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We study the tendency of firms to mimic the repurchase announcements of their industry counterparts. We argue that a firm, by repurchasing its shares, sends a positive signal about itself and a negative one about its competitors. This induces the competing firms to mimic the behavior of the repurchasing firm by repurchasing themselves. Using a broad sample of US firms from the period 1984–2002, we show that, in concentrated industries, a repurchase announcement lowers the stock price of the other firms in the same industry. The other firms react by repurchasing themselves to undo these negative effects. Repurchases are chosen as a strategic reaction to other firms’ repurchase decisions and are not motivated by the desire to time the market, i.e., to take advantage of a significantly undervalued stock price. Therefore, repurchasing firms in more concentrated industries experience a lower increase in value in comparison with their counterparts in less concentrated industries in the post-announcement era. Alternative methodologies used to estimate long-term performance confirm that it is only the repurchasing firms in low concentration industries that outperform the market, their non-repurchasing peers, and their counterparts in more concentrated industries by amounts that are economically and statistically significant.  相似文献   

We examine the extent to which announcements of open market share repurchase programs affect the valuation of competing firms in the same industry. On average, although firms announcing open market share repurchase programs experience a significantly positive stock price reaction at announcement, portfolios of rival firms in the same industry experience a significant and contemporaneous negative stock price reaction. This suggests that perceived changes in the competitive positions of the repurchasing firms occur at the expense of rival firms and dominate any signals of favorable industry conditions. Thus, the competitive intra-industry effects of open market repurchases outweigh any contagion effects. In addition, cross-sectional tests indicate that these competitive effects are more pronounced in industries characterized by a lower degree of competition and less correlation between the stock returns of the repurchasing firm and its rivals.  相似文献   

This paper uses event methodology to examine the impact of common stock repurchases on the repurchasing firm's common stock returns, including examination of various subsamples to test the effects of size and purpose of repurchase. Although the market reacts positively to general repurchase announcements, it reacts negatively to those repurchases used to fend off takeover attempts and does not react at all to stock repurchases for employee stock option plan (ESOP) purposes.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper is to examine the wealth effect of stock repurchase announcements using a sample of 11,862 repurchase programs announced during 1994–2007. The results of several recent industry surveys indicate that managerial motivations for repurchasing shares may have changed in recent years. To better understand the reasons for repurchasing shares we classify our sample in various ways—by year, by the method used for repurchasing shares, and by the stated purpose of the program. We find that the median size of firms repurchasing shares has increased dramatically recently, and concomitantly, the announcement returns have declined. Signaling undervaluation of share prices appears to become less important than previously assumed. While smaller firms signal undervaluation using open market repurchases, tender offers are chosen to enhance shareholder values by other means.  相似文献   

When determining a stock to buy, Strahilevitz et al. (2011) demonstrate that individual investors often repurchase a stock previously traded for a profit as a learning process. When evaluating a decision, people use the most available information that comes to mind. We posit that the most recently sold stocks are the most salient. Our analysis reveals that the presence of another more recently sold stock decreases a household’s propensity to repurchase a different stock by 23%. This recency effect dominates the impact of prior profitability on the repurchasing decision. The repurchase activity of investors appears to be sub-optimal, partially due to commission costs and under-diversification of portfolios, which is magnified for households repurchasing at higher frequencies. More sophisticated investors demonstrate less of this behavior.  相似文献   

Signaling undervaluation is often considered a primary motive for repurchasing stock, but insider trading activity by repurchasing firms is not always consistent with undervaluation. Net insider buying and selling are both more frequent in quarters when firms are repurchasing non-trivial amounts of stock, with the odds of observing a repurchase the highest in quarters with net insider selling. In multinomial logit models, share repurchases associated with net insider selling are positively related to illiquidity, option exercises by insiders, and pre-repurchase returns and negatively correlated with industry-adjusted book to market ratios when compared to other repurchases. Hence, repurchases when insiders are selling stock are more likely done to support share prices or avoid dilution and are less likely undervaluation signals. We find that insider trades either validate or mitigate the undervaluation signal of the repurchase. Abnormal returns of repurchasing firms with net insider buying versus net insider selling in a given quarter are significantly higher for the quarter immediately after the repurchase and the three subsequent years. For repurchases accompanied by net insider selling, abnormal returns are negligible after only one year.  相似文献   

Although firms cite flexibility as important when repurchasing shares, we know little about how or why firms vary repurchases. We use an extensive sample of daily repurchase transactions from the United Kingdom to investigate how the number of repurchase days and volumes of shares repurchased change based on several known motivations. We find that stock price changes, liquidity, leverage, takeover activity and earnings per share targets impact share repurchasing patterns. Further, we compare actual repurchases to alternative share accumulation strategies and find that firms utilize flexibility without paying higher costs.  相似文献   

