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本文使用中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)2016年数据,基于代际差异视角,考察农村家庭子女赡养行为的性别差异,并系统探讨具体的影响机制。研究发现,农村地区整体上仍存在"养儿防老"的传统养老模式,但这种传统模式在新生代子女中开始有所改变,即无论是从经济支持,还是从生活照料这两方面来看,女儿和儿子之间的行为差异大幅度缩小,且差异已不显著。这意味着,农村地区以儿子为核心的家庭养老模式虽未彻底改变,但也已经发生了明显变化。通过剖析影响农村家庭子女赡养行为的机制发现,女性地位提升和家庭子女数量减少促使女儿提供了更多养老支持。同时,传统性别观念弱化也对女儿养老有进一步的促进作用。此外,农村老年父母对照料需求的增加以及女性家庭照料上的角色优势,显著地增加了女儿的生活照料作用,但在提高经济支持上的作用并不明显。  相似文献   

论文从孝道转型视角出发,基于CHARLS2015年数据,运用倾向得分匹配法,比较分析了成年子女外出的不同类型对农村老年人家庭养老支持不同子系统的影响。研究发现:成年子女外出弱化了受空间限制的农村老年人生活照料和精神慰藉,但强化了不受空间限制的经济支持。较之对生活完全可以自理的农村老年人的影响,成年子女外出对自理能力受损的农村老年人家庭养老支持的影响更为显著且强度更大;较之成年女儿外出的影响,成年儿子外出对农村老年人家庭养老支持的影响更显著且强度更大。可见,成年子女外出并未全面弱化农村老年人的家庭养老支持,而是推动家庭养老由"侍奉在侧"型向"成就安心"型转变;成年女儿在农村家庭养老中并未扮演替代性角色,而是仍旧扮演着辅助性角色。为此,应加快推进就地城镇化,大力发展农村居家养老、社区养老和互助养老服务,倡导孝亲敬老的美好家风。  相似文献   

本文首次探讨中国新型农村社会养老保险对老年父母与子女空间距离的影响。利用CHARLS数据的实证结果显示,农村老年父母新农保参与行为会促进成年子女劳动力迁移,显著提高成年子女选择县外迁移的概率,农村养老服务供养主体和供养客体间的空间距离在逐步加大,且影响效应存在一定的异质性。研究结论表明,在稳步提高新农保制度对农村老年人经济保障的同时,国家和社会要更关注农村老年人的日常照料问题,不断推动农村公共养老服务体系建设。  相似文献   

所谓空巢家庭,是指子女离家后仅由父母组成的家庭,子女离家后剩下老人独守家庭。空巢家庭的问题已引起社会上许多学者的关注,但目前这种关注主要集中在城市,对农村老年空巢家庭的关注较少。事实上,农村空巢家庭已成为一种比较严重的社会现象,据统计,在农村大概有20%的老人生活在空巢家庭中,而且这一比例还在不断上升,农村老年空巢家庭给社会带来了很大影响。  相似文献   

中国农村劳动力外出的影响因素分析   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
本文利用迁移理论从个体、家庭、社区和制度等多个层面对中国农村劳动力外出的影响因素进行了系统分析,提出了相关因素影响劳动力外出可能性的16个假设,并在此基础上建立了劳动力外出决策模型,利用中国农村住户调查34000户样本数据,对这些假设进行了实证分析。主要结论是:农民外出决策是多种因素共同作用的结果。对农民个体来讲,劳动力外出行为首先表现为人力资本竞争选择的结果;对于农民家庭来说,家庭相对剥夺感和市场流动性差增加了农民外出务工的可能性,新经济迁移理论在中国是实用的;对于家庭所在社区来讲,一个基础条件好和社会资本丰富的社区有利于推动农民外出,但过高的非农产业发展水平会降低本地劳动力外出的可能性;从制度层面讲,城乡二元结构及其相关的制度变革对中国农村劳动力流动产生了根本影响。  相似文献   

在城乡一体化发展、人口流动常态化、家庭结构变迁的背景下,农村老年人的生存样态不断贫困化,了解并分析农村地区子女代际支持现状、子女代际支持对老年多维贫困的影响,有利于改善农村老年多维贫困现状。本文基于中国家庭追踪调查CFPS (2016)的追访数据,从子女代际支持视角出发,运用Logistic回归模型,探讨子女代际支持对农村老年多维贫困的影响效应。研究结果表明:一是农村地区的老年人具有较高的多维贫困发生率,农村老年人陷入多维贫困的比重分别为:55.34%(经济贫困)、53.03%(健康贫困)、34.58%(精神贫困)。二是农村子女对老年父母的代际支持较少,月均经济支持额在一百元左右,照料支持随着农村父母年龄的增长不断增加,而精神支持则呈现出相反的态势。三是不同类型的子女代际支持对农村老年多维贫困存在一定程度的缓解效应。  相似文献   

