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In this era, social media platform is integrated into the marketing strategy. This new technology sets out new mechanisms and communication tools that companies can rely on to interact and engage with actual and potential customers. This study aimed at exploring the impact of social media marketing activities (SMM) on brand loyalty via brand trust and brand equity. Based on an online survey of 287 users who follow telecommunications companies on social media located in Egypt, data was collected and analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results revealed that SMM activities comprise only three dimensions; trendiness, customization and word-of-mouth. These attributes of social media marketing directly influence brand loyalty and indirectly influence brand equity mediated by brand trust. The study emphasis the role of trust and provide guidance toward measuring the effectiveness of social media marketing.  相似文献   

现有基于消费者—品牌关系对品牌忠诚影响因素的实证研究发现,品牌信任和品牌情感是品牌忠诚的决定因素。尽管很多学者认为应该从动态的视角认识忠诚的概念,却没有随着时间推移来研究消费者品牌忠诚的发展过程的文献。为了弥补现有营销文献中这一理论的不足,文章提供了一个关于品牌情感和品牌信任同时影响品牌忠诚形成过程的动态研究。通过一个纵向情境模拟实验研究发现随着时间的推移,品牌信任和品牌情感在品牌忠诚的形成过程中作用在不断变化,并且消费者自我调节定向与品牌信任或品牌情感的的匹配会增强其在品牌忠诚形成过程中的作用。  相似文献   


To maintain a competitive advantage, the strategy of the creation and maintenance of brand loyalty plays a vital role. The main aim of this study is to examine the theoretical and empirical evidence on the causal relationships among different factors i.e., brand personality, image, experience, satisfaction, trust and commitment that have direct and indirect effects in the creation of brand loyalty. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using Partial Least Squares (PLS) method was applied to test the relationships in this study. The findings indicate that brand personality, brand image and brand experience are key sources of brand satisfaction.  相似文献   

Consumers' Trust in a Brand and the Link to Brand Loyalty   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
Brands are important in the consumer market. They are the interface between consumers and the company, and consumers may develop loyalty to brands. This study proposes that trust in a brand is important and is a key factor in the development of brand loyalty. Factors hypothesized to influence trust in a brand include a number of brand characteristics, company characteristics and consumer-brand characteristics. Respondents representing a broad spectrum of Singapore consumers were surveyed. The findings reveal that brand characteristics are relatively more important in their effects on a consumer's trust in a brand. The results also show that trust in a brand is positively related to brand loyalty. Marketers should, therefore, take careful consideration of brand factors in the development of trust in a brand.  相似文献   

Marketing relationships can be placed on a continuum from short, discrete transactions to ongoing brand relationships. The majority of recent work has focused on relational exchanges, with some scholars even suggesting early on that the marketing discipline was undergoing a paradigm shift from a transaction-based marketing perspective toward a relational exchange perspective. However, there has been a growing recognition that not all customers seek relational exchanges. Consequently, the current research considers customer relationship management from the less studied, but oft seen, perspective of transactional exchange. A study is presented using recent advances in structural equation modeling analyses, including Bayesian estimation methods and mediation analyses. We further consider the psychological processes underlying the formation of consumer loyalty based on pre- and post-purchase measurements taken over multiple time periods. We specifically hypothesize that consumer satisfaction judgments will fully mediate any influences of post-purchase trust judgments on future loyalty intentions. With American consumers’ trust in businesses at an all-time low, coupled with the recent trend that more and more brick-and-mortar retailers are at risk of “showrooming” for online retailers, there is an apparent need to also consider retail customers who see the value of relationship marketing only selectively.  相似文献   

品牌体验对品牌忠诚的影响:品牌社区的中介作用   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
文章以"动感地带"为测试品牌,在构建品牌体验、品牌社区和品牌忠诚三者之间概念模型的基础上,应用多元回归分析,实证研究了品牌体验、品牌社区对品牌忠诚的影响.研究发现:品牌体验对品牌社区具有显著的正向效应;品牌体验和品牌社区对品牌忠诚均具有明显的正向影响;品牌社区是品牌体验作用于品牌忠诚的中介变量,品牌体验更多的是通过品牌社影响品牌忠诚.这些研究结论为品牌忠诚影响因素的进一步研究提供了理论基础,对于企业创新品牌忠诚培育模式和策略也具有指导意义.  相似文献   


Although brand commitment has been a recurrent theme in loyalty research, the construct is not well understood with regard to its formation and its links to other key attitudinal variables. Integrating consumer research and relationship marketing theory, this paper suggests two routes to the development of affective commitment and proposes a model of brand commitment with satisfaction, trust, and brand-person fit as antecedents and exclusive purchase intention as an outcome. The model was tested across three product categories and received substantial empirical support. Implications, limitations and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

