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The demand for real cash balances deduced from an underlying portfolio model of the financial market is shown to depend upon domestic variables and foreign monetary developments. The model is estimated using quarterly postwar data for Canada, Germany, UK and US. There is clear evidence that demand for money is affected not only by changes in domestic variables such as permanent income, domestic interest rate and price expectations but also by fluctuations in exchange rate expectations and foreign interest rates. The conclusion, that domestic monetary policy is fairly ineffective and domestic financial markets are highly vulnerable to changes in foreign financial and monetary developments need to be modified in light of the results presented in this paper.  相似文献   

This paper examines stock market efficiency with respect to money supply data by testing (1) regression models of stock returns on monetary variables and (2) trading rules based on money supply data. The evidence indicates no meaningful lag in the effect of monetary policy on the stock market and that no profitable security trading rules using past values of the money supply exist. Therefore this evidence is consistent with the efficient market model. Current security returns incorporate all information contained in past money supply data and, in addition, appear to anticipate future changes in the money supply. A number of previous studies have concluded that lags exist and can be used in profitable trading rules. Analysis of these studies demonstrates that for a variety of reasons the evidence in these past studies does not sustain such conclusions.  相似文献   

This paper examines the implications of a contemporaneously observed endogenous money supply in rational expectations models of the Lucas-Barro variety. First, if there is contemporaneously perceived policy response (e.g., to interest rates), then a simultaneous equations bias produces inconsistency in the neutrality tests proposed by King and Boschen-Grossman. Second, if money acts as a ‘signal’ about economic conditions then autonomous money shocks can have real effects. In polar contrast to the Lucas-Barro analyses, this non-neutrality requires that monetary information be utilized by economic agents.  相似文献   

The paper sets out a simple monetary model and uses it to compare alternative monetary systems. Money may be either fiat or gold. Both gold supply and velocity are uncertain. Asset demands are derived from expected utility maximization. I demonstrate the basic argument against a commodity money — that it wastes resources, show why the optimal growth rate of money may be zero, and compare the behavior of the economy under constant money stock, constant price level, and constant gold price rules. Expected utility is typically highest under the constant price level rule.  相似文献   

The paper addresses two issues that arise in estimation and testing of the real effects of anticipated and unanticipated money. First it is shown that identification of the effects of unanticipated (or unperceived) monetary growth on real output is possible only if the a priori restriction is imposed that monetary growth does not depend on unanticipated (or unperceived) output. Second, the existing empirical work of Barro and others does not allow for three known channels through which money can affect real variables. These are (1) past and present anticipations of future monetary growth (the inflation tax channel), (2) expectations of monetary growth in a given period conditioned at various preceding dates (the Fischer-Phelps-Taylor effect) and (3) past and present revisions in forecasts of future monetary growth. The presence of the first of these would mean that alternative open-loop monetary growth rules have real effects. The presence of the other two implies that monetary feedback rules can have real effects. Omission of the first channel can lead to biased estimates of the effects of past anticipated monetary growth. Potentially serious observational equivalence problems are associated with the other two.  相似文献   

We derive the general equilibrium short-term real and nominal interest rates in a monetary economy affected by technological and monetary shocks and where the price level dynamics is endogenous. Assuming fairly general processes for technology and money supply, we show that an inherent feature of our equilibrium is that any real variable dynamics, in particular that of the short-term real interest rate, is driven by both monetary and real factors. This money non-neutrality is generic, as it does not stem from any friction such as price stickiness, or from a particular utility function. Non-neutrality obtains because the ex ante cost of real money holdings is random due to inflation uncertainty. We then analyze in depth a specialized version of this economy in which the state variables follow square root processes, and the representative investor has a log separable utility function. The short-term nominal rate dynamics we obtain encompasses most of the dynamics present in the literature, from Vasicek and CIR to recent quadratic and, more generally, non-linear interest rate models. Moreover, our results pave the way to several new nominal term structures.  相似文献   

A monetary model has no intrinsic dynamics so the intertemporal behavior of exchange rates, spot and forward, depend entirely upon the time processes of the exogenous variables. For typical values of interest elasticities of money demand, only if all shocks are permanent do exchange rates follow random walks.Recently, changes in relative outputs and money supplies in the Canadian–US context have evidenced serial correlation so that shocks are not exclusively permanent ones. None the less, exchange rates have followed a random walk. This suggests that the monetary model is an inappropriate specification and that models which pay attention to the choice of currency of denomination deserve greater attention.  相似文献   

