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从总体看,中国的大公司大企业集团无论是在数量、规模和效益方面,还是在盈利能力、创新能力和国际化经营方面,和国际相比都存在着很大的差距。中国内地进入世界500强的企业到2004年己经增加到17家,可以相信,未来的10~20年,在广大中小企业迅速发展的同时,中国将有一批具有国际竞争力的大公司、大企业集团脱颖而出。加快从中央企业中培育出一批具有国际竞争力的大公司、大企业集团是关系我国经济和社会发展全局的一项重大战略。实现企业的可持续发展,既要在做大上下工夫,更要在做强上下工夫,国资委正在推进的大公司大企业集团战略有五个重点:…  相似文献   

近年来,国家把培育一批具有国际竞争力的大公司和企业集团提上了重要议事日程。这是我国适应经济全球化、世界经济结构调整趋势和应对加入世贸组织采取的一项重要举措,对于提高我国经济的整体竞争力,带动国民经济发展,具有十分重要的意义。如何把握关键因素,有效促进我国大公司和企业集团的发展,是一个值得深入研究探索的问题。  一、核心竞争力是大公司和企业集团发展的基石  核心竞争力代表20世纪90年代以来国际企业经营战略理论的发展趋向。自1990年美国学者C.K.普拉哈拉德和G·哈默尔提出“企业核心竞争力”概念以来,运…  相似文献   

我国将以企业为主体,以资本为纽带,努力培育一批具有国际竞争力的大公司和企业集团。这是国家经贸委主任李荣融在日前召开的上海宝钢集团联合重组经验座谈会上提出的。   李荣融说,与国际大型跨国公司相比,我国大公司与企业集团在销售收入、市场占有率、研究开发投入、能力、管理和销售水平等多方面差距明显。面对加入世界贸易组织后必将趋于激化的国际竞争,我们要通过上市、兼并、联合、重组,形成一批具有自主知识产权、主业突出、核心竞争力强的大公司和企业集团,增强企业集团的竞争力和国有经济的控制力。   李荣融提出,培育…  相似文献   

国家经贸委副主任谢旭人近日强调,在我国加入世贸组织的新形势下,技术创新工作要面向国内国际两个市场、利用两种资源,加快培育企业的核心竞争力和技术创新能力,促使企业在更高层次、更广领域和更大范围参与日趋激烈的国际竞争。国家经贸委要求今年突出抓好五项工作:一是抓好企业技术创新能力建设,培育企业核心竞争能力。重点支持一批大公司和企业集团,提高其技术创新能力;着力支持一批大企业集团的技术中心建设,培育自主知识产权的核心技术;引导企业加大研究开发经费投入;推动企业知识产权工作,实施专利战略。二是积极促进中小…  相似文献   

中国大中型工业企业技术创新区域差异分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
技术创新能力不仅是国家竞争力的核心,也是企业竞争力的核心。本文从大中型工业企业的技术创新投入、研究开发、制造能力、技术创新产出以及创新环境支持5个方面.对中国大中型工业企业技术创新能力进行分析评价,从而揭示中国大中型工业企业技术创新的实际状况以及各地区在不同方面存在的优势和不足。  相似文献   

国家经贸委主任李荣融在日前召开的上海宝钢集团联合重组经验座谈会上表示,我国将以企业为主体,以资本为纽带,努力培育一批具有国际竞争力的大公司和企业集团。 李荣融说,与国际大型跨国公司相比,我国大公司和企业集团在销售收入、市场占有率、研究开发投入和能力、管理、销售水平等多方面差距明显。面对加入世界贸易组织后必将趋于激化的国际竞争,我们要通过上市、兼并、联合、重组,形成一批具有自主知识产权、主业突出、核心竞争力强的大公司和企业集团,增强企业集团的竞争力和国有经济的控制力。 李荣融提出,培育和发展大公司和企业集团应注意五个方面的问题:  相似文献   

组建煤炭工业大集团战略构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
组建煤炭工业大集团是为了落实十六大所提出的“通过市场和政策引导、发展具有国际竞争力的大公司、大企业集团”的战略方针,也是煤炭工业与世界接轨的必然要求,以及中国煤炭工业参与国际竞争走向世界的战略举措。为此,本刊特邀国务院发展与改革委员会能源局吴吟副局长就组建煤炭工业大集团之战略构想、阐述了自己的观点,高屋建瓴,对煤炭行业组建大集团具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

汽车工业能否升级为支柱产业,在很大程度上取决于能否开发、生产一批世界级名牌汽车和名牌零部件,而其前提是能否建设一批具有国际水准的大公司大集团。同样,一个国家汽车工业经济实力也要看有没有一批在国际上具备强大竞争力的世界级名牌大公司大集团。为此打好“三大战役”,必须加快国有资本战略重组和结构调整,发展国际名牌大公司大集团,这是振兴中国汽车工业的关键和希望所在。一、中国汽车企业集团发展的历程、经验和现状如何发展国际名牌大公司大集团,首先,必须从国情出发,认真总结、丰富和发展我们在实践中的成功经验,继续…  相似文献   

