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In a general discrete-time market model with proportional transaction costs, we derive new expectation representations of the range of arbitrage-free prices of an arbitrary American option. The upper bound of this range is called the upper hedging price, and is the smallest initial wealth needed to construct a self-financing portfolio whose value dominates the option payoff at all times. A surprising feature of our upper hedging price representation is that it requires the use of randomized stopping times (Baxter and Chacon 1977), just as ordinary stopping times are needed in the absence of transaction costs. We also represent the upper hedging price as the optimum value of a variety of optimization problems. Additionally, we show a two-player game where at Nash equilibrium the value to both players is the upper hedging price, and one of the players must in general choose a mixture of stopping times. We derive similar representations for the lower hedging price as well. Our results make use of strong duality in linear programming.  相似文献   

One of the well‐known approaches to the problem of option pricing is a minimization of the global risk, considered as the expected quadratic net loss. In the paper, a multidimensional variant of the problem is studied. To obtain the existence of the variance‐optimal hedging strategy in a model without transaction costs, we can apply the result of Monat and Stricker. Another possibility is a generalization of the nondegeneracy condition that appeared in a paper of Schweizer, in which a one‐dimensional problem is solved. The relationship between the two approaches is shown. A more difficult problem is the existence of an optimal solution in the model with transaction costs. A sufficient condition in a multidimensional case is formulated.  相似文献   


This study uses asymptotic analysis to derive optimal hedging strategies for option portfolios hedged using an imperfectly correlated hedging asset with small fixed and/or proportional transaction costs, obtaining explicit formulae in special cases. This is of use when it is impractical to hedge using the underlying asset itself. The hedging strategy holds a position in the hedging asset whose value lies between two bounds, which are independent of the hedging asset's current value. For low absolute correlation between hedging and hedged assets, highly risk‐averse investors and large portfolios, hedging strategies and option values differ significantly from their perfect market equivalents. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 31:855–897, 2011  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the Merton problem in a market with a single risky asset and proportional transaction costs. We give a complete solution of the problem up to the solution of a first‐crossing problem for a first‐order differential equation. We find that the characteristics of the solution (e.g., well‐posedness) can be related to some simple properties of a univariate quadratic whose coefficients are functions of the parameters of the problem. Our solution to the problem via the value function includes expressions for the boundaries of the no‐transaction wedge. Using these expressions, we prove a precise condition for when leverage occurs. One new and unexpected result is that when the solution to the Merton problem (without transaction costs) involves a leveraged position, and when transaction costs are large, the location of the boundary at which sales of the risky asset occur is independent of the transaction cost on purchases.  相似文献   

Though liquidity is commonly believed to be a major effect in financial markets, there appears to be no consensus definition of what it is or how it is to be measured. In this paper, we understand liquidity as a nonlinear transaction cost incurred as a function of rate of change of portfolio. Using this definition, we obtain the optimal hedging policy for the hedging of a call option in a Black‐Scholes model. This is a more challenging question than the more common studies of optimal strategy for liquidating an initial position, because our goal requires us to match a random final value. The solution we obtain reduces in the case of quadratic loss to the solution of three partial differential equations of Black‐Scholes type, one of them nonlinear.  相似文献   

An investor with constant absolute risk aversion trades a risky asset with general Itô‐dynamics, in the presence of small proportional transaction costs. In this setting, we formally derive a leading‐order optimal trading policy and the associated welfare, expressed in terms of the local dynamics of the frictionless optimizer. By applying these results in the presence of a random endowment, we obtain asymptotic formulas for utility indifference prices and hedging strategies in the presence of small transaction costs.  相似文献   

