 ,新的使命 ,新的挑战 ,新的期望。城市科学大发展 ,为推进中国特色城市化贡献力量中国城市科学研究会之歌(歌词)@史善新  相似文献   

蒋锡培 《经营者》2005,(6):18-18
在大的环境下,时间、环境条件、企业的整体状况是决定企业发展的关键。远东集团每一次的变化都是按照经济规则、市场规则以及当时的情况来决定的。也许5年前,10年前做的事情现在看还是非常适合适宜的,有时候我们并不是按照时间的顺序来运作的。  相似文献   

Drawing on survey evidence, this paper explores the quality of information and consultation at European works councils and developments in the support infrastructure available to representatives. The paper highlights that European works councils are an institution in process. As such, wide‐ranging developments have been implemented to improve their performance, but many of these will have to be extended in coverage if European work councils are to be exploited to better effect by labour.  相似文献   

The underlying “architecture of the decision to pursue a degree in psychology was quantified using the Method of Sorting technique to identifying the critical issues necessary to make this choice. Multidimentsional scaling procedures were employed to construct a three-dimensional map representing the relationships between reasons for selecting psychology as a major. Freshman and senior psychology majors (N = 165) from a regional university and a large research-based institution rated the relative importance of items in their decision-making process. Hierarchical clustering procedures revealed seven different groups of students. Although significant differences associated with class standing were not found, institutional affiliation did influence cluster composition. Reflecting local emphases, students at the regional institution had a greater interest in Counseling Psychology, whereas those at the research-based school focused on Clinical Psychology. This semantic map and the associated item clusters arising from psychology student data provides an empirical basis for, amongst other things, course selection, faculty-initiated program design or revision, strategic niche marketing, and student retention.  相似文献   

Abstract . Why have worthy social reforms in general, and Henry George's 100-year-old proposal to end land speculation and land monopoly, in particular, taken so long to win acceptance? The sociology of knowledge, framed by Mannheim and others, offers fresh insight into the question. The newer concepts of time horizon and its variants-time frame and temporal calibration-examined by Edward Banfield, Paul Fraisse and others, take it further. Seen and discussed by Locke, Hobbes and Hume without being given names, the new concepts have only recently been singled out for closer study. Time horizon, as a human variable, clarifies why Utopian ideas are originally acceptable to few, and isolates factors that determine the rate at which those ideas become realistic. Thus it helps establish how best to speed that transition.  相似文献   

英国失业率的迅速升高和信贷持续紧缩并未令楼市跌入低谷,反而渐从疲态中走出,缘由何在?楼市会由出人意料进而演变成反弹吗?  相似文献   

随着医疗服务市场竞争日趋激烈,医院能否适时调整管理策略,关系到医院的生存和发展。为此,医院管理者应在加强医疗质量和经济管理的同时,关注医院的品牌效应,正确运用品牌营销策略使医院在竞争中立于不败之地。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the determinants of the Confucius Institute (CI) establishment. It is shown that FDI, trade, geographical distance, developing country, and English speaking are important factors whereas GDP and population are marginally significant. Overall, CIs are under-represented in a non-English, distant, less wealthy developing country that trades infrequently with China. The results suggest that the CI network will have greater global impacts when new or more CIs are established in non-English speaking developing countries. However, potential mutual benefits between China and these under-representing countries should be preconditions in order to attract CIs in the countries.  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》2020,44(4):5-8
  • ▀ The coronavirus lockdown caused UK savings to surge. We think the household saving ratio will average over 15% in 2020 - almost twice its long-run average - while the corporate sector is likely to run a hefty financial surplus.
  • ▀ Evidence suggests that economic shocks usually push up the desire to save, to the detriment of growth. But the uniqueness of the Covid crisis and its aftereffects could limit the extent of the private sector's increased prudence.
  • ▀ Scarred by recent events, consumers may remain thriftier as normality returns. But the short duration of the economic contraction and the windfall nature of lockdown savings mean any long-term rise in savings rates could be modest.
  • ▀ Meanwhile, post-pandemic, a more cautious attitude to investment and efforts to repair balance sheets suggest higher saving by firms. But the prospect of weak corporate profit growth will, in our view, offset those forces.

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