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Although mixed extensions of finite games always admit equilibria, this is not the case for countable games, the best-known example being Waldʼs pick-the-larger-integer game. Several authors have provided conditions for the existence of equilibria in infinite games. These conditions are typically of topological nature and are rarely applicable to countable games. Here we establish an existence result for the equilibrium of countable games when the strategy sets are a countable group, the payoffs are functions of the group operation, and mixed strategies are not requested to be σ-additive. As a byproduct we show that if finitely additive mixed strategies are allowed, then Waldʼs game admits an equilibrium. Finally we extend the main results to uncountable games.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the symposium on existence of Nash equilibria in discontinuous games.  相似文献   

We consider finitely repeated games with imperfect private monitoring, and provide several sufficient conditions for such a game to have an equilibrium whose outcome is different from repetition of Nash equilibria of the stage game. Surprisingly, the conditions are consistent with uniqueness of the stage game equilibrium. A class of repeated chicken is shown to satisfy the condition.  相似文献   

This paper provides an example showing that for finite extensive form games without perfect recall existence of Nash equilibria in behaviour strategies is not guaranteed in general.  相似文献   

We introduce spaces of discontinuous games in which games having essential Nash equilibria are the generic case. In order to prove the existence of essential Nash equilibria in such spaces, we provide new results on the Ky Fan minimax inequality. In the setting of potential games, we show that games with essential Nash equilibria are the generic case when their potentials satisfy a condition called weak upper pseudocontinuity that is weaker than upper semicontinuity.  相似文献   

We show the existence of an equilibrium in a model where private goods are allocated by markets and the public good (bad) is allocated by majority rule voting.  相似文献   

We consider equilibrium concepts which require that the support of beliefs at an information set be contained in the supports of beliefs at preceding information sets. We analyze by means of an example why such equilibria often fail to exist in extensive form games. We find that support restrictions may exclude very salient equilibria.  相似文献   

A Nash equilibrium x of a normal-form game G is essential if any perturbation of G has an equilibrium close to x. Using payoff perturbations, we show that for games that are generic in the set of compact, quasiconcave, and generalized payoff secure games with upper semicontinuous sum of payoffs, all equilibria are essential. Some variants of this result are also established.  相似文献   

We present several new characterizations of correlated equilibria in games with continuous utility functions. These have the advantage of being more computationally and analytically tractable than the standard definition in terms of departure functions. We use these characterizations to construct effective algorithms for approximating a single correlated equilibrium or the entire set of correlated equilibria of a game with polynomial utility functions.  相似文献   

We show that subgame-perfect equilibria of infinite-horizon games arise as limits, as the horizon grows long and epsilon small, of subgame-perfect epsilon-equilibria of games which are truncated after a finite horizon. A number of applications show that this result provides a useful technique for analyzing the existence and uniqueness of infinite-horizon equilibria. We extend our result to the sequential equilibrium concept.  相似文献   

We characterize the essential stability of games with a continuum of players, where strategy profiles may affect objective functions and admissible strategies. Taking into account the perturbations defined by a continuous mapping from a complete metric space of parameters to the space of continuous games, we prove that essential stability is a generic property and every game has a stable subset of equilibria. These results are extended to discontinuous large generalized games assuming that only payoff functions are subject to perturbations. We apply our results in an electoral game with a continuum of Cournot-Nash equilibria, where the unique essential equilibrium is that only politically engaged players participate in the electoral process. In addition, employing our results for discontinuous games, we determine the stability properties of competitive prices in large economies.  相似文献   

Growth models with endogenous mortality assume generally that life expectancy is increasing with output per capita and, thus, with individual consumption, whatever its level is. However, empirical evidence supports a U-shaped relationship between consumption and mortality, implying that the monotonicity of that relation is local but not global. This paper develops a two-period OLG model where life expectancy is a non-monotone function of consumption, and where agents form myopic anticipations about life expectancy. The existence, uniqueness and stability of steady-state equilibria are studied. It is shown that overconsumption equilibria — i.e. equilibria at which consumption exceeds the level maximizing life expectancy — exist in highly productive economies with a low impatience. We identify also conditions under which there exist long-run cycles in output and longevity around overconsumption equilibria.  相似文献   