本文采用现实与预期的差异测量农村家庭养老弱化程度,利用新疆13个地(州、市)726位农民的调查数据,分析了农村家庭养老弱化的现状及其影响因素。研究结果表明:农村家庭养老已经全面弱化,其中,经济支持弱化了25.0%,生活照料弱化了5.6%,精神慰藉弱化了30.7%。子女数减少弱化了精神慰藉功能,家庭规模缩小弱化了经济支持功能;农村社会养老保险不是弱化而是促进了生活照料和精神慰藉的实现;外出务工弱化了经济支持,促进了精神慰籍的实现。健康状况越差的农民,经济支持和生活照料弱化的概率越小;文化程度越高的农民,经济支持和生活照料弱化的概率越大;家庭存款的增多,弱化了经济支持,促进了生活照料的实现。年龄越大的农民,生活照料和精神慰藉弱化的概率越大,已婚农民经济支持和精神慰藉弱化的概率较小。  相似文献   

本文使用中国老年社会追踪调查2014年数据,考察了老年人参与隔代照料的强度对其身体健康、精神健康的异质性影响。研究发现,第一,老年人参与隔代照料对其自评身体健康存在显著的积极作用,但对精神健康没有显著影响,两种不同的效应在使用倾向得分匹配方法处理样本选择效应导致的内生性问题之后依然成立;第二,隔代照料的效应存在性别、年龄、两代同住、城乡居住安排的异质性,即隔代照料对女性和农村居民的自评健康有显著积极影响,对与子女不同住的老人和小于70岁的老人的精神健康有显著积极影响;第三,子女的情感支持、老年人的社区参与和人际互动是隔代照料影响老年人身体健康的作用机制,上述机制在精神健康的路径中没有得到验证。本文从照料补贴、社区建设等角度提出改善老年群体健康的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文基于对湖北省武汉市黄陂区横店街和咸宁市崇阳县青山镇农村老年人的问卷调查,实证分析了农村老年人的养老意愿及其生活境遇对其家庭养老偏好的影响。研究发现:农村老年人的养老意愿虽然呈现出多元化特征,但他们中的多数人仍然具有家庭养老偏好。生活境遇对其家庭养老偏好影响的Logistic回归分析结果显示:反映个体客观状态与特征的年龄和个人年收入水平、反映经济支持境遇的生活开支的主要来源、反映生活照料境遇的是否与子女居住在一起以及反映情感慰藉境遇的心情烦恼时家人的反应,都对农村老年人家庭养老偏好有显著影响。具体而言,年龄越大、个人年收入水平越低的农村老年人,越可能有家庭养老偏好;生活开支的主要来源为子女供养、与子女居住在一起和心情烦恼时能得到家人关心与安慰的农村老年人,更可能有家庭养老偏好。因此,农村老年人的养老意愿并不完全是一种"经济理性",而是一种嵌入生活境遇中的"情境理性"。  相似文献   

本文利用"安徽省老年人生活状况"纵贯数据进行路径分析,研究照料孙子女的经历对农村老年人生理健康的影响,并且讨论了成年子女提供的代际支持在其影响路径中的作用。研究发现,相比于未曾照料过孙子女的农村老年人,提供持续性隔代照料的农村老年人的自陈健康状况和日常生活自理能力更好,而曾经提供过隔代照料的农村老年人也有更好的自陈健康状况。同时,对于提供持续性隔代照料的农村老年人而言,情感支持在照料经历对其自陈健康状况的影响路径中发挥了一定的中介作用,即能否从其成年子女处获得情感支持影响了他们的自陈健康状况。  相似文献   

The complex process through which agricultural research stimulates innovation and achieves policy goals has commonly been treated as a ‘black box’ in the scientific literature. Statistical correlations between measured expenditure and impacts, where satisfactorily established, have mostly led to details of the research and innovation system being ignored. However, identifying and exploring causal chains of impact propagation can strengthen agricultural innovation. IMPRESA investigated impact mechanisms for research‐based innovations in six case studies using a Participatory Impact Pathway Assessment approach. Several suggestions result for improving performance and public support for agricultural research. Planning for impact is needed at the design phase of research so that expected advances in technology and their consequences can be explored. At that stage and throughout the research process, soft social skills are required to promote uptake. Greater impact can be achieved through the close involvement of key public and private sector stakeholders, using stakeholder mapping as a supporting tool. There is a strong argument for the close involvement of relevant social scientists and professional facilitators from the design phase of research through to its ultimate impacts. Funding frameworks and the specification of calls for tenders would function more effectively by giving more flexibility for stakeholder engagement.  相似文献   

山东菏泽近5年来,新增农田林网72.13万hm2,农林间作23.3万hm2,建成了比较完善的农田综合防护林体系。一个曾经有名的贫困地区,有效解决了困扰粮食发展的两大限制因素即干热风和风沙,实现了粮食连年增产,促进农民增收2亿元以上,生态状况发生了根本性的变化,为下一步的更大发展创造了条件。荷泽的经验就是林茂。林业是国民经济的基础,它涉及人类生存、农业兴衰和社会生活的安定与祥和。  相似文献   

