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Most auditing curricula do not provide students with experiential reinforcement of auditing and/or computer auditing concepts. This paper reports on an interactive generalized audit software package that has been designed to fill this educational void. The TREAT package consists of four different modes of operation with four audit eases that enable students to gain hands-on audit experience. The features of the TREAT package are similar to many accounting firms generalized audit software packages. Students using the package and its audit cases have proven TREAT to be an effective and efficient pedagogical tool.  相似文献   

This paper presents an architecture for integrating cloud computing and enterprise systems based on the Resource-Event-Agent (REA) model. The public/private approach used in RosettaNet provides the conceptual basis to capture information used in the cloud and by users of the cloud locally in their own systems. The architecture is then examined using information in the context of REA and the cloud-based software developed by Workday to illustrate different characteristics of the approach.  相似文献   

今年初,中国农业银行股份制有限公司一成立,总行党委就确立了董事会领导下的内部审计监督模式,在分离了原有部分操作层面的审计职能后,赋予了农行内部审计更高的独立性、权威性与超脱性,以确保内部审计职能的充分有效发挥,这是完善公司治理机制的重要举措。这种建立在董事会领导下的内部审计模式,是以系统化、规范化、制度化的方法对风险管理、控制及治理程序进行监督评价,为农行股改后提高运作效率,增加价值,促进各项业务健康有序、持续发展提供监督保障。  相似文献   

The use of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is rapidly growing in the professional services sector such as auditing. Despite the great benefits RPA can offer, RPA failure rates are still high. In this research, we draw on socio-technical systems theory to examine the challenges of using RPA in the various phases of auditing and how auditors address these challenges. By interviewing experienced partners and auditors in auditing firms and technology companies, we show that challenges arise when there is a lack of fit between the technical requirements of the RPA tool (technical subsystem) and the skills and knowledge of the auditors and clients (social subsystem). We discuss our findings and provide valuable practical implications and opportunities for future research.  相似文献   

Dependable information is essential to the very existence of our society.Reliable accounting and financial reporting aid society in allocating resources in an efficient manner.The contribution of the independent auditor is to provide credibility to information.The credibility added to the information by auditors actually reduces the decision maker'S risk.To be more precise,the auditors reduce information risk,which iS the risk that the financial information USed to make a decision is materially misstated.  相似文献   

我所首次接触反倾销业务是在2002年。当时我国的轴承企业受到了美国的反倾销控诉,新昌有许多轴承生产企业参加了应诉,我们事务所就是在这个时候开始介入该业务。以后又相继参加了铅笔、大蒜、扑热息痛、化纤等行业和企业的反倾销业务,涉及到  相似文献   

现代风险导向审计是在账项导向审计和内控导向审计等传统审计模式基础上发展起来的,通过对被审计单位全面风险评估,量化风险,把审计资源集中于高风险领域,使剩余风险降低到可接受水平的一种审计方法。本文介绍了现代风险导向审计的特征,就在农业银行高管人员责任审计中引入现代风险导向审计技术的迫切性展开分析,着重探讨了现代风险导向审计在高管责任审计中的应用方法,并提出了为引入现代风险导向审计创造条件的措施。  相似文献   

The concept of continuous auditing originated over two decades ago. Yet despite its much touted benefits, its acceptance and use in practice has been slow. To gain insight into the state of affairs, we surveyed 210 internal auditors worldwide on the status of their use of continuous auditing. Using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) we explore the antecedents of internal auditors' intentions to use continuous auditing technology. Employing the Partial Least Squares method, we find strong support for the model with an R2 of 44.3%. Specifically, we find that internal auditors' perceptions of effort expectancy and social influence are significant predictors of their intentions to use continuous auditing. We also find that annual sales volume of the company and voluntariness of use significantly moderate the relationship between performance expectancy and social influence respectively. Additionally, we find regional differences in the significance of key UTAUT antecedents. Specifically, we find that the North American internal auditors are more likely to use continuous auditing due to soft social coercion pressures of Social Influence through peers and higher authorities. On the other hand, Middle Eastern auditors are more likely to use the technology if it is mandated by the higher authorities.  相似文献   

Recognizing the increasing interest in verbal protocol analysis in auditing research, this paper reviews the literature in this area. Consideration is given to the research problems investigated, the underlying theories appealed to, the methodological issues addressed and the overall contribution made by each of seven studies. Future directions for audit research using protocol techniques are then discussed prior to a concluding assessment of research in the area.  相似文献   

