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This paper builds on social network theory to understand technological development. Based on the empirical evidence of 367 research organisations in plant biotechnology over a nineteen-year period, we demonstrate how a structural analysis of the research network within the technological community is used to identify four collaboration-based strategic groups of research organisations. The emergence of these groups can be linked to technological breakthroughs in the field. Analyses of the four clusters point to the influence of research collaborations on stratification within an evolving technological domain. Finally, as archival data sources are used to detect incidences of collaborative research and to trace the evolution of R&D networks in an emerging field, we conclude with a discussion of the potential contribution of bibliometric data to understand the development of new technologies in their early, pre-commercial phases.  相似文献   

Two major themes that have emerged from recent theoretical and empirical studies of technology at the firm level have been the tendencies on the one hand to localization of technological search and on the other hand to the spread of multi-technology companies, required to incorporate an ever-growing extent of advanced technologies. These trends appear contradictory. This paper analyses the contradictions through the use of patents data as an indicator of technological specialization. Two industries and some of their leading corporations are singled out for analysis - the electronics industry (especially in Europe). as an upstream ‘high-tech’ industry. and the food-processing industry, a downstream sector that is now having to make use of a burgeoning range of technologies. The paper examines their major corporate changes in the light of the technological data, through the use of concentration indices. It shows that both industries are trying to reconcile the contradiction with greater specialization taking place in sub-units of the firms. though the effect is more muted in food-processing where demand factors predominate. The need to command multiple diverse technologies is being targeted by restructuring firms in terms of both external relationships and internal reorganizations, but the basic contradiction still remains and may bc insoluble.  相似文献   

In this paper a panel of workers and firms is used to investigate employment composition and dynamics in industries which differ by innovation intensity. To define the latter industry-wide statistics were used (for a subset of 2,800 firms, individual data on R&D expenditures and investments in innovative processes were available from a survey on manufacturing). Firms and workers are observed over the period 1985–1991. The paper document an high rate of labour turnover. Annual separation rates are high in all size-classes, but they decline from 50% in small firms (less than 20 employees) to 13% in large ones (with more than 1,000 employees). Separations are inversely related to an industry's innovative intensity (from 18% in the highly innovative industries to 31% in the traditional industries). A logit model, which controlled for the characteristics of workers and firms, showed that the probability of separation is higher among manual and young workers and decreases monotonically with the firm size. The probability of separation declines as job tenure and, perhaps more importantly, the individual's wage increases. After controlling for these factors, the evidence suggests that the highest probability of separation is in traditional industries, the lowest is in the more innovative industries. The result is strengthened when firm-level data on R&D and other innovative expenditures are used. Other things being equal, firms that invest in R&D have a more stable labour force, and firms that invest in non-innovative processes have a less stable labour force. We therefore find empirical evidence to support the hypothesis that more innovative firms cultivate more durable employer-employee relationships. The fraction of job-to-job moves (with no intervening period of unemployment) on total separations qualifies the turnover of workers. Controlling for firm size, the percentage of job-to-job moves increases fairly regularly with worker's skills and with the industry's innovative intensity. Thus the innovative intensity of he industry appears to have a positive effect on the share of job-to-job moves, while there is some evidence that it lowers the chances of separation. This result may be linked to the skills and specialisations of the workforce; it is certainly related to the higher demand for labour in the High Tech Sectors (where employment is growing) relative to the less innovative sectors.  相似文献   

By itself, an exchange of knowledge between complementary activities is inadequate to bring the localised technological specialisation of firms closer together, but cooperative 1earning tends to like the technological profile of partner companies more closely cornplementary Interwar cartels in the electrical equipment industry were restricted to an exchange of knowledge at the corporate group level, but in chemicals they sometimes included cooperative Learning. US patent data for the interwar period arc used to construct a measure of the pattern of the localised technological trajectories of the largest US and European firms. Cartels had a limited impact on the overall level of research or the propensity to patent ar the corporate group level. hut cooperative learning made the technological trajectories of chemical firms more similar or closely complementry. Instend. electrical equipment firms became more localised in their learning, paths, by separating products while exchanging knowledge between activities that remained complementary. The findings are relevant to the study of current technological cooperation through inter-firm alliances.  相似文献   

Localized technological change is the endogenous outcome of the interplay between substitution costs. Switching costs and learning processes. New technologies are introduced when market pressures induce firms to change the levels of their inputs and their techniques. The dynamics ol localized technological change is the result us the interaction between three processes: it) the Schumpcterian competition process as analyzed by the replicator dynamics and failure inducement mechanisms. b) factor substitution stemming from changes in factors markets. and c) post-Keynesian demand pull pressures resulting from productivity growth. In such conditions out-of-equilibrium exchanges and localized technological changes drive a recursive process that is path-dependent in two senses, first it is highly sensitive to the initial conditions of the system. and second it is shaped by the interactions of agents.  相似文献   

