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We argue and provide evidence that stock price synchronicity affects stock liquidity. Under the relative synchronicity hypothesis, higher return co-movement (i.e., higher systematic volatility relative to total volatility) improves liquidity. Under the absolute synchronicity hypothesis, stocks with higher systematic volatility or beta are more liquid. Our results support both hypotheses. We find all three illiquidity measures (effective proportional bid-ask spread, price impact measure, and Amihud's illiquidity measure) are negatively related to stock return co-movement and systematic volatility. Our analysis also shows that larger industry-wide component in returns improves liquidity. We find that improvement in liquidity following additions to the S&P 500 Index is related to the stock's increase in return co-movement.  相似文献   

Risk aversion, market liquidity, and price efficiency   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A model of a noncompetitive speculative market is analyzed inwhich privately informed traders and market makers are riskaverse. Market liquidity is found to nonmonotonic in the numberof informed traders, their degree of risk aversion, and theprecision of their information. It is also shown that increasedliquidity trading leads to reduced priced efficiency, and that,under endogenous information acquisition, market liquidity mayalso be nonmonotonic in the variance of liquidity trades.  相似文献   

We use a recent, high-quality data set from Nasdaq to perform an empirical analysis of order flow in a limit order book before and after the arrival of a market order. For each of the stocks that we study, we identify a sequence of distinct phases across which the net flow of orders differs considerably. We note that some of our results are consistent with the widely reported phenomenon of stimulated refill, but that others are not. We therefore propose alternative mechanical and strategic motivations for the behaviour that we observe. Based on our findings, we argue that strategic liquidity providers consider both adverse selection and expected waiting costs when deciding how to act.  相似文献   

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - Options trading can stimulate price efficiency in underlying stock markets by providing a platform for informed trades, increasing the production of...  相似文献   

This paper empirically tests the liquidity-adjusted capital asset pricing model of Acharya and Pedersen (2005) on a global level. Consistent with the model, I find evidence that liquidity risks are priced independently of market risk in international financial markets. That is, a security’s required rate of return depends on the covariance of its own liquidity with aggregate local market liquidity, as well as the covariance of its own liquidity with local and global market returns. I also show that the US market is an important driving force of global liquidity risk. Furthermore, I find that the pricing of liquidity risk varies across countries according to geographic, economic, and political environments. The findings show that the systematic dimension of liquidity provides implications for international portfolio diversification.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the dynamic process of price discovery in a competitive securities market where investors are equally informed about the fundamental determinants of an asset's end-of-period value but, because they do not know each other's wealth positions, do not know the equilibrium price of shares at the start of a current trading session. Because a large number of participants is assumed, issues concerning market impact and market manipulation are avoided. As trading progresses, participants update their expectations of an asset's equilibrium value. As they do so, price can either converge to a new level or, following a run, revert back to a previous level. This implies that, in clusters of adjacent prices, price changes are more apt to be predominantly of like sign (positive or negative) than would be the case under random walk with a bid-ask spread. Moreover, reversals, when they do occur, should be larger than continuations. An examination of 1988 transactions data for the 30 Dow Jones Industrial stocks shows that this is indeed the case. With the effect of the bid-ask spread removed, first-order autocorrelation coefficients are found to be positive.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of locally informed investors on market efficiency and stock prices using large power outages, which are exogenous events that constrain trading. Turnover in stocks headquartered in an outage area with 0.5% of U.S. electrical customers drops by 3–7% on the first full day of the outage, and bid–ask spreads narrow by 2.5%. Firm-specific price volatility is 2.3% lower on blackout dates. This effect is larger for smaller, lesser-known stocks and in higher income areas. Consistent with a valuation discount and higher expected returns for stocks with more informed traders, firms with a one-standard-deviation higher local trading propensity have market-to-book values that are 5% lower, Tobin's Q that is 6% lower, annualized four-factor alphas that are 1.2% higher, and average spreads that are 6.5% higher. Together, the evidence suggests that informed investors contribute disproportionately to both liquidity and price discovery, and that these contributions are reflected in valuations and expected returns.  相似文献   

Trading costs and price discovery   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The price discovery roles of a set of related markets or securities have been investigated in many different settings where trading costs effect is often commingled with other trading arrangement factors. In Hong Kong, regular futures and mini futures contracts as well as their underlying spot asset are all traded on a same electronic trading platform. The trading arrangements thus provide us with a unique setting where we can isolate the impacts of transaction costs on price discovery. Using Hasbrouck’s (J Finance 50:1175–1199, 1995) information share approach, it is found that in Hong Kong, the regular futures contracts market plays a dominant role in price discovery while the mini futures and cash index markets play minor roles. The results in this paper provide an unequivocal support to the trading costs hypothesis.  相似文献   

We show that whether or not a bank/brokerage firm has top‐rated financial analysts and high Wall Street Search rankings for their research is significantly related to that firm's contribution to price discovery, the process by which information is incorporated into stock prices. Our study relates cross‐sectional characteristics of the quality of brokerage research, the asymmetric information environment, and order flow volume to a microstructure measure of price discovery developed by Granger and Gonzalo. We measure analysts’ research quality with an industry‐specific ranking by institutional investors, with an opinion survey of trading desk personnel, and with the number of top 3 analysts across all industries employed by the bank/brokerage firm.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between systematic liquidity risk and stock price reaction to large 1‐day price changes (or shocks). We base our analysis on a yearly updated constituents list of the FTSE All share index. Our overall results are consistent with the price continuation hypothesis, which suggests that positive (negative) shocks will be followed by positive (negative) abnormal returns. However, further analysis indicates that stocks with low systematic liquidity risk react efficiently to both positive and negative shocks, whereas stocks with high systematic liquidity risk underreact to both positive and negative shocks. Our results are valid irrespective of various robustness tests such as size of the shock, size of the firm, month‐of‐the‐year and day‐of‐the‐week effects. We conclude that trading on price patterns following shocks may not be profitable, as it involves taking substantial liquidity exposure.  相似文献   

