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This paper traces the historical developments of the efforts to find simple and accurate methods of approximating an annuity's implicit yield and a bond's yield to maturity. It is shown that the little known history of yield approximations is nevertheless very rich, with contributions dating as far back as the late seventeenth century. It is also shown that the standard textbook approximation formula for the bond's yield to maturity is the least accurate of a large family of formulas, some of which were suggested as early as 1855.  相似文献   

AGRICULTURAL MECHANIZATION: A Comparative Historical Perspective   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The article provides a detailed comparative historical reviewof the patterns of agricultural mechanization by operation.The first section reemphasizes the major conclusions of theinduced innovation literature, and the second section showsthe remarkable similarity in the early mechanization experiencesof the developed and developing countries. New mechanical powersources were first used on power-intensive operations such asprocessing, pumping, transport, and tillage, while mechanizationof control-intensive operations came much later and usuallyin association with high wages. Finally, an investigation ofthe process of agricultural machinery innovation shows thatthe public sector and corporate research has contributed littleto machinery invention. Machinery innovation has generally beenthe domain of small manufacturers, with corporations becomingsignificant in later stages of product development and engineeringoptimization.   相似文献   

日本的国际税收发展史   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
战后日本现代税收制度的确立与完善对日本经济的发展作出了重要贡献。日本的国际税收发展的历史实际上就是税收制度与本国经济的发展变化,尤其是国际化和全球化相适应,与时俱进的发展过程。日本的国际税收制度演变提示了税法的变动是如何适应现代全球环境的一种模式。  相似文献   

"种族"与民族紧密相连,"种族"问题研究是民族学与人类学研究不可或缺的内容。种族主义理念和实践的存在与发展,是欧洲民族问题的重要表现形式之一。本文试图通过对欧洲现代种族主义的实质、表现形式、发展历程及其契机的分析,为人们客观地认识和把握欧洲现代种族主义的现实状态与未来演进趋向提供借鉴。  相似文献   

美国构建了全球最为庞大的综合性金融外资法制体系.根据各项金融外资立法涉及的领域不同,美国既有针对金融外资实行常规监管的综合性立法,又有针对外资开展银行业务、证券业务以及保险业务予以规制的专门法律.美国已有立法对金融外资的规制遵循透明度原则、竞争原则和诚信原则,旨在促进金融市场的稳定.  相似文献   

A Multi-Product Cost Study of the U.S. Life Insurance Industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports estimates of overall and product specific economies of scale, as well as, economies of scope for the main outputs of the life insurance industry. In addition, the paper presents a number of structural tests of the production technology. The results indicate that the estimated cost function satisfies the regularity conditions, that the industry exhibits overall and product specific economies of scale, and that there are significant economies of scope between the main lines of business.  相似文献   

长期以来,分析国际货币与金融体系时(IMFS),学者们更关注经常账户,鲜有研究资本账户。无论是正式的模型分析,还是描述性历史分析,皆是如此。当全球金融市场高度分割时,这种研究方法可能是合理的。但是,在全球金融市场高度一体化情形下,这种分析方法的缺陷就非常明显,因为19世纪下半叶以来的大多数时间里全球金融市场高度关联。资本账户"零和"使得关注点由从商品市场转向资产市场和资产负债表。从这个角度来看,IMFS会变得不同。IMFS最大的缺陷在于其放大了金融繁荣与衰退的倾向,由此产生巨大的金融危机,即所谓的"过度金融弹性"。评估IMFS潜在脆弱性,必须跨越支撑国际收支统计的居民/非居民的分类,从跨越国家边界的决策单位(银行、非金融公司)的并表层面进行分析。为此,本文回顾了历史上两个严重金融危机的表现,分别是两次世界大战之间与最近金融危机时期。  相似文献   

This research provides a comprehensive historical analysis of articles published in The Journal of Risk and Insurance over the 75‐year period from 1932 to 2006. Historical statistics are provided including the number of articles, number of authors per article, geographic location of contributors, leading contributors, author affiliation (industry or academic), the proportion of articles that are theoretical and empirical, and topics covered. Statistics relating to the entire 75‐year period are provided as well as breakdowns by decade. The results indicate that the contributors to The Journal of Risk and Insurance have become more international over time, average article length and average number of authors per article have increased over time, and empirical articles appear more frequently than theoretical articles.  相似文献   

