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我国粮食安全问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自2004年以来,中共中央、国务院出台了一系列强农惠农富农的重大政策举措,以促进农业农村持续稳定发展、保障粮食安全。然而,粮食安全是一项系统工程,当前在粮食种植面积、粮农生产积极性、气候、农业基础设施、国际粮食市场环境等方面仍存在一些危及我国粮食安全的问题,必须高度重视,为此提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

从出口看食品安全与技术性贸易壁垒影响的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东昱明  贾丹 《中国市场》2008,(41):80-81
食品安全不仅直接关系到消费者的身体健康,而且影响食品生产企业尤其是食品出口企业的生存和发展。我国是食品出口大国,但由于在食品安全方面还存在一定隐患,食品技术法规和标准与国际上许多国家还存在一定差距,致使我国食品的出口频频遭遇技术性贸易壁垒的限制,给我国食品贸易造成巨大损失,严重影响了我国食品行业的发展。针对上述问题,就如何提高食品安全性,使食品安全进一步适应社会发展、冲破壁垒的束缚,本文从四个方面进行了探讨,希望能对我国食品安全和食品出口贸易有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

This paper explores the pattern of change and development in the marketization and reconstitution of food products for children. It is in the past few decades that global corporations’ search for new markets has come to focus intensely on children. In the eyes of global corporations, children are a huge, multibillion dollar market. Childhood may be understood as a social construction but its form is historically specific. At present, the market is defining and reconstituting cultural meanings of childhood without being contested by other significant groups in society. The paper goes on to explore how transnational corporations have transformed the production and marketing of food. The paper discusses the food risks and the challenges faced by the fast food industry which specifically targets children. The reconstitution and the rebranding of popular children's food is producing ‘virtual’ food rather than real food. We live in an era where childhood offers untold opportunities in the northern hemisphere. However, the global market has come to dominate and define the social construction of childhood. Other cultural forms of identity outside of consumerism are not making the same impression. The food risks associated with the global processing of food and the health risks that have been linked to these new food forms ultimately has consequences not only for children but for society as a whole.  相似文献   

城市食品安全问题还没有彻底解决,农村食品安全问题又开始凸显。很多在城市消失的假冒伪劣食品堂而皇之地进入了农村市场,正日益威胁着广大农村人口的生命健康,对农村经济发展和社会稳定十分不利。主要原因有市场失灵、监管缺失、惩处力度小、农民法律意识淡薄等。为此要从加强执法力度、大力宣传法律、组建监督人员等方面入手,保证农村食品安全。  相似文献   

本文通过对广西东兴市市政府办公室、农业局、粮食局、统计局、边贸局等部门的调查发现:目前东兴市粮食产需缺口较大,粮食生产基础设施薄弱,农业技术不强,农民生产积极性不高,粮食贮备不足,粮食部门功能弱化。为此,必须增强粮食安全保障能力,加强基础设施建设,强化科技支撑,完善粮食补贴和奖励政策,健全粮食储备制度,协调粮食管理职能,与粮食主产区建立长期稳定的合作关系。  相似文献   

基于玉米和大豆等粮食国际、国内价格历史数据,运用协整及误差修正模型、脉冲响应函数等方法,揭示国际粮价对国内粮价的传导作用及影响路径。理论分析表明,国际粮价通过进口直接路径、进口产品成本路径和进口替代路径等三个子路径传导至国内粮价。实证检验发现,国际大豆价格进口直接路径和进口产品成本路径传导均比较充分,即国际大豆价格会影响大豆进口价格,进而影响国内大豆价格,最终影响国内豆油价格;国际玉米价格进口直接路径和进口产品成本路径传导则不充分,国际玉米价格会影响玉米进口价格,但是对国内玉米价格和国内玉米淀粉价格影响程度较低;而在进口替代路径中,玉米和大豆的国际价格传导均不充分。我国应继续推进以提质增效为目标的农业供给侧结构性改革,加大粮食生产科技投入力度,调动农民种粮积极性,集中力量提高粮食供给质量和效率;坚持粮食进口仅为调剂国内供求余缺的方针,把握粮食安全的主动权;建立健全粮食市场的价格调控体系及风险防控体系,规避国际粮食市场剧烈波动对国内粮食市场的影响。  相似文献   

