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虚拟市场中介的比较分析--以医药流通市场运营商为例 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
虚拟市场是电子商务发展的一个重要方向,虚拟市场运营商作为新生的市场中介,在所属类型、商业模式、交易机制等方面各有区别,但它们又都是适合于本地区的市场环境而产生,因而市场效率和与环境的适应程度、发展前景等方面又有相似性。本文以美国和中国医药流通市场的两种虚拟市场运营中介商为例进行对比,得到了一些有启示的结论。 相似文献
A number of studies in the marketing literature have examined the construct of market orientation (MO). These studies generally show a positive link between MO and organizational performance. This paper examines MO specifically in the context of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). An in-depth review of the extant literature is used to develop a conceptual framework by exploring the major antecedents of MO, the MO–Performance relationship, and the key mediators and environmental moderators of this relationship. This paper also examines several studies on SMEs with respect to various aspects of this framework and offers suggestions for future research in order to understand more thoroughly how MO influences SME performance. 相似文献
Frank McDonald Jurgen Krause Hans Schmengler Heinz-Josef Tüselmann 《Journal of International Entrepreneurship》2003,1(4):363-381
This paper investigates the international entrepreneurial behaviour of Mittelstand firms (German small and medium sized enterprises). Analysis of a survey of the international marketing strategies of Mittelstand firms revealed three clusters of firms, two that had below and one above average international activities. None of the clusters displayed born global type of internationalisation processes. However, this does not mean that they adopt passive approaches to internationalisation. The results suggest that Mittelstand firms engage in entrepreneurial behaviour that is proactive and innovative but which is cautious, sequential, and risk adverse. The implications of this analysis for future research in the area of international entrepreneurship are considered. 相似文献
奥运赞助对企业而言有着重大的战略意义,它能为企业带来巨大的经济效益。在此背景下,我国企业纷纷通过加入奥运赞助计划进入奥运市场平台。在奥运市场平台上,赞助企业必须灵活运用营销的策略和技巧,学会驾驭大型赛事的影响过程,把握奥运营销的特性,更好地实现企业赞助奥运的目标。 相似文献
借助于Internet这种交易平台的电子商务市场,与面对面交易的传统市场相比动态多变,交易方所受限制较少,可不受时间、地点、规模的限制,甚至可以与交易方不见面。这些特点使得电子商务市场与传统市场间有基于成本的明显差别,电子市场不仅影响了行业结构而且影响了相关组织的收益源。 相似文献
北大的女博士遇辉为橄榄油产品做代言人,这件事你赞成不赞成?不管消费者的看法如何,单就这件事引起的轰动效应来看,遇辉已经完成了她的使命。 相似文献
José Luis Durá Valenzuela 《Journal of Business Ethics》1999,22(3):273-280
Our research has found that companies which have diverged from traditional management in order to adopt strategies which include ethics, cooperation and a joint vision of management obtain a greater added value. The new challenges of competitiveness require a position of active cooperation between firms and their suppliers, which should be considered as collaborators rather than adversaries. An active cooperation management may well allow the company to improve the quality of its products and its image, speed up delivery to its clients and make its production and trading more agile, thus enhancing the perception the client has of the product. An improved ethical quality in our dealings, generating trust, improving communication and establishing long-term relationships with joint added value, results in higher competitiveness and greater creation of wealth. 相似文献
This study reports the results from a survey of 1,000 finance faculty members within schools of business across the U.S. concerning their knowledge of ethical transgressions as well as their attitudes towards ethics training in the curriculum. Ethical breaches appear most frequently with the unauthorized duplication of licensed software and the misuse of university resources for private consulting activity. Yet knowledge of ethical misconduct is highly segmented, with significant differences in reporting frequency between groups based upon citizenship, academic rank and school size. Contrary to the implications of Hawley (1991), we find there is a widely held belief by finance educators that business ethics has a legitimate role in business curriculums and should be included in finance course work. Further, our respondents strongly reject the notions that ethical practices are inconsistent with the principle of shareholder wealth maximization or that finance is more susceptible to ethical transgressions than other functional areas of business. We conclude that finance faculty are able to serve as legitimate ethical mentors for students and by implication may positively influence future corporate ethical behavior. 相似文献
