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Lin Zhou 《Economic Theory》1994,4(3):473-477
Summary This paper provides simple proofs of a theorem on open coverings of a simplex and Scarf's core existence theorem through Brouwer's fixed point theorem.I want to thank Daniel Abrams, Yakar Kannai, Herbert Scarf, Nicholas Yannelis, Jingang Zhao, and an anonymous referee for their helpful comments. I also gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.  相似文献   

Summary We give a simple proof of the K-K-M-S theorem based on the Kakutani fixed point theorem, the separation theorem for convex sets and the Berge maximum theorem.The author is grateful to Gerard Debreu for his advice and to Tatsuro Ichiishi, Michael Todd, Rajiv Vohra, Nicholas Yannelis, Lin Zhou and two anonymous referees for their comments. The original version of this note was written in the fall 1992 while the author was visiting the Department of Economics, University of California at Berkeley.  相似文献   

This note explores the relationship of social choice paradoxes to fixed point theorems. A special case of the paradox proven in Chichilnsky (forthcoming), the non-existence of a continuous anonymous rule that respects anonymity with two voters and two dimensional choice spaces, is proven here to be equivalent to a fixed point problem. We indicate also how the results can be extended to higher dimensional choice spaces and any finite number of agents.  相似文献   

《Economics Letters》1986,20(2):111-115
In this paper we present a set of axioms on outcomes of cooperative games without side payments which, together with a minimality condition, characterize the core.  相似文献   

It is known that if blocking coalitions are restricted to be small relative to the size of the economy then the approximation of core allocations by competitive allocations can still be assured. This paper proves that the same type of approximation result is valid if the absolute size of the blocking coalition is bounded. The methods of Anderson (1978) are applied.  相似文献   

Summary. A simple proof of Reny and Wooders' recent strengthening of Shapley's extension of the Knaster-Kuratowski-Mazurkiewicz lemma on a closed cover of a simplex is given. The proof uses Ky Fan's coincidence theorem. Received: May 26, 2000; revised version: January 22, 2001  相似文献   

This letter reconsiders Gorman's conditions for integration of a system of exactly aggregatable demand functions and shows that the system can be integrated using some standard results in Lie group theory.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present a theorem on comparative statics in the large by making use of theorems on a fixed point algorithm, and also to show its economic applications focused on Hicksian laws. We provide a unified approach to comparative statics in the large, and obtain laws of demand globally valid for generalized gross-substitute systems.  相似文献   

A characterization of the extreme core allocations of the assignment game is given in terms of the reduced marginal worth vectors. For each ordering in the player set, a payoff vector is defined where each player receives his or her marginal contribution to a certain reduced game played by his or her predecessors. This set of reduced marginal worth vectors, which for convex games coincide with the usual marginal worth vectors, is proved to be the set of extreme points of the core of the assignment game. Therefore, although assignment games are hardly ever convex, the same characterization of extreme core allocations is valid for convex games.  相似文献   

Summary An answer to the question of the title is provided. It is shown that under some conditions the core equivalence theorem holds true (if and) only if the price space is a vector lattice.Research of both authors was supported in part by a Chrysler Corporation grant to IUPUI.  相似文献   

It is well-known that a transferable utility game has a non-empty core if and only if it is balanced. In the class of non-transferable utility games balancedness or the more general π-balancedness due to Billera (SIAM J. Appl. Math. 18 (1970) 567) is a sufficient, but not a necessary condition for the core to be non-empty. This paper gives a natural extension of the π-balancedness condition that is both necessary and sufficient for non-emptiness of the core.  相似文献   

We consider a redistribution of income by an n-person game in which each member is levied a proportional income tax under some fixed rule. It is shown that the redistribution that will be achieved by a specific negative income tax is in the core of the game, which means that the redistribution can not be upset by any coalition of members acting strategically to evade the full taxation.  相似文献   

A master-slave Bertrand game model is proposed for upstream and downstream monopolies owned by different parties, in which the upstream monopolist's output is used as the main factor of production by the downstream monopolist who is a small purchaser of the upstream monopolist's output. The bifurcation of the Bertrand-Nash equilibrium is analyzed with Schwarzian derivative. Numerical simulations are employed to show the model's complex dynamics by means of the largest Lyapunov exponents (LLEs), bifurcation, time series diagrams and phase portraits. With the modified straight-line stabilization method, chaos control is used to improve the aggregate profits of the two oligopolists. Lastly the welfare impacts of price fluctuations and chaos controls are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A generalization of Shapley-Shubik's (1972, Int. J. Game Theory, 1, 111–130) housing market in which there are m types of agents instead of two is considered. These games can have empty cores. A subclass of such games with nonempty cores is presented.  相似文献   

We present a formulation of an approximate core that can be sustained as an approximate equilibrium for a ‘large enough’ finite exchange economy whose traders need not have transitive, continuous or convex preferences.  相似文献   

Summary Inessentiality of large groups or, in other words, effectiveness of small groups, means that almost all gains to group formation can be realized by partitions of the players into groups bounded in absolute size. The approximate core property is that all sufficiently large games have nonempty approximate cores. I consider these properties in a framework of games in characteristic function form satisfying a mild boundedness condition where, when the games have many players, most players have many substitutes. I show that large (finite) games satisfy inessentially of large groupsif and only if they satisfy the approximate core property.This paper focuses on a part of another paper, Inessentiality of Large Coalitions and the Approximate Core Property; Two Equivalence Theorems, previously circulated as a University of Bonn Sonderforschungsbereich Discussion Paper.The author is indebted to Roger Myerson for a very stimulating comment and the term inessentiality of large coalitions. She is also indebted to Robert Anderson, Sergiu Hart, and Aldo Rustichini for helpful conversations. She is especially indebted to Robert Aumann for many stimulating and helpful discussions on research leading to this paper. The author gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the SSHRC and the hospitality and support of the University of Bonn through Sonderforschungsbereich 303.  相似文献   

If a TU game is extendable, then its core is a stable set. However, there are many TU games with a stable core that are not extendable. A coalition is vital if there exists some core element x such that none of the proper subcoalitions is effective for x. It is exact if it is effective for some core element. If all coalitions that are vital and exact are extendable, then the game has a stable core. It is shown that the contrary is also valid for matching games, for simple flow games, and for minimum coloring games.  相似文献   

If a TU game is extendable, then its core is a stable set. However, there are many TU games with a stable core that are not extendable. A coalition is vital if there exists some core element x such that none of the proper subcoalitions is effective for x. It is exact if it is effective for some core element. If all coalitions that are vital and exact are extendable, then the game has a stable core. It is shown that the contrary is also valid for matching games, for simple flow games, and for minimum coloring games.  相似文献   

Summary. We prove Aliprantis, Brown, and Burkinshaw's (1987) theorem on the equivalence of Edgeworth production equilibria and pseudo-equilibria in a more general setting. We consider production economies with unordered preferences and general consumption sets in a vector lattice commodity space. We adapt the approach of Mas-Colell and Richard (1991) and prove our theorem by applying a separating hyperplane argument in the space of all allocations. We also generalize Podczeck's (1996) important result on the relationship between continuous and discontinuous equilibrium prices to the case of production. Received: April 18, 1997; revised version: February 6, 1998  相似文献   

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