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Most sales promotion analysis, either at the external-to-the-store or in-store level, has been conducted based on what marketers have done and how consumers have responded in specific retail situations and for specific promotional techniques. Most studies, therefore are reported as, point-in-time and point-of-place specific, historical, after-the-fact results and imply a consumer preference for the measured activity. This paper provides a holistic view of how U.S. consumers regard all forms of promotion, both external-to-the-store in the form of 31 media alternatives and 23 in-store techniques across thirteen broad product categories. Data comes from twice a year online studies of representative groups of U.S. consumers, conducted since 2002. Consumers report on which in-store activities most influence their purchase decisions. From that, predictive models of consumer response to alternative promotional combinations are developed using CHAID analysis. This predictive approach is superior to traditional after-the-fact measures.  相似文献   

A survey into the seafood consumption preferences and patterns in the Portuguese population was carried out. Consumers were asked to state their preferences toward different kinds of fish products, to indicate their consumption frequencies of a total of 23 products, to mention the average meal portion, and to inform about the usual culinary treatments applied to the raw products. It was observed that the sensory characteristics of each product and cultural habits seem to influence serving size. For horse mackerel and canned sardines, an inverse correlation between education level and consumption frequency was found. Moreover, the consumption frequency of soaked cod, the main salted and dried fish in the Portuguese market, decreased with higher education. Older consumers were much fonder of wild fish and much more unwilling to consume farmed fish than the younger ones. It was also found that obese people deviate from other weight groups in that their preferences and consumption quantities are displaced to foods other than seafood.  相似文献   

Live stream marketing through social media has attracted the attention of digital retailing marketers in recent years. However, there is a lack of evidence in understanding the influence of in-store live stream on offline purchase intentions. This study aimed to investigate the influence patterns of environmental stimuli on consumers' intention to purchase offline/in-store after watching an in-store live stream session. The Stimuli-Organism-Response (SOR) model was employed as the theoretical framework, and a structured questionnaire was used to collect data from individuals who had previous experience with in-store live stream marketing. Structural equation modelling was then applied for data analysis, with a total of 234 valid responses. The findings revealed that environmental stimuli have a significant positive effect on consumers' intentions to make in-store purchases, and the attitudes towards influencers and products substantially mediate the relationship between stimuli and purchase intention. More specifically, consumer attitude towards products has a pronounced effect on whether they will make an in-store purchase. The novelty of this research lies in its investigation of the impact that live stream marketing has on offline or in-store shopping experiences. This contrasts with the majority of existing live stream studies, which focus on consumers’ online shopping experiences. In addition, this study broadens the scope of the application of the SOR model to contribute to the growing body of literature on live stream marketing.  相似文献   

Seafood as a whole food is highly nutritious. It is an important dietary source of protein, omega‐3 fatty acids and a wide array of highly bioavailable micronutrients. Despite the established health benefits associated with fish and seafood consumption, in Australia consumption levels still remain below those recommended for health. Although considerable research has been carried out on enablers and barriers to seafood consumption, the reasons Australian consumers do not consume recommended amounts of seafood while stating they would like to consume more seafood are complex and have not been fully illuminated. This paper reports on the development and results of a self‐administered questionnaire that aimed to identify consumer perceptions and preferences for fresh and frozen seafood. Data were collected through intercept surveys at an Australian university and 239 valid responses were received. Results confirmed respondent preference for fresh fish and seafood. There was significant confusion among respondents about what constitutes fresh seafood, with the term ‘fresh’ having different meanings to different respondents. Over half of respondents understood the term fresh to relate to seafood having been caught that same day. In comparison, approximately 15% understood fresh to reflect the accepted definition of having never been frozen. Additionally, results indicated respondents find it difficult to recognize if seafood is fresh, particularly in comparison with other meats. There is significant potential for the development of regulations for labelling of unpackaged seafood in order to allow consumers to make informed decisions about their purchases.  相似文献   

