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卢暄  米多 《化工科技市场》2007,30(3):6-8,29
本文从国内外角度分析了浓硝酸的供需情况、市场消费情况,同时分析了国内浓硝酸价格及进出口情况.  相似文献   

This paper looks broadly at the theme of corporate governance in Mexico. It begins with a brief analysis of the historical corporate governance model in Mexico, including the governance structures, the banking and financial systems, ownership and control patterns, industrial policy, and industrial relations. The paper then examines how and why these various aspects of corporate governance have been changing with processes of economic liberalization currently under way. Finally, it analyzes the consequences of changes in the model of corporate governance for the country's development (e.g. increased consumer goods for middle class consumers, increased disclosure by domestic corporations, less support for corporate social programs, etc.).  相似文献   

Research from the United States finds a small percentage of firms are responsible for the great majority of net new job creation. We now have a fairly precise set of stylized facts regarding the characteristics of these high-growth firms (HGFs). However, we have little understanding of HGFs in Latin America. To address this gap, we explore the characteristics of HGFs in Mexico selected by Endeavor, a global business accelerator. We find Mexican HGFs are present in a wide range of industries, including information technology and consumer segments. Several are pursuing strategies targeting base of the pyramid consumers and/or expanding internationally. We conclude with suggestions for future research and policy implications.  相似文献   


This study empirically evaluates the effectiveness of government policies toward foreign enterprises and foreign direct investment activity. Foreign investment policies are difficult to quantify, but we overcome this difficulty by employing an index that reflects a country's general regulatory environment and treatment of foreign businesses. The evidence on the effectiveness of foreign investment policy measures is captured by a panel regression model, which pools together a cross-section of 153 countries over the period 1995–2001. The statistically significant explanatory power of the policy index is robust to the presence of a host of conditioning variables, some of which serve as fundamental foreign investment determinants that lie largely outside the direct control of national policy.  相似文献   


The automobile stamping and assembly plant in Hermosillo, Mexico is world class in productivity and quality. We analyze the process of integrating the Mexican workforce with the Japanese-designed lean production system and the U.S. Fordist management to create a unique collaborative, cross-cultural hybrid organization model. In particular, we examine several cultural attributes of work that necessitated mutual adaptation and cooperation among the workers, and the state of labor relations, gender dynamics, and quality of work life. Finally, we pull together these factors to explore the short and long term implications of the plant as a model for developing countries.


La planta de estampado y ensamblado de automóviles en Hermosillo, México es una operatión clase mundial en calidad y productividad. En este artículo estudiamos los procesos que lograron integrar una fuerza de trabajo mexicana, con un sistema de productión japonés altamente eficiente (lean production), y una administración estadounidense diseñada de acuerdo a los métodos tradicionales de fabricación de la compañía Ford, que hicieron posible un modelo colaborativo e intercultural de trabajo único en su clase. En particular, examinamos algunos factores culturales que requirieron especial adaptación como la cooperación entre los trabajadores, la adminisración de personal y las relaciones industriales, la interacción entre los trabajadores de ambos sexos y la calidad de vida en el trabajo. Finalmente, se consideran de manera conjunta todos estos factores, con el propósito de explorar las implicaciones de corto y largo plazo de la planta Hermosillo como un modelo potencial para paises en vías de desarrollo.


A montadora de automóveis em Hermosillo, México, é mundialmente reconhecida por sua produtividade e qualidale. Nós analisamos o processo de intergração entre a força de trabalho mexicana, os eficientes métodos japoneses de sistema de produçãao e o estilo Fordista de gerência americana ao criar um modelo organizacional hibirdo colaborativo e inter-cultural único. Em particular, nós examinamos diversos atributos culturais do trabalho que necessitou de adaptação mútua e de colaboração entre os trabalhadores, como também o estado das relações de trabalho, a dinâmica entre os sexos e a qualidade da vida no trabalho. Finalmente, nós agregamos esses fatores para explorar as implicações de curto e de longo prazo do processo como um modelo para países em desenvolvimento.  相似文献   

As incomes in emerging markets grow, consumers’ ability to break from former food consumption patterns and introduce new foods or conveniences grows as well. While this general principle is widely accepted, the path of such introductions is not identical worldwide. In this study, we explore how consumers in an advanced emerging market have identified with their current food options, including open-air markets v. supermarkets, and simple v. processed alternatives. Using focus groups, we find that Mexican consumers have strong ties to traditions in food preparation while also showing interest in modern food conveniences. Using product adoption theory, we show that consumers exhibit expected traits of innovation resistance, social contagion influence, and consumption innovativeness, but with specific local variation, including problems with trust, expectations of government action (paternalismo), and considerable definitional confusion. Foreign marketers wishing to access the growing Mexican market should account for these differences from broader product adoption theory.  相似文献   


U.S. organizations are experiencing dramatic growth from the North American Free Trade Agreement. Companies that operate across the Mexican border must decide to either relocate currently employed personnel or to hire foreign nationals to staff positions. Since many cultural differences exist between the United States and Mexico, the use of “culture-pins,” or bicultural people who bridge value differences, may facilitate success in these operations. Consequently, this paper proposes that U.S. firms located in Mexico should recruit and retain Mexican Americans.


