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消费者对食品安全支付意愿的大小是决定食品安全市场能否长期存在并不断发展壮大的关键因素.本文应用条件价值评估法,基于对内蒙古呼和浩特市、和林格尔县200名消费者的随机调查数据,对消费者乳品安全支付意愿进行研究.研究结果显示,与普通牛奶相比,呼和浩特市与和林格尔县的消费者愿意为安全液态奶多支付29.33%的价格.安全液态奶的价格、消费者的购买经验、质量安全信息需求、风险感知、家中老人数以及家庭月总收入等因素,对消费者购买安全液态奶意愿具有显著影响.因此,本文提出,为提高消费者安全食品支付意愿,政府应不断增加质量安全信息供给,提高政府管制的公众信任度,加大安全食品标识的宣传力度.  相似文献   

基于对江苏、江西、内蒙、云南、安徽五省(区)756户农户的信息服务调查,运用支付意愿方法,得到上述地区农户的信息服务支付意愿,并通过Logistic回归模型对农户信息服务支付意愿的影响因素进行分析。研究结果表明,影响农户信息服务支付意愿的因素除了农户家庭和生产等一些常见的特征变量外,还有农户所在社区信息服务可及性等多方面的因素。基于这些实证研究结果,政府应增加投入,完善农村公共服务基础设施建设等。  相似文献   

以调查数据为依据,通过Probit模型对稻作经营大户对农业有偿技术服务的支付意愿及其影响因素进行实证分析。研究表明支付意愿受到户主的文化程度、非农业劳动力比重、对农技部门提供服务的评价、生产资金来源等多方面因素的影响,提出加强农村基础教育投入、完善农业科技推广体系和农村信贷服务等相关政策建议。  相似文献   

This study analyzes Canadian consumer willingness to pay for omega-3 enhanced beef, pork, and chicken. Using a nationwide survey conducted by ACNielsen in 2006 and choice modeling framework, results indicate that smaller household, households with high incomes, and households that have previously purchased an omega-3 product are willing to pay a premium for omega-3 beef, pork and chicken. The results also suggest that consumers that have previously purchased an omega-3 product are willing to pay a higher premium for the respective omega-3 meats compared to households that have never purchased an omega-3 product. Also, premiums are highest for omega-3 beef, followed by omega-3 pork, and last, omega-3 chicken.  相似文献   

This study attempts to elucidate the characteristics of price premiums for food products from the consumers' viewpoint. After conducting a survey, consumers' willingness to pay (WTP) for 13 important food elements is analyzed for 10 food categories. The main findings were first, the categories that can easiest achieve a price premium are fruit and vegetables and meat and fish with the hardest being snacks and sweets and frozen foods. Second, the food element most related to price premiums is safety while the least related is convenience. Finally, an appropriate level for price premiums for food products is generally about 20%.  相似文献   

Food Safety and Consumers' Willingness to Pay for Labelled Beef in Spain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The objective of this paper is to assess the quality/safety value for beef consumers, measuring their willingness to pay a price premium for labelled beef. From a survey conducted among food shoppers within the household, consumers are segmented according to their safety perception of specific food products. For each segment, their willingness to pay for labelled beef is calculated. Finally, the main factors explaining such a decision are considered. The results indicate that food scares, the perception of a negative impact of agricultural production on the environment and health concerns are having a major impact on the food consumer purchasing decisions for beef. However, most consumers are not willing to pay a price premium for labelled beef.  相似文献   

This study examines consumer willingness to pay (WTP) for packaged ice cream with local, private label, and national brands at the retail level. Data were collected through in-person surveys conducted at retail grocery outlets in Utah in 2012. Study results suggest that shoppers are willing to pay significantly more for the national and local brands over the retailer’s private label brand. In fact, the local brand with the state-sponsored designation (Utah’s Own) had a WTP equal to that of the national brand. The use of local designations or labels is important as shoppers were not willing to pay a premium for the local brands in absence of the locally produced or state-sponsored designation label. Additionally, consumer WTP for different brands and the degree of response to local designations varies substantially by consumer attributes. These differences suggest that locally designated products do not compete directly with private label products in the market. This study provides clear evidence of the value of state-sponsored designations, as well as locally produced labeling for food products marketed in a traditional retail setting.  相似文献   