This paper uses the binary choice model to identify the factors that are significantly influencing the household purchase decisions of seafood products for home consumption in Auckland, New Zealand. It is found that ‘quality’ and ‘cooking easiness’ are the main product attributes that significantly influence households’ choices of seafood in Auckland. Also, the representative household has shown a strong preference for fresh and other alternative seafood products, including processed, smoked and canned, over frozen products. Retail outlets are found to be more attractive to the household purchasing seafood for home consumption. The New Zealand seafood industry may find this baseline study useful as a guide to developing future research structure on the domestic market.  相似文献   

Prior empirical investigations have found in-store information programs have little effect on sales volume. The current study examined the relationship between point-of-purchase information and consumer purchasing and satisfaction. Consumers who responded positively to the information program were found to purchase more from the relevant product category. Additionally, they were more satisfied with their purchases and with the store environment. Food marketers can reap long term direct and indirect benefits by providing information that is salient, easily assimilated and available at the point-of-decision.  相似文献   

The study employs ordered probit analysis to measure the effects of restaurant characteristics on restaurant fish and seafood utilization in the United States. The study uses data from the 1988 Southern Regional Aquaculture Center (SRAX) restaurant survey. Restaurant size and regional location are found to be the important factors affecting fish and seafood utilization by restaurants. Size of restaurant is directly related to fish utilization. The probability of fish utilization is highest among restaurants in the New England and Mid-Atlantic regions and lowest among restaurants in the Mountain region.  相似文献   

This study revisits the showrooming effect on online and offline retailers and is the first to examine the strategic role of in-store service in this regard. Considering the effect of in-store service in attracting consumers to offline channels and the showrooming effect of persuading offline consumers to purchase online, we propose a model consisting of two firms, a brick-and-mortar (BM) store and an e-tailer that can invest the staff or facilities necessary to deliver in-store services to consumers. Based on the service decisions, the two firms make their pricing decisions. We compare the optimal decisions of retailers in the cases without and with showrooming to explore the interaction between in-store service and showrooming. Our findings indicate that when a customer bears a high travel cost to visit the BM store, the store should lower the price, and improving the in-store service is ineffective in countering the consumer's showrooming behavior. Moreover, the service level in the case with showrooming can be either higher or lower than in the case without, and the outcome mainly depends on the efficiency of the service investment. Interestingly, in-store services can lead to a win–win situation for both online and offline retailers with showrooming. This study can also be extended to the case of powerful e-tailers or competing BM stores.  相似文献   

A field experiment involving 95 variety discount chain stores was conducted in which in-store radio ads were run in different formats and schedules, across different blocks of stores, over a 4-week period. The test products were advertised on in-store radio either (a) at their regular price, (b) at a discounted price or (c) at a discounted price that was also advertised in mail circulars. The resulting weekly sales data indicated that in-store radio advertising had little or no effect on sales of regularly priced products and discounted products also featured in the mail circulars, and increased sales of only one discounted product not featured in mail circulars. By contrast, the mail circular advertising resulted in consistent increases in sales of the test products.  相似文献   

This paper examines individuals' choice of in-store and online grocery shopping channels using stated preference (SP) choice experiments. The study uses 1,391 records from a stated preference choice experiment in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), Canada. It applies a Semi-Compensatory Independent Availability Logit (SCIAL) Model with latent variables. The methodology accounts for semi-compensatory choice behaviour through probabilistic choice set formation considering effects from socioeconomic and psychological variables. This study demonstrates the advantage of considering probabilistic choice set formation and semi-compensatory behaviour in modelling the adoption of innovative products. Empirical results reveal that shoppers demonstrated similar myopic behaviours once they firmly considered in-store grocery and subscribed free delivery services in their choice sets. They are equally likely to choose both channels without careful comparison to alternative channels once they firmly consider both channels in the choice set. However, considering the latter in choice sets is much costlier than in-store shopping. Therefore, in-store grocery shopping will still dominate the grocery shopping channel unless all home delivery services become free. Moreover, grocery shoppers value same-day delivery service. For typical delivery services charged between $4 and $20 in the GTA, Canada, grocery shoppers are willing to pay between $3.91 and $8.44 for same-day delivery. The latent variable describing shoppers’ perceived pandemic fear significantly contributes to the choice set inclusion probability of in-store grocery pick-up services, but the effect is not significant for other home delivery channels. This highlights heterogeneity in grocery shoppers' choice behaviour within the online channel.  相似文献   

