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近年来,关于童装的服装风格,几乎全部集中在"童装成人化"这个点上,人们对童装的观念已不再停留在卡通造型、可爱等传统的印象中了,随着成人服饰品牌争相推出童装,卡通就成了童装中的一个环节而已,童装品牌的选择与风格也更加多样化,同时,越来越接近成人线路.  相似文献   

现以儿童服装为例拟一则促销方案,细目如下: 目的:增加企业童装产品的知名度,提高市场销售额. 内容:运用卡通等可爱造型,以及生动的故事,进行形象深入,实现品牌促销.  相似文献   

随着我国医疗卫生事业的发展,全面提高医院的服务质量和水准,不仅能够增加医护人员的责任感和使命感,更能为患者提供更加优质的服务和看病体验.通过推出"医卡通"服务,患者减少了看病排队的时间,能够及时做到预约看病,随约随看等.同时,"医卡通"的应用,对于医院财务管理工作也具有重要影响,文本主要研究"医卡通"的应用对医院财务管理工作的影响.  相似文献   

中国童装市场发展方向初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邱菁华 《时代金融》2008,(4):121-122
在服装市场中,我国童装市场发展缓慢,并处于一个尴尬的境地。要想改变现状,我们必须打造中国自己的童装品牌。本文从设计定位和营销方向上作了初步的探讨。中国童装对于国际流行趋势,应合理地借鉴,不能盲目照搬,再结合中国人的习惯、身材去创造具有中国特色的童装。用十足的专业精神打造中国童装品牌,加上中国本身具有的服装制造业优势,争取创出中国自己的具有国际水平的童装品牌。  相似文献   

你是否想拥有一个属于自己的卡通形象?你是否想在和朋友即时聊天时发送一个自己的卡通形象给对方?你是否想玩一个以自己的虚拟形象为主角的电子游戏?现在正在进行内测的BeFunky网站可以帮助我们实现这些梦想。BeFunky是一款在线服务,通过用户自己设置参数可以把一张普通照片卡通化,也可以把视频转换成类似3D风格的样式,同时还可以依个人的喜好设计虚拟动漫形象。  相似文献   

近日,建设银行发行了第十一张生肖储蓄卡——牛年生肖卡。今年发行的牛年生肖储蓄卡依然承袭建行多年来的设计风格,以传统红色“福”字为主背景,一只时尚、可爱的卡通牛飞跃在卡片正面,左侧印有“牛年鸿运”字样祝福,设计精美时尚,更包含了祝愿2009年我国经济呈现“牛”势的吉祥寓意。从1999年起,建设银行每年都会推出一款设计活泼可爱的生肖储蓄卡,  相似文献   

近年来在中国大陆,越来越多的带着卡通形象的授权商品进入我们的生活,米老鼠、喜羊羊、天线宝宝、变形金刚,带着众多卡通形象的服装、玩具、家居用品、食品就在我们眼前,走在大街上你会感到目不暇接……卡通商品走进千家万户,是生活水平提高到一个新的阶段,人们追求轻松写意、个性化生活的典型标志。由于动漫本身代表着一种生活态度。可以说,我们中国已经进入了动漫时代。  相似文献   

有人说:“卡通产业是文化产业皇冠上的一颗明珠。”也有人说:“卡通是住在冰山上的人。”因为它的市场潜力太大了。宏梦卡通正在借助红杉资本的力量叩开冰山上的这道大门。  相似文献   

郭莉 《投资北京》2012,(7):45-47
动漫品牌授权在国内正处于蓄势待发的状态,由于路径和商业模式仍未厘清,仍未产生发展成熟的龙头企业又一个知名卡通品牌漂洋过海,重返中国。不久前,北京三浦灵狐原创投资公司与美国菲力猫公司签订合同,三浦灵狐作为"菲力猫"品牌的中国大陆为期  相似文献   

在日本和韩国出现的时尚工艺品“卡通雕像”.凭借自身独有的立体形象特点.不仅能让美丽和青春在瞬间定格成永恒.而且比普通照片更胜一筹。一位打工妹就将“卡通雕像”巧妙变成了浪漫爱情的点缀品。  相似文献   

We examine the causal relationship between child benefits and household spending on child and adult goods. In particular, we examine whether it matters if it is the husband or wife who controls this income transfer. We exploit the introduction of child benefits to families with at least four children. The law assigned the mother as the beneficiary but, when asked who collected the amount, one-third of beneficiary families reported the father as the recipient. We use the propensity score matching approach to assess the issue of possible self-selection of beneficiary families into answering who was the recipient parent and the results favour common support. We apply the difference-in-difference approach and find evidence in favour of a gender bias in the spending of child benefits. On average, after the reform, recipient families’ spending on child clothing, food and tobacco was significantly different from that of non-recipient families. Further analysis suggests that recipient families with the mother (father) in control of the amount spent more on child clothing and food (tobacco) relative to non-recipient families. The evidence has implications on the design of welfare programmes to benefit the children.  相似文献   

With the advent of social media, brand management has become not only more difficult, but also increasingly critical to the credibility and reputation of firms. Moreover, consumer-generated content and its rapid diffusion takes control over advertising-intended messages away from brand managers. Financial services brand managers will not fully be able to control the destinies of their brands, but at the very least they need to be involved in the conversations that speak about their brand. This article suggests a powerful analytical tool Chernoff Faces, which can add to financial service brand managers’ arsenal.  相似文献   