产品伤害事件对消费者品牌忠诚度的影响机制研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文从产品伤害事件的感知损失程度的角度,研究了产品伤害事件的感知损失程度与品牌感知风险、品牌情感、品牌信任、品牌忠诚之间的关系。文章认为,产品伤害事件中的感知损失与感知风险正相关,与品牌情感、品牌信任负相关;感知风险与品牌情感、品牌信任负相关;品牌情感、品牌信任与品牌忠诚正相关。产品伤害事件对品牌忠诚度影响的机制是产品伤害事件以及与该事件相关的各项信息形成消费者的感知损失与感知风险,进而影响品牌情感与品牌信任,最后导致品牌忠诚度的改变。文章提出,在产品伤害事件不幸发生后,最佳的处理方式是尽量通过各种可能的措施使消费者感到本公司值得信赖,相信公司能够在未来避免此类事件再次发生,能够确保消费者的利益,从而减少消费者对该品牌的疑虑,减弱对该品牌的感知风险,只有这样才能尽量维持消费者对该品牌的喜爱与信任,并进而维持对该品牌的忠诚度。  相似文献   

本文运用实验研究的方法讨论了消费者情绪对品牌信任的影响及品牌熟悉度的调节作用,报告了两个实验研究的结果:基于情感信息模型,在消费者对品牌不熟悉的情况下,消费者的不同效价与不同评估类型的情绪,影响了消费者对品牌信任的评价;基于情感注入模型,品牌熟悉度调节了消费者情绪对品牌信任的影响。  相似文献   

消费者品牌忠诚影响因素实证分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
陆娟  张东晗 《财贸研究》2004,15(6):39-46
伴随着激烈的市场竞争,消费者品牌转换行为日趋频繁,迫使企业寻找影响消费者品牌忠诚的关键因素。本文以北京市消费者为研究对象,对消费者品牌忠诚的影响因素进行了实证分析,得出了驱动品牌忠诚的若干因素,以期为企业做出正确的营销决策提供参考。  相似文献   


This study utilized data from two geographically separated cultures to investigate relationships involving antecedents to true brand loyalty. A relationship between the consumer's attitude toward the brand and a measure of expressed commitment was found to explain a significant percentage of the variance in commitment. A relationship between commitment and true brand loyalty also was found significant. Both relationships vary somewhat by product and culture. No evidence was found, however, suggesting that they could not be considered generalizable. The underlying components of brand attitude were found to vary by product and country. The culturally related differences-espe-cially those pertaining to the composition and meaning of the underlying components-have interesting managerial implications.  相似文献   

区域品牌发展对区域经济产生了重要的影响.但区域品牌在发展过程中很容易出现区域品牌的滥用现象,如何减少甚至杜绝区域品牌的滥用是区域品牌管理的关键问题之一。为此,以区域品牌忠诚作为研究突破口,探讨建立了以企业因素、区域品牌、产业集群、区域因素等四个变量作为自变量,以企业认知评价作为中介变量,以区域品牌忠诚作为因变量的区域品牌影响因素理论模型,并结合变量关系提出了对应的假设。  相似文献   


Although researchers and managers are increasingly paying attention to customer satisfaction, trust, loyalty and service recovery, not much is known about how these constructs interrelate with one another. Previous research has examined the interrelationships among subsets of these constructs. The authors extend this previous research by developing and testing a conceptual framework, considering all of these constructs (complaint encounter-specific evaluations and relational constructs) within a business/consumer environment. The findings show that distributive and interactional justice perceptions of the service recovery impact the satisfaction with the way the complaint is handled, which, in turn, influences the consumer's level of trust. Finally, consumer loyalty is affected by satisfaction, trust and perceived value.

RESUMEN. A pesar del creciente interés demostrado por los investigadores y gerentes en la satisfacción, confianza lealtad y recuperación del servicio del cliente, es poco lo que se conoce sobre cómo estas condiciones se interrelacionan entre sí. Investigaciones anteriores examinaron la interrelación entre los subgrupos de estos elementos. Los autores ampliaron la investigación anterior, desarrollando y poniendo a prueba un marco conceptual, considerando todos estos elementos (las quejas tienen evaluaciones específicas y elementos relacionales) dentro del entorno negocio - consumidor. Los hallazgos muestras que las percepciones de la justicia distributiva e interreaccional de la recuperación del servicio, impactan la satisfacción debido a la forma en que se manipula la queja que, a su vez, influye sobre el nivel de confiabilidad del consumidor. Finalmente, la lealtad del consumidor también se ven afectados por el grado de satisfacción, confianza y el valor que ellos le atribuyen.