Casual evidence suggests that as many as 10% of the companies repurchasing their stock over the past decade have used the sale of puts on the company's stock as part of the repurchase program. This article describes a new instrument for such corporate stock buybacks recently introduced by the American Stock Exchange: Equity Flex puts on the issuer's stock. When and if the puts are exercised, the company's shares are retired—often on better terms and with better cash flow timing than the company could achieve with a conventional stock repurchase program.
To date, such stock repurchase programs have been conducted primarily using over-the-counter put options. The new Equity Flex puts promise to eliminate the relative advantages of OTC transactions and offer stock repurchasers better pricing and increased liquidity. Use of exchange markets can also help overcome any reluctance a financial officer might have to rely on prices offered by a single dealer.  相似文献   

The findings of the authors' recent study suggest, on balance, that stock repurchases function much like tax‐efficient special dividends, increasing when free cash flow is large and when debt levels are low, but not replacing regularly scheduled dividends. Repurchasing companies experience median event returns of about 2% around the repurchase announcements, with a related mean effect of roughly 3%. Companies with greater free cash flow and less debt are more likely than otherwise comparable companies to repurchase their shares. Furthermore, repurchasing companies that exhibit substandard preannouncement stock price returns and seek to buy back higher percentages of shares tend to elicit more positive stock price reactions. At the same time, the study provides some evidence that corporate managers attempt to use their inside information to profit from buybacks. For example, managing insiders in repurchasing firms decrease their selling activity and increase their buying activity two weeks before repurchase announcements to a greater extent than non‐managing insiders. But perhaps the most remarkable finding from this part of the study is how little insiders as a group seem to profit from their short‐term trading behavior—a finding that suggests that the market appears to anticipate much of this behavior.  相似文献   

This paper studies a unique buyback method allowing firms toreacquire their own shares on a separate trading line whereonly the firm is allowed to buy shares. This share repurchasemethod is called the Second Trading Line and has been extensivelyused by Swiss companies since 1997. This type of repurchaseis unique for two reasons. First, unlike open market programs,the repurchasing company does not trade anonymously. Second,all transactions made by the repurchasing firm are publiclyavailable in real time to every market participant. This isa case of instantaneous disclosure which contrasts sharply withother markets characterized by delayed or no disclosure. Wedocument that the daily repurchase decision is statisticallyassociated with short-term price changes and the release offirm-specific news. We also find that repurchases on the secondtrading line have a beneficial impact on the liquidity of repurchasingfirms. Exchanges and regulators may consider the second tradingline an attractive share reacquisition mechanism because ofits transparency and positive liquidity effects.  相似文献   

This paper reports anomalous price behavior around repurchase tender offers. Buying shares before the expiration date of a repurchase tender offer and tendering to the firm produces, on average, abnormal returns of more than 9 percent over a period shorter than one week. In addition, we find that repurchasing companies experience economically and statistically significant abnormal returns in the two years after the repurchase. The upward price drift is mainly caused by the behavior of the small firms in the sample.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes share repurchase programs, which are subject to specific legal restrictions in Taiwan, to determine whether the unique item repurchase price range conveys information regarding the degree of undervaluation and future prospects of a firm. We find that the price range conveys such information, not only about the past, but also the future. Companies with a higher upper bound of the repurchase price range experience better abnormal returns than do companies that do not. The lower bound of the price range does not efficiently convey the undervaluation effect, owing to the exemption clause in the announcement. Finally, the announced price range, in turn, conveys favorable information about the repurchasing firm and is a more powerful signal of future prospects than is the legal price range.  相似文献   

This study investigates the motives and valuation effects of share repurchase announcements of German firms during the 1998–2008 period, addressing the question why initial public offering (IPO) firms repurchase shares soon after going public. While our focus is on IPO firms, we also examine the impact of firm size by differentiating between IPO and established DAX/MDAX firms and by analyzing the source of surplus cash holdings, that is, either from equity issuances or from operating cash flows. We further explore the impact of the regulatory environment. Our empirical analysis reveals significant differences between the IPO and DAX/MDAX subsamples regarding their repurchase motives, stock price performance, and explanatory factors. Standard corporate payout theories are essential in explaining the different valuation effects. Our empirical analysis suggests agency costs of free cash flow as the main reason for the observed valuation effects of both IPO and DAX/MDAX firms, yet for different reasons. While DAX/MDAX firms continuously generate high operating cash flows before and after repurchasing shares, IPO firms exhibit low operating cash flows during the entire period but large surplus cash holdings due to the mandatory equity issuance at their public offering. Overall, the repurchase decisions of IPO firms are best explained by the agency costs of cash holdings and the unique rules and regulations of the German stock exchange.  相似文献   