King et al. ( 1991 ) evaluate the empirical relevance of a class of real business cycle models with permanent productivity shocks by analyzing the stochastic trend properties of postwar U.S. macroeconomic data. They find a common stochastic trend in a three‐variable system that includes output, consumption, and investment, but the explanatory power of the common trend drops significantly when they add money balances and the nominal interest rate. In this paper, we revisit the cointegration tests in the spirit of King et al., using improved monetary aggregates whose construction has been stimulated by the Barnett critique. We show that previous rejections of the balanced growth hypothesis and classical money demand functions can be attributed to mismeasurement of the monetary aggregates.  相似文献   

By assuming that money balances at the beginning instead of at the end of the period provide transaction services, standard results on nominal and real determinacy in monetary models are overturned. The key is that predetermined real money balances can be a state variable. Whereas the determination of the absolute price level typically depends on fiscal policy under an exogenous interest setting, nominal determinacy is now achieved even when fiscal policy is Ricardian. Also, in contrast to the Taylor principle, the interest rate policy should respond passively to changes in inflation, thus ensuring nonoscillatory and locally stable equilibrium sequences.  相似文献   

This paper examines the question of the non-neutrality of money in normative monetary growth models, in which the desired paths of consumption and asset accumulation are derived from intertemporal optimization considerations. With the inflation rate determined from the requirement that the ex ante excess flow demand for goods be closed partially or completely by the price adjustment, it is shown that the neutrality of money in such models is invariant to the differences between the neoclassical and the Keynes-Wicksellian market structures.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the money supply process on a microeconomic level by developing an inventory-theoretic model of commercial bank reserves, correspondent balances, and correspondent services; by deriving the comparative-static properties of the model for member and non-member banks; and by incorporating these properties into a stochastic money supply framework. In general, correspondent balances and services were found to have mixed effects on the reserve-requirement and interest-rate sensitivities of both the expected value and the variance of the money supply, but most of this ambiguity should eventually be reduced by the Monetary Control Act of 1980.  相似文献   

我国广义货币供应量M2的回归模型与预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
货币供应量是货币政策工具重要的中介变量。该文通过分解我国货币供应量的诸多宏观影响因素,尝试建立一个较为完整的货币供应量多变量回归模型,揭示宏观经济变量对货币供应量的影响程度,并运用该模型对货币供应量的短期变化进行预测,以期为把握宏观经济形势、理解货币政策变化及预判金融市场走势提供参考依据。检验结果表明,该模型对货币供应量的预测比较符合实际情况。  相似文献   

当前,我国宏观经济形势复杂多变,货币政策实施效果的影响因素随之呈现多样化特征。在此背景下,本文试图以风险偏好为研究视角,对我国居民风险偏好水平变动与货币政策宏观经济效应之间的关系进行分析。本文以标准新凯恩斯模型为基础,构造符合我国宏观经济现实特征的DSGE(动态随机一般均衡)模型,并对转型时期的最优混合型货币政策规则进行研究;为进一步强调货币在中国宏观经济波动中所扮演的重要角色,模型中引入消费和实际货币余额不可分的跨期效用函数形式。研究结果表明:(1)包含名义货币增长的混合型泰勒规则拟合我国转型时期的货币政策规则效果最佳,因此货币供应量仍是重要的政策工具;(2)与可分性模型相比,不可分模型拟合我国宏观经济现实特征的效果更优。在不可分效用函数下,与货币供应量相关的实际货币余额将影响经济的产出缺口和通货膨胀,使得居民风险偏好成为决定货币政策效果的重要因素。具体而言,当居民风险偏好水平上升时,货币政策对我国宏观经济波动的影响随之增强。因此,在选择货币政策实施时点上,应充分考虑市场中的风险偏好情况,从而更好地发挥货币政策调控宏观经济的职能。  相似文献   