金融市场发展程度与存款准备金制度之间的关系,是经济学界很少关注的问题。长期以来,有关该问题的研究基本上都立足于存款准备金制度本身的问题及相应的改革。从金融市场发展变化的角度,对存款准备金制度进行分析,充分利用金融市场有关指标,判断经济货币形式,调整货币政策工具,已成为各国货币当局需要解决的问题。因此,实证分析金融市场对存款准备金制度的影响,并提出分析框架,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

As a result of rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, energy (especially fossil fuels) demand growth is increasing. Hence, China is facing the huge pressure of environmental protection and CO2 emission reduction. The feed-in tariff (FIT) policy that promotes more wind power to substitute for thermal power and a well-functioning carbon price mechanism can significantly affect CO2 abatement, and both can work in coordination to achieve emission reduction. Using panel model, we prove that FIT policy is more effective than other policies in promoting more wind power. Also the slowdown of economic growth, energy substitution, technological progress, and CO2 mitigation requirement can stimulate the expansion of wind power. Additionally, based on the calculation of real abatement cost of wind power, we obtain the provincial and national average of carbon prices (239 CNY/ton and 242 CNY/ton). Specifically, 233-251 CNY/ton will be the range for reasonable carbon price in the future. We find that the carbon prices in this article are higher than those of the emissions trading scheme pilots in 2014 and 2015, due to the relatively high proportion of free allowance. Based on the above conclusions, we proposed some policy suggestions.  相似文献   

This paper shows that it is not always correct to make an upward adjustment to the stock beta in calculating the hurdle rate for capital budgeting even when the project under consideration is riskier than existing assets. The paper also shows that the correct hurdle rate is smaller than the market capitalization rate calculated from the firm's stock beta when the project under consideration has the same risk as existing assets. In addition, it is shown that the market capitalization rate will be an underestimate (overestimate) of the correct hurdle rate when the risk of future assets is greater (smaller) than both the risk of assets in place and that of future capital expenditures. These new results are direct consequences of the insight that the firm's investment opportunities are in fact real call options written on underlying assets.  相似文献   

洪小芝 《上海金融》2013,(3):11-20,116
当前,在金融全球化的背景下,全球金融治理存在着霸权稳定论和多边主义思想的争论.本文采用经济学的成本收益分析方法,对霸权治理和多边主义治理模式下,全球金融体系的整体成本和收益及成本收益在金融全球化背景下的动态演化进行分析.结论:从成本收益的角度看,在金融全球化的初级阶段,霸权治理给全球金融体系带来的收益较高,但随着全球化的深入,多边主义治理将逐渐趋于一个正的极限值.  相似文献   

We study an important recent series of buyback auctions conducted by the U.S. Treasury in retiring $67.5 billion of its illiquid off‐the‐run debt. The Treasury was successful in buying back large amounts of illiquid debt while suffering only a small market‐impact cost. The Treasury included the most‐illiquid bonds more frequently in the auctions, but tended to buy back the least‐illiquid of these bonds. Although the Treasury had the option to cherry pick from among the bonds offered, we find that the Treasury was actually penalized for being spread too thinly in the buybacks.  相似文献   

《Economic Bulletin》2004,41(11):411-414

Original Papers

Supplement: Economic Indicators Economic Bulletin No. 11, November 2004 (data as of 11 November 2004)  相似文献   

资产和负债必须有相关的计量属性。本文讨论三项资产(包括负债)的三项属性,即市场价格、历史成本、现行成本和公允价值。市场价格是所有计量属性的基本概念,其他计量属性如历史成本、现行成本、现行销售(脱手)价格都来自市场价格。本文详细解释并说明历史成本和现行成本,重点是公允价值。在本文中,我们介绍并陈述了九个不同的公允价值定义,讨论了公允价值的层次,并反复说明公允价值是在现行交易中的估计价格,而不是在过去交易中形成的实际价格。  相似文献   

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