Applications of microelectronics in products and the use of advanced manufacturing technology in production are important factors driving innovation, productivity improvement and economic growth. Until the early 1980s there were few comprehensive national surveys of the diffusion of these technologies or of their impacts. This paper reviews surveys of firms using these technologies, discusses survey comparability and summarises key empirical results. The value of carefully constructed internationally comparable surveys for analysis and policy formulation is emphasised, and new directions for surveys are suggested.  相似文献   

In this paper an attempt is made to theoretically and empirically explore the impact of technology adoption on firm output and productivity. The theory is based upon a modified Cobb Douglas production function with capital, labour and technology adoption as arguments. Three versions of the model with varying degrees of endogeneity are developed and then tested upon a data set relating to the adoption of five different process technologies by 217 firms in the UK engineering industry over the period 1981–1990. All the results indicate that technology adoption has a positive impact on output and productivity.  相似文献   

Technology transfer involves more than just the permission to use knowledge covered by patents; the transfer of know-how is critical to the successful utilization of the transferred technology. However, know-how is typically difficult to codify, costly to transfer, and hence, difficult to contract upon. Using a principal-agent model I show that simple arms length contracts can accomplish the transfer know-how. The key to the success of arms length contracts is the complementarity between know-how and patents. The model explains why patents and know-how are bundled together in licensing contracts. It shows why licensing has limitations as a strategy for appropriating rents from innovation. The paper points to the key role that patent scope plays in determining the efficiency of know-how transfer and shows that broader patents can improve the efficiency of technology transfer, even when important components of the technology (know-how) are not protected by patents.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the fundamental forces involved in the evolution of the telecommunications industry. It is suggested that there are five major forces that together drive the evolution of this industry: specialisation, competition, financial markets. endogenous consumer demand and permeable industry boundaries. An important research task is to further elaborate on the boundaries of not only the industry but of the industrial system taken as a whole.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the international comparability of methods used to convert the value added of the office and computing machinery sector (OCM) into constant prices for nine OECD countries. It concludes that the variations which exist in the price indexes are largely due to differences in the methods countries use to capture changes in the quality of an industry's output over time. The paper evaluates the impact of these different OCM price indexes on the growth rate of labour productivity during the 1980s by conducting a sensitivity test where the US OCM index is substituted for each of the individual country indexes. This experiment causes the OCM labour productivity growth rate to change by over a factor of ten for several countries. This result suggests that international comparisons of labour productivity should not be made for the OCM sector using the official data, and that labour productivity comparisons of sectors OCM belongs to—non-electrical machinery and fabricated metal products and machinery—should be conducted cautiously, if at all.  相似文献   

Technological dualism often is found to be associated with the geographical clustering of firms that use the same techniques. To shed further light on these localization phenomena, we analyze the long-run dynamic behavior of a system in which firms' choices among alternative production methods (each of which requires a technique-specific input) are influenced by both firm-specific random shocks and Marshallian ‘industrial neighborhood’ effects. The latter are local factor market externalities that tend to lower the relative marginal costs d those inputs that are used most extensively in the immediate locale. The model developed here focuses on labor market externalities affecting the supply conditions for workers with technology-specific skills, and their effect on the choices made by producers at various sites whose choice of technique is subject to periodic revisions. A special structure familiar in the applied theory of Markov random fields, the stochastic Ising model. provides a reduced-form representation of this dynamic spatial system. The general properties of models of this type and their application in economics are considered. Discrete time numerical simulations of the behavior of an ensemble of firms (located at the nodes of a finite lattice formed on a two-dimensional (orus) shows that positive neighborhood externalities effects do not necessarily result in the uniquitous diffusion of one of the two available technologies. Instead. this system exhibits a spatially localized form of ‘technological dualism," in which at least two technological enclaves emerge and undergo path-dependent evolution. The temporal durations of these spatial patterns in technology adoption are affected by parameters of the Ising model that can be given a straightforward economic interpretation  相似文献   

This paper addresses the effects of policy shocks and structural reforms on the dynamic behavior of manufacturing job flows and productivity in Argentina during the 1990s, and the contribution of job reallocation to productivity. The main findings are: (a) shocks to labor taxes have allocative effects, while financial shocks have aggregate effects; (b) import tariffs appear to protect obsolete jobs; (c) sectoral differences in labor intensity, openness, financial dependence and workers’ strength shape the responses to shocks; (d) intra‐ and inter‐sectoral reallocations contribute positively to productivity; and (e) trade liberalization and labor market flexibilization favor reallocation and creative destruction.  相似文献   

