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We explore issues in theory-driven choice modeling by focusing on partial-equilibrium models of dynamic structural demand with forward-looking decision-makers, full equilibrium models that integrate the supply side, integration of bounded rationality in dynamic structural models of choice and public policy implications of these models.  相似文献   

A growing body of empirical literature uses structurally-derived economic models to study the nature of competition and to measure explicitly the economic impact of strategic policies. While several approaches have been proposed, the discrete choice demand system has experienced wide usage. The heterogeneous, or mixed, logit in particular has been widely applied due to its parsimonious structure and its ability to capture flexibly substitution patterns for a large number of differentiated products.We outline the derivation of the heterogeneous logit demand system. We then present a number of applications of such models to various data sources. Finally, we conclude with a discussion of directions for future research in this area.  相似文献   

Financial and cost accounting information is processed by decision-makers guided by their particular need to support decisions. Recent technological advances impacting on information as well as organizations such as the European Community mandating financial reporting requirements for many countries is rapidly changing the landscape for decision making using accounting information. Hence, the importance of individuals' decision making is more important than it was previously. These decisions are also influenced by individuals' ethical beliefs. The Throughput Modeling approach to cultural and ethical concerns provides a way of dealing with accounting information processed through various pathways by decision-makers. This modeling approach captures different philosophical perspectives from which to understand what is involved in "thinking scientifically." In the Throughput Modeling approach, pathways highlight the importance of how different philosophical perspectives may be used by individuals in arriving at a decision. This paper highlights key concepts involved in rethinking the basis of moral decision making in terms of an underlying process, rather than focusing on the application of principles or the development of a virtuous character. Examples are provided from both English and Spanish settings to help emphasize the importance of modeling ethical decision making globally.  相似文献   

Loss aversion is a behavioral phenomenon with game-changing implications for economic theory and practice. We conduct a meta-analysis of 33 studies (providing 109 observations) investigating loss aversion in random utility models of brand choice. Specifically, we use multilevel modeling techniques to examine potential moderators of preference asymmetries as well as the variability of loss-aversion effects within and between studies. We find that loss aversion is manifest in product choice, but that it exhibits substantial variation across research contexts. Product-related variables (e.g., the category type), consumer characteristics (e.g., reference-point mechanisms), and particularly methodological decisions (e.g., model specifications) determine the observed degree of loss–gain disparity. Practical implications of the specific findings and opportunities for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study develops a comprehensive e-service quality measure of e-commerce platforms as intermediaries, which considers both the functionality of the website itself and the performance assessment of independent sellers. The study further investigates the joint impacts of both the attributes of e-commerce platforms and the performance of independent sellers on users’ online shopping experience: perceived online transaction value and the ensuing satisfaction. Finally, the study examines the effects of e-service quality on the outcome variables across two major e-commerce platforms as intermediaries, eBay and Amazon. The multiple-group structural model analysis provides important insights to understanding differing impacts of different quality components on shopping experiences across various online marketplaces. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

New product activity is critical for sustained success of consumer packaged goods (CPG) brands. However, the impact of new SKUs on the perceived quality, quality uncertainty and subsequent choice of the brand as a whole is, as of yet, not well understood. The authors study how new additions to the brand line shape consumers’ quality perceptions, and how this – next to the mere line length effect – influences their choice of brands over time. They do so in the setting of an emerging market (China), where new product activity is particularly pervasive. Using a unique scanner panel dataset of Chinese households over the period 2011–2014, they estimate a Bayesian learning model that accommodates varying quality, on two CPG categories, and for two types of new-product additions (new sensory SKUs vs. new non-sensory SKUs). They show that while adding new SKUs may lift the brand’s perceived quality level, it also makes consumers more uncertain about the quality of the brand – dampening their brand choice. This holds especially for light customers – an important part of the brand clientele. Managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

For profit and nonprofit service providers compete in different areas of economy. Market orientation is a widely acknowledged concept that influences the performance of both for-profit companies and nonprofit organizations. Nevertheless, the different underlying attitudes and motivations of voluntary or professional managers may influence the market orientation of an organization. An empirical study was conducted for investigating the influence of different attitudes toward market orientation. Groups of non- and for-profit managers are compared using the example of German riding schools. Overall, 244 volunteer and professional managers answered the survey. A structural path model was evaluated using the software SmartPLS 3. Results show that attitudes and motivations exert influence differently in the non- and the for-profit contexts. The economic situation was found to have an influence solely on the satisfaction reported by professional managers but not on the satisfaction reported by volunteers. Implications for future research on nonprofit market orientation can be drawn from the findings.  相似文献   

