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创新创业政策是支撑我国经济发展新动能的重要引擎。以我国创新创业系统为研究对象,创新性地构建了包含科技投入、教育投入、人才支持、创业孵化、平台建设和税收优惠6个政策工具在内的创新创业政策评价指标体系,运用DEA和Malmquist指数法分析了2014-2016年创新创业政策对区域高新技术企业及创业企业的支撑效率。结果表明:研究期内,我国创新创业政策对区域新动能的支撑效率总体较高,但是地区间的政策落实效果略有差距,各省市呈现较大程度的不平衡特征。深入挖掘发现,部分地区暂未形成规模效应,在资金配置结构、人才利用效率、税收优惠额度、政策绩效产出等方面存在较大改进空间。与此同时,技术进步对全要素生产率的贡献度有待进一步提升。据此,提出推进区域协同创新发展、完善创新创业政策体系、消除技术进步制约因素、强化企业创新主体地位等政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper sets out to address a gap in the empirical literature on the importance of ‘low-capability’ innovation for firms. The study is framed around discussion of the conceptual bias that remains in policy and academic literature towards a narrow subset of technological (product or process) innovation labelled ‘high-capability’ innovation in this paper. The paper argues that this bias influences the public and business community's understanding of the term ‘innovation’ and has implications for innovation measurement, research, policy and strategy. The study uses data from an economy-wide, regional innovation survey based on the Oslo manual, and includes 648 innovative firms covering all industry sectors. The paper combines elements of both subject and object approaches to innovation measurement, using data from an open-ended survey question to explore the alignment between what firms report as their ‘most important innovation’ (MII) and firm capabilities for introducing ‘high-capability’ technological innovation. Results show that a substantial share of firms report an MII that is a ‘low-capability’ innovation, including those firms with high R&D intensity, those with novel technological innovation, and firms in more innovative sectors of manufacturing and knowledge intensive business services. The paper discusses the implications of this result for future innovation measurement and research.  相似文献   

This article identifies and articulates the foundations of the theoretical approach of the new book ‘Soft innovation: Economics, product aesthetics and the creative industries’ by Professor Paul Stoneman. This book is likely to open a new research area within the economics of innovation. The source of economic growth and prosperity is technological change and the economics of innovation to date has mainly focused on technological approaches to innovation. However, the development of the technological base of product and process can explain only a part of economic growth as soft innovation represents a relevant additional source of economic development that has received little attention so far. The source of a unified economic approach for soft innovation relies on Lancaster's theory of consumer behaviour coupled with the variety approach, innovation in services and the economics of knowledge. It appears as though industry structures favouring the successive emergence of new variants are characterised by soft innovations.  相似文献   

基础研究可以为企业带来大量新颖性知识,是企业提升原始创新能力、构建竞争优势的重要支撑。基于知识理论,分析企业基础研究广度和深度对技术创新绩效的影响,并考察企业桥接科学家的中介作用及知识整合能力的调节效应。在此基础上,利用2009—2019年科学导向型中国生物制药行业80家企业专利申请和SCI论文发表数据进行实证检验。结果表明:企业基础研究广度对技术创新绩效具有正向影响,而基础研究深度与技术创新绩效之间呈现倒U型关系;企业桥接科学家在基础研究广度、深度与技术创新绩效之间发挥部分中介作用。同时,企业技术知识整合能力可以强化基础研究广度与技术创新绩效间的正向关系,削弱基础研究深度与技术创新绩效间的倒U型关系。  相似文献   

我国高校科技创新政策与科研结构不协调问题影响了高校创新绩效。基于2004—2019年中国内地27个省份高校面板数据,运用路径模型、分位数回归模型和双向固定效应模型,探究创新政策与科研结构对高校科技创新绩效的影响。结果表明,高校创新政策与科研结构对创新绩效具有正向影响。结合科研产出与成果转化两个阶段,创新政策能够显著促进科研产出绩效提升,但对科技成果转化绩效的影响表现出一定的非线性特征。其中,创新政策对科技成果转化绩效具有负向影响,而科研产出绩效在两者之间发挥中介作用,说明存在一定程度的科技成果隐性转化。科研结构对创新绩效的推动作用存在分异,集中作用于科研产出阶段,说明教学与科研之间的一致性和竞争性依然存在。据此,提出应进一步发挥创新政策对科技成果转化目标的正向引导作用,在政策层面关注科技成果隐性转化,强化科研方向转移与创新要素配置的作用。  相似文献   

