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This paper examines the effect of monetary policy on the market value of the liquidity services that financial assets provide, known as the liquidity premium. The theory predicts that money supply and nominal interest rates have positive effects on the liquidity premium, but asset supply has a negative effect. The empirical analysis with U.S. data confirms the theoretical predictions. The theory also proposes that the liquidity properties of assets can cause negative nominal yields when the money holding cost is low and liquid assets are scarce. The suggestive empirical findings in Switzerland to support this theoretical result are presented.  相似文献   

The liquidity effect of money supply increases, as policy-oriented measures, would generally lead to a decline in interest rates. This is the direct effect. However, such money supply increases lead to a sum of the direct effect plus the positive indirect price and income effects. In sum, the net effect may be positive leading to a net increase and not a decrease in the interest rate. The regular money demand function is suitably modified to capture the structural changes of the Indian economy to verify the net effect of monetary policy-induced money supply movements. The empirical evidence indicates the presence of a perverse liquidity effect.  相似文献   

基于长期与短期两个视角,采用2001~2013年的月度数据,通过构建协整检验、广义脉冲响应函数及方差分解等方法,考察了主要货币因素:货币供应量与利率对我国期铜价格的动态影响,结果表明:货币供应量、利率与期铜价格之间存在长期均衡关系;在短期内,货币供应量对期铜价格具有正向影响,而利率对期铜价格的影响总体为负,且利率的影响作用相对较大。  相似文献   

A segmented markets model of monetary policy is constructed, in which a novel feature is goods market segmentation, and its relationship to conventional asset market segmentation. The implications of the model for the response of prices, interest rates, consumption, labor supply, and output to monetary policy are determined. As well, optimal monetary policy is studied, as are the costs of inflation. The model features persistent nonneutralities of money, relative price effects of increases in the money supply, persistent liquidity effects, and a negative Fisher effect from a money supply increase. A Friedman rule is in general suboptimal.  相似文献   

王艳  张鹏 《投资研究》2012,(2):155-160
本文使用向量自回归误差修正模型(VECM)研究了美国货币政策对中国信贷市场的溢出性影响。研究发现,美国货币政策可以通过影响中国的信贷市场而作用于中国内生的广义货币供给。宽松的美国货币政策对中国信贷供给有正向影响。美元流动性通过该机制形成了对中国过剩流动性的溢出效应。在后危机时代,我们需要对美国货币政策可能的调整进行前瞻性的应对。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of the money supply and inflation rate announcements on interest rates. Survey data on expectations of the money supply and consumer and producer price indexes are used to distinguish anticipated and unanticipated components of the announcements. This distinction is used to test for the efficiency of the financial market response to the announcements of new information. The results indicate that the unanticipated components of the announced changes in the Producers Price Index and in the money supply have an immediate positive effect on short-term interest rates. The Consumer Price Index announcement has no apparent effect. There is no evidence of a delayed announcement effect. However, there is some indication of a liquidity effect of the money supply change on interest rates. This takes place when reserves are changing and several weeks prior to the information announcement.  相似文献   

郭杰  饶含 《金融研究》2022,505(7):76-93
本文通过构建理论模型探讨土地资产价格波动与流动性供给之间的关系。在本文模型中,土地兼具生产资本与抵押资产属性,银行贷款同时受到投资需求、抵押品价值与信贷额度的约束。本文主要结论是:(1)土地资产价格在低于一个由基础货币供给决定的临界值后,能影响企业的抵押品价值并反映投资需求变化,故而与存款货币流动性供给正相关。这也使土地资产价格变化与企业杠杆周期一致且具有“预期自我实现”特征。(2)基础货币供给能够通过影响土地的流动性价值的方式来引导土地资产价格,前提是央行可掌握土地资产价格外生变化的原因。(3)信贷资产证券化会提高存款货币供给与土地价格的关联度,但也会削弱基础货币供给对土地价格的引导能力。本文的研究有助于认识土地资产价格与货币政策效果以及系统性金融风险的关联机制,为房地产调控政策提供启示。  相似文献   

