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日前,审计署人才工作重点项目已经启动,审计专家咨询制度是其中之一。为促进这项制度的建立,更好地服务于审计工作,笔者就建立外聘专家咨询制度的目的、意义及其基本框架谈一些认识与思考。(一)建立外聘专家咨询制度是审计工作适应我国政治建设和政治体制改革的需要2002年11月,党的十六大报告关于政治建设和政治体制改革的论述中指出要改革和完善决策机制,……完善专家咨询制度,实行决策的论证制和责任制,防止决策的随意性。在中共中央政治局、国务院听取专家意见逐步制度化的过程中,一些政府部门相继建立起专家咨询制度。例如,2002年12月,…  相似文献   

党的十六大报告指出:正确决策是各项工作成功的重要前提。要完善深入了解民情、充分反映民意、广泛集中民智、切实珍惜民力的决策机制,完善专家咨询制度,实行决策的论证制和责任制,防止决策的随意性。随着经济社会的高技术化,社会组织结构和管理方式也应当发生相应的变化,加强建设公共决策咨询系统,借  相似文献   

党的十六大报告指出:“正确决策是各项工作成功的重要前提。要完善深入了解民情、充分反映民意、广泛集中民智、切实珍惜民力的决策机制,完善专家咨询制度,实行决策的论证制和责任制,防止决策的随意性。”随着经济社会的高技术化,社会组织结构和管理方式也应当发生相应的变化,加强建设公共决策咨询系统,  相似文献   

陈洪平 《价值工程》2014,(5):194-195
在科技咨询和决策追求公平、公正、权威的当今,科技咨询专家管理系统以其特有的功能,在科技管理的各项工作中发挥着作用。文章回顾了科技咨询专家管理系统的发展历程和应用现状,分析了目前存在的主要问题,提出了整合资源、协同管理、知识库辅助咨询的创新思路。  相似文献   

缺乏公众有效参与是制约我国公共决策科学化、民主化发展的瓶颈。在我国,目前无论是公众自主参与公共决策过程还是政府引导公众参与公共决策过程的意识与能力还不足,公众参与公共决策的制度建设也不健全,公共决策结果往往会引起很高的社会成本。本文从加大政府信息公开力度、推动社会公众广泛参与、加快公共决策的制度创新三个方面出发,提出了完善公共决策机制的现实构想。  相似文献   

<正>由用友网络科技股份有限公司与柏明顿管理咨询集团联合举办的"融合互联智能制造论道经营知行合一"——互联网创新峰会全国巡展于2016年5月18日在太原举行。来自大中型企业集团的高管、阿米巴咨询专家、阿米巴信息化实践专家等300多人参加了会议。会议由用友软件股份有限公司高级咨询专家邓宁主持,用友网络科技股份有限公司副总裁马红妮致辞。邓宁和柏明顿管理咨询集团"实战派"专家郑磊分别就组织变革与阿米巴,阿米巴经营的实质、阿米巴  相似文献   

[编者按]上海市咨询协会于4月10日在上海科学会堂邀请上海市政府决策咨询专家、本刊"咨询空间"专栏主持人--上海市工业发展咨询公司总经理董锡健为该会会员单位作了<市场开拓和客户结识>专题报告,引起了很大反响,报告的基本观点对我们各行业都有很大的参考价值.现将其报告内容刊载如下,供参考.  相似文献   

公共预算决策的及时性是政府善政和国家治理能力的重要体现。本文基于前景理论,构建了预算决策的“双群体”静态和动态前景博弈模型,以全面透析和模拟预算决策的真实世界。研究表明,预算决策及时与否与预算偏离度、决策者的支出偏好、损失厌恶程度以及延迟成本密切相关。为避免预算延迟,应制定有利于平滑收入波动的预算制度,重点加强极端财政状况时期的预算管理和控制;引导决策者形成一致的支出偏好,并适当延长决策层的任期;建立预算决策奖惩激励机制以及信息网络共享平台。  相似文献   

日前,企业会计准则咨询委员会咨询委员和政府会计准则委员会咨询专家第一次会议在北京国家会计学院举行,财政部部长助理赵鸣骥在会上表示,建立健全咨询专家机制对于提高会计准则质量、强化会计准则实施、加强会计对外交流与合作等具有重要而深远的意义。  相似文献   

一、我国价格听证制度的产生背景和必要性 所谓"听证"(public hearing),是指政府组织在做出直接涉及公众或公民利益的公共决策时,应当听取利害关系人、社会各方及有关专家的意见以实现良好治理的一种必要的规范性程序设计.  相似文献   

Recent technological advances in specialty beds and other products used in preventing and treating skin breakdown have left most health care professionals quite puzzled as to which surface or product to use for a given clinical situation. As a result, nurse consultants employed by the product vendors are often relied on as the primary source for "expert" advice on patient-specific product selection. Envisioning the potential for inappropriate utilization of these expensive products resulting from this reliance on the vendors, the Baptist Health System (BHS) chose to create their own internal "expert" for coordinating wound and skin care. Based on the BHS experience, the development of such a role is highly recommended for other multifacility health care systems dedicated to providing the highest-quality, most cost-effective patient care possible.  相似文献   

规划是政府重要的公共行政职能和公共政策,把握规划的本质是促进我国规划转型的关键.本文从经济学角度对土地利用规划制度的本质进行了分析,并以此对土地利用规划的编制工作提出了建议.  相似文献   

