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本文通过实证研究分析上海外贸商品结构与产业结构之间的关系,结果表明上海对外贸易结构已经由资源、劳动密集型商品向资本技术密集型产品转变,外贸结构的优化促进了产业结构的升级。但由于上海主要贸易方式为加工贸易,而要素生产成本上升制约着加工贸易的转型,贸易结构和产业结构调整之路仍任重道远。本文最后对如何优化贸易结构和产业结构提出政策建议。  相似文献   

贸易结构与就业结构:基于中国工业部门的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国经济发展和改革开放,贸易结构不断变动,对就业水平和就业结构都可能产生重要影响。本文系统研究了我国工业制成品贸易结构变动的就业效应:首先建立了一个简明的理论框架,探讨贸易结构变动对就业结构的影响;然后运用投入产出法和偏差分解法对我国1993~2007年工业制成品贸易结构变化的就业效应进行经验分析。结果表明,研究期间内偏向资本技术密集型产品的贸易结构变动不利于就业,并导致我国的就业结构偏向熟练劳动。  相似文献   

资本结构波动能引发资本成本上升,增加财务风险,而我国许多企业都有做大做强的发展思维,这种思维是否会诱发资本结构波动扩大值得讨论。文章通过数理模型分析,论证了企业成长对资本结构波动的助推作用,分析了货币政策变动对资本结构波动以及对企业成长性与资本结构波动关系之间的作用,并通过我国A股上市公司2002—2013年财务数据进行实证研究。研究发现:企业成长性越大,资本结构波动越高;货币政策的收缩有利于资本结构波动幅度的降低;当企业处于货币政策收缩阶段时,企业成长对资本结构波动的推动作用更大。  相似文献   

新常态下贸易调整与中国经济周期波动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文构建了小型开放经济下多部门动态随机一般均衡模型,通过分析进口占比和国内外产品替代 弹性的动态变化来研究贸易调整时期宏观经济的动态调整机制。数值模拟结果表明,贸易调整的策略和路径对不 同冲击下经济运行的影响存在差异;国内经济冲击下的贸易调整会对经济稳态产生影响,国外经济冲击下的贸易 调整对国内经济长期运行影响不显著,但是会影响短期经济调整;进口占比主要影响消费、资本、投资和实际汇率, 国内外产品替代弹性则主要影响资本、经常账户和实际汇率。  相似文献   

通过数理推论,演绎了资本结构波动对财务困境的推动作用,以及利率市场化的推进如何影响资本结构波动与财务困境之间的关系。运用我国2002—2013年上市公司财务数据,对理论推理进行实证检验,研究结果表明,资本结构波动导致企业陷入财务困境的可能性增大;利率市场化进程的加快可以降低资本结构波动幅度,从而缓解了资本结构波动对企业财务困境的助推效应。进一步研究发现,在利率市场化进程中,利率决定方式市场化和利率浮动范围的扩大能显著降低资本结构波动对财务困境的推动作用,而基准利率水平确定对企业财务困境影响相对比较小。  相似文献   

文章按照国际贸易标准分类,将我国1985年~2008年贸易结构演进分为三个阶段,深入考察贸易结构演进过程中的波动性特征以及资源、劳动、资本密集型产品的转换速度问题。分析表明,各类密集型产品份额的波动性和转换速度逐渐减弱,并且已经进入趋势平稳发展阶段。文章认为,已有的贸易结构演进路径提升空间有限,并且在理论和实践上存在双重弊端,贸易结构演进路径必须进行适时转换。然后,文章提出了一条新的贸易演进路径,指出各类密集型产品升级必须向着出口质量、技术的全面提升路径转换,并进一步分析了路径的实施渠道。最后提出相应的政策建议并得出结论。  相似文献   

(一)经营风险、资本结构波动与企业价值之间的关系1.资本结构波动及其诱发机理。理论上说,企业处于最优资本结构时,企业价值最大;但在实务中,宏观和微观各种影响因素导致企业实际资本结构持续发生变动。资本结构波动受两大条件影响。一是增量资本,如果企业一段时期内资本总量不发生变动,则资本结构变动的可能性比较小;一旦发生资本总量调整,企业通过负债和权益增减资本的比例不同,就可能引发资本结构波动。二是融资渠道选择,如果企业增量融资时可以同时通过负债和权益两方面融资,则可能在资本增加或调整时保持总体资本结构不变;而若只能通过单独融资渠道进行资本总量调整,则可能发生资本结构向某一渠道倾斜,从而引发资本结构波动。  相似文献   