I formulate a model in which money coexists with equity shares on a risky aggregate endowment. Agents can use equity as a means of payment, so shocks to equity prices translate into aggregate liquidity shocks that disrupt the mechanism of exchange. I characterize a family of optimal monetary policies and find that the resulting equity prices are independent of monetary considerations. I also study a perturbation of the family of optimal policies that targets a positive constant nominal interest rate and find that in this case the real equity return includes a liquidity return that depends on monetary considerations.  相似文献   

Following the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in mid-September 2008, there were severe disruptions in international money markets and banks reportedly faced severe liquidity shocks in particular US dollar funding shortages, prompting central banks around the world to adopt unprecedented policy measures to supply funds to the banks. A better understanding of the forward-looking information content about funding liquidity risk in interest rate derivative prices is therefore necessary to gauge pressures building surrounding systemic liquidity. Using the market prices of the US dollar LIBOR-overnight index swap spread, we estimate the probability of the systemic funding liquidity shock during the crisis period, which deviated from zero on 17 September 2008 to a significant level. This provided an early warning signal of the systemic liquidity shock on 29 September 2008 when the interbank market was totally paralysed.  相似文献   

This paper examines a search model of money and public bonds in which coordination frictions lead to multiple, Pareto ranked equilibria. Whether money and bonds are substitutes or complements, is not a primitive of the economy, but an equilibrium outcome. There exists an equilibrium resembling a liquidity trap, in which money and bonds are perfect substitutes, interest rates are zero, and monetary policy is ineffective; and a superior equilibrium in which money and bonds are complements, interest rates are positive and monetary policy has a liquidity effect. On this view, the liquidity trap is a belief-driven phenomenon.  相似文献   

This paper presents empirical evidence relating the announcement effects of US money supply and inflation (CPI and PPI) to Eurocurrency interest rates and the foreign currency markets (both spot and forward) for seven industrial countries over the period 1977–1982. The results indicate that unanticipated components of announced changes in money supply have a significant positive effect on Eurocurrency interest rates and a negative effect (implying dollar appreciation) on the spot exchange rates. Unanticipated changes in PPI have a positive significant effect on interest rates, a small surprisingly negative impact on spot exchange rates, and a positive effect on gold prices. The CPI has no effect on either market.  相似文献   

We develop an equilibrium model of learning by rational traders to reconcile several empirical regularities: Cross sectionally, most individual speculators lose money; large speculators outperform small speculators; past performance positively affects subsequent trade intensity; most new traders lose money and cease speculation; and performance shows persistence. Learning from trading generates substantial endogenous liquidity, reducing bid–ask spreads and the impact of exogenous liquidity shocks on asset prices, but amplifying the effects of real shocks. Introducing slightly overconfident traders increases bid–ask spreads, hurting all traders. Finally, behavioral theories cannot reconcile all of these empirical regularities.  相似文献   

This paper represents an equilibrium model for the demand and supply of liquidity and its impact on asset prices and welfare. We show that, when constant market presence is costly, purely idiosyncratic shocks lead to endogenous demand of liquidity and large price deviations from fundamentals. Moreover, market forces fail to lead to efficient supply of liquidity, which calls for potential policy interventions. However, we demonstrate that different policy tools can yield different efficiency consequences. For example, lowering the cost of supplying liquidity on the spot (e.g., through direct injection of liquidity or relaxation of ex post margin constraints) can decrease welfare while forcing more liquidity supply (e.g., through coordination of market participants) can improve welfare.  相似文献   

银行体系流动性过剩与货币政策有效性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
导致银行体系流动性过剩的直接原因是基础货币投放规模过大和基础货币投放结构变化。银行体系流动性过剩的实质是货币市场的超额供给,是引发经济过热的潜在因素;"流动性过剩"并不是"用不了"或"用不出"的微观概念,而是"不应动用"或"不宜动用"的宏观概念。因国际收支持续高额顺差导致外汇储备高速增长,基础货币投放的内生性明显增强,致使央行的货币政策越来越受制于外部均衡状况,其金融宏观调控的有效性进一步削弱。  相似文献   