Las corporaciones mexicanas y estadounidenses están creciendo dramáticamente como resultado directo del NAFTA. Las empresas que operan del otro lado de estas fronteras, debe decidir si desean trasladar a sus gerentes y trabajadores o contratar nacionales extranjeros para ocupar estos cargos. Este documento presupone que los iucomodines-culturalesl., o personas biculturales que pueden cruzar el puente de las diferencias culturales, son necesarios para asegurar el éxito de NAFTA y contribuir, brindando una inventaja competitivalc a las compañías participantes. La propuesta de este artículo es que las empresas estadounidenses que operan dentro de México se beneficiarían reclutando y entrenando mexicanos-norteamericanos para aumentar su fuerza de trabajo local.


As empresas mexicanas e americanas têm experimentado um crescimento diretamente relacionado à NAFTA. As empresas, que operam dentro destas fronteiras, devem decidir entre realocar os gerentes atuais contratados ou contratar estrangeiros para ocupar cargos disponíveis. Pretende-se, através deste estudo, mostrar que pessoas com ambas as culturas, capazes de superar as diferenças culturais, são essenciais para o sucesso da NAFTA e contribuem para a vantagem competitiva das empresas envolvidas. Este trabalho prop[otilde]e que as firmas americanas, atuando no México, seriam beneficiadas, se recrutassem e treinassem americanos, de origem mexicana, para aumentar a sua força de trabalho no México.  相似文献   

This paper explores how environmental attitudes of consumers in Mexico influence their willingness to pay a premium (or, marginal WTP) for environmentally-certified products. In addition, we also challenge the theoretical assumption that the relationship between environmental attitudes and purchasing is linear. We test our hypotheses with an analysis of marginal WTP based on a survey of 301 Mexican consumers. Using conjoint analysis to determine marginal WTP, we find support for the idea that as attitudes become more pro-environmental, they more than proportionally boost marginal WTP. We conclude our paper by discussing implications for research and practice that focus on environmental segments of consumers.  相似文献   

利用系统基模法对中小企业在经营过程中面临市场需求和价格两个主要问题,通过正负反馈环、成长极限基模和富者愈富基模的分析,得出中小企业要想在竞争中获胜,必须实施聚焦战略和差异化战略,根据市场需求,开发出相应的产品。  相似文献   

When foreign companies invest in other countries, cultural differences emerge that affect the employees’ productivity. There are several studies regarding the different cultural factors that affect company and employee productivity, not only in the psychological domain, but also in the organizational domain. A survey was developed to study and assess the psychological and organizational cultural factors that can affect the performance of the employee in foreign companies established in the northeast of Mexico. The results show that leadership style and family values are the most important factors influencing the performance of the worker.  相似文献   

中国和墨西哥贸易关系的实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对中国和墨西哥双方的经贸关系进行实证分析,探讨双方究竟在多大程度上存在着竞争关系,双方有无合作的可能性。主要结论是中国和墨西哥在某些领域存在着事实上的竞争关系,但是合作的前景也很广阔。  相似文献   

西方微观经济学一直认为,只有完全竞争市场上的厂商才有产品的供给曲线,而在其它任何具有垄断性的产品市场上的厂商则没有此曲线的存在。然而,这一结论是错误的。原因在于西方微观经济学对需求变化的错误理解,并由此进一步导致了西方经济学需求理论前后逻辑上的自相矛盾。按西方微观经济学需求理论的逻辑推导,垄断性的产品市场上的厂商也同样存在可以描述和定义的产品供给曲线。这一结论的存在为宏观总产品供给曲线的推导提供了微观基础。  相似文献   

Parental control: A study of U.S. subsidiaries in Mexico   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study develops a framework that suggests that subsidiary characteristics, such as performance, purpose and manager nationality affect the extent of control and mechanisms of control (i.e., results, cultural and action controls) that their parent companies exercise over them. Hypotheses were tested using survey responses from 44 Mexican subsidiary—U.S. parent dyads. As expected, results suggest that parental perceptions of subsidiary performance are inversely related to the extent of control that parent companies exercise over these subsidiaries. It was also found that subsidiaries established for purposes relating to a knowledge seeking motivation tended to be subject to more cultural control, but no support was found for the hypothesized relationships between market purpose and results control, and resource purpose and action control. Finally, also as predicted, Mexican managers tended to be subject to greater action control by their U.S. parent than American managers.  相似文献   

