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地方政府创新与服务型政府构建是改革开放以来我国提出的针对行政体制改革的新概念,两者在其内涵和实现手段上看似没有交叉,实则却有着千丝万缕的联系。文章分别给出了两个概念的内涵和特征,并进一步从三个层面分析了两者之间的关系:政府创新是建设服务型政府的前奏;政府创新的具体做法是建设服务型政府的基本途径;建设服务型政府是地方政府创新的终极目标。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact on social welfare of government policies supporting open source software (OSS). Mass-market consumers can be divided between those who are informed about the existence of OSS and those who are uninformed. Since OSS producers have little incentive to advertise, there may be a substantial mass of uniformed consumers, leading to market failures that may justify government intervention. We study three government policies: (a) mandated adoption, whereby the government forces public agencies, schools, and universities to adopt OSS, (b) information provision, whereby the government informs the uninformed users about the existence and the characteristics of OSS, and (c) subsidy, whereby the government makes a payment to consumers if they adopt OSS. We show that mandated adoption and information provision may increase social welfare, but the subsidy always reduces it. When network externalities are added to the model, we show that mandated adoption and information provision may increase social welfare if they help the market to tip towards standardization. The web site www.opensource.org provides further details on the open source software movement  相似文献   

小布什政府能源政策初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国小布什政府的能源政策于今年5月中旬正式出台。报告涉及石油、天然气、核能、煤炭、电力以及替代能源和可再生能源等,但核心是石油。报告强调美国能源形势不容乐观。报告提出的解决“能源危机”的国内战略是:(1)加强国内石油勘探和开发,包括开发阿拉斯加禁区和美国西部的石油和天然气资源;(2)强调发展核能的重要性;(3)继续发挥煤炭在电力发展中的作用;(4)改善和新建能源基础设施;(5)增加政府战略石油库存。报告指出:美国各种能源都能自给自足,惟独缺少石油,布什政府格须把能源安全放在美国对外贸易和外交政策的首位。报告提出的解决“能源危机”的国外战略是:(1)加强同加拿大、沙特阿拉伯、委内瑞拉和墨西哥等产油国的贸易关系;(2)加强同海湾产油国的关系:(3)加紧开发里海和俄罗斯的石油资源;(4)关注亚洲特别是中国的石油动向。能源报告公布以来,各界对此评说不一。综合起来分析,应当说:制定容易,执行难。  相似文献   

This study examines how factor point systems have treated state government jobs, which are held disproportionately by women, minorities, and union members. The findings indicate that female jobs may gain from comparable worth pay proposals, but the gains are dissipated in actual pay; unionized and minority workers tend to lose both proposed and actual pay; and the dispersion of points and pay is narrowed for jobs covered by collective bargaining agreements  相似文献   

We develop a micro‐based macromodel for residential home prices in an economy where defaults on residential mortgages negatively affect housing prices. Our model enables us to study the impact of subprime defaults on prime borrowers and the impact of various government policies on the housing market boom and bust cycle. In this regard, our key conclusions are that (i) there is a contagion effect from subprime defaults to prime defaults due to the negative impact of subprime defaults and (ii) monetary policy is the most effective tool for decreasing mortgage defaults and increasing aggregate home prices in contrast to alternative government fiscal policies designed to loosen mortgage credit.  相似文献   

面对我国地方政府债务规模膨大,2009年地方政府债券的正式发行,国际金融危机对控制地方政府债务风险的要求和我国地方政府债务管理制度严重缺失的现状,地方政府债务管理制度应坚持"全国统一,高标准,严要求,责任落实和风险控制第一"的原则来设计,完备地方政府债务管理制度的相关法律,建立地方政府债务过程管理制度、责任终身追究制度、"三位一体"监督管理制度和"红黄绿灯"网络风险预警机制。  相似文献   

美、日、法三国的地方政府职能经过长期探索,不断演进,通过对其比较分析,从中可以获得许多有益的启示,对进一步完善我国县域政府职能有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

We estimate market power among cigarette manufacturers over 1952–1984, a period of uniform pricing. We apply the Bresnahan approach; adjust it to the firm level; employ a dynamic model with habit persistence; and add an advertising equation, which helps identify the parameters, increase degrees of freedom, and constrain parameters so we can interpret our results at the firm level, despite the fact that the equations conform to what we might see in a market model. We consider effects of government interventions upon demand and market power and find, for instance, that the 1971 broadcast advertising ban decreased market power.  相似文献   

The effect of local government property taxes and expenditures on investment in housing and manufacturing plant and equipment is analyzed in theoretic model and tested empirically. An investment model of firm behavior is developed and implications regarding the effects are deduced. These implications are tested in a single equation model of investment in single- and multifamily structures and capital investment in manufacturing in eleven urban cities and their eighty-nine suburbs. Tentative conclusions that additional municipal expenditures increase investment and a higher effective property tax rate diminishes it are supported and that cities have on average exhausted the net benefits of increasing balanced budgets.  相似文献   

一、“政府万能”与“市场万能”对政府与市场关系的认识 ,要么是“政府万能” ,要么是“市场万能” ,究其根源 ,一是在计划体制时认为政府是万能的 ,认为政府是国民经济计划的制订者和实施者 ,那么这个万能的政府便会直截了当地干预国有企业生产、流通乃至产品消费的全过程 ,国有煤炭企业就是这种计划经济体制的产物 ,也是受计划体制束缚最为深重的企业之一 ,经营调配权在国家 ,煤矿在哪儿建 ,规模多大 ,生产多少 ,往哪里运 ,运多少及煤炭价格 ,运输计划等均由国家计划管理部门和煤炭主管部门下达 ,煤炭企业无须也无权考虑。因此 ,从政府角…  相似文献   

In spite of a continuing manpower shortage since World War II, the pace of technological progress and the introduction of labor-saving technology in Czechoslovakia has been disappointingly slow. The blame for this state of affairs has been ascribed by Czech economists to the system of directive central planning used in Czechoslovakia and other East European countries. Because of the emphasis on meeting and surpassing output targets without regard to quality or need for the end products, the system gave enterprises no incentive to introduce new technology, reduce manpower requirements, or turn out a better grade  相似文献   

融资租赁作为一种集融资与融物相结合的新型金融方式,能为地方政府融资平台的基础设施项目建设提供长期限、低成本的资金.由于我国融资租赁行业的发展还处于起步阶段,与融资租赁行业相关的制度措施并不完善,在融资平台中开展融资租赁业务特产生诸多的风险.文章概述了我国融资租赁行业发展状况,分析了融资租赁应用于政府融资平台的优势和业务模式,并对模式在实际运行中可能出现的风险进行剖析,在此基础上提出了相关的风险防范措施.  相似文献   

从地方政府融资平台贷款看商业银行信贷风险管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随着积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,2009年高速增长的信贷投放大量通过地方政府投融资平台到一些大型的中长期基础设施项目,使得商业银行的贷款集中度显著提高,且贷款结构不平衡,融资期限不匹配。融资平台的超高负债率、项目资本金的不足和项目偿债能力的低下等问题,不仅将加大地方政府的债务负担进而可能形成未来的财政风险,并且投资风险还将转移到银行体系而埋下金融风险隐患。加强对平台贷款的风险管理,是商业银行的关注重点。  相似文献   

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