In many audit tasks, auditors evaluate multiple hypotheses to diagnose the situation. Research suggests this is a complex task that individuals have difficulty performing. Further, there is little guidance in professional standards or literature dealing with the many complexities present in the audit environment. Using probability theory, this study derives the appropriate revision of likelihoods for multiple hypotheses given different realistic audit conditions. The analysis shows that the relationships among the hypotheses dramatically impact the use of audit evidence and the resulting pattern of probability revisions. We also identify testable hypotheses to guide future research and discuss practice implications regarding ways to improve the effectiveness of analytical procedures.  相似文献   

谈谈破产清算审计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
什么是破产清算审计呢?我们认为,破产清算审计就是依法对破产清算会计信息进行再确认的监督过程.  相似文献   

一、"应收账款"有无与"应收票据"、"预付账款"、"其他应收款"等科目相混淆的现象 此种情况会造成核算不实、不准确.检查时,可按现行会计制度规定的核算内容进行逐项核对.  相似文献   

The well-known ARCH/GARCH models for financial time series havebeen criticized of late for their poor performance in volatilityprediction, that is, prediction of squared returns.1 Focusingon three representative data series, namely a foreign exchangeseries (Yen vs. Dollar), a stock index series (the S&P500index), and a stock price series (IBM), the case is made thatfinancial returns may not possess a finite fourth moment. Takingthis into account, we show how and why ARCH/GARCH models—whenproperly applied and evaluated—actually do have nontrivialpredictive validity for volatility. Furthermore, we show howa simple model-free variation on the ARCH theme can performeven better in that respect. The model-free approach is basedon a novel normalizing and variance–stabilizing transformation(NoVaS, for short) that can be seen as an alternative to parametricmodeling. Properties of this transformation are discussed, andpractical algorithms for optimizing it are given.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the attitude of Iranian auditors toward balance between auditing and marketing with respect to two important components of audit process such as business environment of auditing and corporate governance. The analysis is based on survey data from 257 respondents. To achieve the research aims, we specified four hypotheses based on social theories. The results of this study show that the auditors having positive attitude toward marketing and those who consider it as significant are able, to a large extent, balance spent time for inherent auditing tasks and marketing activities. In addition, the results show that an increase by a unit for the attitude toward business environment results in 0.489 unit increase in attitude toward balance of time spent on marketing and auditing activities, of which 0.396 is direct impact and 0.093 is indirect impact.  相似文献   

While teaching auditing using cases is regarded as an effective approach, spatial separation of students and teachers in online contexts can restrict the application of case teaching. This study examines an undergraduate auditing course implemented to address this challenge by integrating case teaching with ePortfolio assessment. Students’ written ePortfolio submissions and scores were analysed. Results show that despite spatial separation of the online learner from peers and teachers, integrating case teaching with ePortfolio assessment elicits learner behaviour desirable in online auditing courses. This approach enables online learners’ self-directed engagement as compared to instructor-led case teaching in conventional teaching contexts. Based on a new pedagogical approach for teaching auditing trialled in reduced (or absence of) face-to-face interaction, this study informs course design in auditing. It demonstrates that active student engagement, which presupposes an instructor’s role to facilitate student involvement in case discussions, can be implemented in online teaching of auditing.  相似文献   

其他应收款的舞弊与审计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
其他应收款是用来核算企业与内部及外部单位往来的重要科目,由于其核算内容相当繁杂,该科目很容易成为某些单位或个人舞弊的工具。注册会计师为了对企业的财务状况和经营成果的真实性和公允性进行鉴证和评价,防止由于舞弊产生的重大错报风险,应对其他应收款科目予以特别关注。  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a longitudinal field study of a performance audit which used in-depth interviews and observation to examine the process by which auditees and auditors in the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) negotiated their relationship. The findings enhance understanding of auditee reactions to both the practice of performance auditing and the auditors themselves and the impact that these have on the credibility of performance auditing. Using the lens of Oliver's typology of strategic responses, the study confirmed the prevalence of auditee responses to performance auditing by the ANAO which ranged from co-operative acquiescence and co-operation to confrontational defiance. The paper addresses recent and ongoing calls for more studies of public sector auditing in action to deepen our understanding of the responses or manoeuvring of auditors and auditees during the process of performance auditing. A key contribution of the paper is confirmation that performance auditing continues to be a contested activity and its credibility in practice remains uncertain. The empirical (and historical) evidence suggests that audits that are perceived as especially politically sensitive can provoke active forms of resistance, including avoidance and defiance.  相似文献   

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