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This paper analyses relations between stock market returns and mutual fund flows in Korea. A positive relationship exists between stock market returns and mutual fund flows, measured as stock purchases and sales and net trading volumes. In aggregate, mutual funds are negative feedback traders. Standard causality tests suggest that it is predominantly returns that drive flows, while stock sales may contain information about returns. After controlling for declining markets, the results suggest Korean equity fund managers tend to increase stock purchases in times of rising market volatility, possibly disregarding fundamental information, and to sell in times of wide dispersion in investor beliefs.  相似文献   

This paper examines the interaction between mutual fund flows and stock returns in Greece. Specifically, we investigate the possibility of a causality mechanism through which mutual funds flows may affect stock returns and vice versa. The statistical evidence derived from the error correction model indicates that there is a bidirectional causality between mutual fund flows and stock returns. Cointegration results show that mutual funds flows cause stock returns to rise or fall. This may be explained by the fact that, in Greece, equity mutual funds are obliged by law to invest a certain percentage of their cash in stocks. Thus, inflows and outflows of cash in equity funds seem to cause higher and lower stock returns in Greek stock market.  相似文献   

Several papers use a fractional specification (net inflow/ assets under management) to infer a convex relation between flow and past performance. However, heterogeneous linear response functions combined with the pooled analysis commonly used in these studies can yield false convexity estimates. We show that such heterogeneity obtains in practice. Along these same lines, the paper also finds that several previously unexamined implications of a convex flow-performance relation fail to hold. Moreover, convexity with fractional flows (which we confirm) largely disappears in a conditional analysis that controls for heterogeneity. Market shares offer an alternative specification for flow that is more resilient to heterogeneity. Using this alternative specification, we again find no evidence of convexity in the flow-performance relation. We conclude that the widely held belief that the flow response function is convex is due solely to misspecification of the empirical model. The flow-return relation is linear.  相似文献   

International fund investment in bonds and equities is characterized by a positive association between current net inflows and contemporaneous and past market returns: positive-feedback trading, while being possibly profitable for international fund investors, could be destabilizing for the underlying markets. Allowing for interactions between equity investment and bond investment, our panel vector autoregression shows that past equity returns contain useful information in forecasting equity and bond flows and that bond flows impact future equity returns positively.  相似文献   

We study the factors affecting the cross section of net returns of money market mutual funds from 1990 through 1994, and the persistence of relative returns across years. We find that the expense ratio is the most important factor in explaining differences in net returns. Government-only funds produce slightly lower returns than other-taxable funds, and economies of scale are evident only for the smaller funds. Money funds' relative returns show strong persistence. Most funds maintain stable expense ratios, so low-cost funds produce consistently high relative returns.  相似文献   

This study simultaneously analyzes the relation between aggregate stock market returns and cash flows (net purchases of equity) from a broad array of investor groups in the United States over a long period of time from 1952 to 2004. We find strong evidence that quarterly flows are autocorrelated for each of the different investor groups. We further document a significant and positive contemporaneous relation between stock market returns and flows of Mutual Funds and Foreign Investors.  相似文献   

The relationship of stock market returns with components of aggregate equity mutual fund flows (new sales, redemptions, exchanges-in, and exchanges-out) is examined. Vector autoregressions and tests of linear feedback show that the flow-return relationship exists solely between returns and exchanges-in and -out. Further, only exchanges-out are responsible for the contrarian flow behavior noted by Warther (1995). The evidence suggests that the various components reflect different investor objectives and information.  相似文献   

Past studies find abnormal returns to buying after repurchase program announcements. We analyze the profitability of trading after both program announcements and individual repurchase trade publication using different trading strategies – market and limit orders. The analysis of trades is possible because of a unique Canadian data set. The highest abnormal returns are earned by companies on their own repurchase trades which benefits the non-tendering shareholders. For the public investor, we find no strategies that, in practice, would earn abnormal returns to buying after program announcements. However, there is qualified evidence of abnormal returns to a limit order strategy following publication of individual repurchase trades.  相似文献   

This paper provides new insight into the relationship between short sales and stock market returns using a sample of stocks sold short in Canada. Short interest is defined in relation to trading volume. The results strongly support the assertion that short sales and excess returns are contemporaneously negatively correlated in Canada. The paper further finds that excess returns are more negative for small firms because the supply of shortable shares is constrained for these firms. Excess returns are less negative for stocks with associated options and convertible bonds. Importantly, the evidence is consistent with the proposition that informed traders short sell Canadian interlisted stocks in Canada, rather than the US, to exploit lower execution costs. Together the results suggest that less restrictive regulation of short sales will improve the efficiency of markets.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the firm-level accrual and cash flow effects extend to the aggregate stock market. In sharp contrast to previous firm-level findings, aggregate accruals is a strong positive time series predictor of aggregate stock returns, and cash flows is a negative predictor. In addition, innovations in accruals are negatively contemporaneously correlated with aggregate returns, and innovations in cash flows are positively correlated with returns. These findings suggest that innovations in accruals and cash flows contain information about changes in discount rates, or that firms manage earnings in response to marketwide undervaluation.  相似文献   