倪娟 《财经论丛》2016,(3):37-45
本文以沪深两市A股重污染行业2012-2013年上市公司为样本,实证考察我国重污染行业上市公司环境信息披露质量与银行信贷决策两者之间的相互关系。研究发现:重污染行业上市公司环境信息披露质量越高,可获得的银行借款越多。进一步研究发现,环境信息披露质量对重污染行业上市公司短期银行借款的影响更为显著,对长期银行借款的影响则较弱。研究证实,重污染行业上市公司提高环境信息披露质量有助于企业获取更多的银行借款,尤其是短期银行借款。  相似文献   

Manufacturing is a complex application domain, traditionally a realm of engineers and factory workers. As we are in the information age, the manufacturing domain has become more dependent on information through the use of computers and computer‐controlled machines. In the arena of advanced manufacturing, a number of concepts such as the “virtual corporation”; and “virtual factory”; have emerged, requiring that manufacturing be highly information‐intensive and knowledge‐based.

This article examines the role of the information infrastructure and explores the use of intelligent agents in its implementation for advanced manufacturing enterprises. The information infrastructure forms a complex hierarchy of distributed, heterogeneous information systems. Intelligent agents play various roles at different levels of the hierarchy to provide interoperability, reliability, programma‐bility, and controllability.  相似文献   

Although Iran is one of the top 10 countries in the world that produce tomatoes, the level that they are exported into the global market is low. This issue may have resulted from a major problem within tomatoes’ supply chain management. This paper aims to develop an empirical model of the supply chain management (SCM) of tomato companies. Throughout the reviewed literature, a SCM construct with different six indicators has been developed, including information sharing, long-term relationship, cooperation, quality, flexibility, and delivery. In this study, the influence of the SCM components on tomato export was identified through the use of empirical data that were collected from 20 different tomato companies in Northeast Iran. Using structural equation modeling, the major elements of SCM were found to have significant impacts on the export of tomatoes. The results also showed that information sharing, cooperation, flexibility, quality, and delivery had significant positive effects on the export of tomatoes.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the use of multiple stores by supermarket customers. It relates the number of stores patronized to a set of customer factors under a unifying theoretical framework emphasizing cost-benefit analysis. Respective hypotheses are tested in a large random sample. This study is a first attempt to empirically address the structure of multiple store patronage. It is demonstrated that multiple store patronage is affected by variables such as customer income, satisfaction, and expenditure that are suggestive of heterogeneous cost-benefit tradeoffs and opportunity costs of time. It is shown that customers are intrinsically different in the predisposition to being loyal. In this respect, store patronage is a continuum between single store loyalty and use of several different stores, on which customers vary depending on individual preferences. The empirical analysis also suggests that exclusive patronage of the favorite store arises from two observationally equivalent latent segments that differ in their inclination to remain loyal. The results yield valuable insights into the structure of store patronage and lead to important implications for retail managers. Several extensions are considered. A broad set of research questions surrounding store patronage can be considered from a cost-benefit viewpoint in the sense that consumer decisions in this area involve trading off economic resources against assortment, spatial and temporal benefits.  相似文献   

This article explores the factors that motivate firms to learn new management practices. The hypotheses are empirically tested using a representative sample of 3676 small, medium and large firms from four South Asian countries and across all main sectors of economic activity. Given that we know little about the antecedents of the propensity to learn management practices in emerging markets, the study employs Bayesian Model Averaging approach to overcome the potential issue of model uncertainty. The results reveal that market competition, resource allocation towards internal and external R&D, good quality mobile network coverage and the use of external certified financial auditors have all positive and significant effects on the propensity to learn management practices. The results also suggest that private intellectual property rights protection in the context of inefficient legal systems can deter firms from learning, perhaps in fear of legal ramifications. Finally, the study shows that firms with a higher propensity of learning management practices are more likely to become profitable while exhibiting higher levels of both potential and actual innovation.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2015,91(1):68-88
This study explores the profit impact of seeding programs—giving away free new products to enhance new product diffusion. We conducted extensive agent-based simulation experiments using empirical social connectivity data from five consumer social networks. The findings suggest that the effect of consumer homophily—the similarity of adjacent consumers in a social network—on the profit impact of seeding depends on the seeding target. Consumer homophily negatively affects the profit impact of seeding early adopters but it exhibits a U-shaped relationship with the profit impact of seeding social hubs and random seeding. The right side of the U-shaped curve (high homophily) reflects a higher profit impact when compared to the left side (low homophily). We integrate literature from sociology, social networks, and marketing to explain this finding. The results also suggest that seeding social hubs generates the greatest NPV (net present value), followed by seeding randomly chosen targets, and early adopters, in that order. Finally, we explore the optimal seeding size—the percentage of the market to seed—and discuss managerial implications for seeding strategies.  相似文献   

