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This study analyzes the impact on the Korean stock market of the inter-Korean summits in 2000, 2007, and 2018 and the North Korea–United States summit in 2018 using the event study methodology. Three portfolios, which have high exposures to North Korea risks are constructed: stocks related to Kaesong Industrial Complex (KS portfolio), stocks related to inter-Korean economic cooperation (IEC portfolio), and stocks related to the defense industry (DEF portfolio). Empirical analysis show that the cumulative abnormal returns (CARs) of KS, IEC, and DEF portfolios react positively or negatively to each summit. These results imply that peace does not simply play a role in boosting stock prices and that the stock price reflects all available information related to the summits, including the process and agreement of the summits' discussion and political context. The robustness test (performed by changing the event day to the announcement rather than the agreement) shows that KS and IEC portfolios reflect positive expectation and that the DEF portfolio reflects negative expectation in the financial market. Although each CAR pattern varies, it is true that the stock price reflects all available information of summits swiftly. In other words, our paper shows that the efficient market hypothesis holds in the Korean stock market.  相似文献   

This paper examines the square-root-of-time rule that frequently used in volatility estimation to the Chinese stock market that comprises Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market. The Jarque-Bera test conclusively rejects normal distribution of both stock market returns, while the Hurst analysis indicates both stock market returns does not follow a random walk. Furthermore, the tests for volatility scaling indicate volatility of both stock market returns do not scale according to the square-root-of-time rule and lead to bias in risk estimation. Henceforth, the study urges more alternative methods in risk management that suitable for the emerging Chinese stock market.  相似文献   

This paper examines the integration and causality of interdependencies among seven major East Asian stock exchanges before, during, and after the 1997–1998 Asian financial crisis. For this purpose, we use daily stock market data from July 1, 1992 to June 30, 2003 in local currency as well as US dollar terms. The data reveal that the relationships among East Asian stock markets are time varying. While stock market interactions are limited before the Asian financial crisis, we find that Hong Kong and Singapore respond significantly to shocks in most other East Asian markets, including Shanghai and Shenzhen, during this crisis. After the crisis, shocks in Hong Kong and Singapore largely affect other East Asian stock markets, except for those in Mainland China. Finally, considering the role of the USA shows that it strongly influences stock returns in East Asia – except for Mainland China – in all periods, while the reverse does not hold true.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the relationships among oil prices, clean energy stock prices, and technology stock prices, endogenously controlling for structural changes in the market. To this end, we apply Markov-switching vector autoregressive models to the economic system consisting of oil prices, clean energy and technology stock prices, and interest rates. The results indicate that there was a structural change in late 2007, a period in which there was a significant increase in the price of oil. In contrast to the previous studies, we find a positive relationship between oil prices and clean energy prices after structural breaks. There also appears to be a similarity in terms of the market response to both clean energy stock prices and technology stock prices.  相似文献   

We provide the first large sample comparison of investment by Japanese listed and unlisted public firms. We show that listed firms invest more and have greater sensitivity to investment opportunities than comparable unlisted companies. Our findings suggest that the role of listing in alleviating financial constraints and agency costs is more important than potential underinvestment due to myopic behavior. However, the positive relationship between listing and investment is primarily driven by standalone firms. Further analysis confirms that as the number of subsidiaries in a business group increases the positive impact of listing on investment declines. Additionally, we find that the positive impact of listing on investment is greater for financially constrained firms. We also document a positive association between stock liquidity and investment for listed firms. Taken together, our results suggest that stock markets play an important role in easing financial constraints and preventing managerial shirking both of which increase investment. Finally, we show that higher levels of ownership by financial institutions, board members, and foreign investors increases corporate investment.  相似文献   

The ECB’s one size monetary policy is unlikely to fit all euro area members at all times, which raises the question of how much monetary policy stress this causes at the national level. I measure monetary policy stress as the difference between actual ECB interest rates and Taylor-rule implied rates at the member state level. These rates explicitly take into account the natural rate of interest to capture changes in trend growth. I find that monetary policy stress within the euro area has been steadily decreasing prior to the recent financial crisis. Current stress levels are not only lower today than in the late 1990s, they are also in line with what is commonly observed among U.S. states or pre-euro German Länder.  相似文献   

