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大众的"新旅游",还是新的"大众旅游"?--普恩新旅游论批判   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张凌云 《旅游学刊》2002,17(6):64-70
本文对普恩博士提出的新旅游理论及其预测提出了质疑 ,在新旧旅游的划分、大众旅游的性质和作用以及与替代旅游之间的关系等问题提出了与普恩博士迥异的见解。本文作者认为 ,大众旅游是一个相对概念 ,随着时间推移 ,大众旅游可能发生整体性的进化 ,在一定程度上更符合个性化和可持续性的要求。但大众旅游与“新旅游”作为旅游消费的两极不仅是永远不会被相互替代 ,而且“新的”大众旅游还将成为世界旅游业发展的主流。  相似文献   

旅游业是中国的战略性支柱产业,建设旅游强国是中华崛起的重要方面。本文从世界旅游强国的经验分析入手,考察了中国旅游发展的现实基础和机遇与挑战,提出了中国特色世界旅游强国的内涵、目标和战略举措。中国具有超大地域与超多样性自然景观、超长历史与超多样化文化景观、超大人口规模与经济总量、越来越好的社会外向度与人文环境以及逐渐成熟且已进入良性循环状态的旅游业,建设世界旅游强国现实可行。但也面临巨大挑战,需要政界、业界和学界乃至社会的共同努力:积极借鉴旅游强国经验,完善涉旅法律法规;建设高效有力的旅游业发展机制,加强文旅融合,做强"旅游+",做大"+旅游";坚持产城互动和区域协同;用数字技术手段发展智慧旅游;充分调动海内外有利因素打造大中华旅游品牌;尽快遴选和建设一批世界级旅游景区、旅游度假区和世界旅游城市,确保国家"十四五"旅游规划目标的顺利实现。  相似文献   

2008年11月在中国上海召开的国际旅游学会(ITSA)第二届双年会在"奥运后、世博前"的背景下集中探讨了大型会展节事活动对旅游业以及经济、社会、文化等方面的影响,特别是对都市旅游发展的动态影响,对中国、亚洲乃至全世界旅游及会展产业和会展、都市旅游研究产生重要影响.  相似文献   

地球是圆的,世界是平的,旅游是开放的.全球化背景下,国际间的人流、物流、信息流、资金流、技术流不断增强,推动中国工业化、城镇化、市场化、国际化、信息化快速发展.由此,也必然不断促进中国旅游发展、改革和开放.  相似文献   

刘锋 《旅游学刊》2005,20(3):8-9
学术研究应该是要为实践服务的。中国旅游业未来发展的总目标就是要建设世界旅游强国,中国旅游业的学术研究理所当然应与这一目标、发展趋势和实践紧密结合起来,为此,我们需要认真深入研究一些关系中国旅游业发展的全局性、战略性、前瞻性的问题,研究深层次影响中国旅游业发展的根本问题,要从战略、市场、增长方式、发展环境、产业、制度等六个大的方面来探索、总结和创新。  相似文献   

现象世界的旅游体验:旅游世界与生活世界   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
本文从基础理论研究的角度探讨了旅游现象研究的几个基本范畴.作者认为,旅游现象是一种纷繁复杂的社会经济现象,而构成这种复杂现象的内核的元素就是旅游体验.这种旅游体验过程是一个有一定自组织能力的连续系统.它由一个个富有特色和专门意义的情境串联组合而成,这些情境则共同构成了一个有别于人们日常生活世界的另类行为环境:旅游世界.通过对旅游世界结构性要素的分析和描述,本文构建了一个理解旅游现象的新的视角,而这种视角的哲学渊源来自现象学方法.  相似文献   

“后非典”时代和中国改革发展的新特点需要我们对广西旅游市场的促销策略做出新的明智选择。一方面.政府在旅游促销中要扮演好有利于企业发展的重要角色;另一方面,我们要用可持续发展理论指导旅游促销。本文针对广西旅游市场的实际,联系中国改革发展的新趋势,联系世界旅游市场发展的新情况和旅游者旅游心理的新变化.运用经济学、经济法学、旅游经济学的有关原理,分析、探讨了眼下拓展广西旅游市场的促销策略问题。  相似文献   