We present evidence of the cross-sectional relation between security returns, beta, firm size and book-to-market ratio over the period 1971 to 1993 on the New Zealand sharemarket. Our results suggest that the NZSE-40 market index is not a mean-variance efficient market proxy—the betas calculated with respect to it being of little use for explaining expected returns cross-sectionally. Also, there is a significant positive relation between book-to-market ratio and average return.  相似文献   

We propose a simple time-series model based on information asymmetry that allows us to test the predictive power of equity and debt issues with respect to future market returns. Using this method, we find that managers’ new equity and debt issue decisions have predictive power for future market returns, when we take into account potential feedback from past market returns and structural breaks. We also take into account a cointegration relation among stock prices, equity issues and debt issues. This finding is robust with respect to various measures of market returns and consistent with the managerial timing hypothesis.  相似文献   

We examine the timing ability of mutual fund investors using cash flow data at the individual fund level. Over 1991–2004 equity fund investor timing decisions reduce fund investor average returns by 1.56% annually. Underperformance due to poor timing is greater in load funds and funds with relatively large risk-adjusted returns. In particular, the magnitude of investor underperformance due to poor timing largely offsets the risk-adjusted alpha gains offered by good-performing funds. Investors in both actively managed funds and index funds exhibit poor investment timing. We demonstrate that our empirical results are consistent with investor return-chasing behavior.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relation between mutual fund flows and the real economy. The findings of this paper support the theory that the positive co-movement of flows into equity funds and stock market returns is explained by a common response to macroeconomic news. Variables that predict the real economy as well as the equity premium – in particular dividend-price ratio, default spread, relative T-Bill rate and consumption-wealth ratio – are related to fund flows and can account for the correlation of flows and market returns. Furthermore, consistent with the information-response hypothesis, mutual fund flows are forward-looking and predict real economic activity.  相似文献   

Theoretically, the implied cost of capital (ICC) is a good proxy for time-varying expected returns. We find that aggregate ICC strongly predicts future excess market returns at horizons ranging from one month to four years. This predictive power persists even in the presence of popular valuation ratios and business cycle variables, both in-sample and out-of-sample, and is robust to alternative implementations. We also find that ICCs of size and book-to-market portfolios predict corresponding portfolio returns.  相似文献   

This paper examines the cross-sectional relationship between downside risk (Value at Risk) and expected returns in a sample of 1370 emerging market hedge funds (EMHF). We find that downside risk significantly drives expected returns for these funds, particularly before the global financial crisis, commanding an annual risk premium of over 12%. While EMHF differ from their advanced market counterparts in risk/return patterns, we show that the global financial crisis of 2008 has caused a structural shift in that pattern. Finally, we show that the risk premium associated with downside risk is predictable by the global financial cycle, even after we control for emerging market systematic risk factors.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the dynamics of daily mutual fund flows. A Vector Auto Regression (VAR) of flows and returns shows that the behavior of fund investors is more consistent with contrarian rather than momentum characteristics. Past fund flows have a positive impact on future fund returns, with the long-term information effect dominating the transient price-pressure effect. Seasonality in daily flows, such as day-of-week and day-of-month patterns are present, and daily flows are generally mean-reverting. Probit regressions indicate that fund investment objective, marketing policy and level of active management explain cross-sectional variation in the behavioral patterns displayed in daily flows. Our results are robust to the different methods of calculating daily flows based on whether or not the day-end TNA figures include the current-day’s flow. Throughout the analysis, we contrast the dynamics of daily flows with established results for monthly fund flows and find important differences between the two.  相似文献   

We use mutual fund flows as a measure of individual investor sentiment for different stocks, and find that high sentiment predicts low future returns. Fund flows are dumb money–by reallocating across different mutual funds, retail investors reduce their wealth in the long run. This dumb money effect is related to the value effect: high sentiment stocks tend to be growth stocks. High sentiment also is associated with high corporate issuance, interpretable as companies increasing the supply of shares in response to investor demand.  相似文献   

By using an extension of the Fama and MacBeth cross-sectional regression model, this analysis examines the relationship between stock returns and (i) a local beta, (ii) two global betas, and (iii) some firm-specific characteristics in the Chinese A-share market. The results of the analysis suggest that neither the conditional local beta nor the global betas has a significant relationship with stock returns in A-shares. Our findings indicate that firm factors, such as the book-to-market ratio and firm size, are important in explaining stock returns. However, the size effect is sensitive to the specification of the model. Finally, the results of sub-period tests indicate that the A-share market did not become increasingly integrated with either the world stock markets or the Hong Kong stock market over the period 1995–2002.
Yuenan WangEmail:

Financial Markets and Portfolio Management - This study examines whether incorporating volatility improves the forecast of directional changes in the returns of Australia’s banking,...  相似文献   

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