Contemporaneous observations on expected supply and on prices of post‐harvest futures contracts for corn are used to estimate expected demand relationships. These equations are used to estimate the prices of the post‐harvest contracts based on new supply estimates. Each estimate can be compared with a corresponding futures price, i.e. the market forecast. The differences help discern the market expectations about the expected demand for the new crop relative to historical experience, which can help support outlook analyses. We find that in recent years, a 100 million bushel change in the expected supply of corn results in about a 6 cent per bushel negative change in the price of December corn. The discussion also deepens understanding of the term ‘anticipatory prices’ as defined by Holbrook Working in his 1958 work.  相似文献   


What factors underlie the exclusion of some poor households from welfare programmes? This article analyses the question through a comparative examination of households’ demographic characteristics, social capital and communities’ spatial (dis)advantage as determinants of enrolment in three social programmes in Andhra Pradesh, India. The main findings indicate that traditionally marginalised demographic groups do not experience programme exclusion significantly more than other groups, but that households’ social-network capital and communities’ spatial advantage increase households’ programme inclusion. The importance of social capital for programme inclusion wanes, however, in spatially more advantaged communities.  相似文献   

During the past 25 years, many state governments in the United States have adopted anti-community state preemption laws to preclude local governments from enacting ordinances regulating pesticides. In the absence of local controls, people and property are being adversely effected. The issue accompanying state preemption statutes is whether the laws constitute a reasonable resolution of the positive and negative externalities that accompany pesticide usage. Through a discussion of the tradeoffs involving pesticide preemption, we show that states having divergent agricultural, residential, commercial, and recreational activities might be better served by allowing local governments to govern selected matters involving pesticides. State pesticide preemption laws denigrate local governance and compromise public health and economic well-being. If legislators care about the health of their communities and citizens, they need to repeal preemption laws that prevent appropriate safety regulations by local governments.  相似文献   

Understanding the socio‐economic and environmental implications of rural change requires the active participation of many research disciplines and stakeholders. However, it remains unclear how to best integrate participatory and biophysical research to provide information useful to land managers and policy makers. This paper presents findings of a RELU scoping study that has formulated and applied a research framework based on stakeholder participation and adaptive learning to model rural change in the Peak District National Park in the north of England. The paper describes a learning process that integrates different types of knowledge to produce future scenarios that describe possible economic and environmental changes due to a national review of burning practices on heather moorland and blanket bogs. We stress the need for using social network analysis to structure stakeholder engagement and outline how a range of participatory approaches can facilitate more inclusive environmental planning and policy development.  相似文献   

This paper examines risks and returns associated with soil conservation on hillside farms in the Philippines. Stochastic efficiency analysis is combined with a heteroskedastic regression model to assess the impacts of contour hedgerows on low-income corn farms. Regression analysis indicates that, over time, contour hedgerows can improve yields up to 15% compared with conventional practices. The analysis also provides weak support tor a hypothesis that hedgerows are variance reducing. However, results show that the reduction in yield variability afforded by hedgerows is modest, and that yield variability may increase by as much as 5% as hedgerow intensity rises. Tests for stochastic dominance show that, compared with the conventional tillage system, hedgerows do not constitute an unambiguously dominant production strategy. Stochastic elticiency with respect to a function is used to identify a range lor the coefficient ol relative risk aversion within which hedgerows dominate conventional tillage. Results suggest this range would be rather high; hedgerows dominate the conventional cropping strategy only lor decision-makers with relative risk aversion coefficients in the range 3-5.5. Implications for soil conservation adoption in low-income settings are discussed.  相似文献   

Using China Family Panel Studies (CFPS), this study investigates factors associated with the choice of farmland leasing strategies and the impact of leasing options on farm performance. Particular attention is given to off‐farm employment and farm subsidies. Additionally, the study applies a selectivity‐based approach to assess the relationship between farmland leasing choices and farm businesses’ performance. Off‐farm employment, older and educated operators, large farms and old‐age pension plans increase the likelihood of leasing out farmland. Part‐time off‐farm employment, grain subsidies and mechanised farms increase the likelihood of leasing in farmland. Finally, the selectivity correction terms in the value of crop production are significantly negative in the choices of farmland leasing, indicating the presence of sample selection effects. Accounting for selectivity is essential to ensure unbiased and consistent estimates.  相似文献   

移民户视角的经济学分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
从移民的角度对移民搬迁安置进行经济分析,以三峡库区移民后靠,外迁和自谋出路等多种安置方式为待选方案,在深入调查研究的基础上,明确移民户搬迁安置的基本目标,对搬迁安置的成本与效能给予正确的识别与计量,分析各方案的目标达成度,对不同目标赋予权重经验值,计算方案总效用值,选择最高效用值方案为最优方案,最后以实例说明此经济分析的实际应用。  相似文献   

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