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沈安 《秘书工作》2014,(10):64-66
正墨西哥:日臻完善的国家安全体系墨西哥国家安全体系经历一个多世纪的演化发展,理念不断更新,体系构建也日臻完善。墨西哥与邻国基本没有边界和领土争端,国防问题并不突出,在安全方面面临的主要问题是国内反政府游击队和毒品恐怖主义。因此,墨国家安全机制主要针对国内安全保卫。1989年墨正式建立国家调查和安全中心,即国家安全委员会的前身。设立此机构的初衷是加强对反政府武装组织和犯罪组织的情报工作。  相似文献   

发达国家标准体系的特色与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发达国家已经建立了适应市场经济发展的国家技术标准体系并达到完善阶段.在完善的技术标准体系下,标准已深入社会生活的各个层面,为法律法规提供技术支撑,成为市场标准人、契约合同维护、贸易仲裁、合格评定、产品检验、质量体系认证等的基本依据,综观发达国家技术标准化事业的发展对我们应有一定的启示.  相似文献   

有机农业在消除贫困、解决食品安全、保护生物多样性、应对气候恶化和促进国家贸易等方面发挥了重要作用.随着经济的全球化,有机产品的国际认证成为发挥各国经济优势和扩大出口的关键.日本是世界有机产品最大的消费市场之一,中国是日本重要的食品和农产品供给国,开展两国有机产品认证的互认,有利于两国资源的合理配置和优势互补,促进区域间农产品贸易,对于推动农业可持续发展,保障食品安全和保护环境均具有重要的作用.本文从本文对中日两国有机产品法规体系和标准体系进行了比对分析,探讨两国有机产品认证互认的可行性,为推动两国贸易的发展提供了基础.  相似文献   

发达国家标准体系的特色和启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
发达国家已经建立了适应市场经济发展的国家技术标准体系并达到完善阶段。在完善的技术标准体系下,标准已深入社会生活的各个层面,为法律法规提供技术支撑,成为市场准入、契约合同维护、贸易仲裁、合格评定、产品检验、质量体系认证等的基本依据,纵观发达国家技术标准体系对我国的标准化事业发展应有一定的启示。  相似文献   

发达国家标准体系的特色和启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今,发达国家均已经建立了适应市场经济发展的国家技术标准体系,并达到完善阶段.在完善的技术标准体系下,标准已深入社会生活的各个层面,为法律法规提供技术支撑,成为市场标准人、契约合同维护、贸易仲裁、合格评定、产品检验、质量体系认证等的基本依据.纵观发达国家技术标准化事业发展,对我们应有一定的启示.  相似文献   

9月 14日在墨西哥坎昆举行的世界贸易组织部长级会议宣告破裂 ,以失败告终。坎昆谈判最艰难的问题是发展中国家要求富国停止农业补贴和降低不平等关税。现行世界贸易的一个基本事实是 :占世界人口 4 0 %的最贫穷国家 ,只能得到世界贸易收入的 3% ;而占人口 14 %的富裕国家 ,得到了世界贸易收入的 75 %。贸易体制的不公平 ,使最穷的国家每年损失 10 0 0亿美元。WTO是“富人俱乐部”。农业补贴是富国的一把刀。欧盟和美国目前每年的农业补贴总额高达 30 0 0亿美元 ,这个数字是给穷国援助的 6倍。这些补贴导致了食糖、棉花等农产品的大量剩余…  相似文献   

近年来,我国的压力容器法规标准体系发展很快,给我国压力容器制造行业和使用安全带来了巨大的经济效益和社会效益。但面对我国加入WTo后融入世界经济的挑战,以及我国建立以人为本、和谐社会所需求的安全环境而言,我国压力容器法规标准体系还存在着提升空间。如何对我国现有的压力容器法规标准进行完善提高,成为当前摆在我们面前的一项紧迫的任务。本文对我国主要贸易伙伴欧盟、北美国家的压力容器法规标准体系进行了概要介绍。相信通过比较和分析,将对今后我国压力容器标准体系的发展起到参考作用。  相似文献   