This study considers the hedging effectiveness of applying the N‐state Markov regime‐switching autoregressive moving‐average (MRS‐ARMA) model to the S&P‐500 and FTSE‐100 markets. The distinguishingfeature of this study is to incorporate the observations of serially correlated stockreturns into the hedging analysis. To resolve the problem of NT possible routes induced by the presence of MA parameters associated with the algorithm of Hamilton JD ( 1989 ) and a sample of size T, we propose an algorithm by combining the ideas of Hamilton JD ( 1989 ) and Gray SF ( 1996 ). We find that the hedging performances of the three proposed MRS‐MA(1) strategies herein are superior to their corresponding MRS counterparts considered in Alizadeh A and Nomikos N ( 2004 ) over the out‐of‐sample periods, even when we realistically track the transaction costs generated from rebalancing the hedged portfolios. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 31:165–191, 2011  相似文献   

We derive a formula for the minimal initial wealth needed to hedge an arbitrary contingent claim in a continuous-time model with proportional transaction costs; the expression obtained can be interpreted as the supremum of expected discounted values of the claim, over all (pairs of) probability measures under which the “wealth process” is a supermartingale. Next, we prove the existence of an optimal solution to the portfolio optimization problem of maximizing utility from terminal wealth in the same model, we also characterize this solution via a transformation to a hedging problem: the optimal portfolio is the one that hedges the inverse of marginal utility evaluated at the shadow state-price density solving the corresponding dual problem, if such exists. We can then use the optimal shadow state-price density for pricing contingent claims in this market. the mathematical tools are those of continuous-time martingales, convex analysis, functional analysis, and duality theory.  相似文献   

We provide a computational study of the problem of optimally allocating wealth among multiple stocks and a bank account, to maximize the infinite horizon discounted utility of consumption. We consider the situation where the transfer of wealth from one asset to another involves transaction costs that are proportional to the amount of wealth transferred. Our model allows for correlation between the price processes, which in turn gives rise to interesting hedging strategies. This results in a stochastic control problem with both drift-rate and singular controls, which can be recast as a free boundary problem in partial differential equations. Adapting the finite element method and using an iterative procedure that converts the free boundary problem into a sequence of fixed boundary problems, we provide an efficient numerical method for solving this problem. We present computational results that describe the impact of volatility, risk aversion of the investor, level of transaction costs, and correlation among the risky assets on the structure of the optimal policy. Finally we suggest and quantify some heuristic approximations.  相似文献   

I consider an optimal consumption/investment problem to maximize expected utility from consumption. In this market model, the investor is allowed to choose a portfolio that consists of one bond, one liquid risky asset (no transaction costs), and one illiquid risky asset (proportional transaction costs). I fully characterize the optimal consumption and trading strategies in terms of the solution of the free boundary ordinary differential equation (ODE) with an integral constraint. I find an explicit characterization of model parameters for the well‐posedness of the problem, and show that the problem is well posed if and only if there exists a shadow price process. Finally, I describe how the investor's optimal strategy is affected by the additional opportunity of trading the liquid risky asset, compared to the simpler model with one bond and one illiquid risky asset.  相似文献   

Leland's Approach to Option Pricing: The Evolution of a Discontinuity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A claim of Leland (1985) states that in the presence of transaction costs a call option on a stock S , described by geometric Brownian motion, can be perfectly hedged using Black–Scholes delta hedging with a modified volatility. Recently Kabanov and Safarian (1997) disproved this claim, giving an explicit (up to an integral) expression of the limiting hedging error, which appears to be strictly negative and depends on the path of the stock price only via the stock price at expiry S T . We prove in this paper that the limiting hedging error, considered as a function of S T , exhibits a removable discontinuity at the exercise price. Furthermore, we provide a quantitative result describing the evolution of the discontinuity: Hedging errors, plotted over the price at expiry, show a peak near the exercise price. We determine the rate at which that peak becomes narrower (producing the discontinuity in the limit) as the lengths of the revision intervals shrink.  相似文献   