企业所提供的产品竞争力由以下几个方面决定:一是产品的价格;二是产品的质量和技术水平;三是企业的售后服务。影响企业核心竞争力的因素主要有四个:一是企业制度的创新能力。任何先进的企业制度都是相对的,企业要始终保持制度上的先进性,就必须具备不断进行制度创新的能力。制度的创新对企业竞争力有决定性作用。二是企业的技术创新能力。掌握先进技术的企业才能够获取超额利润,技术创新能力是形成企业竞争力的基础。三是企业的管理创新能力。管理的水平不同,相同的生产要素形成的生产力也就不同,企业的竞争力也就不同。所谓管理,…  相似文献   

全球经济一体化的到来与跨国大集团、大公司的兴起,给我国的企业发展提出了严峻的挑战。尤其在加入WTO以后,中国的企业必须参与国际大竞争,这就要求我国发展有核心竞争力的大企业集团,并建立战略联盟,以形成相对的竞争优势。本文结合海尔集团的发展,对我国企业发展战略联盟的必要性、现状与对策进行了初步探索。  相似文献   

核心能力的构成维度及其特性   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
核心能力由文化、制度、技术、管理等四个维度构成,其中绝大部分具有“方法性”特征的隐性知识,具有难于仿制的、暗默的、集体共有的、深植的以及整合的特点。核心能力的技术、文化、制度、管理等构成维度的双重潜在性决定了核心能力同时也可能是核心刚性,核心刚性以范式刚性与能力惰性形式表现出来。中国企业核心能力的培育应从四个方面切入:在企业制度维度层面构建有效、科学的企业治理结构,是企业形成核心能力的前提;加强技术维度创新,致力于建立自主技术开发能力,并适时地变换渐进性创新及突破性创新两种模式以完成核心能力的培育与再造;塑造以创新、变革为基本内核的企业文化,并不断进行企业文化的创新与变革;加强管理维度的创新,对企业内外部的资源、知识、能力进行整合和协同,实现制度、技术、文化维度之间的相辅相成。  相似文献   

Whereas most of the literature on the benefits of alliances for learning and innovation has taken on a competence perspective, this paper provides an alternative integrated framework based on both a competence and governance point of view. The former focuses on the role of knowledge flows as means to access new knowledge, whereas the latter is centered around the core concepts of opportunism and freeridership in knowledge exchange situations. Although it has generally been acknowledged that competence‐based benefits of collaboration may come at a price of elevated risks due to knowledge spillovers and freeridership, such a governance view remains understudied. This paper explains how a firm's alliance network structure affects benefits as well as risks of collaboration in the context of the creation of core and noncore technology. In the case of core technology, firms attach more value to reducing governance‐based risks relative to obtaining competence‐based benefits. The opposite is found when firms develop noncore technology. This paper contributes to the existing literature by going beyond the common idea that competence and governance perspectives are either complementary or competing. Instead, this study shows that for technology‐based collaboration, they can both apply at the same time, implying a trade‐off in some cases and offering synergy in other cases. Based on an empirical test in three different industries (pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and automotive), there is support for most of our hypotheses. Direct ties have an inverted U‐shaped effect on both core and noncore technology, and the effect is relatively stronger for the former. The results furthermore show that indirect ties play a positive role in noncore technology development and that this effect is not hampered by the number of direct ties a firm has. In contrast, indirect ties seem to hamper core competence development when companies have a lot of direct ties. Finally, firms are found to benefit from nonredundancy in their alliance network in their efforts to strengthen their core technology. The joint effect of these three network characteristics leads to optimal results for core and noncore technologies under quite different alliance network structures. This poses a problem for the ambidexterity of companies, when they simultaneously try to strengthen core and noncore technologies.  相似文献   

低碳技术专利申请量从20世纪90年代后期开始急剧增长.大多数低碳技术专利权归发达国家跨国公司所有,面向发展中国家的专利授权有限.全球主要发达国家不断加强低碳技术开发和保护的力度.国际石油工程技术服务公司在非常规天然气技术领域处于优势地位,国际石油公司近几年开始加强专利布局.国际大石油公司对低碳技术的研发投入相对少,他们以并购作为获取低碳资源和低碳技术的主战略途径,并与技术领先公司合作,抢占发展先机.对于中国的石油公司来说,低碳技术价格高昂,引进成本不断增大.为此,国内石油公司可考虑常规天然气领域寻找机会并购拥有核心专利技术油工程技术服务公司;在具有发展前景的技术领合作研发与自主创新双管齐下;在开展合作时,需确保合作对象拥有关键技术;充分运用低碳能源领域的专利信息资源.  相似文献   