创新是提高综合国力和国家竞争力的重要方式,我国各级政府均高度重视并出台系列政策推动创新驱动发展。四川省承担着西部地区转型探索的重任,为全国全面创新改革试验区建设贡献了宝贵经验。从政策文本分析视角,构建政策工具—企业生命周期二维分析框架,借助NVIVO11和UCINET等软件对2012-2020年四川省颁布的82份创新政策文件进行政策内容量化分析,研究发现四川省对创新给予了全方位激励和规制,但仍然存在一些问题:政策发布数量呈现平稳到快速增长再到缓慢回落的趋势,政策效力偏低且可操作性不强;政策颁布主体虽呈现多元化态势但联系不够紧密,形成两个小群体,即以科技厅、财政厅、发改委为代表的执行主体,以及省人民政府办公厅、省委办公厅为代表的规划主体;政策工具应用存在过溢或缺失,呈现重供给、轻需求的工具偏好,政策工具作用目标取向模糊;工具应用与创新主体生命周期不匹配,工具内部结构分布不均衡。  相似文献   

为了厘清政策支持对技术创业成功的作用机制,将创业激情作为中介变量、政策感知作为调节变量,构建政策支持影响技术创业成功的理论模型,并结合云南地区291家技术创业企业数据开展实证研究。结果表明:政策支持促进技术创业成功;政策支持通过激发技术创业者创业激情进而促进技术创业成功;政策感知强化政策支持对技术创业成功的正向影响,同时增强政策支持对创业激情的正向影响,对创业激情的中介过程具有调节作用,即在不同水平政策感知下,创业激情的中介效用存在明显差异。  相似文献   

借助科技和金融结合试点政策“准自然实验”,基于2004—2019年中国内地地级市面板数据,使用双重差分法评估科技和金融结合试点政策对绿色创新的影响。研究发现,试点政策显著促进绿色创新发展,且随着试点政策的不断推进,这种促进作用呈现持续增强的动态演化规律。机制研究结果表明,试点政策对绿色创新的促进作用通过拓展公共科技金融资源和市场科技金融资源得以实现。异质性研究结果表明,创新资源投入越丰富、创新能力越强的城市,这种促进作用越显著。试点政策不仅有助于提升城市绿色创新水平,还有利于提高绿色全要素生产率。研究结论可为试点政策的进一步推广提供有效支撑,并为城市绿色发展提供重要启示。  相似文献   

科技创新人才是城市提升创新能力的核心资源,是科技进步的关键要素。科技创新人才政策作为城市争夺人才的工具,被各个城市广泛采纳和使用。以161个城市为研究对象,运用事件史分析方法,探寻城市科技创新人才政策扩散的动力因素并进行时空差异分析。研究发现,城市科技创新人才政策扩散具有双重动力因素:在需求拉动因素中,经济发展水平和财政收入是影响城市科技创新人才政策扩散的主要因素;在压力推动因素中,行政指令、府际竞争和社会舆论显著影响城市科技创新人才政策扩散;在政策扩散平稳增长期,双重动力因素共同作用于政策扩散过程,而在政策扩散加速和减速增长期,城市科技创新人才政策扩散动力因素存在差异;在东、中部地区,压力推动因素占据主导,而在西部地区,双重动力因素都发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

军民融合企业发展对制度环境具有高度依赖性,政府支持和引导对企业创新行为具有重要作用。政策目标是政策工具实施效果的评判基准,并且导致政策工具发挥不同作用。利用国泰安数据库213家军民融合板块上市公司2008—2016年非平衡面板数据,对产业扶持和技术创新型创新补贴政策对企业研发投入的影响进行理论分析和实证检验。研究发现,产业扶持型补贴对于国有企业的研发投入具有显著促进作用;技术创新型补贴政策对国有及非国有军工企业研发活动均具有显著激励作用,且对非国有企业研发活动的激励作用更明显。  相似文献   