Assuming the absence of market frictions, deterministic interest rates, and certainty in dividend payouts from the stocks in the index basket, an arbitrageur can lock in the profit of a positive (negative) arbitrage basis in a stock index futures by adopting a short (long) futures strategy. In addition, the arbitrageur may improve the arbitrage profit by adopting the so‐called early unwinding strategy of liquidating the position before maturity, or more aggressively from the long position directly to the short position or vice versa. In this study, we examine the optimal arbitrage strategies in stock index futures with position limits and transaction costs. In our analysis, the index arbitrage basis is assumed to follow the Brownian Bridge process. The model formulation of the option value functions leads to a coupled system of variational inequalities. We determine the values of the arbitrage opportunities and the optimal threshold values of the arbitrage basis at which the arbitrageur should optimally close an existing position or open a new index arbitrage position. In particular, we examine the impact of transaction costs on the index arbitrage strategies. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 31:394–406, 2011  相似文献   

The correction in value of an over‐the‐counter derivative contract due to counterparty risk under funding constraints is represented as the value of a dividend‐paying option on the value of the contract clean of counterparty risk and excess funding costs. This representation allows one to analyze the structure of this correction, the so‐called Credit Valuation Adjustment (CVA for short), in terms of replacement cost/benefits, credit cost/benefits, and funding cost/benefits. We develop a reduced‐form backward stochastic differential equations (BSDE) approach to the problem of pricing and hedging the CVA. In the Markov setup, explicit CVA pricing and hedging schemes are formulated in terms of semilinear partial differential equations.  相似文献   

Although the primary purpose of hedging is to reduce earnings volatility, corporate hedging may also increase firm value. Using publicly-available data, we found that hedging reduces the probability of financial distress, reduces the agency costs of debt, and reduces some agency costs of equity. However, we found no support for the hypothesis that hedging increases firm value by reducing expected tax liability. In addition, we suggest that corporate ownership structure may affect the desirability of hedging. We also found that large firms have a stronger tendency to hedge, firms with a larger percentage of value derived from growth opportunities are more likely to hedge, and convertible debt serves as a substitute for corporate hedging. With a dummy variable for multinational corporations as a proxy for operational hedging, we found that operational hedging and derivative hedging are complements rather than substitutes.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of hedging a contingent claim with a “semistatic” strategy composed of a dynamic position in one asset and static (buy‐and‐hold) positions in other assets. We give general representations of the optimal strategy and the hedging error under the criterion of variance optimality and provide tractable formulas using Fourier integration in case of the Heston model. We also consider the problem of optimally selecting a sparse semistatic hedging strategy, i.e., a strategy that only uses a small subset of available hedging assets and discuss parallels to the variable‐selection problem in linear regression. The methods developed are illustrated in an extended numerical example where we compute a sparse semistatic hedge for a variance swap using European options as static hedging assets.  相似文献   

笪凤媛 《财贸研究》2011,22(5):85-92
交易费用的变动可作为衡量中国体制转型绩效的一个重要尺度。通过借鉴已有研究成果,构建MIMIC模型,测算中国自改革开放以来交易部门的交易费用和非市场交易费用及其变动趋势。结果显示,改革开放以来,中国的交易服务水平并未显著提高,且非市场交易费用居高不下。应将推动服务业发展作为产业结构优化升级的战略重点,加快建立法治政府和服务型政府,积极推进"十二五"期间的经济转型升级。  相似文献   

In the modern theory of finance, the valuation of derivative assets is commonly based on a replication argument. When there are transaction costs, this argument is no longer valid. In this paper, we try to address the general problem of finding the optimal portfolio among those which dominate a given derivative asset at maturity. We derive an interval for its price. the upper bound is the minimum amount one has to invest initially in order to obtain proceeds at least as valuable as the derivative asset. the lower bound is the maximum amount one can borrow initially against the proceeds of the derivative asset. We show that, in some instances, this interval may be strictly bounded above by the price of the replicating strategy. Prima facie, the cost of a dominating strategy should appear to be higher than that of the replicating one. But because trading is costly, it may pay to weigh the benefits of replication against those of potential savings on transaction costs.  相似文献   

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