张金山 《旅游学刊》2013,(11):42-49
在世界城市建设的背景中,北京提出了建设国际一流旅游城市的目标,大力发展旅游产业被定位为北京中国特色世界城市建设的重要支柱。文章结合世界城市的内涵,分析了世界城市与旅游业的关系以及北京的差距所在,最后提出推动旅游产业从传统服务业向现代服务业转型升级、大力发展文化创意产业、发展旅游总部经济、努力建设国际会展之都等未来北京旅游建设的重点方向及建议。  相似文献   

亚洲出境旅游市场情况介绍(一)发展中的市场香港1991和1992两年里,香港的出境旅游人次每年都高达20O万人(不包括到大陆和澳门的),这一数目足以使其成为亚太地区第四大客源输出市场。1991年香港的出境人数为2046461(包括重复出境者),占该地...  相似文献   

本文针对旅游产业快速发展所带来的环境污染问题,构建了环境保护与旅游经济发展之间的理论模型,利用优化控制理论推导出环境保护与旅游经济协调发展的可能性,通过相应政策调节,环境质量与旅游业发展之间可以达到总体或局部最优水平,政府收取的排污费对旅游生态环境的影响具有不确定性,对旅游业资本积累产生了负面影响.通过对中国四大世界自然与文化遗产旅游区进行实证检验显示:旅游环境质量与旅游业发展同时存在正、负相关关系,低排污费率反而对环境质量产生了负面影响,高排污费率虽然有利于保护生态环境,却影响了旅游产业的发展,旅游产业投资与利率呈负相关,但治理污染的公共支出却缺乏利率弹性,这些研究结论为环境保护与旅游产业协调发展提供了理论与实证依据.  相似文献   

Halal tourism is one of the new phenomenon emerged from the growth of Halal industry. As Halal matters advancing tourism industry, many Muslim and non-Muslim countries are set to capture the Muslim tourists market by providing the tourism products, facilities and infrastructures to cater their needs. While affirming this new phenomenon, there remain a shortage of theoretical publications and research in this area. On top of that, when it comes to the real concept of Halal tourism and its trends, it has nevertheless been found that lack of research has been conducted in providing and determining the so called concept. Thus, due to the scarcity of literature and specific studies in this area this paper aims to explore and illustrate the concept of Halal tourism within the Islamic context with special reference to Quranic verse and Hadith (primary sources in Islam). Meanwhile, to appreciate the existing implementation on this concept, this paper will further provide cases on current trend of Halal tourism in selected countries in Asia. This study adopted qualitative research method and employ library research for data collection technique. The outcomes of this study include the current development of Halal tourism concept and comparison on Halal tourism cases in Asia. On top of that, it would also discover its opportunities and potentials for Muslim and non-Muslim countries to embark on the same journey.  相似文献   

Tourism in East Asia is in transition. One of the most striking movements in international tourism arena in East Asia is the emergence of local initiative toward building a joint network of destination marketing. The East Asia Inter‐Regional Tourism Forum (EATOF) which has been embarked in September 2000 is a concrete example of this sort. Even though a regional association is a newly rising trend in tourism, conceptualizing a model of inter‐regional tourism cooperation has been scarcely attempted. The current paper is devoted to fill the academic lacuna by suggesting a systematic framework of inter‐regional association of tourism promotion. Then the case of the EATOF was critically analyzed and evaluated under the framework of the proposed type of networking. It is argued in this paper that the inter‐regional tourism cooperation is neither irrelevant with the regional situation, nor inconsistent with the theoretical logic.  相似文献   

This study investigates the forces shaping curriculum design of hospitality and tourism undergraduate programs in Southeast and East Asia. The topic has received little attention in the past. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 hospitality and tourism program directors from 8 regions in Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines) and East Asia (China, Hong Kong, Macao, South Korea). The results indicated that the industry as one major stakeholder has strong influences on curriculum in multiple ways. This can be seen in the way industry commentary shapes the objectives of the programs, graduate competencies, and the subject material favoring employability for the hospitality and tourism industry. Accreditation was viewed as more essential in designing a curriculum for the higher institutions in the Southeast Asia compared to East Asia. The availability and expertise of staff were viewed as the least important forces in shaping the curriculum.  相似文献   

