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This paper presents an analysis of the distributive impact of government expenditures in the United States. The analysis uses a household-level microdata file drawn from the 1970 U.S. Census of Population, with additional income and tax variables drawn from the Internal Revenue Service 1969—70 Tax File. The results are presented at both federal and local levels and include analyses of the distribution of individual benefits, as well as of overall taxes and net benefits. Since a microdata file was used, distributional effects are examined with respect not only to the “traditional” variables of income class and household size, but also with regard to the number of earners in the household and the sex and race of the household head. In a further paper in a subsequent issue of this review we will present the results of a similar analysis for the United Kingdom, and compare the results for the two countries.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effects of inflation on the size distribution of income, making use of a microsimulation model. It goes beyond earlier analyses not only in the use of microdata but also in the types of inflation modeled. Two different income concepts are used, one the money income concept of the U.S. Census Bureau and the second, called Accrued Comprehensive Income, based on the concept of income as consumption plus the change in net worth. The results of the simulation inflations are presented graphically, as the ratio of real income with inflation to real income without, by income class. The analysis concludes that the income concept chosen is crucially important. While low income households suffer modest losses and middle income households are largely unaffected, whatever income concept is used, the effects on upper income households are extremely sensitive. With a simple money income concept, the well-to-do appear to benefit from inflation but a broader concept reverses this effect. A policy to negate the distributional effect of inflation would benefit primarily the upper income households. Similarly, macroeconomic policies designed to reduce inflation at the price of slower growth and greater unemployment would not aid lower income groups to a significant degree.  相似文献   

The paper details the methodology used and the results obtained in a recently completed study of the total U.S. tax burden based on microdata survey files. The method of constructing the data base—the 1966 MERGE file—is discussed, and the needed imputations and adjustments to income and taxes to bring the file totals up to national income aggregates are described. An explanation is included of adjusted family income, a unique income concept used in the study to measure and compare tax burdens.
The study involved the evaluation of errective tax burdens under eight different assumptions regarding the incidence of the various major taxes. Those assumptions are detailed and the results of the study are presented. The essential conclusion of the study is that the overall impact of the tax system is virtually proportional for 90 percent of the families in the United States regardless of the incidence assumptions used. However, substantial differences in tax burdens were found among various subgroups of the population.  相似文献   

Earlier comparative work on income distribution has tended to suggest that Australia is characterised by less income inequality than other industrialised economies. Concerns about the quality of the Australian data used in such comparisons have led to the need for more detailed assessment of the situation. The Luxembourg Income Study has been a focus for this work by bringing together microdata sets for a range of countries and reorganising them to conform to standardised concepts and definitions. This paper builds on earlier work undertaken as part of the Luxembourg Income Study by including Australia in an international comparative analysis of income distribution and redistribution. The Australian data are those from the 1981–82 Income and Housing Survey, with income tax imputed onto the data file. Results are presented for the gross and net income distributions between both families and individuals in seven countries. A common set of equivalence scales is also used to adjust for differing family needs. The results indicate that, using several summary measures of inequality, the distribution of income in Australia is less equal than in four of the other six countries studied. Earlier research which placed Australia high on the international league table of income equality is thus not confirmed by the results.  相似文献   

Microdata sets—samples of data relating to individual reporting units—can provide a valuable extension of the national economic accounts as they presently exist, making it possible to meet many of the criticisms being leveled at the accounts over their failure to include much nontransactions information that is essential to the evaluation of economic and social performance. To serve this purpose, however, the microdata sets must be integrated with the aggregate accounts, and with one another. A microdata sets relating to any given sector should add up (with appropriate weighting) to the economic constructs for that sector in the national accounts, and the microdata set for one sector should be articulated as appropriate with those of other sectors. This paper discusses techniques for constructing such microdata sets, including necessary adjustments of the macro accounts, techniques of alignment of microdata with the macro accounts and the creation and development of synthetic microdata sets. Synthetic matching and other techniques of merging data sets are discussed. The paper concludes with a consideration of the methodological implication of the integration of microdata and national accounts.  相似文献   

In this paper the authors present Socio-economic Accounts for the Netherlands for the year 1981. Detailed information on income components, consumption components and savings for 52 household types are provided. The household types are a cross-classification of household size, income source and income level. For each income and consumption component, the sum of the amounts over the houshold types and three intermediary funds equals the macro amount in the National Accounts. The accounts are constructed by intregating macrodata from the National Accounts and microdata from the Income Statistics and the Budget Survey.  相似文献   