李娜  陈波 《科技进步与对策》2021,38(21):133-141
军民融合创新是军民融合战略与创新驱动发展战略的深化和结合,对于推动国防科技工业和民用科技工业发展至关重要。以电子及通讯设备制造业为例,基于创新协同视角,主要考察财政政策对军民融合创新协同的影响。通过构建复合系统协同度模型,分类并量化军民融合创新协同指标体系,在此基础上通过实证回归方法考察财政政策对军民融合创新协同的影响效应。研究发现,目前我国军民融合创新协同度整体上仍属于低度协同,还有很大提升空间;财政支持在一定程度上能够促进军民融合创新协同水平提高。为进一步促进军民融合创新发展,需要政府对该领域实施相应的干预与扶持。  相似文献   

科技创新政策传导系统是一个动态复杂性反馈系统,基于关联数字矩阵对政策传导系统路径进行量化研究,综合考虑政策输入变量—政策过程变量—政策输出变量的整个过程,建立科技创新政策传导模型,结合关联数字矩阵反馈复杂性、系统动力学和政策科学,构建科技创新政策传导系统因果关系图,并根据政策工具的划分解析人才、税收、研发、政府采购、服务外包5类政策的作用路径。研究发现:①科技创新政策传导系统存在87条正反馈环,无负反馈环,其中主导反馈环45条;②通过关联数字矩阵最终得到14条政策独立主导传导路径并明确各个路径的数量、长度和极性,其中,8条路径都存在延迟效应;③人才激励在政策调控促进创新和发展中占比较大,具有重要地位,服务外包政策紧随其后,两类政策工具对政策调控效果具有直接显著作用,而研发补贴政策对目标的调控最缺乏活力。  相似文献   

Linking technological innovation with high-quality economic development is a complex process. So far, there has been little academic research on the mechanism and internal law of technological innovation related to high quality economic development. After streamlining the research context of technological innovation in the deductive development of economic growth theory, this paper summarizes and extracts the core connotation of high-quality economic development from the concept of high-quality development and at micro, meso and macro dimensions. The internal law of technological innovation promoting high-quality economic development is revealed from six aspects, including total factor productivity, supply of high-quality products and services, industrial structure upgrading, consumption structure upgrading, resources and environment, and promoting social equity. This paper then puts forward policy recommendations for technological innovation promoting high-quality economic development at micro, meso and macro dimensions. Microscopically, organizations including R&D enterprises, universities and research institutes should have their creativity enhanced; mesoscopically, the levels of industrial chain, value chain and regional technological innovation growth pole should be improved; and macroscopically, China should raise its overall technology competitiveness in the world for high-quality economic development driven by technological innovation. This paper proposes six issues on technological innovation related to high-quality development that deserve in-depth discussion, including identifying the standards and boundaries of innovation, capturing the orientation of technological innovation, and raising the rate of transforming technological innovation achievements, etc.  相似文献   

科研诚信是科技创新的基石,构建以诚信和责任为基础的创新生态已成为科技治理体系建设的重要内容。科研诚信建设政策发展至今已较为成熟,但鲜有文献对其政策特征及演化逻辑进行客观分析。基于2000—2019年国家及部委颁布的268份科研诚信建设相关政策文件,将政策文件从时间上划分为3个阶段,通过高频词识别、共词分析及关键词聚类等文本挖掘法,从内容上区分为9个主题,探索不同阶段科研诚信政策主题演变趋势。结果发现,政府对于科研诚信政策的制定是一个由点及面再到点的过程,科研诚信政策关注重点呈现出“个人—环境—全过程管理”的变化逻辑。  相似文献   

塞尔维亚是中东欧近几年来科技创新发展速度较快、技术转移成果较多的国家之一,其科技创新和技术转移相关的激励政策也随着科技水平的发展而不断完善和健全。塞尔维亚科技创新和技术转移激励政策在经费筹措和资助、科研成果商业化等诸多方面可圈可点,但仍存在民众信任度不高、资金分配制度不完善、对国际化创新合作的重视不足等问题。本文从科技创新和技术转移两个方面介绍了塞尔维亚科技创新和技术转移激励政策的现状、进展,并分析了其相关优势和亮点,同时也指出激励政策存在的一些漏洞,并作为对照,提出了对完善我国科技创新和技术转移激励政策的建议。  相似文献   