服务贸易作为当今世界和各国经济发展中增长最迅猛的组成部分和最重要的动力源泉,已成为度量国家综合国力的重要指标。发展服务贸易能够优化一国贸易结构、拓宽就业渠道、促进技术进步,进而加快社会经济发展并提升国家国际政治地位。近年来来,虽然我国服务贸易获得了长足发展了长足发展,但在服务贸易开放水平平、国际市场竞争力、政策制度体系等方面仍存在诸多发展约束。为此,须在管理体制与法规体系完善、服务贸易结构优化、区域合作与交流促进、专业人才培养等方面加快建设步伐,以促进我国服务贸易增长方式的转变并实现由贸易大国向贸易强国的转转型。  相似文献   

发达国家标准体系的特色和启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发达国家已经建立了适应市场经济发展的国家技术标准体系并达到完善阶段。在完善的技术标准体系下,标准已深入社会生活的各个层面,为法律、法规提供技术支撑,成为契约合同维护、贸易仲裁、合格评定、产品检验、质量体系认证等的基本依据。了解发达国家技术标准化事业的发展,对我们有一定的启示。  相似文献   

为消除技术性贸易壁垒,WTO法律体系框架对涉及到技术法规、标准、合格评定程序的贸易行为和必须履行的义务进行了规范,称为技术性贸易壁垒协议(即WTO/TBT)。一些国家表面上承诺要遵守WTO/TBT协议,但实际上采取各种手段形成新的贸易技术性壁垒,限制进口,而这些都与标准化有关,因此,我们必须增强紧迫感,加快步伐,调整地方标准化工作以适应WTO/TBT协议的规定。我国地方标准化工作存在的问题1.法律规范相对滞后。一是与标准化制度相适应的法律框架尚未完善,主要表现为标准化法律体系框架中缺少技术法规这一法律层次。市场经济发达国家…  相似文献   

Mexico has longed served as one of Canada's major trade partner, but the plunging peso has had drastic effects across North America. This study investigates the bilateral trade relationship between Canada and Mexico for 27 individual industries, from 1973 to 2006. Cointegration analysis shows that overall sensitivity to the real exchange rate is weak, but that the trade balances of certain manufacturing industries do indeed improve after a currency depreciation. The “J-curve” effect is present for certain electrical and mechanical industries, suggesting that the recent decline of the peso may currently be having a negative impact on Mexican trade—but that it might eventually be beneficial, particularly for the Machinery and Transport Equipment sector.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine and contrast the production networks in China, Brazil and Mexico. We highlight three results. First, over the last two decades, China's intensity of trade in parts and components has shifted from other members of Greater China to South Korea and ASEAN countries. Second, even though China's production network is mainly Asian, its parts and components trading partners are increasingly global. Brazil also increasingly trades its parts with China and East Asia, while Mexico is still focused on its trade with the United States. Third, Greater China has become a major source of parts and components to Mexican and Brazilian imports. We highlight the importance of such a pan-Pacific link and anticipate that the joint China–Brazil–Mexico production network will continue to grow.  相似文献   

This paper studies the role the stock market plays in determining the carry trade return. Evidence shows stock market returns significantly affect the carry trade returns in Australia, Mexico, Japan, the UK, Sweden, and the Eurozone. This paper further examines three channels through which stock returns affect the carry trade returns: the Balassa-Samuelson, risk-premium, and flight-to-quality effects. Our model shows that the stock market impact on the carry trade return depends on stock market volatility, and the flight-to-quality effect prevails globally. Furthermore, the introduction of the stock return significantly improves the out-of-sample forecast of the carry trade return when the domestic market is volatile.  相似文献   