Shopping format choice has been an interesting and important area of research in the academic literature from long time. However, research in this area is presently at a nascent stage in India. There are a very few studies which focus on store format choice in India which includes the works of Anand and Sinha (2009), Prasad and Aryasri (2008), Sinha and Banerjee (2004) and Tripathi and Sinha (2008). The present study compares three different retail formats (Discount stores, Exclusive stores and Multi-brand outlets) based on the shopper's perception of relationship quality (RQ) of these stores using multivariate techniques. For addressing, the objective of this study a sample of 313 shoppers is used. Results suggest that “conflict due to store” and “combined overall RQ due to the store and its employees” influence the store format choice. The RQ levels among the apparel store format are highly competitive.  相似文献   

Although market scarcity such as time restriction is widely used in retail advertisements, its impact on product message processing and product evaluation is still subject to controversy. In this study, analyses through structural equation modeling indicated that (i) scarcity had no impact on product message processing, (ii) scarcity had a direct impact on product evaluation as a heuristic cue when the value inferred from scarcity was congruous with the worth derived from product message, and (iii) scarcity lost its impact on product evaluation when the value inferred from scarcity was incongruous with the worth derived from product message, and the incongruity prompted scrutiny of product message, resulting in a mediated impact of product message on product evaluation through product message processing. In conclusion, the results supported an information congruity theory of market scarcity.  相似文献   

We extend research on transaction cost theory that shows that vertical integration enables firms to protect their investments in exchange relationships better than market mechanisms. However, extant research finds ownership to exacerbate, rather than limit, exchange partner opportunism. Hence, the purpose of this study is to investigate conditions under which ownership can be effective for constraining an exchange partner's opportunism. Using matched dyadic data for 296 hotel brands, we conduct multi-level hierarchical linear modeling and identify conditions under which common ownership limits hotel opportunism. Findings indicate that ownership can limit hotel opportunism when brand headquarters can easily monitor the hotel's activities.  相似文献   

A number of theoretical approaches to ethicaldecision making in the business context arecriticized as being too complex and cumbersometo be useful in day to day decision making. Byway of a potential solution, the authorspresent a universalistic, real-time model forassessing and resolving ethical decisions. Utilizing this model requires students andpractitioners to evaluate their decisionsaccording to two dimensions. In the firstdimension, stakeholders are identified aseither ``insiders' or ``outsiders' relating tothe differential advantages and/ordisadvantages a decision has on these twogroups. With the second dimension, consequences for the short term and long termfor these two stakeholder groups are assessed. The paper concludes with an illustration fromreal financial services business decisions asviewed through the model. These examplesprovide readers a sense of the model'spotential for consulting and pedagogicalpurposes.  相似文献   

In this paper determinants of information systems (IS) outsourcing are deduced from transaction cost economic theory, resource-based theory and power theory. They are summarized in a theoretical framework which is tested using a sample of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in Germany. The results show that internal performance and know-how deficits vis-à-vis external service providers are key determinants that explain why different IS functions are outsourced to varying degrees in SMEs. Moreover, the determinants of IS functions were found to partially differ between IS functions. Revised reprint of an article from WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK 43(4)2001:339–350.
Armin Heinzl (Corresponding author)Email:

文章基于渠道行为与嵌入理论,探讨了营销渠道中的经济型影响策略(组织间强制性影响策略和非强制性影响策略)与社会型影响策略(组织间人际影响策略)对企业间关系质量的影响。通过对152家制造商的调查数据分析发现:企业在治理渠道关系时,使用组织间强制性影响策略会降低它与合作伙伴之间的关系质量;使用组织间非强制性影响策略对它与合作伙伴之间关系质量的影响不显著;使用组织间人际影响策略则有助于提高它与合作伙伴之间的关系质量。此外,组织间人际影响策略还会减弱组织间强制性影响策略对企业间关系质量的负面影响。  相似文献   


This paper presents a model of brand equity for business markets. It is argued that the potential benefits of branding and brand equity development have been neglected in business markets and that a general model and stream of relevant empirical research could be useful to managers in business markets depending on the situational nature of their market and competitive structure. The model adapts and extends existing brand equity literature to reflect the unique aspects involved in a business-to-business marketing context. The model developed considers marketing strategies as antecedents, two different classes of moderator variables, brand equity as a perception by the buyer or the market, a series of consequences of brand equity perceptions, and perceived risk as a moderator of the brand equity-consequences relationship. Propositions have been defined and discussed to help facilitate research and provide guidelines for industrial marketing managers.  相似文献   

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