The emergence of low-cost carriers (LCC) in the aviation industry has dramatically decreased the cost of short-to-medium distance air travel, alongside the growth of the tourism industry. LCC has also changed the competitive dynamics within the aviation industry, challenging the traditional market dominated by conventional full-service carriers. Past studies have demonstrated the scale of impact of LCC on the aviation market, but have yet to explore the intricate dynamics of competition in greater detail. This paper utilizes the Lotka–Volterra model to assess the changing impact of the entrance of LCC on South Korean tourism and airline industries. Our results offer insights to industry players on developing sustainable strategic plans for future routes and tourism destinations in Asia and beyond.  相似文献   


For developing countries in Indo‐China embarking on tourism for economic growth, their success hinges on minimizing three types of tourism leakages, namely financial, structural, and operational leakages. This paper proposes financing and market strategies for those countries to reduce tourism leakages. The strategies suggest that Indo‐Chinese developing countries should target fairly‐developed countries in Asia as their main capital markets and tourist feeders at the early stage of tourism development. In later phases of tourism growth and expansion, they may seek tourism capital and tourists from both fairly‐developed and well‐developed countries. The recent Asian financial crisis has presented new challenges to Asia Pacific tourism. It may, however, create opportunities for developing countries in Indo‐China to attract more regional tourists and investors and reduce tourism leakages.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the ties between the success of a TV drama Winter Sonata, produced by the Korean Broadcasting System (KBS), and the flow of tourism into Korea. By deconstructing the Hallyu phenomenon, started in part by Winter Sonata, the study tries to determine possibilities for Korean tourism expansion. Literature reviews, tourism data, interviews with specialists, and actual pieces of feedback from Winter Sonata's Egyptian audience are referred to draw conclusions on the subject matter. Results show promising markets far beyond just Asia, touched by Hallyu, but not the opportunity to tour Korea yet. Suggestions are then made on how to help sustain Hallyu tourism and increase access to potential new travel markets, especially those in diverse Islamic regions around the world.  相似文献   

温艳玲 《旅游学刊》2002,17(5):29-34
图们江区域是东北亚的地理中心,是东北亚区域经济的潜在交会点,图位江区域开发是东北亚六国国际经济合和的关键。本文具体分析了环图位江区域中、韩、朝三国的旅游合作现状,旅游带动和促进了跨国区域经济的发展,旅游合作不仅给图位区域经济带来了新的增长点,并创造了许多间接收益,大大地促进了图位江区域经济的发展。  相似文献   

This paper identifies some pervasive limitations of tourism research and some particular difficulties confronting its development in the Asia Pacific region. It raises the issues of status and respect in fields of academic inquiry and adopts a position that those seeking to create a mature discipline of tourism studies built wholly on a positivist tradition may be misleading their Asian Pacific colleagues. It also suggests that conceptual schemes rather than theories are a promising level of integrative effort and that heuristics to stimulate conceptual creativity can be useful. In particular it argues that by combining cultural insights and elements from the communities of Asia with guidelines for creative model and scheme building, Asia Pacific tourism researchers could find new directions and heighten the originality and hence the global interest in their work.  相似文献   

Tourism development in Asia and Pacific can be studied from four perspectives: the political economy of underdevelopment; the way poor people respond to the opportunities provided by tourism; the effects of tourism on the communal and ethnic conflicts which may exist in the host society; and the effects of the moral and religious attitudes towards tourism. An introduction to these themes are related to the several articles in this special issue.  相似文献   

基于入境旅游市场开发的台海两岸四地旅游合作途径   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
李天元 《旅游学刊》2007,22(1):19-23
本文以有关统计和预测数字分析台湾海峡两岸四地旅游业在东北亚地区乃至在整个亚太旅游市场中的地位、四地旅游业主要客源市场的特点及其彼此互为客源市场的现状与潜力,指出这些方面对于两岸四地间建立和发展旅游合作的寓意,并基于目前的可能性,就两岸四地旅游业发展营销合作的现实途径提出个人见解.  相似文献   

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