With the advent of social media, brand management has become not only more difficult, but also increasingly critical to the credibility and reputation of firms. Moreover, consumer-generated content and its rapid diffusion takes control over advertising-intended messages away from brand managers. Financial services brand managers will not fully be able to control the destinies of their brands, but at the very least they need to be involved in the conversations that speak about their brand. This article suggests a powerful analytical tool Chernoff Faces, which can add to financial service brand managers’ arsenal.  相似文献   

音乐教育是学校整体教育的一个重要组成部分,是以音乐艺术形式进行的人的基本素质的教育.我们在音乐教育中,如何最大限度的挖掘儿童的音乐潜能,充分发挥音乐教育的功能?蒙古族音乐与音乐教育的最佳结合,成为我们探索的新方向.本文从蒙古族音乐的特点,蒙古族音乐对儿童发展的意义,提出了适合儿童发展的策略,意在真正找到提高儿童综合素质,促进儿童全面发展的道路,来填补蒙古族音乐与儿童发展的空白.  相似文献   

This paper studies the impact of a conditional cash transfer programme in Colombia on the total consumption of very poor households and on its components. Our evaluation methodology involves comparing household expenditures in areas in which the programme was not implemented (control) and those in which it was (treated). We use a quasi‐experimental approach, as the Familias en Acción programme was not randomly assigned across localities, for political reasons. We condition on a large range of household‐ and municipality‐level characteristics, and also control for pre‐programme differences in the outcomes of interest using a differences‐indifferences methodology. We find that the programme has been effective at greatly increasing total consumption and its main component, food consumption, in both rural and urban areas. The programme has also contributed to improvements in the quality of food consumed, in particular of items rich in proteins (milk, meat and eggs) and of cereals. Furthermore, the programme has created redistributive effects in favour of children through expenditure on education and children's clothing, while it has not significantly affected consumption of adult goods such as alcohol and tobacco or adults’clothing.  相似文献   

我国商业银行信用卡品牌定位的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文指出目前我国商业银行信用卡品牌定位存在重知名度、缺乏品牌意识,同质化严重、不能体现品牌差异,重广告宣传、缺乏品牌核心价值三大误区,其产生原因主要是发卡行缺乏有效的市场细分和精准的市场定位,在此基础上笔者提出了信用卡品牌定位系统,信用卡品牌定位三大步骤和信用卡品牌定位八大策略。  相似文献   

Nike's advertising slogans--"Bo Knows," "Just Do It," and "There Is No Finish Line"--have moved beyond advertising into popular expression. Its athletic footwear and clothing have become a piece of Americana. Its brand name is as well known around the world as IBM and Coke. Behind the slogans and the flashy TV commercials is the vision of its founder, chairman, and CEO, Phil Knight. Since forming the company in 1962, Knight has taken Nike from a small-time distributor of Japanese track shoes to the top of the athletic shoe and apparel market. But not without a stumble. Along the way, Knight discovered that technological innovation alone could not continue to drive growth. When sales stagnated in the mid-1980s, Knight and Nike learned several hard lessons on how to build brands and understand consumers, and they transformed their technology company into a marketing company whose product is its most important marketing tool. "Ultimately," says Knight, "we wanted Nike to be the world's best sports and fitness company. Once you say that, you have a focus. You don't end up making wing tips or sponsoring the next Rolling Stones world tour." To keep the company growing, Nike began splitting its brands into sub-brands. In tennis, Nike divided its shoes into Challenge Court--for younger, more active players--and Supreme Court--for older, more mature players. That approach brought the company to a broader range of consumers while preserving the customer base. And to create an emotional tie with the consumer, Nike started advertising on TV. "Sports is at the heart of American culture," Knight says. "You can't explain much in 60 seconds, but when you show Michael Jordan, you don't have to. It's that simple."  相似文献   

品牌延伸是指企业利用其成功品牌的声誉不断推出改良产品或全新产品。目前,国内外很多企业将品牌延伸策略作为企业的重要经营策略。但是,我们必须认识到,品牌延伸是一把“双刃剑”,成功的品牌延伸能够使品牌资产得到充分利用并在利用中增值,但品牌延伸也有许多陷阱,盲目的品牌延伸存在很多潜在的风险。为此,企业在实施品牌延伸策略时必须慎重作出决策。  相似文献   

商业银行经营革命:流程银行的构想与现实   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统商业银行是典型的“部门银行”,其在业务流程、组织结构、管理方式以及企业文化上存在诸多缺陷。“流程银行”是一种全新管理模式,根据客户或市场需求设定业务流程,再根据业务流程设机构和配置人员;业务流程步骤经过整合,形成流程模块,可以避免重复劳作从而提高管理效率;围绕着业务流程,各环节配合衔接紧密,资源配置效率高。从“部门银行”向“流程银行”转型是中国商业银行经营改革的主导方向。  相似文献   

A significant imbalance exists in the lack of research on young children's understandings of the future. Recent studies highlight the difficulties experienced by young people in coming to terms with the future, which is generally viewed with trepidation and ambivalence by children as young as ten years of age. While there is a growing body of research in this area, there has been very little undertaken on how younger children think about these issues. To focus our attention on younger children's understandings and attitudes in this area would improve our understanding on the development of young children's thinking on time and the future and assist us to implement strategies to counteract the negativity and pessimism experienced at later years.  相似文献   

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