RESUMO. Embora pesquisadores e gerentes venham prestando cada vez mais atenção à satisfação, confiança e fidelidade dos clientes e à recuperação de serviço (Service Recovery), pouco se sabe sobre como esses construtos se inter-relacionam. Pesquisas anteriores examinaram as inter-relações entre subconjuntos desses construtos. Os autores estendem essas pesquisas anteriores, desenvolvendo e testando uma estrutura conceitual, considerando todos esses construtos (avaliações de reclamações específicas aos encontros e construtos relacionais) dentro de um ambiente empresa/consumidor. As descobertas mostram que as percepções da justiça distributiva e interacional da recuperação de serviço impactam a satisfação com a forma como a reclamação é manuseada, o que, por sua vez, influencia o nível de confiança do consumidor. Finalmente, a fidelidade dos consumidores é afetada pela satisfação, confiança e valor percebido.  相似文献   


In recent years, the banking sector has undergone major changes in the way it serves its customers. Banks have found that customer loyalty is fundamental to strengthening their strategies. The objective of this paper is to identify the variables that have the greatest influence on the loyalty of mobile banking users. A structural equation model of the relationships between the studied variables was developed. The main results indicate that the variables with the greatest influence on mobile banking users’ loyalty are satisfaction, use, and trust. Several conclusions, managerial implications, and possibilities for future studies emerge from these results.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the validity of signaling theory and relationship marketing in e-commerce and in two different countries with different stages of technology development. We advance a model that reflects the role played by website characteristics as determinant factors of trust and loyalty to the website. The model is tested for young Internet users. It is examined in Spanish and Japanese contexts to ascertain whether any differences emerge due to differing cultures and shopping contexts. Results reveal few differences between Spain and Japan, despite their contrasting development of e-commerce and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Customer service is the most important website signal to engender trust, a feature closely linked to loyalty both in Japan and Spain. However, reputation seems more important when engaging Japanese buyers' trust, whereas only website design has an impact on Spanish buyers' trust.  相似文献   

客户忠诚指客户行为的持续性,它对确立企业的核心竞争力具有重要影响。文章认为,客户忠诚是内外部环境因素共同作用的结果。而通讯服务质量、信任、转网成本、员工忠诚是影响通讯业客户忠诚的重要因素。其中,良好的通讯服务质量是维系客户忠诚的保障;信任是客户再购买行为产生的前提;转网成本对通讯业客户忠诚有着不可忽视的影响;员工忠诚有助于客户忠诚的建立。我国通讯运营商要建立客户忠诚,必须以客户导向的营销理念作为企业经营管理的主导思想;加强技术创新,为客户提供全方位的优质服务;与客户之间建立相互信任的合作关系,为长远合作奠定基础;提高转网成本和员工忠诚度,为建立客户忠诚打下坚实的内部基础。  相似文献   

Product assortment is one of the most important factors within retail strategy and number of brands offered is a key dimension. Retailers face the challenge balancing assortments that are large enough to attract and satisfy consumers, while also being efficient and profitable. Brand exclusivity arrangements within mass retailers are a developing phenomenon in the marketplace. Consumer reaction to these arrangements is not well understood by retailers, nor are they studied in the literature. This study examines the impact brand exclusivity arrangements and their context may have on customer satisfaction. A field experiment finds that the negative consumer response to imposed brand exclusivity is significantly larger than that associated with the mere reduction in the number of brands.  相似文献   

何艳  范定祥 《中国市场》2009,(10):127-129
营销渠道成员间的满意、信任和相互依赖通过直接或间接的方式影响着工商企业间的渠道忠诚。要培育工商企业间的渠道忠诚,应增加渠道成员满意感,培育渠道感性信任和理性信任,增加转换成本、加强双方的依赖关系,从而建立持续的合作关系。  相似文献   

服务业顾客忠诚的驱动因素研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
阳林 《商业研究》2006,7(24):170-173
服务业顾客忠诚一直是营销理论界高度关注的热门话题之一,借鉴西方学者对服务业顾客忠诚基本概念的界定,在考察服务产品质量、情境设计等有形利益对顾客忠诚的影响的同时,将无形驱动因素纳入影响服务业顾客忠诚的分析中,通过国内外现有的研究成果分析这些驱动因素对服务业顾客忠诚的影响,阐明服务业顾客忠诚的形成机理,从而为该领域提供新的研究思路,为服务业提升竞争力提供管理决策的参考依据。  相似文献   

将传统的供应商选择标准归纳为品牌功能绩效,同时引入品牌情感绩效概念,以顾客满意作为中介变量、以重复购买意向作为因变量构建理论模型并提出研究假设,数据收集是通过对206家葡萄酒进口商发放问卷的方式进行的。研究发现:供应商的品牌功能绩效和品牌情感绩效都会正向影响进口商满意度,供应商的功能绩效还正向影响进口商的重复购买意向,但情感绩效没有实现对进口商重复购买意向的直接影响,情感绩效通过影响进口商满意度间接影响其重复购买意向。  相似文献   

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