The limit of any convergent sequence of agent quantal response equilibria is a sequential equilibrium of an extensive game. Using a logarithmic transformation of action probabilities, it is numerically feasible and practical to compute such sequences, and thereby compute good approximations to sequential equilibrium assessments. This paper describes the algorithm to compute the sequences, and outlines the convergence and selection properties of the method.  相似文献   

In the recent paper by the author [Scalzo, V., 2010. Pareto efficient Nash equilibria in discontinuous games. Economics Letters 107, 364-365], a class of discontinuous games where efficient Nash equilibria exist has been defined. In the present paper, we complete the previous investigation and recognize a class of discontinuous games where the efficient Nash equilibria are stable with respect to perturbations of the characteristics of players.  相似文献   

We provide a direct proof of the existence of perfect equilibria in finite normal form games and extensive games with perfect recall. It is done by constructing a correspondence whose fixed points are precisely the perfect equilibria of a given finite game. Existence of a fixed point is secured by a generalization of Kakutani theorem, which is proved in this paper. This work offers a new approach to perfect equilibria, which would hopefully facilitate further study on this topic. We also hope our direct proof would be the first step toward building an algorithm to find the set of all perfect equilibria of a strategic game.  相似文献   

Summary. The paper explores a model of boundedly rational traders who act strategically. The general framework of analysis is the sell all model of Shapley and Shubik [6] whereas the behavioral rule of traders is related to the bounded rationality of McKelvey and Palfrey [5] and the subsequent of Chen Friedman and Thisse [1]. A new equilibrium concept is introduced appropriate to integrate in the basic model market participants that may choose an inferior action with positive probability. Further, assuming that these market participants are engaged in an infinite repeated game and making them able to learn playing rationally, we demonstrate that in the limit the original equilibrium of Shapley and Shubik is attained and basically emerges as a special case of our equilibrium concept.Received: 20 September 2003, Revised: 11 December 2004, I am indebted to Yanis Varoufakis and especially to Dimitrios P. Tsomocos for their helpful comments.  相似文献   

Rationalized subjective equilibria in repeated games   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to provide a new equilibrium concept of repeated games that involve incomplete information ( rationalized subjective equilibrium ) and a related framework ( subjective game ), and to analyse the relationships between players' subjective images of games and the realized outcomes. We demonstrate the relationships among rationalized subjective equilibria, subjective equilibria, and original Nash equilibria by providing several examples. We also present several theorems analogous to the ordinary folk theorem and a simple application using the Cournot duopoly model. JEL Classification: C70, C72
Equilibres subjectifs rationalisés dans des jeux répétés L'objectif de cet article est de proposer un nouveau concept d'équilibre dans les jeux répétés où l'information est incomplète (équilibre subjectif rationalisé) et un cadre d'analyse approprié( jeu subjectif ), ainsi que d'analyser les rapports entre les images subjectives que les acteurs ont des jeux et de leurs résultats. On montre les rapports entre équilibres subjectifs rationalisés, équilibres subjectifs, et équilibres à la Nash à l'aide de divers exemples. On présente aussi plusieurs théorèmes analogues au « ordinary folk theorem >> et une application simple utilisant le modèle de duopole de Cournot.  相似文献   

We propose a new concept for the analysis of games, the TASP, which gives a precise prediction about non-equilibrium play in games whose Nash equilibria are mixed and are unstable under fictitious play-like learning. We show that, when players learn using weighted stochastic fictitious play and so place greater weight on recent experience, the time average of play often converges in these “unstable” games, even while mixed strategies and beliefs continue to cycle. This time average, the TASP, is related to the cycle identified by Shapley [L.S. Shapley, Some topics in two person games, in: M. Dresher, et al. (Eds.), Advances in Game Theory, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1964]. The TASP can be close to or quite distinct from Nash equilibrium.  相似文献   

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