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施莉莉 《商界》2007,(4):55-56
运营路径 2006年3月3口,漯河市同资委在北京产权交易所挂牌.将其持有的双汇集团100%股权对外转让,底价为10亿元。  相似文献   

杨国英 《华商》2013,(6):17-17
我们有必要提醒双汇,落实上述初衷,更重要的是从源头扎实抓起,而非是耗费巨资收购走捷径。  相似文献   

外资私募基金在中国开疆拓土的步伐日益加快,一桩桩浮出水面的并购案例引入注目。但并不是每个收购案例部进行得千净利落,收场皆大欢喜。凯雷收购徐工和高盛收购双汇就是这样两个对比鲜明的案例。同样是外资私募基金中的佼佼者,同样是意欲绝对控股中国的行业龙头企业,可结局却是截然不同,悲喜各异。  相似文献   

赵志永  张彬 《商》2012,(19):55-55
国际知名投行高盛入住双汇,取得双汇的实际控股权。这桩并购背后到底有什么值得借鉴的地方,双方寻求并购的动机是什么,将会给我国企业并购带来什么样的启示?本文就以高盛并购双汇为案例,分析并购带来的诸多影响。  相似文献   

管理层收购于20世纪末引入我国以来,作为明晰产权、降低委托代理成本、强化对企业经营管理层激励的有效手段,在资本市场上得到了广泛运用。但是国内管理层收购的融资模式往往单一不规范,严重阻碍了我国管理层收购的进程。本文通过对双汇MBO融资模式的分析,对我国管理层收购融资现状进行反思并提出解决之道。  相似文献   

在公司间收购频发的资本市场,全面了解收购战略是十分必要的。收购战略在通化金马药业集团股份有限公司的发展中扮演着重要角色。本文从通化金马若干收购事项中选取较典型的两例,分析其收购动因、收购风险、收购效果,为处于扩张期的公司提供参考。  相似文献   

@双汇:美国史密斯菲尔德食品公司股东大会投票通过了中国双汇收购方案,股东中超过96%投了赞成桑。交易完成后,美国最大肉食加工商史密斯菲尔德将成为双汇国际的全资子公司。  相似文献   

当今在动态竞争中的中国企业面临的危机越来越多,其破坏程度也越来越大,然而中国企业的危机公关能力却相对较弱.本文以建设性方式指出双汇危机公关的漏洞,以启迪未来中国企业的危机公关.  相似文献   

任泽亚 《华商》2008,(16):21-22
明基收购西门子之初,媒体广泛评论说明基捡了个大便宜,然而仅过去一年时间,这场收购秀就以失败告终。本文就企业收购风险进行理论分析,对"明基西门子"失败案具体与理论匹配,阐述其失败的原因以及由此得到的启示。  相似文献   

自从入世以来,外资在华并购活动越发频繁,并且大量涉及到了对我国国有资本的收购。被收购的国有资本往往数量巨大,且在国家经济中占据了重要位置,对我国经济和社会发展造成多方面影响。对外资进行国有资本收购行为背后的动机进行深入的探析,从而为防止各种经济和社会问题的深化打下基础,这对我国企业、经济、社会的发展无疑是至关重要的。  相似文献   

控制权私利下并购成功悖论形成机制研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
并购成功悖论一直困绕着企业并购理论与实务界。本文从控制权私利视角研究了成功悖论形成机制,得到三点结论:一是无论激励为主还是自利为主的控制权私利均有利于控制权人,因而,控制人控制的企业会积极实施并购;二是在自利为主的控制权私利下,并购必然不利于中小股东利益,因而主并方并购绩效为负值;三是以激励为主的控制权私利下,并购并不必然有利于中小股东,提升大小股东共有收益,并保证中小股东得到应有收益份额才有利于改善并购绩效。主并方并购绩效多为零或负值说明制度上重新设计以保障提升共有收益更符合控制权人利益是必要的。  相似文献   

双汇集团在长期发展过程中,形戍了卓有成效的新产品终端营销策略,并依靠其强大的执行力,每年都能够成功地将新产品运作上市.在阐述双汇新产品终端营销策略理论支撑的基础上,进一步分析和总结了其新产品终端营销策略的实践经验.  相似文献   