Many classes of microstructure models, as well as intuition, suggest that it should be easier to trade when markets are more active. In the data, however, volume and liquidity seem unrelated over time. This paper offers an explanation for this fact based on a simple frictionless model in which liquidity reflects the average risk-bearing capacity of the economy and volume reflects the changing contribution of individuals to that average. Volume and liquidity are unrelated in the model, but volume is positively related to the variance of liquidity, or liquidity risk. Empirical evidence from the U.S. government bond and stock markets supports this new prediction.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use intra-day data for all stocks listed on the ISSM and provide new and direct evidence consistent with the tax-loss selling hypothesis. We find that (a) there is abnormal selling pressure prior to the year-end for stocks that have experienced large capital losses in the current and prior years (b) investors delay realizing capital gain by postponing the sale of capital gain stocks until after the new year (c) there is a significant decrease in the average trade size for stocks with large capital losses before the year-end and for stocks with capital gains in the new year, which suggests that individuals, rather than institutional investors, are the major sellers around the year-end (d) the tax-loss selling hypothesis, and not firm size or share price, is the fundamental explanation for abnormal January returns. Further, small or low share priced firms with capital gains do not experience abnormal returns in January. However, conditional on capital losses, small or low share priced firms magnify the turn-of-the-year effect (e) On average, the increase in selling activity adversely affects market liquidity by increasing bid-ask spreads and reducing depths. (f) The tax-loss selling pressure not only causes the price to be at the bid at the year-end, it also temporarily depresses the equilibrium price indicating the short run demand curve is not perfectly elastic (g) the year-end buying activity suggests that large investors buy capital loss stocks prior to the year-end to take advantage of the temporarily depressed price and capital gain stocks after the new year to reinvest the proceeds of the tax-loss selling.  相似文献   

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - Non-homogeneous and time-varying information flow that affects the price discovery processes within and across markets is a common occurrence in...  相似文献   

流动性过剩对我国一般物价水平的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文考察了20世纪80年代中期以来我国流动性与物价变动之间的关系,分析了1990年代中期后我国物价水平保持基本稳定的原因。同时,本文也指出,流动性过剩大大增加了我国物价未来走势的不确定性和复杂性,短期内必须警惕由局部供给短缺冲击和流动性过剩相互交织而产生的一般物价和资产价格“双上涨”,中长期内还必须防范其他可能面临的风险。最后,在保持物价稳定的综合措施中,本文认为,应通过着力解决流动性过剩问题来改善宏观经济运行的基本环境。  相似文献   

This paper provides a model which helps explain the variability of stock liquidity premium. Liquidity is modelled as a time-varying price impact and includes both permanent as well as temporary price impacts. Liquidity premium is defined as an additional expected return that stock should yield to compensate an investor for the potential loss of wealth utility caused by price impact costs. The numerical results presented show that liquidity premium varies with expected net stock return, return volatility and, to a lesser extent, with returns on risk-free bonds. Liquidity premium is a growing and convex function of liquidity costs, and temporary price impact has a more severe effect on liquidity premium than the permanent one.  相似文献   

We analyze the statistical properties of three price discovery measures: The variance ratio, the weighted price contribution (WPC), and the R2 of unbiasedness regressions. We find that, if the price process is a driftless martingale, only the WPC is an unbiased estimator for the return variance explained during a time interval. For autocorrelated processes with a drift, only the R2 of the unbiasedness regression is consistent, but it is biased for small samples.  相似文献   

We develop closed-form expressions for the path and speed of stock price discovery in a utility-based CAPM with wealth effects. Two investors with uniquely bounded risk-preferences always apply opposite portfolio rebalancing trades. These trades determine the intra-period path and speed of price discovery in a Walrasian, tâtonnement setup. While conditions for maximum speed exist, convergence is rapid over a wide range of endowments and preferences. Convergence to equilibrium is exponential, and its speed depends on endowments, risk-preferences, firm size, and market price for risk. Convergence is not guaranteed, and the conditions for divergence are specified.  相似文献   

This study characterizes volatility dynamics in external emerging bond markets and examines how prices and volatility respond to macroeconomic news. As in mature bond markets, surprises about macroeconomic conditions in emerging markets are found to affect both conditional returns and volatility of external bonds, with the effects on volatility being more pronounced and longer lasting than those on prices. Yet the process of information absorption tends to be more drawn-out than in mature bond markets. Global and regional macroeconomic news is at least as important as local news for both price and volatility dynamics.  相似文献   

This paper examines the price discovery processes before and during the 2007–2009 subprime and financial crisis, as well as the subsequent European sovereign crisis, for American and German stock and bond markets, as well as for U.S. Dollar/Euro FX. Based on 5-s intervals, we analyze how asset prices interact conditional on macroeconomic announcements from the USA and Germany. Our results show significant co-movement and spillover effects in returns and volatility, reflecting systematic information transmission mechanisms among asset markets. We document strong state dependence with a substantial increase in inter-asset spillovers and feedback effects during times of crisis.  相似文献   

We study a financial model with one risk-free and one risky asset subject to liquidity risk and price impact. In this market, an investor may transfer funds between the two assets at any discrete time. Each purchase or sale policy decision affects the rice of the risky asset and incurs some fixed transaction cost. The objective is to maximize the expected utility from terminal liquidation value over a finite horizon and subject to a solvency constraint. This is formulated as an impulse control problem under state constraints and we characterize the value function as the unique constrained viscosity solution to the associated quasi-variational Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman inequality. We would like to thank Mihail Zervos for useful discussions.  相似文献   

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