The quality grading system pushed forward by the Chinese government since 2011, aiming to seek a high-quality increase in agricultural development, has not been well implemented in retail market mainly due to insufficient market demand for quality grades and ineffective regulatory measure for manufacturers' violation. However, little research lays emphasis on the existing problems and feasible countermeasures of quality grading system, especially taking that of China as an example. This study applies the ordered logit model to investigate the underlying reasons of consumers' little concern about quality grades using 2018 nationwide consumer initial and tracking survey data, designs a governmental regulatory scheme for manufacturers’ falsifying grade labeling based on cost-benefit principle and probability statistics method using supermarket data, and evaluates its comparative advantages over alternative regulatory patterns of China and U.S. The findings indicate that consumers with limited knowledge of grading system, weak preference for grading attributes and distrust in the quality of graded agricultural products tend to concern little about quality grades in their purchasing decisions, and that the regulatory scheme of punitive administrative penalty designed by this study has the advantages of higher penalty and lower execution cost compared to Chinese and U.S. current regulatory patterns. This study calls for a more appropriate labeling method, a more reasonable attributes selection and a stricter monitoring system from a consumer perspective, and initially proposes the relatively optimal choice for grading system regulation from the government perspective.  相似文献   


This paper examines the experiences of large national firms in Mexico (Cemex, Hylsa and Vitro) over the last decade regarding their paths of learning process-sustained technological capability accumulation, which they have pursued in order to compete in world markets. The paper focuses on the relationship between paths of technological capability accumulation and the underlying learning processes, and it is supported by empirical evidence based on fieldwork. It suggests that the major recent changes that have taken place in Mexico have implied, for the firms analyzed, an outcome process of complex interplay amongst in-house skills and capabilities, a learning process of external knowledge acquisition, new market conditions, modes of technology transfer and other conditions.

RESUMEN. Este estudio examina las experiencias de grandes empresas nacionales mexicanas (Cemex, Hylsa y Vitro) a lo largo de la última década, y las medidas que adoptaron para aprender y acumular conocimientos sobre el proceso tecnológico sustentable, que les permitiese competir en el mercado global. El estudio analiza la relación que existe entre los caminos de la acumulación de capacitación tecnológica y el subyacente proceso de aprendizaje, apoyado en una evidencia empírica obtenida a través de una labor de campo. En ese contexto, se sugiere que los mayores cambios ocurridos recientemente en México han resultado, al menos para las empresas examinadas, de un complejo proceso de interacción entre las habilidades y capacidades existentes dentro de la compañía, el proceso de adquisición externa de conocimiento, las nuevas condiciones de mercado, los métodos de transferencia tecnológica y otras condiciones.

RESUMO. O presente estudo analisa as experiências de grandes empresas nacionais no México (Cemex, Hylsa e Vitro) ao longo da última década, explorando os caminhos de acúmulo de capacidade tecnológica sustentada por processos de aprendizado por elas seguidos para competir nos mercados mundiais. O estudo concentra-se no relacionamento entre os caminhos para o acúmulo de capacidade tecnológica e os processos de aprendizado subjacentes, com base em indícios empíricos coletados em trabalhos de campo. Sugere que as maiores mudanças recentes que ocorreram no México implicaram, nas empresas analisadas, um processo resultante do complexo intercâmbio entre habilidades e capacidades internas das empresas, um processo de aprendizado de aquisição de conhecimento externo, novas condiç[otilde]es de mercado, modos de transferência de tecnologia e outras condiç[otilde]es.  相似文献   

The persistence of price discrimination across international markets with falling costs of unofficial importing is both paradox and policy concern. E-commerce facilitates a “grey” market in parallel imports, particularly for high-value goods such as electronics. This paper explores the impact of unofficial imports on price using a panel of product markets mediated via an Internet shopbot. It finds the presence of an import model lowers prices across the market. However, unlike the refurbished model it is not simply an inferior substitute. The import price discount increases over the model life cycle, suggesting that model-specific preferences fall as each model ages.
Steve ThompsonEmail:


Increased flows of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) are a major source of capital for Latin American countries. This paper analyzes the experiences with attracting and the effects of FDI for two nations-Chile and Mexico. Clearly attempts to attract FDI through relaxed restrictions on profit remittances and other reforms have had an impact. However, while Mexico has succeeded in attracting investment to high productivity “greenfield” industries, Chile has seen most FDI go towards low productivity sectors such as mining and agriculture.  相似文献   

This article examines certain characteristics of Korean investment in Mexico. It provides an analytical framework to study the business practices of Korean companies and the influence of Korean national identity on the business linkages abroad. Special attention is given to the linkages that Korean companies (commercial subsidiaries, affiliates, suppliers, producers, and maquiladoras) maintain with their parent companies and/or with other Korean-origin firms, with a focus on two specific issues: control and decision making within the firm and the preference for doing business with Koreans.  相似文献   

鲁江 《中国市场》2008,(32):123-127
集成并协调供应链中各成员的Web服务可以使虚拟企业获得很高的效率,本文重点讨论跨企业供应链管理系统的建模问题。在分析跨企业过程的服务集成面临的相关问题的基础上,引入了面向对象的设计理念,详细阐述了过程模型的服务接口、服务活动、占位符和服务包装器四类服务模型原语。  相似文献   

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