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This study demonstrates the use of importance–performance analysis (IPA) to prioritise the motivators that can facilitate university–industry collaboration in the animation industry in Taiwan. This study confirms that financial supports and education are still major reasons for academia to participate in the university–industry collaboration. Reducing costs and obtaining human training are the reasons for animation firms to join the university–industry collaboration. However, by comparing the results of IPA for academia and industry, this study recommends four common interest motivators from both academic and industrial perspectives and where efforts should be concentrated. Research facilities, external competencies, talents, and innovation capacity are very important for the animation industry of Taiwan.  相似文献   

Despite increasing competition from newly industrializing countries, Italy’s textile industry has continued to be an important contributor to the domestic economy. Many observers attribute this resilience to the industry’s focus on quality. Here, we take note of that view but also examine production and cost relationships to explore the existence of returns to scale and the interrelationships among inputs to gain additional insights about the future prospects for this industry. The findings are consistent with constant returns to scale and a substitute relationship between all input pairs except for domestic capital and foreign intermediate goods. The results also suggest some increasing flexibility in the labor market, perhaps including informal sector arrangements, greater responsiveness of labor demand to the price of capital, and more international production sharing arrangements. An increasing elasticity over time of the demands for domestic capital and domestic intermediate goods with respect to the price of foreign substitutes was also observed. Since further economies of scale do not exist, maintaining the Italian textile industry’s reputation for outstanding quality will likely be an important survival strategy for some products. For others, production sharing may be necessary to maintain international competitiveness.  相似文献   

We investigate a desirable role of public enterprise in mixed oligopoly in free-entry markets. We compare the following three cases: (a) a public firm produces before private firms (public leadership), (b) all firms produce simultaneously (Cournot), (c) a public firm produces after private firms (private leadership). We find that private leadership is best and public leadership is worst, in contrast to the cases without entries and exits of private firms. We also investigate the welfare implication of privatization. We find that some important results shown by existing works do not hold under private leadership.  相似文献   

One of the most contentious issues of the neoliberal agenda has been the privatisation of public services. The WTO GATS negotiations over the liberalisation of trade in services, which commenced in the year 2000, led to a strongly contested debate over whether the international level would provide an additional channel for the privatisation of public services. In particular, the position of the European Union was criticised for promoting this agenda. More recently, this question has regained its significance with the start of negotiations for the Trade in Services Agreement and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Thus, this article seeks to analyse the politics of scale in the field of trade in services and its specific impact upon the liberalisation of public services. By applying a Neo-Poulantzian IPE approach, we propose a typology of (i) scalar forms in trade policy and (ii) of particular liberalisation strategies. Our results suggest that the multilateral level is but one element in a strategic politics of scale, with the former primarily fulfilling the role of locking-in liberalisation gains achieved at other levels, while other scalar forms, in particular bi- and plurilateralism, are primarily used to progressively advance the liberalisation agenda.  相似文献   

In this paper, I analyze the cost structure of the Italian higher education system for the decade between 2001 and 2011, by means of a stochastic translog cost function. I suggest that the judgment about the optimal configuration of the sector is strongly dependent upon the policy priorities set by decision makers. When assuming that the universities’ output is the number of students, scale economies are exhausted, and marginal costs are relatively low; when considering graduates as outputs instead, there is opportunity for increasing the scale of operations. Inefficiency affects production in a sensible manner, especially when assuming that the target output is the number of graduates. Moreover, efficiency contributes to explaining a relevant portion of the productivity increases in the period. No significant scope economies between teaching and research emerge, suggesting that a higher degree of universities’ specialization can be a direction for improving the sector’s efficiency and productivity.  相似文献   

In his debate with Bertil Ohlin, Keynes observed that entrepreneurs, when deciding to invest, have to be sure they will access the amount of finance necessary to initiate the investment process and that they will be able, when the time comes, to fund their debts in ways that are adequate to the profile of assets they are purchasing. In this statement, Keynes outlines the functions of financial systems in Entrepreneurial Economies, the type of economies he hypothesizes we live in. In entrepreneurial economies, investing firms have to be able to get hold of the necessary amount of means of payment required to purchase or order investment goods and to build balance sheets where in- and outflows of cash are broadly matched within reasonable margins of safety. This means that financial systems’ primary role in Keynesian economics is not to allocate savings or capital but to allocate liquidity and to allow investors to build liquid balance sheets. The article develops this proposition, presenting Keynes's basic concepts on the matter and showing how modern financial systems perform their role.  相似文献   