Gastronomic events are an important part of the “Made in Italy” and a vital tool for rural development. The aim of the study is to identify the complexity of the factors that determine the success of a food event. The authors, after state-of-the-art analysis of the event marketing, formulate the hypothesis of a causal model and form a data collection during the “open oil mills” in the Umbria region. Through in-depth interviews the participants were asked to express themselves about the importance and interest attributed to some aspects directly related to the theme of the event, and finally to indicate the degree of satisfaction and the likelihood of some of their future behavior. Statistical analysis based on structural equation models allowed the authors to highlight which aspects are significant in order to confirm the assumptions made. Results provide guidance for management decisions and organization of food and wine. 相似文献
This article explores the turnover of market leaders in the manufacturing and information and communications industries in Japan. We propose indices for market mobility by focusing on the turnover of market leaders and examine how the likelihood of the turnover of market leaders differs across industries. We provide evidence that market leaders are more likely to be replaced by competitors in growing and declining industries, relative to industries where the growth is more stable. Moreover, the results reveal that the turnover of market leaders is more likely to occur in research and development-intensive industries. Furthermore, the interaction effects of industry growth and concentration indicate that the turnover of market leaders is more likely to occur in declining industries with high concentration. 相似文献
This case describes the development process of Fu Yuan Guan, a Chinese time-honored brand. Through privatization, Fu Yuan Guan survived and rapidly captured its market. However, the family business management style proved to be a bottleneck during further expansion. There is a need to recruit qualified professional managers to improve the overall management of the firm but it seems there are challenges in doing so. This case describes the daily operationalization of this family firm together with the approach of top managers, with the purpose of exhibiting how its internal management is implemented. 相似文献
This article analyses the influence of perceived quality measured across intrinsic and extrinsic attributes on satisfaction and consumer loyalty for a traditional food product as with PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) olive oil “Aceite del Bajo Aragón.” In addition, the article highlights the influence of consumer's degree of knowledge on these relationships. The results suggest that the main drivers to explain consumers' satisfaction and loyalty are the perceived quality of the intrinsic attributes (color, appearance, flavor, etc.). However, when consumers are classified attending to their degree of knowledge the main explanatory variable of satisfaction and loyalty of the more experienced consumers are the extrinsic attributes of the product (brand name, place of origin, images associated to the product, etc.). These findings allow us to develop important managerial implications for building a brand image for a PDO. 相似文献
The Economic Significance of the Film Business: An Empirical Analysis of the Italian Market 下载免费PDF全文
Most studies indicate Hollywood's economic and financial leadership in the movie markets from the 1910s onward. There is a shortfall in the literature concerning the analysis of the efficacy of other minor film industries. This article examines the Italian film industry in the 1990s and beginning of the twenty‐first century. The research suggests that the Italian film industry is very risky and unpredictable, but while the extreme uncertainty surrounding the business is offset by the considerable economic success that Hollywood movies achieve at the box office, as indicated by previous literature contributions, a different business scenario emerges in Italy. The value of this article is first represented by the data used—provided by the Osservatorio of Cinecittà—which is unique and has not been published before. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
The impact of long-term secured loans on exports at the firm-level: The case of a developing country
Aadil Nakhoda 《The journal of international trade & economic development》2018,27(5):565-584