We evaluate motives for share repurchases using a unified framework where a firm has a target capital structure and has equity that can be mispriced. We document that capital structure adjustments are a value-increasing motive for repurchases and that the extent to which adjusting capital structure through a repurchase creates value depends on the undervaluation of the firm. Underlevered and undervalued firms enjoy the greatest economic gains from a repurchase, as evidenced by the stock price reaction to the repurchase announcement, and these firms are more likely to announce a share repurchase program.  相似文献   

In contrast to the negative average abnormal return associated with the announcement of a control‐related targeted repurchase (greenmail transaction), we find that the announcement of a noncontrol‐related targeted repurchase is associated with a positive and significant average abnormal return. Cross‐sectional analysis indicates that the change in firm value at the announcement of a noncontrol‐related targeted repurchase is negatively related to the resulting changes in both insider ownership and outside blockholdings. We also find significant differences in announcement‐period stock price effects depending on the identity of the selling shareholder.  相似文献   

Most studies of corporate stock repurchase focus on the effect of stock buyback announcements on the stock price performance of companies announcing the programs, and on the corporate motives for undertaking stock buyback programs. The study described in this article examines the effects of actual stock buyback activities on corporate performance, addressing the question whether buybacks are associated with increases in economic value or EVA. In general, the study reports that the operating performance of buyback companies is better than that of non-buyback companies, and that performance improves in the year following the initiation of repurchasing activities. Although it is not the central focus of this study, the findings are consistent with both the free cash flow and the information signaling hypotheses as motives for engaging in stock buybacks.  相似文献   

Bank stock repurchases have become increasingly popular over time. Because of the unique capital requirements and regulatory constraints on the use of bank funds, the intraindustry effects of bank stock repurchases may differ from intraindustry effects of stock repurchases by other firms. We find that bank stock repurchases result in a positive and significant valuation effect for the repurchasing banks. Moreover, we find positive significant intraindustry effects of bank stock repurchases, unlike previous research by Hertzel on firms from numerous industries that found no evidence of intraindustry effects in response to stock repurchases. We attribute the difference in results to the unique characteristics of the banking industry, which results in a less ambiguous signal emitted from the stock repurchase announcement. In addition, we find that the intraindustry effects are more favorable when the valuation effect for the repurchasing bank is more favorable. This implies that the degree of signal to the industry is conditioned on the degree of signal about the bank that is repurchasing its shares. Furthermore, intraindustry effects are more favorable when the capital position of rival banks is high, when the proportion of residential loans of rival banks is low, and when the announcing bank is a money center bank.  相似文献   

This paper provides a simple explanation of open‐market stock repurchases and the stock price behavior surrounding them. There is ex ante asymmetry of information with regard to the private benefits that corporate managers can attain from real investments. In our model, open‐market repurchase announcements reveal information about the managers' private benefits when real investment opportunities are unprofitable in terms of firm values. This study differs from previous studies in that we show that announcements of open‐market repurchase programs can be believable without the restriction that the announcements are commitments. Empirically, the model simultaneously predicts that a stock price will drop prior to an open‐market repurchase announcement and will rise in response to the announcement. These predictions are consistent with stylized facts.  相似文献   

This research examines the impact of labor power on the firm's repurchase decisions. Firms facing stronger labor power repurchase fewer shares, suggesting that, on average, repurchases are against the interests of labor. However, the negative effect of labor power on repurchases is significantly reduced when repurchases benefit employees by fending off an unwanted takeover or countering the dilution effects of employee stock options. We also examine the ex post consequences of share repurchases. Repurchases are positively related to the probability of a strike. Repurchase announcement returns and the operating performance of repurchasing firms are negatively related to labor power.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown the time trends of firm stock repurchase behavior. We examine these time changes for stock repurchase through the lens of real activities earnings management. Managers appear more likely to manipulate earnings through stock repurchases since the passage of the Sarbanes–Oxley Act (SOX) in 2002. Furthermore, suspect firms that just missed analyst earnings per share forecasts have higher incentives to manipulate earnings through stock repurchases. The results are not driven by changes in corporate governance associated with the passage of SOX. Overall, our results suggest earnings management can be a significant determinant of the dynamics of stock repurchases.  相似文献   

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