基于"标准"是一个复杂特性的综合体,对其直接量化存在困难,本文采用价格楔方法,将标准转化为对等关税,进而量化标准的贸易及福利影响。本文的创新之处在于对价格楔方法进行了扩展,放松了国内产品与国外产品完全替代的假设。研究表明,欧盟RoHS指令对上海市机电产业构成了严重的贸易壁垒,并进一步影响该产业的专业化分工。但从长期看,标准的实施会使国内外产品的替代弹性增强,标准的对等关税会逐渐下降,社会净福利提高。  相似文献   

基于"标准"是一些复杂特性的综合体,对其直接量化存在困难,本文采用价格楔方法,将"标准"转化为对等关税,进而量化"标准"的贸易及福利的影响.本文的创新之处在于对价格楔方法进行扩展,放松了国内产品与国外产品完全替代的假设.研究表明,欧盟RoHS指令对上海市机电产业构成了严重的贸易壁垒,并进一步影响该产业的专业化分工.但从长期看,标准的实施会使国内外产品的替代弹性增强,标准的对等关税会逐渐下降,社会净福利提高.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of trade friction on price discovery in the USD–CAD spot and forward markets. Using the recently developed fractionally cointegrated vector autoregressive (FCVAR) model, we investigate how the foreign exchange spot and forward markets respond to trade friction. We consider two major trade friction events: the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement and the recent trade friction between Canada and China. Both events show that the forward market plays a dominant role in price discovery, and the influence of the forward market increases as trade tension increases. By comparing the fractional and non-fractional models, we find that the fractional model fits the data better and has superior forecasting performance to the cointegrated vector autoregressive (CVAR) model.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between regional trade agreements, such as the NAFTA, and FDI. Using a fixed-effects gravity model to estimate OECD panel data spanning 1982–1997, we learn that trade integration encourages FDI. We find specific evidence for each of the NAFTA member countries—Mexico, Canada and the United States. In addition, we find evidence that FDI will rise with host and parent country GDP and fall with distance.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2023,47(1):101007
The paper studies the fall of the labor income share in Mexico, contrasting the role of trade and factor intensity as transmission channels of the China shock of 2001. It finds that, while the skill, technological and —more surprisingly— trade intensity of Mexican industries were largely irrelevant, capital intensity played a key role: in particular, the higher was the industries’ initial capital intensity, the more vulnerable they were to the transmission of the global shock to labor. The finding is consistent with the proposition that industrial integration, concentrated in industries that are capital-intensive from the perspective of developing countries, facilitated the transmission of the shock. Results come from the estimation of panel equations for the annual change in the labor share across Mexican manufacturing industries, where transmission is measured by the correlation between changes in the United States and Mexican industry labor shares.  相似文献   

We analyze whether the pattern of Mexico's comparative advantages in manufacturing trade flows, vis-à-vis its closest competitors, are related with productivity differentials (Ricardian hypothesis) or with differences in factor endowments (Heckscher–Ohlin hypothesis). The results suggest that Heckscher–Ohlin determinants tend to be more relevant than labor productivity differentials to explain the differences in the export patterns between Mexico and its competitors. This result holds even when we restrict the analysis to Mexico and other countries with relatively small differences in factor endowments, although in this case Ricardian comparative advantages gain some relevance.  相似文献   

Taking advantage of the liberalization process under NAFTA, this paper assesses the relative importance of the degree of trade openness and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in explaining inter-industry wage differentials for the case of Mexico. Using INEGI's National Survey of Urban Employment for the period 1994–2004, the empirical analysis is conducted on two stages. In the first stage, individual wages are regressed on worker characteristics, job and firm attributes, informality and a set of federal entity and industry indicators. In the second stage, inter-industry wage differentials (derived from the coefficient estimates of the industry indicators) are regressed on trade and FDI variables. The main findings show that trade openness does not have a statistically significant effect on inter-industry wage differentials, whereas for the case of FDI, a positive nonlinear relationship is found to exist.  相似文献   

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