The small business establishment is increasingly regarded as growth option creation. It is generally believed that a country will prosper if a sufficient number of small, technology-based companies are established to provide options for the development of new industries. Despite the general belief, empirical evidence concerning the conception of "small businesses as growth options" is yet non- existent. This paper tries to fill this gap by examining empirically the option nature of collaboration and acquisitions through an analysis of 111 small, technology-based company acquisitions. As a result, somewhat contrary to the earlier research, collaborative arrangements were not found to be used as options to acquire small, technology-based companies. Acquisitions, on the other hand, were used as options to enter a new technology or business area. The option nature of acquisitions was related to technology-based variables, such as the lower levels of maturity of the acquired competencies, possibilities to patent the acquired competencies, and the research and development intensity of the acquiring company. Growth option upside realization was found to be linked to market and cooperation-related variables: the relatedness of the acquiring and the acquired company, proactive sales motive of the seller, and favorable industry trend. The finding concerning the performance of the acquisition of related technological competencies would seem to be connected to imperfect markets of new technological competencies possessed by the acquired small businesses.  相似文献   

面对美国次贷危机带来的海外并购机遇,许多中国企业欲通过海外并购加速成长壮大.2009年以来,中国企业的海外并购逆势而上,在海外并购市场上频频出手,金额之大,频率之高,令世界刮目相看.次贷危机下的世界经济给中国企业带来机遇的同时,也隐藏着诸多风险,中国企业应理智、冷静、谨慎地对待海外并购.  相似文献   

This study develops and tests a framework about the resource- and context-specificity of prior experience in acquisitions. Although extant research has explained why multinational companies from emerging countries (EMNCs) acquire companies in developed countries, we have an incomplete and inconsistent understanding of the consequences of such acquisitions for the performance of target firms. First, we show that despite the concerns raised by politicians and the general public in developed countries, the acquisitions made by EMNCs often enhance the performance of target firms. Second, we examine whether the role of EMNCs' idiosyncratic resources (such as access to new markets and cheap production facilities) and investment experience in enhancing the performance of target firms differs across acquisition contexts. We demonstrate that not all types of resources and investment experience are equally beneficial and, in fact, some types of experience even have a negative effect on the performance of target firms. By contrast, other types of experience that EMNCs accumulate from prior investment enhance the performance of target firms by facilitating resource redeployment and the exploitation of complementarities.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes approaches investigating success drivers of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in the software industry. The literature review covers a classification of research papers in the generic and software industry specific M&A research discipline. The results accentuate that the impact of success factors depends on the research context and that many factors have not been examined so far with respect to the software industry. Building on these insights, the resulting areas for research are pointed out. The investigation of software industry specific factors, in particular, promises to contribute to the analysis of variance in M&A performance.  相似文献   

张峥  韩平 《商业研究》2006,17(16):88-91
企业选择跨国并购作为跨国直接投资方式是受到多种引发因素作用而产生的。而引发因素是由需要产生的,需要是引发因素的动力。但是并不是任何需要都触成为引发因素,只有和需要相适应的外部条件和内部相关条件出现时,需要才能成为跨国并购的引发因素。对跨国并购引发因素进行定量分析,建立跨国并购引发因素模型,有助于跨国公司对收益成本的预期和对风险的分析。  相似文献   

亚洲银行招牌林立,对此金融服务业已有共识:银行数量必须减少。过多的银行造成过度竞争,由此高风险运营在所难免。高风险运营的背后,坏账接踵而至,后果是银行利润受损,冲击本地货币体系,威胁储户存款。  相似文献   

The integration process of international mergers and acquisitions by emerging economy multinationals is fraught with challenges of liabilities of foreignness and country of origin. We use insights from institutional theory and draw on the experience of Chinese international mergers and acquisitions to explore these challenges faced by emerging economy multinationals during postmerger integration. We find that these challenges, which are primarily caused by informal institutional differences, can be overcome by developing organizational capabilities for integration and employing mechanisms for appropriate control and justice during the integration process. The study contributes to the ongoing discussions about the relevance of sociocultural influences in the successful integration of international mergers and acquisitions. Our framework proposes initiatives that managers from emerging economies can take to overcome postmerger integration challenges. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

从2000~2004年发生于我国证券市场的208起上市公司并购情况来看,收购公司在并购后1~3年实现显著负的超常收益,即收购方发生了价值损失,遭受了显著的财富损失。同时,国有控股公司的并购绩效好于非国有公司,同城并购表现好于异域并购,多元化并购绩效差于同业并购,优势控股公司表现差于非优势控股公司。此外,与资产收购相比,股权收购的长期绩效表现更好。  相似文献   

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