The implementation of a test of the efficiency of market operation in a historical context raises a number of issues, ranging from the broadly philosophical to the narrowly technical. Here attention is centered on the 18th-century London market for joint stock shares, which possesses a number of attributes advantageous for a discussion of the present value theory of asset prices and variance bound tests of Shiller, LeRoy, and Porter. Empirical results reveal that the market did not behave in a manner suggested by neoclassical theory. A historical explanation of this result (i.e., one which allows for the existence of hysteresis) is contrasted with the neoclassical search for atemporal natural laws.  相似文献   

Kuznets (1955) embarked on a research program whose goal was to find the determinants of the long run levels and trends in income inequality and the relationship between income inequality and economic growth. Recently a small body of theoretical work has developed which tries to obtain the inverted U hypothesis as an equilibrium outcome in dynamic general equilibrium model. One of the types of general equilibrium models which can deliver a Kuznets curve is a model which allows for persistent migration out of one sector, e.g. agriculture, into another—e.g., manufacturing. Most industrialized countries have not only experienced shifts from agriculture to manufacturing, but also into services, especially associated with information technologies. This is responsible for the rise in inequality. If such a model of the arrival of new opportunities is correct, we would not expect to find a Kuznets curve, right side up or up-side down. Here we review the empirical evidence regarding the Kuzuets curve.  相似文献   

This paper examines both the return-volume and volatility-volume movements on Bucharest stock exchange, in order to evaluate the impact of changes in stock market liquidity on stock returns and on volatility of returns. We employ linear Granger-causality tests to investigate the dynamic relation between trading volume, stock returns and returns volatility on the Romanian stock market, using daily logarithmic returns for the composite index BET-C, as a proxy for the market, and daily logarithmic change in trading volume during the period January 2004-July 2008. As a proxy for return volatility we employ absolute values of daily deviation of return from its mean value during the considered time period. We can report unidirectional linear causality from returns to volume and also from volume to volatility.  相似文献   

The goal of this article is to examine evidence of stock price clustering on the South Pacific Stock Exchange, located in Fiji, and explore its determinants. We find that stock prices cluster at the decimal of 0 and 5, with almost half of prices settling on these two decimals. Upon investigating the determinants of price clustering on the South Pacific Stock Exchange we find that price level and volume of trade have a statistically significant positive effect on price clustering. We also propose and test a ‘panic trading’ hypothesis which states political instability induces price clustering. We find evidence that political instability in Fiji induces price clustering behaviour.  相似文献   

Based on data from the China Labor-force Dynamics Survey (CLDS), this paper analyzes the effects of the height as well as other appearance characteristics of workers on their wages. Regression results show that after controlling for social network, human capital, and other endowment characteristics, the effects of the appearance characteristics become smaller and statistically insignificant. The decomposition results of the wage-appearance differentials show that higher wages for good-looking workers are mainly attributable to differences in individual characteristics. Among them, the lower wages for shorter males and higher wages for thinner females are mainly attributable to the unexplained parts of discrimination. Males suffer more from “shortness penalty”, whereas females may earn from “pretty face”. Further results showed that height may influence blue-collar workers’ wages through the effect on physical strength. Empirical evidence also demonstrates that there are strong correlations between appearance and working ability (social network and human capital). Thus, our results confirmed the little beauty premium in the Chinese labor market and the relatively wages differentials are not mainly due to discrimination from consumers or employers, instead attributable mainly to differences of individual endowment characteristics.  相似文献   

Using a new weekly blue‐chip index, this article investigates the causes of stock price movements on the London market between 1823 and 1870. We find that economic fundamentals explain about 15 per cent of weekly and 34 per cent of monthly variation in share prices. Contemporary press reporting from the London Stock Exchange is used to ascertain what market participants thought was causing the largest movements on the market. The vast majority of large movements were attributed by the press to geopolitical, monetary, railway‐sector, and financial‐crisis news. Investigating the stock price changes on an independent list of events reaffirms these findings, suggesting that the most important specific events that moved markets were wars involving European powers.  相似文献   

《China Economic Review》2003,14(3):350-370
This paper studies the behavior of Chinese exporters from the mid-1980s through 2001. Extensive quarterly data on values and quantities of major export products have been taken from Chinese customs statistics to form a panel data set and aggregate export unit price and volume indices. The data are used to estimate export supply price elasticities, including by industry groups. The overall results indicate an increase in the responsiveness of export supply to market price signals in more recent periods following reforms.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine whether and to what extent Chinese and Korean products in the machinery industry compete with each other in the Japanese market. Empirical tests of panel data of 16 machinery products from 2000Q1 to 2012Q2 show that a decrease in the unit prices of Chinese exports leads to a decrease in the demand for Korean exports. In contrast, a decrease in the unit prices of Korean exports does not lead to a decrease in the demand for Chinese exports. In addition, lagged Chinese prices have bigger impacts on current Korean prices than lagged Korean prices on current Chinese prices. Simulation experiments investigating the impacts of a change in exchange rates on the Chinese and Korean export volumes also confirm that the Korean variables do not affect the Chinese export volume as much as the Chinese variables affect the Korean export volume. Overall, the findings in the present paper indicate that China has already emerged as a formidable competitor to Korea in the Japanese machinery market.  相似文献   

