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This study assesses the measurement properties of a scale that measures the key internal organizational factors that influence middle managers to initiate corporate entrepreneurship activities. In this study, corporate entrepreneurship is used in a broad sense to include the development and implementation of new ideas into the organization. Using this definition, this study describes an instrument used to empirically identify the internal conditions that influence middle manager's participation in corporate entrepreneurship activities. During the last decade, the role of the middle manager in corporate entrepreneurial activity has been recognized in the literature. The empirical research on the internal organizational factors that may foster middle manager activity has been limited, both in volume and scope. However, the literature does converge on at least five possible factors. The appropriate use of rewards: The literature stresses that an effective reward system that spurs entrepreneurial activity must consider goals, feedback, emphasis on individual responsibility, and results-based incentives. This factor, therefore, highlights middle managers' role in this regard. Gaining top management support: The willingness of senior management to facilitate and promote entrepreneurial activity in the organization, including championing innovative ideas as well as providing necessary resources, expertise or protection. This factor captures middle managers' role in this area. Resource availability: Middle managers must perceive the availability of resources for innovative activities to encourage experimentation and risk taking. Supportive organizational structure: The structure must foster the administrative mechanisms by which ideas are evaluated, chosen, and implemented. Structural boundaries tend to be a major stumbling block for middle management in corporate entrepreneurial activity. Risk taking and tolerance for failure: Middle managers must perceive an environment that encourages calculated risk taking while maintaining reasonable tolerance for failure. The literature on the internal factors was utilized to develop an assessment instrument called the Corporate Entrepreneurship Assessment Instrument (CEAI). The instrument contained 84 Likert-style questions that were believed to assess a firm's internal entrepreneurial environment. Understanding middle manager perceptions about the internal corporate environment is crucial to initiating and nurturing any entrepreneurial process. A scale such as the CEAI, therefore, could be very useful for companies that wish to embark on a strategic transformation through corporate entrepreneurship. The measurement properties of the CEAI, including a factor analysis and reliability assessment, were determined. Results confirmed that five distinct internal organizational factors, similar to those suggested in the literature, do exist. Based on how the items loaded on each factor, the factors were entitled management support, work discretion, organizational boundaries, rewards/reinforcement, and time availability. The reliability of each of these factors also met acceptable measurement standards. From a managerial perspective, the results indicate that CEAI can be a useful tool in diagnosing a firm's environment for corporate entrepreneurship, identifying areas where middle managers can make a significant difference, and develop strategies that can positively spur and sustain corporate entrepreneurship efforts. The results of such diagnosis can be useful in designing effective training programs for middle managers.  相似文献   

This article explores the key characteristics of the specific stakeholders for one type of middle manager, the hotel financial controller. Eleven semi-structured interviews among financial personnel showed that although some owners require on-going profits and have high expectations of middle managers, others may take a more long-term view and be less demanding. Head offices provide systems and services for the unit, but a lack of efficiency and strategic planning affects the ability of managers to do their job. The middle manager must take a proactive intrapreneurial approach in communicating and implementing corporate strategic decisions within the unit and in managing the multiple stakeholders, but in return requires more guidance, resources and support from senior management.  相似文献   

可转换债券融资:基于代理成本的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王冬年 《商业研究》2006,(22):169-171
可转换债券作为一种混合型的金融衍生工具,在一定程度上可解决债权人与股东之间和股东与管理者之间的利益冲突和降低股东与债权人之间的代理成本及管理层的机会主义行为。因而,上市公司在利用可转换债券融资的同时,能正确发挥可转换债券在降低代理成本方面的作用,将会提高公司治理水平、减轻内部人控制。  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(3):485-508
Embedded traditional management systems can change under the influence of several forces. The 1997 Asian financial crisis was such an event. This paper empirically investigates changes in the human resource management, corporate culture, risk management and competitive strategy parts of management systems in the General Trading Companies of South Korea in terms of internal perceptions of impact on corporate performance. It finds both change and continuity, particularly in corporate culture. This indicates that cultural change in organisations is not an easy task, not least because it is associated with changes in the values, attitudes, expectations, beliefs and behaviour of people. It also shows the importance of disaggregating trends as there can be simultaneously change and continuity.  相似文献   

Strategic risk management is an increasing concern for both boards and senior executives. Many recent business failures are due to senior level misjudgement and mismanagement of risk, the consequences of which can range from embarrassment to serious setback to bankruptcy. Ineffective risk management puts otherwise strong business models in jeopardy. Here we present CLASS (Culture, Leadership, Alignment, Systems, and Structure), an integrated, five-element model of corporate governance. We identify how attending to the elements in this framework supports development of an integrated and robust approach to corporate risk, and helps senior executives anticipate and handle the complexities of risk inherent in meeting strategic objectives.  相似文献   

Drawing on research in management theory, risk analysis, and the social sciences, this installment of Business Law & Ethics Corner promotes diversity of thought in corporate governance as not only beneficial to business growth and creativity, but also imperative to managing risk successfully. The article begins with a review of four major worldviews and the risk preferences of each. Next, it examines psychological processes that guide human decision making and greatly influence risk perception. The article then applies these worldviews and psychological phenomena to the case of risk management. It offers a critique of current risk management practices, drawing on evidence from the 2007–2008 financial crisis. The article concludes by promoting increased diversity of worldviews in corporate governance as a way to prevent the same risk blindness that led to the Great Recession.  相似文献   