本文以我国对外贸易结构的调整为分析研究对象,基于新形势下我国对外贸易结构,根据转换与调整的重要性,转换与调整的方向和目标和调整的对策措施等三个方面对此次并购案例进行分析.本文结合我国贸易中存在的实际问题,提出我国对外贸易战略的转换措施和贸易结构调整的对策建议.  相似文献   

我国产品市场竞争与企业资本结构的关系是资本结构研究领域中的一个非常重要的问题。本文实证研究企业的资本结构与其产品市场之间的关系,探讨产品市场竞争程度与企业的资本结构的相互作用效果,得出企业的资本结构对于产品市场的影响会因不同的市场竞争结构而不同等结论,研究结论将有利于企业根据所在行业的产品市场竞争程度而设计相应的最优资本结构。  相似文献   

周莉 《价值工程》2004,23(6):98-101
在新的经济环境下,资本运营日益受到重视。资本运营作为国有企业发展和改革的重要途径以及一种制度创新,在我国大力开展,将有利于调整经济结构,促进资源优化配置,对增强企业市场竞争力和实现企业优势集中等都具有十分重要的意义。本文论述了我国国有企业进行资本运营的必要性,对企业资本运营策略进行研究,并指出我国国有企业进行资本运营存在的问题及对策。  相似文献   

本文基于投入产出表,借助外贸产品结构合理度指标,通过实证检验,不仅分析了当前我国进出口商品结构的优化情况,而且验证了进口结构优化对外贸增长方式转变具有正向促进作用,并提出了实行创新导向型进口结构优化战略的政策建议。  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2014,38(3):397-414
We provide evidence on the effects of the 2009 crisis on Turkish manufacturing. The exploration of firm and firm-product extensive and intensive margins confirms the prevalence of the latter in the fall of export sales and discloses the former's relevance in the dramatic import contraction. The analysis of firm and product heterogeneity reveals that productivity drove the negative evolution of the export intensive margin to such an extent that it significantly affected trade extensive margins and postponable goods were the most affected products. In addition, the foreign demand shock suffered by exporters propagated to their import demand. Interestingly, we show that the crisis hit produced exports less than the carry-along ones and that the domestic market cushioned the downturn effects especially for larger firms. This hints at the importance of domestic counter-cyclical policies.  相似文献   

邵柏春  许燕 《价值工程》2014,(2):150-151
随着中印双边贸易发展迅速,中国已成为印度的第二大贸易伙伴,印度也已成为中国在南亚地区最大的贸易伙伴。但印度对华贸易保护呈现愈演愈烈之势。在WTO成员国中,印度是金融危机以来对我国发起贸易救济案件最多的国家,两国间的贸易摩擦问题已不容忽视。本文通过对总贸易额、进出口商品构成、反倾销的比例等数据的比较,从宏观、政策和产业三个角度,分析了中印贸易摩擦存在的原因,并从政府、行业协会和进出口商会、企业的角度,制定出应对中印贸易摩擦的对策建议。  相似文献   

冯鑫明 《价值工程》2010,29(19):255-256,F0003
在推动经济增长的各种因素中,进出口贸易无疑是一个重要的因素。本文对近几年的镇江市生产总值和贸易发展展开了研究,并利用Eviews软件和SPSS软件,对镇江的生产总值、进口额和出口额进行了相关性分析和回归分析,最终得出两者之间存在正相关性,进而提出努力发展镇江市进出口的相关建议,以更好的发挥进出口贸易对经济增长的促进作用。  相似文献   

There is widespread concern about the growth of imports in the United Kingdom. British industry is said to be ‘bleeding to death’ as a result of foreign competition and calls are heard for protective measures such as import controls to save the economy. There are three elements in the case for protection. The first is that trends in Britain's foreign trade in manufactured goods have been extremely adverse and that there are no good grounds for believing that they will change spontaneously. The second is that the growth of the economy is constrained by the balance of payments and that consequently a serious and growing depression will develop throughout the 1980s which could reach catastrophic proportions towards the end of the decade when North Sea oil production declines. The third is that import controls are an effective way of coping with the problem. It is recognised that the second two elements are controversial. As it happens we disagree with both of them. However, it is generally assumed that the first element - the view that increasing import penetration will destroy British industry - is common ground and that no-one disagrees with it. Our aim in this Briefing Paper is to challenge this view. There is no doubt that import penetration (which we measure as the share of imports in GDP) has growth rapidly, especially over the past two decades. In 1960 imports amounted to 25 per cent of GDP. By 1970 this proportion had risen to 28 per cent and in 1979 it had risen to 35 per cent. However, we shall argue that the economic processes that have been responsible for this development have on the whole been poorly understood. We reject the popular view that Britain is structurally unable to compete in world markets. Instead we propose an alternative interpretation of import penetration which explains UK trade performance in terms of the broader pattern of the world trade order. In the light of this theory we argue that import penetration in the UK is not an inexorable trend reflecting the relative weakness of the UK in international trade. On the contrary, UK import penetration has been adjusting to a new world trading environment and now that this process of adjustment is nearing completion the rate of increase of import penetration seems likely to abate. Moreover, the British people have benefited from this greater degree of free trade and any protective measures designed to inhibit the economic forces that we describe below would damage the economic welfare of the British public as a whole.  相似文献   