在构建公共物品供给与住宅意愿支付价格关系模型的基础上,利用面板数据检验公共资本量对住宅的溢价效应。实证结果表明公共物品供给对住宅的溢价值有很大不同:生态环境投资对住宅的溢价值最高,其次是公共交通投资;教育投资,尤其是高等教育投资的溢价值较高,而以燃气普及率为代表的城市基础设施投资对住宅也有显著的影响。这说明我国城市居民住宅区位需求已经向多元化和生态化方向发展,交通易达性是居民住宅选择的重要组成部分,高等教育环境普遍为城市居民所关注,扩大基础设施投资规模是提高住宅价值的重要手段之一,重新设计房地产税种和税率是我国房地产税制改革的必然选择。  相似文献   

Consumers’ desire to enhance diet and health has become a driver for the development of functional food products. China, with one of the largest markets in the world, offers huge potential for these foods. In the context of functional foods, specifically related to mobility health, this study aimed to understand Chinese consumers’ perceptions of the importance of these foods, trust, and willingness to purchase and pay a premium for such foods. A mixed-methodological approach using both focus groups and a survey was used to collect data from Chinese living in New Zealand. Findings show Chinese consumers place a high level of importance on their mobility health. Level of importance increased when asked about the believed importance of this area later in life. Key factors influencing Chinese consumers’ willingness to purchase functional foods were also identified: the carrier/nutrient combination; trust in the product’s country of origin and in the various institutions that may be involved in the production of functional food products; trust in both the product brand and how it is advertised; health motivation; and price. The study offers the food industry insights into the development and marketing of mobility-related functional foods targeted to this market.  相似文献   

Although economic theory clearly provides reasons for a hedonic price function to change over time, this is not how it is traditionally approached empirically. For wine, which is one of the most widely used implications of hedonic price analysis, such time invariance can be traced down to the issues of data availability and price rigidity in the food and beverage sector. The development of e-commerce changes both these premises, providing reasons for more frequent price adjustments and making price data available at each point of time. Is willingness to pay for particular product attributes indeed time-invariant? In this paper, daily price quotes from the largest online grocery market in Russia are used to address this question using sparkling wines as an example. The results indicate that time invariance might be a rather strong empirical assumption, suggesting that the time dimension should be included into hedonic price studies whenever the data allows for it.  相似文献   

基于北京市149个蔬菜种植户的调查数据,探讨影响农户参与食品质量安全追溯体系意愿的影响因素。在此基础上,运用二元Logit模型实证考察了各因素对农户参与意愿的作用,结果表明:农户对食品质量安全追溯体系的认知程度较低,参与食品质量安全追溯体系的意愿不强;受教育程度、种植规模、商品化程度、风险及价格预期和政府的补贴与扶持是影响农户参与食品质量安全追溯体系的最主要因素。政府应该多渠道完善各项制度,建立起有效的保障机制,促进食品质量安全可追溯体系的健康、持续推进。  相似文献   

Many companies have made significant investments in socially responsible production practices for their products. Environmentally safe cleaning products, fair trade coffee, and sustainable seafood are just a few examples. In this paper, we conduct a meta-analysis of over 80 published and unpublished research papers across a large number of product categories to better understand differences in willingness to pay (WTP) for socially responsible products. In particular, we are interested in whether the beneficiary of the social responsibility program—humans, animals, or the environment—affects WTP. We use two dependent variables: the percentage premium people are willing to pay and the proportion of respondents who are willing to pay a positive premium. We find that the mean percentage premium is 16.8 percent and that, on average, 60 percent of respondents are willing to pay a positive premium. Importantly, across both dependent measures, we find that WTP is greater for products where the socially responsible element benefits humans (e.g., labor practices) compared to those that benefit the environment. Implications for retailers, manufacturers, and future research are discussed.  相似文献   


Rice consumption per capita in many Asian countries decreased, but it is consumed more in non-rice-eating countries. This study aimed to investigate consumer preferences and attitudes toward Jasmine rice among consumers in target rice export countries to identify opportunities and strategic implications. A quantitative study with 1,128 consumers of target nationalities was conducted in combination with focus group discussions. Factor analysis of consumers' buying decision criteria yielded four factors: marketing activities (explained variance 26.8%), quality (13%), price (10.5%), and country of origin (7.7%). Discrimination analysis was performed to investigate differences in buying criteria between traditional rice-eating and non-rice-eating countries (p?=?0.000). Marketing activities, price, and country of origin were the best discriminators, whereas quality was a poor discriminator. Rice was not a substitute to other staple foods due to price change. Product quality, differentiation, and price play an important role. Building a reputation by using a clear statement on the country of origin should be a priority for Thailand. On the basis of their preference, consumers were segmented into three groups and marketing strategies were proposed.  相似文献   

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