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China's grain output would increase for the third consecutive year to more than 490 million tons in 2006, according to the State Grain and Oil Information Center. The center slightly raised its 2006 maize, wheat and rice production forecasts. But the soybean forecast was cut by 400,000 tons to 15.5 million tons.  相似文献   

China's electricity producers continued to close the demand-supply gap in the first half year,meeting soaring consumption with increased supply,said the China Electricity Council (CEC)spokesman.  相似文献   

Negotiations on the establishment of a China-ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Free Trade Area (FTA) are expected to wrap up before the scheduled date of June 30,said a source close to the talks.  相似文献   

China's grain output is expected to top 500 million tonaes for the third consecutive year in 2009, said an official from the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) on December 2t. The country's planting area was expected to increase 34 million mu (2.27 million hectares) this year, the biggest rise since 2006, which was a major contributor to this year's grain production growth, said Ye Zhenqin, director with the Planting Industry Management Department of the MOA, at a press conference.  相似文献   

The sales growth rate of China's real estate industry is predicted to fall to around 20% in 2006 from 30% in the previous year.China Securities Journal reported on Jan 12.  相似文献   

Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy,while grain is the cornet stone of that foundation.It is also essential for subsistence and development of the mankind. In recent years,especially since its entry into the WTO, China has been undergoing a period of twists and turns in the development of its grain production and trade which used to be sound and stable.[第一段]  相似文献   

China signed almost 6,400 technology import contracts worth US$14.83 billion in the first seven months of 2006, up 56.5% year on year, according to the Minis-try of Commerce.  相似文献   

According to the latest statistics released by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers on January 13, China's top 10 car manufacturers in 2007 were: FAW-Volkswagen, Shanghai Volkswagen, Shanghai GM, Chery, FAW Toyota, Dongfeng Nissan, Guangzhou Honda, Geely, Changan Ford and Dongfeng Peugeot Citroen.  相似文献   

China will host a large Sino-European Union investment and trade fair in Chengdu, capital of southwest China's Sichuan Province in the year 2006, a senior official with the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) said on December 10.  相似文献   

大力发展风险投资加快培育战略性新兴产业   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
战略性新兴产业是新兴科技和新兴产业的深度融合.发展战略性新兴产业,是我国立足当前渡难关、着眼长远上水平的重大战略选择,不仅会对我国当前经济社会发展起重要的支撑作用,还将引领我国未来经济社会可持续发展的战略方向.在危机中得以历练和发展的风险投资行业,将成为促进我国战略性新兴产业发展最活跃的一支力量.要大力发展创业投资引导基金,创新财政资金投入方式和运作机制,引导社会资金投向政府有意重点发展的高新技术等关键领域或处于种子期、成长期的创业企业,引导民间资本进入专业化、规范化的投资运作渠道;要推动风险投资中介组织发展,加强行业自律和行业监管;要积极探索发展场外交易市场,有效拓宽风险投资进入与退出渠道;要贯彻实施创业风险投资人才培养和储备战略,培养一大批具有复合技能的风险投资家.  相似文献   

Global venture capital is struggling after a decade of poor industry returns. In this environment, relatively recent innovations such as disruptive modeling, OpenIPO, and revenue‐based funding indicate how venture capital may continue to evolve in promising new directions for investors and entrepreneurs alike. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

CHEN Su  杨晔 《财经论丛》2016,(11):56-65
借用国际生产折衷理论,并结合不确定性理论研究影响外资风险投资决策的因素,结果发现:当中国内地与投资国(地区)的创业水平越高、文化差异越小时,外资风险投资的投资可能性越高;创业水平越高,投资规模和数量越大;文化差异越大,外资风险投资的数量越多.本文建议进一步改善中国内地创业环境,以更多地吸引外资风险投资,提高企业创新动力,推进优质企业国际化.  相似文献   

Competition Policy for High Technology Industries   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
I present a model of optimal product-market competition policy when industries differ in the potential for quality-improving technological advance. In a two-period, model, a competition authority with limited resources administers a deterrence-based competition policy toward two industries. In one of the industries, an incumbent firm chooses the level of resources to invest in a quality-improving R&D project. In the other industry, product quality is constant. Optimal policy requires the competition authority to administer a tougher competition policy before innovation, all else equal, the greater the potential quality improvement. I derive basic results for the case of one-time innovation, and extend them to the cases of sequential innovation and patent protection that confers limited antitrust immunity.  相似文献   

This paper examines cross‐country evidence on the duration of venture capital (VC) investment. We formulate a theory of VC investment duration based on the idea that venture capitalists exit when the expected marginal cost of maintaining the investment is greater than the expected marginal benefit, and thereby relate VC investment duration to entrepreneurial firm characteristics, investor characteristics, deal characteristics, and institutional and market conditions. VC investment duration data in Canada and the United States lend strong support to the theoretical predictions developed herein.  相似文献   

Venture capital is produced as hi-tech booms.In China,venturecapital,to be a fledgling sector,also developed rapidly to meet demands ofhi-tech development.In China,privateventure capital began to emerge in 1999.After three years,it shares 2-3% of the totalof venture capitals in China.For moreinformation about private venture capital inChina,our reporter visited the  相似文献   

通过建立风险投资退出时机选择模型,运用2004~2011年中国风险投资退出的季度数据考察了技术冲击和市场利率等因素变化对风险投资退出时机的影响。研究发现:(1)资源稀缺的程度与风险投资退出时机的选择有着非常紧密的联系;(2)市场利率的变化对风险投资的退出行为的影响具有不对称性:市场利率下降可能会导致风险投资加速退出质量较差的风险企业,同时却更长时间地持有质量较好的风险企业;(3)技术进步会增加风险企业的数量,提高风险投资市场上风险企业的平均质量,加速风险投资退出。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to examine the capital structure across different industries for companies quoted on a stock exchange and headquartered in the United States. The paper demonstrates significant difference in the capital structure depending on the industry where the company operates. The debt ratio sensitivities to the explanatory variables differ significantly between the five industries studied. Almost every significant coefficient obtained in our regressions is in accordance with capital structure theory and other studies. Debt ratio is negatively related to profitability, growth, and age, while asset structure and company size are positively related. However, the debt ratio of the 50 largest companies in the sample is negatively related to company size, which gives support to a currency hedging hypothesis.  相似文献   

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