李洋 《价值工程》2010,29(28):225-226
我国的行政法规和规章因其调整的社会范围之广,几乎遍及公民生活的各个方面。为使这些行政法规和规章更好地保护公民利益,防范立法权被滥用,在行政立法程序中引入相应的民主参与机制---即公开征集立法意见是十分重要且必要的。本文先从行政立法公开征集意见的意义与价值出发,指出公开征集立法意见能捍卫公民表达自由的宪法权利,保障所立之法符合民主的核心要义。然后再从经济地位不平等、信息不对称等事实入手,分析这种表面民主下存在的问题。最后针对如何完善行政立法中公开征集意见制度提出自己的见解与设想。  相似文献   

While consultants have crept into various aspects of municipal governance, a selected few have transcended the others reaching the status of urban gurus. Although consultants are often perceived as depoliticizing urban affairs, research shows that the urban guru often instigates politicization. Research on urban gurus does thus highlight distinctions between gurus and ‘lay’ consultants, but it has paid insufficient attention to describing how, through their interaction with cities, politicization occurs. Moreover, the literature often portrays this interaction as an authority relationship in which the guru is superior, while in fact cities play an important role in bestowing ‘guru’ status. Using fieldwork, I examine the long-term interaction between Richard Florida and the City of Toronto, explaining how Florida's elevation to guru status by being brought to Toronto ended with him self-describing as ‘persona non-grata’. To explain the anomaly of this interaction and the way in which gurus instigate politicization, I differentiate between consultants’ ‘substance’ and ‘process’ roles in policy formulation processes. I show that, regarding substance, the guru offers a policy paradigm rather than policy instruments and, regarding process, their strength is in performing ideas rather than pulling strings behind the scenes—in both respects making the policy process more public and contested.  相似文献   

文章从我国节能产品政府采购出发,系统梳理了有关节能产品政府采购政策的体系,并分别从法律体系、标准体系、管理体系、财政和金融管理体系以及市场体系对我国节能产品政府采购政策进行分析总结。从我国加入GPA的实际需求出发,提出综合建议。  相似文献   

经过10多年的发展,我国的政策评估有了长足的进步,但长期以来,有关科技政策评估制度的研究却是公共政策研究中一直被忽视的薄弱环节,故我国至今仍未建成一个完善的科技政策评估制度体系。文章阐述了广西公共科技政策实施效果评估存在的问题,分析了其形成的根源,并借鉴国内外公共科技政策实施效果评估制度发展的相关经验,从法规制度、监理制度、评估方法与体系3个角度提出了完善广西公共科技政策实施效果评估制度的对策。  相似文献   

Using a theoretical model of noisy expert advice, I show that language inflation can be a rational response to the vagueness of language. Experts will tend to overstate their positions to a like‐minded decision maker (DM) and this constitutes a Pareto improvement over sending a sincere message. When the message space is bounded, overstatement may interfere with the DM's ability to aggregate the experts' information, because communication is less precise when the same message is sent for many states of the world. Despite this, I show that experts are willing to send either the most extreme message to the DM, or a partially overstated message, because by doing so the expert can decrease the likelihood the DM makes a suboptimal decision due to his subjective interpretation of the advice. Because the expert inflates his message toward the policy he believes the DM would be better off choosing, rather than sincerely revealing his information, I refer to this behavior as a paternalistic bias.  相似文献   

This research focuses on innovation and its diffusion in public services in authoritarian China. A mechanism between vertical government intervention and diffusion of innovation in public services is established by conducting a comparative case study between Sichuan and Tianjin. Administrative commands facilitate the formation of the ‘mandatory policy diffusion’ that rapidly diffuses policy instruments. Competition in the performance evaluation-based personnel system contributes to the formation of ‘championship policy diffusion’, which leads to the divergence of policy instruments in neighbouring local governments. Therefore, classic theoretical hypotheses on geographical proximity, competition, and vertical intervention concerning innovation diffusion need to be modified.  相似文献   

Many of the problems in the British public sector directly relate to the attempt to create a world fit for the central planner in which all tasks can be set down in a system of rules. The philosophy of 'empirical consequentialism' underpins this entire venture. This is the view that the empirically-proven consequences of an action are the most valid basis for moral judgment of the action and that these can be fully evaluated through expert research rather than democratic dialogue. A crucial policy challenge is to restore the value of 'tacit knowledge' in the public sector, allowing individuals to exercise choice and judgment responding to feedback in a process of trial and error.  相似文献   

市场经济也是一种道德伦理经济。在生态文明时代,一个企业开展营销时,如果能主动加强生态伦理建设,实现生态资源与环境约束的内涵式突破,在公众面前树立良好的生态伦理形象,那么他将极大地增强自身在市场中的竞争力。为此,根据生态的脆弱性、生态政策约束性趋紧、消费者生态消费意识渐浓、生态产品与生态技术价值凸显的时代趋势,本文结合前人的论述,利用层次分析法,构建了一个基于企业营销生态化伦理,涵盖5个一级指标、21个二级指标、34个三级指标、5个四级指标的竞争优势指标体系,为企业加强生态伦理建设、提升竞争优势提供了一个清晰的努力方向。  相似文献   

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