In Australia, oysters are perceived as luxury products or are reserved for special occasions, making their consumption infrequent. Point of sale (POS) strategies can encourage consumers to increase purchase frequency. This paper reports the results of a field trial conducted for the Australian oyster industry to increase oyster purchase frequency. Five non-monetary POS strategies were trialled over 16 weeks in seven specialty seafood stores. While issues with store POS strategy compliance made evaluation difficult, sales increased by 15–20%; the most effective strategy was in-store sampling. Management and staff commitment to the POS campaign positively impacted results.  相似文献   

Consumers in the deregulated Swedish electricity market do not switch from their incumbent supplier to the extent that would be economically beneficial. To examine potential causes for this switching inertia, a mail survey was administered to 540 Swedish electricity consumers who were randomly assigned to four experimental conditions and a control condition. Survey participants in the experimental conditions first made a choice of a supplier; then, they made choices between this alternative (their ‘incumbent supplier’) and other alternatives that differed from the incumbent supplier on price, quality of information, market share and availability of ‘green’ electricity. The results showed that lower price, higher quality of information, medium–large market share, and availability of green electricity increased switching to the alternatives to the incumbent supplier. A remaining general preference for choosing the incumbent supplier was reduced by instructions that removed feelings of loyalty and informed about the economic benefits of switching for all consumers.  相似文献   

Hege Medin 《The World Economy》2019,42(4):1057-1076
Recent research shows that the effect of food standards can be heterogeneous across sectors or countries: they sometimes act as barriers to trade, but in other cases may lead to increased trade. I present empirical evidence on Norwegian seafood exports showing that foreign food standards, measured by sanitary and phytosanitary notifications to the WTO, generally have a negative impact on total exports, the number of exporters and their average exports. However, for fresh seafood, there is a positive counteracting effect. I present a theoretical explanation for this, suggesting that food standards reduce consumer uncertainty about quality and safety and therefore increase demand.  相似文献   

Consumers may adopt in-store shopping strategies to reduce time and/or money expenditures. Seven shopping strategies were identified and used to simulate the purchase of 19 specified products at three supermarkets at which price and size data were collected. Expenditures ranged from $13.88 to $23.70 for the various strategies, requiring up to 272 price comparisons. The monetary savings (from the average) resulting from use of the strategies were used to determine the break-even times for three hypothetical wage rates. Break-even time was defined as the amount of time one could spend such that the value of the time expended equals the monetary savings realized. The efficiency of a strategy was found to vary by store and by the value placed on shopping time. The implications of the findings for consumer educators are noted and discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of a qualitative research study that sought the views of consumers about using restaurants as a setting for health promotion and, specifically, for providing low-fat healthy food choices. As health promotion has evolved from a major focus on individual change toward a greater focus on the environments in which people live, work and recreate, restaurants in Australia are now being targeted as appropriate organizations for change. Consumers in this study expressed cautious interest in the idea. However, it was clear that their prime motivation for choosing a restaurant and a restaurant meal did not lie with healthy food considerations. Instead, issues such as cost, personal preference and hygiene appeared to be more important.  相似文献   