We examine the endogenous determination of a vertical market in an import-competing market with import tariff. We show that if firms commit to vertical organization before the government's commitment to trade policy, the home and foreign firms choose vertical separation and vertical integration, respectively, at equilibrium under Bertrand competition. Under Cournot competition, the subgame perfect Nash equilibrium entails both firms separating their retailers. Comparing profits between Bertrand competition to Cournot competition, we find that upstream manufacturer's profit can be higher under Bertrand competition with integration than under Cournot competition with separation when comparing foreign upstream manufacturer's profit.  相似文献   

研究目标:研究中国企业参与垂直分工会对其技术创新产生何种影响。研究方法:利用2000~2013年中国工业企业数据库与海关贸易统计库匹配数据测算中国企业的垂直专业化指数(VSS),继而实证分析垂直分工对不同所有制、贸易类型及组织模式的企业技术创新的影响。研究发现:中国企业的VSS从2000年的0.48下降至2013年的0.27;整体来说,中国企业参与垂直分工对其技术创新产生了显著的抑制效应;区分所有制、贸易方式和组织模式后发现,垂直分工对外资企业、加工企业及外资加工企业的创新抑制效应最大。研究创新:在Upward等(2013)和张杰等(2013)关于VSS测算方法的基础上进行了改进。研究价值:支撑了中国目前实施的“做强一般贸易、扩大一般贸易规模”的政策。该政策虽然使得企业的垂直分工程度不断下降,但不会削弱其技术创新能力。  相似文献   

This study examines financial analyst coverage for U.S. firms following an increase in foreign product market competition. To capture exogenous shocks to domestic firms' competitive environments, we exploit a quasi‐natural experiment from large import tariff reductions over the 1984 to 2005 period in the manufacturing sector. Using data for the years before and after large tariff reductions, our difference‐in‐differences analysis shows evidence of a significant decrease in analyst coverage for incumbent U.S. firms when they face greater entry threat from foreign competitors. We also find that analysts with less firm‐specific experience and less accurate prior‐period forecasts are more likely to stop following the domestic firm when foreign competition intensifies. Overall, the findings suggest that foreign product market competition from global trade liberalization is an important determinant of financial analysts' coverage decisions.  相似文献   

We investigate the implications of product market imperfections on negotiated wages and equilibrium unemployment under profit sharing. We show that intensified product market competition reduces equilibrium unemployment in a strictly monotonic way when the trade union's bargaining power exceeds the profit share. If the profit share exceeds the trade union's bargaining power, the effect of product market competition is ambiguous: there is a threshold for the benefit–replacement ratio above (below) which intensified product market competition increases (decreases) equilibrium unemployment. The profit share and the union's bargaining power affect the wage mark-up, and thereby equilibrium unemployment, in different directions.  相似文献   

研究目标:研究中国出口增长推动力的阶段性演进及地区分布差异。研究方法:基于中国1978~2014年的省级面板数据,采用超越对数形式的随机前沿模型进行分析。研究发现:在经济转型期,市场化改革与对外开放的发展是中国出口增长的首要推动力;在“入世”准备期,中国出口增长由制度因素、物质要素投入协同推动;在“入世”增长期,物质要素投入成为中国出口增长的首要来源;在全球引擎期,物质要素投入协同贸易潜力主导中国出口贸易的发展;地区间出口贸易差距主要源于贸易潜力、资本与制度因素的三重差异。研究创新:对改革开放以来至2008年金融危机以后中国出口增长推动力的阶段性演进进行系统研究。研究价值:针对中国贸易可持续发展面临的主要挑战,提供政策建议。  相似文献   

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