Though it is now universally accepted that companies should try to align their R&D activities with their business objectives, achieving this alignment is notoriously difficult in practice. The rise of the core competence framework has been very helpful in creating, and legitimizing, a language in which issues of technical competence and R&D strengths can be followed through to their consequences for competitive advantage. Companies are starting to express their R&D priorities explicitly in terms of core competencies.
Without effective IT support, core competence concepts are often applied arbitrarily. This has led to accusations that core competence theory can become yet another battlefield upon which companies play out their internal political battles. Computer-based techniques can help counteract this danger by enabling large volumes of relatively objective data to be collected, then making it possible to analyse and draw out patterns from this data, and finally enabling the data to be represented effectively.
It is in this last area of data representation that information technology is now of particular benefit. In order to make the core competence approach sufficiently robust as a basis for decision making, it is necessary to collect and process large volumes of data. However, this data is normally difficult to represent in such a way that managers can assimilate it. In our recent experience, we have come to realize the particular importance of effective representations and metaphors, and have started to shift our own emphasis towards these areas in addition to analysis per se .
The paper shows how core competence approaches can support R&D management decision making by exploring the roles of data collection, analysis and representation. Information technology is an integral part of these approaches, and we draw out some generalized lessons for the successful use of IT in decision support.  相似文献   

The various models of Japanese corporate innovation management reported in literature are reviewed to identify the major elements of the innovation process. An integrated model is presented examining the recent examples. The Japanese corporate innovation process is highly interactive and involves comprehensive organizational intelligence, quick organizational learning, rapid technology diffusion, horizontal information flow systems, fusion of different technologies to obtain innovations quickly, concurrent engineering and quick utilization of core competence for new business development. The innovation system is quick to respond to competition and concentrates on developing core competence that is used for commercializing new products quickly.  相似文献   

提升风电设备制造企业的自主创新能力,是做大做强我国风能产业的关键问题。运用自主创新能力理论,提出了风电设备制造企业自主创新能力的三要素:技术认知能力、知识吸收能力和整合创新能力,并阐述了其自主创新能力的现状,剖析了导致我国风电设备制造企业自主创新能力不足的原因,提出了针对性的提升对策。  相似文献   

海外子公司的技术创新已经成为跨国公司的技术创新重要渠道,也是跨国公司研发全球化和本土化战略的应有之意。跨国公司对海外子公司的扶持提供种于基金和风险投资,建立共享国际网络和知识资源,培育孵化器等做法,为我国实施跨国经营的企业提供了可借鉴的经验,同时,我国企业应抓住有利时机,积极开展与跨国公司的技术合作,利用跨国公司在华技术创新的溢出效应,缩短我们与发达国家的技术差距,提升企业的竞争力。  相似文献   

Increasing globalization and the rapid growth of information technologies, including the Internet, have resulted in drastic changes in international activities of companies. Once limited to manufactured goods, currently, global outsourcing encompasses a wide variety of knowledge‐based services, such as accounting, financial services, taxation, customer service, information technology, engineering drawings, human resources, research and development (R&D), data processing, and sales. The domain of outsourcing knowledge‐based services is the focus of this paper. Moving beyond the inevitability of global outsourcing, this research takes the perspective of the outsourcer and focuses on managing its transition to providers in the context of innovation. In addition to delivering projected cost benefits to outsourcers, effective transition management can facilitate the generation of innovations. This research attempts to extend the current academic research on global outsourcing in three ways: (1) It offers a framework for understanding the transition process in outsourcing and its relationship to innovation; (2) it takes a broader perspective of outsourcing, including globalization, knowledge‐based services, and core activities of the firm; and (3) using a parsimonious set of theoretical concepts based on control theory, it develops several research propositions to clarify the linkages between variables. Based on our theorizing, outsourcing top management should ask two questions when planning outsourcing of knowledge‐based services to generate innovations in a globalized world. These two questions are: (1) How close is the task to our core competence? And (2) how much tacit knowledge is involved in doing the outsourced task? Next, managers must identify global providers and then spend considerable thought in operational execution of the transition of the task for that is the only time that both complete teams will work together. For tasks that are close to core competence, rigid‐explicit behavioral controls should be put in place; however, for tasks that have high tacit knowledge content, high norms‐based relational control would be more effective. These different types of controls would lead to different innovation outcomes. Rigid‐explicit behavioral controls would produce incremental innovation while relational norms‐based controls would encourage radical innovation.  相似文献   

党 的十八届五中全会报告指出,坚持创新发展,必须把创新摆在国家发展全局的核心位置,不 断推进理论创新、制度创新、科技创新、文化创新等各方面创新。我国经济发展进入了新常 态阶段,认识新常态、适应新常态、引领新常态,是当前和今后一个时期我国经济发展的大 逻辑。改革开放30年来,我国的创新能力有了大幅度提高,但是仍存在影响创新能力发展的 诸多障碍,尤其是创新服务体系还严重缺失。我国在加快科技与经济融合的进程中,需要重 视创新服务体系建设,把发展基点放在创新上,形成促进创新的体制架构。在大众创业、万 众创新的大形势下,打造创新创业集成服务商,支持创新平台、孵化载体建设,促进专业创 新服务机构的发展。  相似文献   

世界范围内,电动汽车产业正处于快速成长期。中国、美国、日本通过政策机制、技术研发、市场培育等一系列措施推动,在全球电动汽车产业格局中占据了重要位置。在深入分析美国、日本电动汽车发展特点和经验的基础上,对我国电动汽车发展的比较优势进行了阐述,进而分析了在经济全球化环境中,相对美国、日本,我国在发挥产业比较优势时应关注的重点问题。  相似文献   

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