Two aspects of the relationship between family unit income and the age of the head of the family unit are examined in this exploratory paper. First, in connection with the recent discussion in the U.S. about the “fair” level of income of the aged population, the economic well-being of various age of head groups is examined for the U.S., Canada, Norway, and Israel. Problems inherent in comparing income distributions across countries are described briefly, and the sensitivity of the estimates to definitional differences is discussed. Relative incomes of the different age groups are then compared within and between countries. Relative mean incomes, relative median incomes, relative mean incomes adjusted for size of unit in alternative ways, distributions of age groups among income quintiles, and relative income shares within age groups are compared. The focus is on aged units. It is found that, using these crude measures, aged units in the U.S. are roughly as well off relative to the other age groups as aged groups in the other countries examined. In the second section of the paper, a U.S. microdata file is reweighted to be consistent with the distributions by age of head of Norway and Canada. Relative income shares of quintiles are computed before and after reweighting and compared with the shares for Norway and Canada. The reweighting to Norway's age distribution increased differences in relative income shares between the two countries; the reweighting to Canada's age distribution slightly decreased differences.  相似文献   

The Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) database on which this article is based offers researchers exciting new possibilities for international comparisons based on household income microdata. Among the choices the LIS microdata allows a researcher, e.g. income definition, income accounting unit, etc., is the choice of family equivalence scale, a method for estimating economic well-being by adjusting income for measurable differences in need.
The range of potential equivalence scales that can and are being used in the ten LIS countries and elsewhere to adjust incomes for size and related differences in need span a wide spectrum. The purpose of this paper is to review the available equivalence scales and to test the sensitivity of various income inequality and poverty measures to choice of equivalence scale using the LIS database. The results of our analysis indicate that choice of equivalence scale can sometimes systematically affect absolute and relative levels of poverty; and inequality and therefore rankings of countries (or population subgroups within countries). Because of these sensitivities, one must carefully consider summary statements and policy implications derived from cross-national comparisons of poverty and/or inequality.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the distributive impact of public expenditures and taxes in the United Kingdom. The analysis uses household level microdata from the 1971 Family Expenditure Survey, with tax and expenditure aggregates drawn from the national accounts. The analysis is the first to allocate all taxes and public expenditures for the United Kingdom, and the results are compared to those from the more restricted analyses carried out by the U.K. Central Statistical Office. Results are presented for individual taxes and benefits as well as for overall net benefits and they describe distributional effects with respect to income class, household size, number of earners and housing tenure. A final section of the paper compares the results to those from a similar analysis for the United States which were reported in the previous issue of this review.  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence on growth and income poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Results are obtained by processing microdata from household surveys of 18 LAC countries covering the 1990s and early 2000s. Over this period the LAC economies experienced heterogeneous patterns of growth and poverty changes. Most countries in the region had a rather meager performance in terms of poverty reduction. Episodes of positive, significant and unambiguously pro-poor income growth have been rare in Latin America.  相似文献   

Using microdata from Household Budget Surveys of the Member States of the European Community, this paper examines the sensitivity of poverty statistics with respect to the choice of the equivalence scale. The results show that the ranking of the countries with respect to the overall poverty incidence is hardly affected when different equivalence scales are used. However, the composition of the poor population shows considerable changes when e.g. subjective equivalence scales are used instead of the OECD equivalence scale. The poverty incidence among specific household groups, such as single elderly and households with children, is particularly sensitive to the choice of the equivalence scale.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method of estimating U.S. family net wealth across the entire population, utilizing capitalization of several income items available from income tax microdata. Other forms of wealth, and debt, are indirectly estimated using relationships gleaned from estate tax data. Concentration in the distribution of wealth, and assets such as corporate stock, are measured with Gini coefficients and Lorenz curve analysis and compared to similar estimates of concentration in the distribution of income. Comparisons of the results with previous estimates for the United States are made in the latter section of the paper.  相似文献   