With data from a specialty apparel retailer, we present two studies that investigate the impact of an in-store boutique displaying merchandise of a new retail brand on overall performance of the parent stores in which the boutiques are placed, and on customer spending on merchandise offered by each of the two brands. Findings from the two studies generally support that the in-store boutique enhances three key store-level metrics: average customer transaction value per store visit; comparable sales growth from one year to the next; and customer conversion ratio. At the customer-level both studies show that average customer transaction value on merchandise offered by the new brand is negatively related to average customer transaction value on the parent brand, and vice versa. Furthermore, both studies reveal that the relationship between the perceived fit between the two brands and average customer transaction value on the parent brand increases at an increasing rate (positive main and quadratic effects of perceived fit), but that the impact of perceived fit on average customer transaction value on the in-store boutique brand increases at a deceasing rate (positive main effect, but a negative quadratic effect of perceived fit). Implications for retail practice and theory are offered.  相似文献   

Increasingly interactive touch-enabling technologies are mitigating the lack of haptic information for products online. This paper explores how consumers’ haptic traits – instrumental and autotelic – indirectly influence their impulse buying and channel stickiness intentions by the means of utilitarian and hedonic shopping motivations. A structural equation model investigating three shopping channels (i.e., physical, web, and mobile) reveals that haptic traits act differently across channels. Consumers with strong haptic traits prefer physical and mobile channels. The autotelic dimension is key in online channels. Findings support the implementation of effective multichannel strategies among retailers of high-haptic products, showing the mobile to be a valuable alternative to in-store shopping.  相似文献   

The present research examines how the availability of information about the value of a product, expressed as a ratio of the quality received per dollar, influences preference formation. This index, similar to unit price which provides information about how much quantity is received per dollar, presents consumers with information regarding the quality received per dollar. An experiment that compares consumers' preferences inferred from a choice task with their preferences inferred from a conjoint task was conducted. In the choice task consumers selected the most attractive alternative from a set of options, while in the conjoint task the attractiveness of each option was rated. Consumers, presented with an index of quality received per dollar paid (the value index), are more likely to choose a lower priced, higher value option rather than a higher priced, higher quality option compared to consumers presented with only price and quality information. Clearly, how a consumer chooses to “get the best for his or her money” depends on the ease with which information about the choices can be processed.  相似文献   

Supermarkets typically have an in-store demonstration located near the promotional end-of-aisle (or end-cap) area due to space requirements. Using a field experiment, we examine whether the occurrence of these in-store promotions competing for attention and engagement can disrupt each other, using binary logistic regression to analyse shopper behaviour. Results show the best way to attract attention to the end-of-aisle is not to have an in-store demonstration near it, or if required, a complementary product to the end-of-aisle should be used. Inferences based upon shopper characteristics are also given, providing important nuances in the attention to, and engagement with, in-store promotions.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2021,97(3):477-491
In-store displays aim to boost sales of both utilitarian and hedonic products. Noting typical differences in the information processing and purchase behavior evoked by these product types, and building on congruency theory principles, the authors propose that different types of in-store displays (i.e., island, end-of-aisle, or shelf signage) are more appropriate for utilitarian versus hedonic products, and the use of price or product promotions might reinforce these effects. With a database that combines three data sources (scanner, observational, and survey), this article presents an analysis of a market share model at the SKU level. The results confirm that in-store displays have differential effects on sales, depending on their characteristics; congruency between the decision-making process of utilitarian versus hedonic products and the characteristics of in-store display types moderates their effectiveness in terms of SKU sales. Shelf signage strongly increases the sales of utilitarian products, whereas island and end-of-aisle displays increase sales of hedonic product categories more effectively. The use of congruent promotions creates synergistic influences that reinforce these effects. In particular, price promotions improve the impact of shelf signage on utilitarian products, and product promotions strengthen the impacts of island and end-of-aisle displays on hedonic products. These results extend prior research on in-store marketing actions and the nature of utilitarian versus hedonic products, as well as providing recommendations for retailers and manufacturers seeking to optimize their retail space and commercial budgets.  相似文献   

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