Short-term interest rates in the United States have been “too high” since October 1979 in the sense that both unconditional and conditional forecasts, based on an estimated vector autoregression model summarizing the prior experience, underpredict short-term interest rates during this period. Although a nonstructural model cannot directly answer the question of why this has been so, comparisons of alternative conditional forecasts point to the post-October 1979 relationship between the growth of real income and the growth of real money balances as closely connected to the level and pattern of short-term interest rates. This finding is consistent with the authors' earlier conclusion, based on analysis of a small structural macroeconometric model, that the high average level of interest rates has been due to a combination of slow growth of (nominal) money supply and continuing price inflation, which together have kept real balances small in relation to prevailing levels of economic activity.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model in which safe assets are systemic because they are the medium of exchange in risky assets. It connects the literature from banking and finance on safe assets to the monetary literature on alternative monetary systems involving commodity money, interest bearing money, and private money creation. Because safe assets have intrinsic value, changes in their supply lead to changes in market efficiency. Additionally, because safe assets are costly to produce, there is overproduction of safe assets relative to the social optimum. When the model is calibrated to plausible liquidity premiums the resulting inefficiencies are not large.  相似文献   

当前,我国宏观经济形势复杂多变,货币政策实施效果的影响因素随之呈现多样化特征。在此背景下,本文试图以风险偏好为研究视角,对我国居民风险偏好水平变动与货币政策宏观经济效应之间的关系进行分析。本文以标准新凯恩斯模型为基础,构造符合我国宏观经济现实特征的DSGE(动态随机一般均衡)模型,并对转型时期的最优混合型货币政策规则进行研究;为进一步强调货币在中国宏观经济波动中所扮演的重要角色,模型中引入消费和实际货币余额不可分的跨期效用函数形式。研究结果表明:(1)包含名义货币增长的混合型泰勒规则拟合我国转型时期的货币政策规则效果最佳,因此货币供应量仍是重要的政策工具;(2)与可分性模型相比,不可分模型拟合我国宏观经济现实特征的效果更优。在不可分效用函数下,与货币供应量相关的实际货币余额将影响经济的产出缺口和通货膨胀,使得居民风险偏好成为决定货币政策效果的重要因素。具体而言,当居民风险偏好水平上升时,货币政策对我国宏观经济波动的影响随之增强。因此,在选择货币政策实施时点上,应充分考虑市场中的风险偏好情况,从而更好地发挥货币政策调控宏观经济的职能。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the author's theoretical and empirical research which has supported the following propositions. First, the change in the rate of inflation from one year to the next depends upon the growth of the money supply less the current rate of inflation. The current unemployment rate does not significantly affect whether the rate of inflation will rise or fall. If the monetary authorities raise the rate of monetary expansion above the current rate of inflation, the latter will rise regardless of the slack in the economy. Second, the change in the unemployment rate from one year to the next depends upon: (a) the deviation of the current unemployment rate from its equilibrium value and (b) the growth of the money supply less the current rate of inflation. The first effect concerns wage flexibility and the second effect concerns the shift of the aggregate demand (C+I+G) curve.  相似文献   

Freeman (Am. Econom. Rev. 86 (1996a) 1126) shows that an elastic money supply enhances the efficiency of monetary equilibrium by clearing default-free debts at par value in the domestic credit market. This research adds a foreign exchange market to Freeman's model and extends his analysis into a two-country model, in which the arrival rates of agents are not equal between the two countries. In this model, an elastic money supply in the foreign exchange market to clear the exchange of fiat monies at gold standard parity, accompanied by an elastic money supply in the domestic credit market, could improve the efficiency of monetary equilibrium.  相似文献   

金融创新、基本普尔分析与我国货币政策中介目标选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文将金融创新因素纳入基本普尔分析之中,对货币政策中介目标选择问题进行了分析,并得出了两个基本结论:(1)在金融创新发展的初期,总需求冲击方差相对于货币需求冲击方差仍然较大,同时IS曲线相对LM曲线会变得更加陡峭,此时中央银行将优先选择货币供给量作为中介目标;(2)在金融创新的快速发展阶段,货币需求函数将变得极不稳定,以致于货币需求冲击远远超过总需求冲击时,无论IS曲线和LM曲线的斜率如何,选择利率充当中介目标将变得更加有吸引力。就我国而言,现阶段货币供给量作为中介目标还是较优的选择;长期来看,利率作为中介目标也会因金融创新而失效,一个可行的选择是通货膨胀目标制度。  相似文献   

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