Post-Keynesian theory of money endogeneity emphasizes the importance of bank loans causing money supply changes. Thus, the proponents of endogenous money supply assert banks create money by meeting money demands of economic agents. Money is said to originate as bank-created loans from deposits, which in turn create more loans under the endogenous money supply. The traditional money supply theory asserts that deposits create money, so money is exogenously created. This paper provides new evidence on endogenous money supply across G-7 economies over 26 years using quarterly data with controls for monetary regime change effects. Bank loans cause money supply, hence money is endogenous and the monetary regime effect appears to hold as crucial factors in money supply theory. Money supply behavior is exogenous during two short periods in the UK and the US when monetary targeting policies were in place.  相似文献   

内生金融理论视野中的基础货币供给   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内生金融理论认为 ,中央银行基础货币的供给并非是由中央银行完全控制的外生变量 ,而主要是由经济体系内生决定的。本文首先阐述了内生金融理论的主要观点 ,然后在此视野内 ,分别考察了我国基础货币供给四种方式的内生性 ,最后得出要培育良性的货币供给内生机制的启示 ,建议中央银行采取古典的货币供给模式和“钉住利率型”的中介目标 ,以此促进金融经济的稳定、发展  相似文献   

Real interest rates fluctuated a great deal since the 1970s. In the 1980s federal deficits accelerated and their impact on both nominal and real interest rates gained lots of attention. Based on monthly and quarterly data from January 1971 to December 1997 it is found that federal deficits had significant positive effect on the real interest rates: Personal income or consumption are found to have significant positive impact on the real interest rates, whereas expected inflation and money supply are found to have negative impact on the real interest rates. These findings are consistent with the conventional economic theory.  相似文献   

We analyse the optimal response of monetary policy to house prices in a New Keynesian framework. A positive wealth effect from housing is derived from liquidity constrained consumers. Housing equity withdrawal allows them to convert an increase in housing value into consumption and we show that monetary policy should react to house prices due to their effect on consumption by constrained agents. Moreover, we allow the share of liquidity constrained consumers to vary with house prices. Consequently, the optimal weights on expected inflation, the output gap and house prices in the optimal interest rate rule vary over time too.  相似文献   

李宏瑾  苏乃芳 《金融研究》2020,484(10):38-54
本文对我国货币政策转型时期兼顾数量和价格的货币政策调控实践进行了深入的分析。在货币数量论和货币效用模型的基础上,从理论上阐明了货币数量规则与利率价格规则的等价关系,并构建了符合中国货币政策实践的数量与价格混合型货币政策规则。这对于更好地理解我国货币政策转型时期的量价混合型货币政策操作具有重要的理论和现实意义。相关推论表明,正是由于数量和价格混合型货币规则,在利率低于均衡水平的情形下,中国的货币增速并未引发恶性通胀;修正的物价稳定泰勒原理表明,利率调整幅度小于通胀变化仍能够实现物价稳定。对中国的经验分析支持了理论和推论结果。在利率市场化基本完成和流动性格局逆转的当下,货币政策价格调控方式转型的必要性和迫切性日益上升,转型的条件日趋成熟。  相似文献   

We present a methodology to study a data set of 119 260 daily closed-end fund prices using mixed-effects regressions with the objective of understanding price dynamics. There is strong statistical support that relative price change depends significantly on (i) the recent trend in a nonlinear manner, (ii) recent changes in valuation, (iii) recent changes in money supply (M2), (iv) longer-term trend, (v) recent volume changes and (vi) proximity to a recent high price. The dependence on the volatility is more subtle, as short-term volatility has a positive influence, while the longer term is negative. The cubic nonlinearity in the weighted price trend shows that a percentage daily gain of up to 2.78% tends to yield higher prices, but larger gains lead to lower prices. Thus, the nonlinearity of price trend establishes an empirical and quantitative basis for both underreaction and overreaction within one large data set, facilitating an understanding of these competing motivations in markets. Increasing money supply is found to have a significant positive effect on stock price, while proximity to recent high prices has a negative effect. The data set consists of daily prices during the period 26 October 1998 to 30 January 2008.  相似文献   

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