Do multinational companies generate positive externalities for the host country? The evidence so far is mixed varying from beneficial to detrimental effects of foreign direct investment (FDI) on growth, with many studies that find no effect. In order to provide an explanation for this empirical ambiguity, we formalize a mechanism that emphasizes the role of local financial markets in enabling FDI to promote growth through backward linkages. Using realistic parameter values, we quantify the response of growth to FDI and show that an increase in the share of FDI leads to higher additional growth in financially developed economies relative to financially under-developed ones.  相似文献   

Within the financial management discipline, risk aversion is viewed as ‘secure’ and ‘responsible’. Yet, frequently risk aversion is associated with delays, failure to take action, decreased employee morale and stakeholder frustration. This article considers the role of risk aversion within the public sector and questions whether the risk-averse nature of the organization, coupled with risk-averse leaders can result in negative outcomes for the agency. The article concludes that while risk aversion is important, there are actions that a risk-averse leader can take to minimize the implications of risk-averse behaviour on the organization as a whole.  相似文献   

Innovation is a process of knowledge recombination [Fleming, L. 2001. “Recombinant Uncertainty in Technological Search.” Management Science 47: 119 p]. Extant literature highlights the importance of a firm’s knowledge base for innovation, while little is known about the structure of a firm’s knowledge base and how it affects the firm’s explorative innovation. Based upon the perspective of network analysis, we portray a firm’s knowledge base as an intra-organisational knowledge network and examine the effects of two structural features of the network – density and centralisation – on the firms’ exploratory innovation. Using a manual collected dataset of 738 Chinese automobile manufacturers, we find that a firm explores fewer new knowledge elements when the firm holds a dense knowledge network or a centralised knowledge network. More importantly, with the increase of a firm’s R&D collaborations with external actors, the negative effect of density is mitigated while the negative effect of centralisation is reinforced. Both theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

We examine whether shocks to leveraged creditors with cross border holdings have an incidence on debtor countries׳ risk of suffering financial turmoil. We construct a new proxy of shocks to international banks׳ balance-sheets using credit ratings and the structure of their international assets. This allows us investigating the effect of (foreign) bank balance-sheet shocks on domestic financial turmoil in a large sample of 146 developed and emerging economies from 1984 to 2011. Our proxies of shocks towards bank balance-sheets are strong predictors of systemic banking crises in their debtor countries. Confirming these results, bilateral bank flows significantly decrease when creditor banks׳ assets are hit by negative shocks, as measured by credit rating downgrades from third-party countries. Short-term liabilities towards global banks appear to increase roll-over and funding risks, thereby amplifying the impact of shocks to foreign lenders’ balance-sheets. Domestic banking sectors vulnerabilities, such as illiquid assets and a low deposit-asset ratio, are found to increase crisis contagion risk. In contrast, a high level of global liquidity attenuates the transmission of shocks to international banks׳ assets to debtor countries.  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of elections on public investment. Working with a sample of 67 presidential and parliamentary democracies between 1975 and 2012, we find that the growth rate of nominal public investment is higher at the beginning of electoral cycles and decelerates thereafter. The peak in public investment growth occurs 28 months before elections, and each month closer to the next election the growth rate of public investment declines by 0.7 percentage points. Other political variables, such as cabinet ideology and government fragmentation have less influence on short-term public investment dynamics. Fiscal rules and stronger institutions seem to attenuate the impact of elections on investment, but available information is insufficient to draw definitive conclusions. These results are robust to a number of controls, including for fixed elections.  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of the construction sector in Spain over the last decade. Several indicators are constructed based on Input–Output tables that demonstrate that the importance attributed to this sector does not correspond to its true role in the overall Spanish economy. Although it is true that the construction industry is important for other sectors of the economy, it is also true that the sector shows indicators that are average for the Spanish economy and lower than those of the industrial sector.  相似文献   