王跃梅 《财经论丛》2016,(12):10-16
在新型城镇化和工业化的背景下,大量农村劳动力持续外流而放弃粮食生产转向收益较高的非粮产业。近年来,由于高度重视粮食生产和加大强农惠农支持力度,全国粮食产量实现“十二连增”,库存也随之攀升。但主销区粮食产需缺口逐年扩大,进口粮增加并创历史新高。本文认为粮食主销区需明确自给底线、增强调入能力,调整产出结构,保护粮食生产能力,实现粮食能力安全。  相似文献   

餐饮业食品安全保障体系的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张雪晶 《商业研究》2005,(17):175-177
国际上发生的一系列震惊世界的食品污染事件,让消费者们越来越重视食品的卫生安全。在这种形势下,餐饮业的经营者必需建立食品安全保障体系,不仅从采购、运输存储、加工环节进行严格控制,还要从消费者点餐环节进行把关,关注餐桌食品安全,保障消费者饮食安全。  相似文献   

逆向选择模型在食品安全中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食品安全问题是世界各国广泛关注的重要问题,也是目前国际上研究的热点问题.加强对食品安全问题的研究,不仅有利于我国自身食品安全体系的建立和完善,而且更有利于增加我国食品的科技含量,增强我国食品在国际上的影响力,提高我国食品工业产品在国际市场中的地位,进一步促进我国食品工业的快速发展.采用逆向选择模型构建食品安全社会信用体系,可以有效促进我国食品质量安全的提高,增强国际竞争力.  相似文献   

Food Safety     

Food safety in the foodservice industry is an issue that is a priority at the federal level. In 1999 the National Food Safety System formed the Coordinating Committee to combat the problem. Since the formation of this group, outreach programs have extended globally to assist other countries with this issue. According to Susan Alpert, national leader on the Food Safety Initiative, many states are experiencing the same food safety challenges. Programs and standards have been established for each state; however, the problems of state implementation of a high quality food safety program is becoming a growing issue. This study investigated the importance of food safety training for food handlers and compares the current training and inspections for those who manage foodservice establishments. Data is presented from one high tourism state serving as an example of the violations to and the training given on food safety. The study presents the food safety training program required, inspection form used, and categories of violations most often experienced. Issues related to combating food safety are presented as well as suggestions for improving food safety training and inspection process.  相似文献   

保障食品安全已经成为保护国人生命健康、提高国人生活质量、促进食品贸易甚至维护世界和平与发展的重大政策问题。在分析食品安全的质量规制理论的基础上,借鉴发达国家食品安全的政府质量规制的经验,结合我国实际情况,提出了保障我国食品安全的质量规制机制:食品企业市场主体准入的质量规制、规范食品企业市场秩序的质量规制、市场退出的质量规制。  相似文献   

Childhood obesity epidemic has been a popular topic for research as it has become a major health concern in many countries. As the focus of earlier studies has been predominantly on food marketing to children, there is still limited research on what other factors, apart from food marketing, influence their food preferences and eating habits. Bringing in children's perspectives as well as those of parents and guardians, this study aims to fill this gap by shedding light on further dynamics that can be influential on children's preferences. Through a qualitative inquiry, focus groups and individual interviews were conducted with children between the ages of 7 and 11. Aiming to investigate both meanings and practices, these sessions also included interactive and participatory research methods such as drawing, word games and role playing. Moreover, in-depth interviews were carried out with teachers and mothers to gain an understanding of their perspective on the topic. The findings show the different appeals and social influences behind children's food preferences, among which sensory and fun appeals as well as the influence of parents come forward. By revealing these different appeals of food and social influences, the study brings a new perspective to the discussions on childhood obesity and food marketing.  相似文献   

餐饮业作为第三产业的重要组成部分,在城市经济发展中扮演着重要角色。作为餐饮业的重要组成部分,小餐饮事关群众日常生活和身体健康,是保民生、保安全的重要内容。但小餐饮食品安全水平普遍较低,一直是食品安全监督管理的难点和重点。基于此,对沂水县小餐饮现状进行调研分析,从政府、企业和社会3个方面提供一些看法和政策建议。  相似文献   

