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电子商务是现代企业管理中重要一环,也是企业全球化竞争重要战略,现代企业开始日益重视电子商务对企业管理的作用。随着电子商务时代的到来和发展,在市场竞争日趋激烈的今天,电子商务的发展给企业发展带来的机遇和挑战是当今企业,学者需要认真研究的课题。 相似文献
大数据时代的到来给我国电子商务发展既带来机遇也带来挑战。大数据的应用可以促进电商开展市场营销,有利于个性化和精准的商品推介,有利于挖掘数据潜在价值。但同时,电商也需面对在大量数据中甄别、收集真实有用信息,分析和加工海量数据,活用大数据,解决数据断层问题等挑战。 相似文献
随着国内科技的快速发展,互联网、人工智能、大数据、物联网等先进技术在各个领域得到了广泛应用.会计行业在这个全新的时代里面临着智能发展相关的变化和挑战,企业需要深入研究智能化技术对会计行业的影响.本篇文章主要对智能化发展对会计行业带来的机遇与挑战进行分析与研究. 相似文献
电子商务是现代企业管理中重要一环,也是企业全球化竞争重要战略,现代企业开始日益重视电子商务对企业管理的作用。随着电子商务时代的到来和发展,在市场竞争日趋激烈的今天,如何把电子商务与现代企业管理融会贯通,相辅相成,是当今企业,学者需要认真研究的课题。深入探讨了电子商务的发展给企业发展带来的机遇和挑战。 相似文献
低碳经济是指以低能耗、低排放、低污染为基础的经济模式,包括提高能源利用效率、创新清洁能源结构、强化自然环境治理三个方面内容,其直接目标是降低单位国内生产总值能耗,最终目标是实现经济社会可持续发展。发展低碳经济已成为全球共识,低碳经济的兴起和发展将对我国经济社会产生深远影响。大力支持低碳经济发展,既是商业银行义不容辞的社会责任,也是其不可错过的市场机遇。 相似文献
低碳经济是指以低能耗、低排放、低污染为基础的经济模式,包括提高能源利用效率、创新清洁能源结构、强化自然环境治理三个方面内容,其直接目标是降低单位国内生产总值能耗,最终目标是实现经济社会可持续发展.发展低碳经济已成为全球共识,低碳经济的兴起和发展将对我国经济社会产生深远影响.大力支持低碳经济发展,既是商业银行义不容辞的社会责任,也是其不可错过的市场机遇. 相似文献
随着国际上电子商务取代传统贸易方式的发展趋势,我国各行业中的企业都必须紧跟潮流,否则我们的产品和服务都将难以进入国际市场。中国的外贸企业正经受着来自世界的各种压力和挑战,这就让我国的电子商务必须要与世界结果,外贸工作的核心要转移到电子商务上来,以提高外贸企业的生产效率经济效益,这样才能适应知识经济发展的要求。 相似文献
短期融资券的发行,是我国债券市场发展的里程碑事件,本文从短期融资券的定义特点及发展历程入手,分析了短期融资券使商业银行发生的角色转变,及对商业银行未来发展所带来的机遇和挑战。 相似文献
在全球化背景下,跨境电商作为一种贸易新业态,为中小企业走向国际市场带来良好的发展机遇。全球化布局的常态化为中小企业发展跨境电商铺平了道路,其中新兴市场的崛起开辟了巨大的市场空间,平台服务生态的改善提供了重要支撑,新技术主导则为其提供了“弯道超车”的机会,持续政策支持也为中小企业打通跨境电商市场提供保障。然而机遇的背后存在着巨大的挑战,中小企业在发展跨境电商时,应积极布局,从策略创新入手,选择好市场的突破口;立足于管理创新,不断提升跨境物流效率,并且重视人才支持体系建设,更好地促进中小企业跨境电商的发展。 相似文献
Lady Howe 《Business ethics (Oxford, England)》1993,2(1):14-18
The equal opportunities issue constitutes one of the biggest ethical and practical challenges ever faced by business, because it strikes at fundamental cultural assumptions about the purpose and responsibilities of business and the rights of individuals which are ingrained from childhood. The author is chairman of Business in the Community's'Opportunity 2000'. 相似文献
Raj Aggarwal 《Journal of Teaching in International Business》2013,24(1):1-12
International business (IB) is an important topic for business schools as business is global, but much business school teaching of IB still seems inadequate. IB education can be challenging but also presents many opportunities. We need to build our knowledge base of effective IB teaching methods and procedures. Such knowledge can not only be used to improve the teaching of IB, but it can also improve data-driven resource allocation for teaching IB. Clearly, the Journal of Teaching International Business has an important role to play in these processes. 相似文献
William R. Pendergast 《Journal of Teaching in International Business》2013,24(3):244-267
In 2004, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) concluded a 4‐year, 10 million dollar contract with the University of Delaware to create the Sarajevo Graduate School of Business, the first Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business [AACSB]‐accredited business school in Southeast Europe. This case study examines inconsistencies in the school's mission and goals, the structure and operation of the joint venture between Delaware and the University of Sarajevo, the fit between Delaware's MBA program and the local environment, pricing in an emerging market, the impact of the school's business model on its sustainability, challenges of market estimation and new product introduction, and the realism of USAID's goal of cultural change. The article concludes with an up‐to‐date epilogue and summary of conclusions that pertain generally to organizational strategies in emerging markets. 相似文献
Raul Gouvea 《Thunderbird国际商业评论》2012,54(5):713-727
The Brazilian economy indicates great potential for future economic growth. An increasing and affluent middle class, expanding exports, and foreign reserves are testimonies of Brazil's recent accomplishments. The country, however, still faces a number of challenges that may compromise its sustainable long‐term economic goals and objectives. This article focuses on the Luiz Inacio “Lula” da Silva government's economic performance. The article's main findings show increasing bottlenecks being created as a result of the Lula government's eight years of low economic growth rates, which have penalized the country's competitiveness. The newly elected president, Dilma Rousseff, will inherit a substantial investment deficit in the areas of infrastructure, education, health care, research and development (R&D), and innovation, as well as Brazil's worst public debt/gross domestic product (GDP) ratio in the past 100 years. These conditions will prevent Brazil from growing and developing at faster rates. This article also elaborates on Dilma Rousseff's most recent statements and discusses likely future paths for the Brazilian economy. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
Diana Villiers Negroponte 《International Trade Journal》2013,27(5):340-345
Since its pre-colonial history, Mexico has demonstrated two contrary tendencies: the outward-looking, global trader and the protective, nationalist instinct. Today, the seven major constitutional reforms of the PRI government reflect the former. However, the teacher’s union, some presidential advisors, and the criminal justice system reflect a preference for the latter. The more progressive sectors of Mexican society assert the need to participate in the global economy, but latent protective and nationalist tendencies throw up challenges. This article examines several contemporary examples of each tendency and demonstrates how they coexist uneasily in modern Mexico. 相似文献