The paper develops an analysis of the economic, political, and institutional conditions for successful design and implementation of technology policy in developing countries. After a brief introduction (Section I), we discuss contending economic theories of technological change and technology policy (Section 2). It is concluded that, despite many pro-market arguments, market imperfections inherent in the process of technological change make the creation of learning and innovation rents by the state potentially very beneficial, especially in developing countries. The next section (Section 3) analyses the political and institutional factors that determine how effectively such rents can be created and managed. After an assessment of technology policy record in developing countries (Section 4) we discuss how the scope of such policy is affected by the recent changes in domestic and international policy contexts such as domestic deregulation and the emergence of a ‘liberal’ world order represented by the WTO (Section 5). The paper ends with a brief conclusion (Section 6).  相似文献   

This paper is based on the empirical analysis of innovation challenges to Rhône Poulenc Rorer-Gencell (RPR-Gencell) resulting from development of biotechnology in the pharmaceutical industy. These we identify as an organizational innovation involving the development of a network of partners following and/or inducing a technological innovation. RPR-Gencell represents a ‘style of innovation’ since it is based on various factors specific to the firm and corresponds to a new organizational form, the ‘tight network’ of partners. We argue that this organizational from, in the context of the development of biotechnology in the pharmaceutical industry, can be likened to an ‘organizational gamble’ associated with a ‘technological gamble’ Altogether, this ‘gamble’ dimension means that the network of partners in R&D is still a marginal organizational form. After an introduction we show that the specficities of the pharmaceutical industry especialy since the emergence of biotechnohgy have led to the emergence of a multiplicity of institutional arrangements governing cooperation in R&D. We take as a specific example that of gene therapy. Later on, we present some stylized facts to emphasize the diversity among the network organizational forms. The network of partners is an alternative to the other complex but ‘clarsical’ forms of cooperation (R&D agreements, cross-licensing, joint-ventures, mergers/acquisilions). We propose a new definition of the network based on the case of RPR-Gencell: the ‘tight network’. We distinguish between the ‘tight network’ and all the other approaches, focusing in particular on the ‘loose network’ of cooperative relationship (mostly multifirm alliances implemented with several bilateral contracts). Only two pharmaceutical companies have adopted the ‘tight network’ to govern their cooperation in R&D. We present the network ofpartners as an organizational innovation governing a technological innovation. We argue that this organizational innovation could be likened to an ‘organizational gamble’ in the case of the pharmaceutical industry. Finally, we show that the network raises several organizational issues since it short-circuits traditional strategic operations in the pharamaceutical industry. We argue that among many different reasons, RPR's technological choices (especially the priorig given to gene therapy) have influenced the creation of its network of partners. As a conclusion, we discuss the link between the organizational innovation and the technological innovation focusing on the ‘gamble’ dimension of such an innovation.  相似文献   

走具有中国特色的自主创新道路、建设创新型国家,离不开科技创新政策的支撑。综述了我国知识创新政策、技术创新政策、区域科技创新政策、科技中介服务体系创新政策、国防科技创新体系政策和科技管理体制改革与科技决策机制创新研究现状,指出了我国创新政策研究的不足及其今后努力的方向。  相似文献   

为揭示高新技术产业政策特征及演进趋势,结合文献计量与内容分析法对199篇高新技术产业政策有效文本进行共现和聚类分析,得出高新技术产业政策在时空中的分类与演进关系,并采用多维标度法从多个维度分析政策内容的交叉特征。研究表明,高新技术产业政策在创新创业服务、科技成果管理、高新企业管理及高新区建设4个方面存在明显的主题变迁规律,且政策具有较强的内容交叉特征,这些特征的研究有利于管理部门看清政策的细微变化,更容易掌握政策形势,把握政策方向。  相似文献   

以广东、安徽和四川全面创新改革试验区为研究对象,运用合成控制法,构造合成粤皖川、合成广东、合成安徽、合成四川,通过对比真实试验区技术市场成交额实际值与合成试验区技术市场成交额的反事实估计值,探讨全面创新改革试验政策对试验区科技成果转化的总体效应和个体效应。研究结果表明:全面创新改革试验政策总体上显著促进试验区省份科技成果转化,其中,全面创新改革试验政策对广东、四川科技成果转化具有显著促进效应,而对安徽科技成果转化的效应不显著;政策效应在政策实施当年即已显现,两年后明显增强;科技经费投入、经济规模、技术成熟度、人口集聚、产业结构、创新能力等因素对科技成果转化具有显著影响。  相似文献   

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