We analyze the role of the accumulation of long-term secured loans on the participation of firms in exporting activities. Internal sources of finance, such as cash balance and its equivalent as well as operating cash flow, may alleviate concerns on liquidity shocks and finance shorter-term variable costs but long-term secured loans are likely to be required to finance fixed costs related to investments in plant, machinery and other fixed assets that complement exporting activities. Exporting activities may involve hysteresis such that the likelihood of a firm to participate in exporting activities is influenced by the accumulation of long-term secured loans in the period prior to the export transactions. Even though the availability of internal sources of finance and the capital structure of a firm has greater economic significance, we observe that lagged long-term secured loans influences participation in exporting activities. Furthermore, we analyze the impact of one-year lagged long-term secured loans on the participation of firms in exporting activities based on the financial characteristics at the industry-level. This relationship holds for firms within industries with higher levels of long-term secured loans, higher levels of finance leverage, higher levels of asset tangibility and lower levels of total assets. 相似文献
本文通过对宁波游憩商业区的实证研究,总结出宁波所呈现出来的由三江口这一单核结构向海曙、江东、江北三大区并存的多核结构转变的动态发展图景,进而明确指出宁波已基本形成了"成长三角"型游憩商业区系统(SRBD)。在成长三角理论和旅游地生命周期理论的指导下,本文还从整体和分区两方面入手对宁波游憩商业区系统的构建策略进行了初步的探讨。 相似文献
Thomas Beschorner 《Journal of Business Ethics》2006,66(1):127-139
By focusing on the reasoned debate in the discourse-ethical approach to business ethics, this paper discusses the possibilities and limitations of moral reasoning as well as applied economic and business ethics. Business ethics, it is contended, can be looked at from the standpoint of two criteria: justification and application. These criteria are used to compare three approaches: the Integrative Business Ethics, developed by Swiss philosopher Peter Ulrich, the Cultural Business Ethics of the Nuremberg School in German business ethics, and the concept of “Good Conservation” by Frederick Bird. It is argued that discourse-ethical approaches can be called upon for justifying moral principles. Improving the chances of their application, however, necessitates a good understanding of lifeworlds and culturally developed institutional settings. Bearing this in mind, further research perspectives stressing a linkage between discourse-ethical and critical approaches in social sciences are suggested.Dr. Thomas Beschorner is head of the research group “Social Learning and Sustainability” at University of Oldenburg, Germany and currently Visiting-Professor at McGill University, Montreal, Canada 相似文献
浙商要在新经济形势下维持竞争优势,需要开展反映企业整体性和系统性变革的商业模式创新,而随着知识经济的迅猛发展,设计驱动型创新成为商业模式创新与演化的重要推动力量。为此,文章在梳理相关理论基础上,选取国内一家具有近40年成长历史的浙商作为研究对象,通过纵向案例研究方法深入剖析两者间的内在关系,研究发现:(1)设计驱动型创新沿着流程设计-产品设计-功能设计-文化设计等创新形式演进;(2)商业模式从传统模式到价值链延伸型模式到混合创新型模式再到价值网络创新型模式演化;(3)商业模式随着设计驱动型创新的形式变化而演化。 相似文献
The goal of this paper is to examine the impact of commodity market reforms on producer price volatility using evidence from the East African coffee market. The results, based on time‐varying volatility models and key summary statistics, show that coffee market reforms in the East African Community (EAC) are associated with changes in producer price volatility and volatility persistence at both country and regional levels. However, reforms were not the only cause of changes in price volatility. The study further shows that reforms had different effects on prices volatilities of Arabica and Robusta varieties of coffee grown in individual EAC countries. These findings have wider implication for commodity market reforms and producer price stabilisation policies in the EAC and coffee producing countries in sub‐Sahara Africa. 相似文献
Nilay Bıçakcıoğlu 《Journal of Global Marketing》2018,31(4):246-269
This research investigates the drivers that lead exporting manufacturing companies to adopt environmentally friendly actions, exploring green business practices/strategies they conducted and examining the outcomes which resulted from companies' green business activities. This exploratory study particularly focuses on green business strategies of Turkish manufacturing exporters. Thirty-two semi-structured interviews were conducted with executive managers from 22 companies and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The results of the study reveal two internal (i.e., capabilities and resources) and four external stimulating forces (i.e., stakeholder pressures, institutional-based, network-based, and external factors) that encourage companies to implement green business operations, which were also classified under six functional themes. This study emphasizes several noteworthy outcomes (i.e., export competitive advantage and export performance). In doing so, the findings of this study provide a holistic insight into green business strategies within the exporting context by outlining both theoretical and managerial implications. 相似文献