The recent listing of a new crude oil futures contract on the Shanghai International Energy Exchange (INE) has reopened the debate over whether crude oil produced in different countries or locations constitutes a unified world oil market. The aim of this paper is to study the information flows among Brent, West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and the new Medium Sour Crude Oil (SC) futures contract listed on INE futures markets to assess whether the trading of this new futures contract has altered the dominant role of the most traded oil benchmarks in the world. A multiple regression model identifies the Brent futures market as the most influential market in the oil price discovery process, while WTI appears to be the most sensitive. Furthermore, we have observed that SC does not influence any market and it is only sensitive to Brent news, even though WTI is the most heavily traded futures contract. Therefore, the launch of the SC futures contract has not yet altered the dominant role of Brent over WTI.  相似文献   

Drawing upon output, employment, consumption and trade data, this article examtnes whether there is an economic tertiarization trend in China 's economy and evaluates the common factors driving current trends. It shows that the tertiarization trend is evident for the overall economy and most regions in terms of the service nominal value-added ratio and service employment and consumption. However, the tertiarization trend is not significant in terms of the service real value-added ratio, and there is even some concurrent "detertiarization " because of the decreasing proportion of services in imports and exports. lndeed, China 's tertiarization trend is far behind its industrialization trend The rise in the relative prices of services explains the rising proportion of household service consumption expenditure and further illuminates why the service real value-added ratio has not grown. The main cause for the growing percentage of service employment is the lag in service labor productivity growth in interaction with the price inelasticity of service demand "Cost disease " has appeared in service consumption.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of market potential on Chinese firms' exports and profit by using data from the Chinese industrial enterprise database and The China City Statistical Yearbooks during 1998–2007. We find that international market potential has positive effects on firm exports, but negative effects on firm profit, while domestic market potential has opposite impacts. This finding suggests that Chinese firms' profit mainly stems from the domestic market. Moreover, the adverse impact of international market potential on firm profit diminishes with the increase of firm productivity, and some firms with higher productivity may benefit from the expansion of foreign markets.  相似文献   

The first contribution of this paper, in following the works of Lettau and Ludvigson, 2001a, Lettau and Ludvigson, 2001b, is to construct a Japanese consumption–wealth ratio data series and to examine whether it explains Japanese stock market data. We find that the consumption–wealth ratio does predict future stock returns, but the evidence is weaker than that from US data, and the source of predictability is limited to observations after the collapse of the asset bubble at the beginning of the 1990s. The consumption–wealth ratio also helps to explain cross-sectional Japanese stock returns. The second contribution of the paper is that we propose new consumption–wealth ratio that more explicitly deal with household real estate wealth utilizing Japanese aggregate-level data. Such “real estate augmented” consumption–wealth ratio perform better than the consumption–wealth ratio calculated with only financial wealth data. While the scaled factor model proposed by Lettau and Ludvigson performs relatively well with Japanese data, the book-to-market related anomaly pointed out by Chan et al. (1991) and Jagannathan et al. (1998) remains strong.  相似文献   

China's trade surplus reached a record $102 billion in 2005 while the US trade deficit of $717 billion accounted for 5.8% of US Gross Domestic Product in the same year. US policy makers claim China's currency is undervalued about 25 to 35% against the US dollar and they blame China for holding the value of the RMB weak to keep Chinese products competitive on prices in international markets. Given the unique situation in China, where the capital account is only partially convertible and the economy has been growing at an annual average rate of 10% over the last two decades, this paper empirically examines the magnitude of the exchange rate misalignment of China's RMB against the US dollar by using the Behavioral Equilibrium Exchange Rate (BEER) and Permanent Equilibrium Exchange Rate (PEER) models. Our results show that the RMB was undervalued by approximately 15% from 2002:Q2 to 2003:Q4; however, it is interesting to note that while the RMB was overvalued during 1997:Q4–2002:Q2, China experienced a huge trade surplus during that period.  相似文献   

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