Sustainable consumption is a core policy objective within the UK Government's Sustainable Development Strategy and there is a growing awareness that retailers have a vital role to play in promoting more sustainable patterns of consumption. This article explores how the UK's top ten food retailers are communicating sustainable consumption agendas to their customers within stores in the towns of Cheltenham and Gloucester. The findings reveal that while these retailers are providing customers with some information on sustainable consumption the dominant thrust of marketing communication within stores is designed to encourage consumption. The article concludes with some reflections on how sustainable consumption fits into the large food retailers' business models.  相似文献   

食品安全问题是事关国计民生的大事。本文基于我国食品安全现状与存在的问题,分析了我国目前食品物流业对于保障食品安全方面存在的主要问题,建立了全程食品安全物流保障体系,并提出实施该保障系统的建议。  相似文献   

Based upon primary data, this study carried out for the Punjab state indicated that mutual interdependences of the chain partners coupled with the announcement of SMP/SAP for cane have facilitated chain coordination. This ensures timely cane supplies to sugar mills as well as cane disposal and payments to farmers. Besides the cyclical nature of industry that particularly during its downward phase adversely affects cane supplies, its production has not kept pace with capacity expansion. So a continuous upward revision in SAPs has diverted cane supplies to the industry from the gur industry. And, private mills owing to comparatively greater market orientation have steamed ahead of state owned cooperative mills which are beset with several concerns.  相似文献   

发展现代物流增进粮食安全   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
粮食安全是一个动态的概念,中国的粮食安全应在粮食的数量、质量、生产能力、区域安全和应急供应能力等方面有所体现。目前,从整体上看,我国不存在严重的粮食安全问题,这与我国粮食物流的快速发展有密切关系,但我国粮食物流还存在着粮食跨区域流通不畅、运输方式落后、物流组织化程度低等问题,应大力推广散粮运输方式,建设散粮物流节点,建立跨省散粮物流通道,确定粮食供应应急调控体系,走专业化与通用化结合的道路,从高端物流入手增强粮食的现实流通力。  相似文献   


Laws and regulations govern many aspects of life in order to guide and protect individuals. The Food and Drug Administration regulates the development, production and marketing of foods, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnologies to maintain safe and high quality products for consumers. However, in recent years, food manufacturers seem to have forged ahead of the FDA's regulations and entered uncharted, unregulated areas. This paper examines the impact the FDA has on new food product development, particularly the impact on new technological food products and suggests the use of a team-based approach in evaluating and establishing regulations in the food industry.  相似文献   

保障国家粮食安全的对策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农田水利是粮食生产的命脉,是保障粮食安全不可或缺的重要前提.保障我国粮食安全,必须首先重视农田水利发展中的根本性问题,明确农田水利设施的公益性,创新农田水利公共制度安排.其次,要在引入市场化供给机制的同时,加强政府配套制度支撑,完善投入稳定增长机制,加大中央对土地出让收益的统筹力度,增加水利建设中长期贷款,并给予适当财政贴息,鼓励水利企业上市融资,建立“一事一议”激励约束机制,打破市场失灵与政府失灵双重困境.再次,要加强提高水资源利用效率的技术支撑,推广农业节水灌溉技术,提高用水效率和效益,实现水利跨越式发展.  相似文献   


The aim of this research was a cross-cultural investigation of views regarding Genetically Modified Organisms, specifically food crops, to determine if there were significant differences in the views of French and American respondents. In addition, we sought to introduce the issue of possible consumer benefits of second generation GMOs into the research by examining differences in acceptance of value-enhanced GMOs compared with first generation GMOs for both French and American respondents. Both first and second generation GMOs are better accepted by American respondents than by French respondents, but respondents in both countries perceive a direct benefit from second generation GM foods with at least a less negative attitude toward them. In addition, respondents indicated factors which would make it more likely that they would purchase such enhanced GM foods.  相似文献   

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