We evaluate public–private sector wage differentials by gender in Turkey between the years 2005 and 2013. Using micro data from Household Labor Force Surveys we find a positive premium for low wage earners and a penalty of working in the public sector at the higher end of the distribution. Although the penalty has not disappeared, the price effect has increased at both ends of the distribution. The increase at the lower tail is attributed to a higher price effect in the public sector, whereas at the higher tail it has been a result of a relatively uneven wage increase in the private sector along the distribution, rather than an explicit public wage policy.  相似文献   

Ali M. Ahmed 《Applied economics》2013,45(21):2715-2723
This article reports results from two experiments that investigate possible incidence of discrimination against people with foreign backgrounds in Sweden. In the first experiment, participants played the trust game and the dictator game with co-players of different ethnic affiliation. The family name of the players was exposed to their co-players. Results for the trust game showed no significant discrimination against co-players with foreign backgrounds. On the other hand, the results for the dictator game showed a statistically significant discriminatory behaviour by men against co-players with non-European backgrounds. The discriminatory behaviour was solely a male phenomenon. In the second experiment, the dictator game was replicated to check the stability of the results in the first experiment. The second experiment also examined whether people with foreign backgrounds discriminate against other people with foreign backgrounds; that is, the purpose was to discover whether discrimination is systematic. The observations in the second experiment underlined the results found in the first experiment: foreign co-players are discriminated against by Swedish players. However, we did not find that people with foreign backgrounds discriminated against other people with foreign backgrounds.  相似文献   

This study analyses the effects of exports on the level of output per capita using the panel estimates of an extended version of the Mankiw, Romer and Weil (The Quarterly Journal of Economics, CVII, 407-37, 1992) model, and on the total factor productivity using the time series estimators. The analysis is carried out for ten industries in the manufacturing sector in India. The results do not provide any evidence of convergence, and instead support the contrary evidence of divergence among industries. The exports do not induce convergence and instead seem to accentuate the process of divergence among industries. The study provides some evidence for the significant effects of exports on the level of output per capita and TFP in the manufacturing sector. The effects of exports on TFP are significant in half of the sample industries, while in the remaining half these are statistically insignificant.  相似文献   

The notion of the knowledge-based economy highlights the strategic importance of inter-industrial knowledge flows. Among others, the crucial role of information and communications technology (ICT) industry is emphasized. The pattern whereby technological knowledge is created, accumulated and disseminated through the interactive learning among industries can be portrayed as a network. Based on the network theory, this empirical study analyses, from the dynamic perspective, inter-industrial technological knowledge structure of Korean industries during the reference period of early 1980s to mid-1990s. Overall, the density of the network increased over time, implying that the knowledge network has expanded and intensified. The role of the ICT industry in the global network has also increased but needs to be further strengthened, especially informatization of non-ICT industries by the outflow of ICT industrial knowledge in the future. The findings in turn render some important policy implications that should be addressed in developing technology policy.  相似文献   

Firms from several advanced developing countries have successfully upgraded to higher levels of capability and competitiveness on the international stage. This study explores how leading Taiwanese latecomer firms acquired strong capabilities in the display (thin film transistor-liquid crystal display, TFT-LCD) industry. We identify how these firms acquired the technology base to catch up rapidly and move from one set of advanced products and technologies to another, focusing on both the accumulation of technological capabilities and the underlying absorptive capacity of each firm. Empirically, we distinguish three phases of capability building, namely pre-entry, entry, and innovation and diversification. Theoretically, we suggest that the notion of ‘latecomer’ absorptive capacity, centred on engineering and design rather than R&D, might explain both the rapidity of recent technological catch up and the diversification across products and technologies as latecomer firms approach the technology frontier.  相似文献   

This paper empirically examines the role of financial sector development in influencing the impact of exchange rate volatility on the exports of five emerging East Asian countries – China, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand – using a GMM‐IV estimation method. The results indicate that the effect of exchange rate volatility on exports is conditional on the level of financial sector development. The less financially developed an economy, the more its exports are adversely affected by exchange rate volatility. In addition, a stable exchange rate seems to be a necessary condition to achieve export promotion via a currency depreciation in these economies.  相似文献   

This paper provides empirical support for one theory of transition delays: initial land inequality. Using a new historical dataset for land inequality (Frankema, 2009) we employ duration analysis to investigate whether higher levels of land inequality lead to longer delays in the extension of primary schooling. Our findings suggest that land inequality is a key determinant of delays in schooling.  相似文献   

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