We incorporate home production in a dynamic general equilibrium model of consumption and savings with illiquid housing and a collateralized borrowing constraint. The calibrated model explains life‐cycle patterns of households' time use and consumption of different categories documented from the microdata. It predicts that the interaction of the labor efficiency profile and the home production technology explains households' time use. The resulting income profiles, the endogenous borrowing constraint, and home production account for the initial hump in consumption. The complementarity of home hours, home input, and housing in home production drives the consumption profiles later in the life cycle.  相似文献   

We characterize the time‐series properties of group‐level consumption, income, and interest rates using microdata. We relate the coefficients of moving average representations to structural parameters of theoretical models of consumption behavior. Using long time series of cross sections to construct synthetic panel data for the United Kingdom, we find that for high‐educated individuals the Euler equation restrictions are not rejected, the elasticity of intertemporal substitution is higher than one, and there is evidence of “excess smoothness” of consumption. Low‐educated individuals, conversely, exhibit excess sensitivity of consumption to past income, and the elasticity of intertemporal substitution is not statistically different from zero.  相似文献   

National accounts in their present form do not serve very well as a framework for microdata, largely because of differing concepts and coverage in the macro and micro data. This article identifies the differences in sectoring and the handling of imputations and attributions between macro and micro data, and then proposes a form of presentation of the macro accounts that will facilitate their integration. Data for the United States in 1980 are used as an illustrative example. The final section explores the consequences of the proposed alterations in the macro accounts for the analysis of saving and investment and the accumulation and distribution of wealth, using U.S. data for the period since 1947. The article concludes that the proposed alterations do lead to new analytical insights, and further, that in their present form the national accounts are both misleading and inadequate.  相似文献   

Toward a Uniform Definition of Household Income   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
By marrying a "top-down" national income-based approach with a "bottom-up" microdata approach, and a national income accounting perspective with a theoretical perspective, this article attempts to provide a unified framework for aggregating income types to create an income definition that enables researchers to make valid comparisons across nations. An examination of several national household income surveys shows that it is next to impossible to quantify all elements of any new definition in a way that makes international comparisons easy. The framework nonetheless illuminates the differences in current practice and allows researchers to assess the effect of those differences on income distribution measures.  相似文献   

Microdata studies on innovation, productivity, and globalization are relatively new to the Southeast Asian region. Evidence from microdata studies in middle‐income countries provide valuable evidence for policymaking aimed at graduating these countries to high‐income status. Globalization via trade and foreign direct investment should continue to be important development strategies. A more nuanced approach focusing on exporters and potential exporters, especially SMEs, are likely to be needed. The extent of foreign participation is also likely to have important implications for technological spillovers.  相似文献   

Trends in real national income are typically assessed using aggregate indicators such as GDP per capita, or mean household income, whereas the income distribution literature focuses on trends in income inequality. By contrast this paper takes an integrated approach to real national income measurement; it uses methods incorporating both size and distributional considerations, and applies them to household income microdata in order to measure changes in real income in the U.K. during the 1980s. A parametric class of decomposable real income indisces is proposed which complements quasi-ordering methods such as rank and generalised dominance criteria by telling us how much real income increased over the period (if at all). The indices are also additively decomposable by population subgroup, a property which helps reveal who the gainers and losers were. The analysis also draws attention to the normative and statistical issues raised by the presence of a few very small incomes.  相似文献   

Using microdata from the Luxembourg Income Study, we assess "time crunch" for families with children in Canada, Germany, Sweden, the U.K. and the U.S. Both theory and empirical evidence suggest that both time and money are important inputs to the well-being of parents and children. We present cross-country comparisons of "total available adult hours" under different assumptions about the varying time needs of families of different size. We also present estimates of "time shortages." In all cases, we provide separate estimates for families located at different points in the country income distributions, since being short of both time and money is likely to be particularly problematic. Although paid work hours are highest for high-income families, we nonetheless find significant numbers of lower-income families in which parents work very long hours in the paid labor market; this is particularly the case in the U.S.  相似文献   

A recent empirical literature has addressed the relationship between income and religion, but most of the studies are based on microdata. Macroeconomic analysis of the issue has largely ignored the potential heterogeneity between countries. Using retrospective data on church attendance rates for a panel of countries between 1925 and 1990, we apply heterogeneous panel data estimators and reveal that the effect of participation in religious activities on income per capita is mostly non-significant. This is consistent with some of the recent research that casts doubt onto the influence of religion on income, once causality is taken into account.  相似文献   

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