Modem innovation theory holds that the choice of production technique and technical porgress are unseparable activities so that technological progress can be described as localized. Based on this conception one has to expect an intra-sectoral firm heterogeneity in the production techniques applied and the technical efficiency achieved which contrasts to the presumption of intra-sectoral homogeneity as suggested by neoclassical theory. For measuring intra-industry heterogeneity an empirical tool is required which does not rest on the assumption of homogeneity, i.e. on a common production function for all firms under consideration. The method which does not require this assumption, Data Envelopment Analysis, is non-parametric, allows for firm-specific production functions and helps to determine differences in both technical efficiency and production technique applied. This tool is introduced in its basic formulation, its main features are discussed on ihe basis of modern innovation theory, and an empirical analysis for the German machinery, electronics and chemical industry is presented.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to empirically investigate the sources of technological opportunities. The analysis is based on a survey conducted among 358 Swiss R&D executives in 1988. The most important results can be summarized as follows: 1. Market organizations are perceived as the most important source of contributions to technical progress. The most important source is firms within the same industry; second is product users; and third, suppliers of materials and equipment used in manufacturing. 2. The contribution of non-market organizations seems relatively unimportant. University research, other government research institutions, state companies and agencies, professional and technical associations and individual inventors make small contributions. 3. Science also contributes to technical progress, even if only selectively. Education and training in physics, computer science, materials science, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and applied chemistry are all considered relevant to technical progress in Switzerland. 4. Generally, university research is not considered as relevant to technical progress in the industries surveyed. In certain fields, such as computer science, materials science and electrical engineering, university research does, however, seem relevant to technical progress.  相似文献   

The role of product and marketing innovation for productivity growth is addressed using survey and register data for the Danish economy. It is hypothesized that product and marketing innovation are complementary inputs and that innovation activities are skill‐intensive. It is established that product and marketing innovation in skill‐intensive firms results in significantly faster productivity growth. Moreover, product and marketing innovation have independent roles in productivity growth, which cannot be attributed to organizational changes. Finally, we apply an instrument variable approach for firms, innovation choices to study endogeneity. The results strongly support the idea that product–marketing innovation leads to faster productivity growth in skill‐intensive firms.  相似文献   

What exactly does it mean for something to be an ‘organization’? How do we know when something is organized? What exactly is organizational learning? We attempt to attack some of these questions by turning to cybernetics and the mathematical theory of information In the work of Atlan and von Foerster we find provocative attempts to describe the processes of self-organization in terms of such variables as redundancy and information content. Using the running example of a monastery library we attempt to explicate these approaches and connect them to economic concerns.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of issues for future research. as identified by the papers appearing in the Special Issue on Innovation in Telecommunications. To this end. we elaborate upon the emergence of a new innovation regime in telecommunications, discuss the performance and sustainability of this new innovation regime, and reflect upon institutional choices for the regime and accompanying policy options. Further research on innovation in telecommunications is advocated, taking up a broad range of issues, including long-term industrial evolution and sustainability concerns in a wide sense.  相似文献   

The assumption of given consumer tastes and production, loses ground very rapidly in information-intensive economic systems, where the ability to design products and services combinations for increasingly specific needs and skills is a key variable to competition. This article presents a search-oriented conceptual framework and proposes a schematic representation of endogenous product differentiation. The evolution of users' and producers' discriminating capabilities is shown to govern their interaction leading to product definition. Patterns of sub-market creation or standardization provide a central building block to market creation analysis.  相似文献   

以增加农民收入从而支撑具有产业、区域特征的市场一体化为视角,对财政政策不同的支农方式和支农工具所产生的不同的农业市场一体化效应进行了分析,认为直接收入补贴明显好于价格支持;间接支农优于直接支农;而且不同的支农项目对市场一体化的促进作用差异显著。为此,提出了逐步减少价格支持,增加直接收入补贴,增加财政间接支农力度,引导农业生产要素多渠道利用,促进农业系统内外部合作,重视三农无形资产,建立适当监督机制等政策建议。  相似文献   

Empirical analyses of research and development find strong evidence that these activities tend to cluster geographically. Clusters are thought to emerge from the presence of localized positive externalities. This paper presents a model of this clustering behaviour. We find that phase changes in clustering exist both as the strength of local externalities changes and as the degree of heterogeneity among firms changes. The dynamics of the system are examined as it responds to shocks to the size of the market for R&D output, and the length scale of the spatially dependent externalities. Dynamic responses take place in two distinct stages: a rapid response to the change in market systems which takes place throughout the space, with litlle regard to externality effects; followed by a slow re-agglomeration process as producers change their spatial decisions to lower the costs of the new production level.  相似文献   

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