This study derives an improved model of managers’ decision-making behavior regarding possibly failing projects. Instead of adopting cognitive moral development used by Rutledge and Karim (Accounting, Organization and Society 24, 173–184, 1999) this investigation uses the agency theory framework to consider individual moral philosophy for the improvement of decisions regarding possibly failing projects. This research hypothesizes that a manager with low relativism has a stronger tendency to discontinue a possibly failing project than one with high relativism when agency problem are present or absent. Also, this study suggests that a manager with high idealism has a stronger tendency to discontinue a possibly failing project than one with low idealism. Through experiments this work finds that agency problem is a significant factor on decisions regarding possibly failing projects in all circumstances. This result is consistent with prior literature and shows agency problem universality. Next, the empirical evidence supports the hypothesis that a project manager with low relativism tends to discontinue a possibly failing project more than one with high relativism, showing that individual moral philosophy can partially mitigate the phenomenon of escalating managers’ commitment.  相似文献   

Despite the recognition of the importance of philosophy-based management in recent Japanese management practices, there has been little effort to systematically examine this topic from a normative view. With a sample of 152 electrical machinery companies, this study attempts to identify the underlying value orientations incorporated in the normative statement of corporate management philosophy and furthermore examines the complex relationships between corporate value orientations and various performance indexes. The article shows that although the adoption of a corporate management philosophy does not contribute to corporate financial performance directly, some value orientations might contribute to non-financial performance and long-term performance potentials. Especially, CSR environmental performance might be contributed by customer orientation and harmony; human resource management performance is associated with partner orientation and harmony; growth potential might be related with global orientation, entrepreneurship, and honesty. Furthermore, the negative relationship between increase of sales effort and CSR environmental performance also implies that it deserves careful consideration and attention for a company to balance the interests of various stakeholders.  相似文献   

本文认为,内部控制的目标不仅是单位管理经济活动、实施内部控制所要达到的标准,也是外部审计人员或社会中介机构评价内部控制系统的重要依据,良好的内部控制必须设有明确的目标。内部会计控制目标分为所有者目标和经营管理者目标,按照公司治理结构层次划分为股东、股东大会、董事会、监事会、经理、财会经理、内部审计;按内容层次划分为内部制度科学合理,查错防弊病及时准确,财产安全完整,业务活动健康运行,风险控制系统有效,会计资料真实完整,会计信息及时有用,管理制度健全完善,管理效率真实高效,国家法规贯彻执行,经济效益不断提高,职业道德完善升华等。  相似文献   

股权激励的制度安排是为了解决委托代理关系产生的利益矛盾,将管理层与股东利益一致起来。同时,股权激励也可能导致管理层的机会主义行为,即通过盈余管理、股利政策、投融资决策等影响业绩和股价,使之向对自己有利的方向发展。强化内外监督和约束、防范股权激励的负面影响,是推进股权激励制度建设中不可或缺的重要环节,具体包括:一是优化公司治理结构;二是提升我国证券市场的有效性;三是培育经理人市场。股权激励这种上市公司内部的制度安排需要外部的一系列制度安排来配套才能有效地发挥作用。外部配套的制度安排会通过影响管理层的预期来影响管理层的行为选择,从而较好地降低和防止管理层的机会主义行为。  相似文献   

Classroom cases and decision making models used in the teaching of business ethics may be inconsistent with the actual needs of practicing manager students. Three summary cases written by practicing manager students are included in this paper as well as evidence that concerns a focus more on interpersonal dilemmas rather than top management decisions. As well, the relevancy of philosophical perspectives of ethical decision models is questioned. More practical, hands-on models for ethical decisions are provided. Finally, conclusions of relevancy for the field are drawn.David L. Mathison is an Associate Professor of Management at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. He teaches primary management, policy and business ethics. His research and writing reflects a diversity of interests which include business ethics, women in management, and perception studies as they relate to assessment interviewing.  相似文献   

Financial theory and empirical evidence suggest that a firm's systematic, or market related, risk is related to its financial conditions. This study empirically investigates the financial determinants of systematic risk for Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). The study is an examination of sample of 32 REITs for the period 1976–1978. The results indicate that systematic risk varies directly with financial leverage, business risk, and advisor fee. The explanatory power of the relationship between systematic risk and financial variables exceeds that of previous studies wherein firms were pooled across industry groups. The higher explanatory power observed even with limited data suggests that better estimates of coefficients of financial determinants of systematic risk may be obtained through analysis conducted on an industry by industry basis. Furthermore, such industry-specific analysis provides useful results to practicing financial managers in their financial policy considerations. With the knowledge of how the financial decisions affect the firm's systematic risk, a manager may be able to manipulate those variables so as to reduce the systematic risk for his or her firm and thus increase the market value of the firm's securities.  相似文献   

Top management often fails to consider manufacturing as a key resource in attaining corporate objectives. The author suggests some ways of meshing corporate and manufacturing decisions.  相似文献   

The question of how an individual firm's social and environmental performance impacts its firm risk has not been examined in any empirical UK research. Does a company that strives to attain good environmental performance decrease its market risk or is environmental performance just a disadvantageous cost that increases such risk levels for these firms? Answers to this question have important implications for the management of companies and the investment decisions of individuals and institutions. The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between corporate environmental performance and firm risk in the British context. Using the largest dataset assembled so far, with community and environmental responsibility (CER) rankings for all rated UK companies between 1994 and 2006, we show that a company's environmental performance is inversely related to its systematic financial risk. However, an increase of 1.0 in the CER score is associated with only a 0.028 reduction in its β.  相似文献   

There is no doubt that at least since the 1990s process orientation has evolved into one of the central paradigms of organizational design. Since then, all process management subtasks have matured. Process management decisions, however, lack economic foundation. They are usually based on qualitative or technical criteria or on plausibility considerations that do not necessarily comply with typical objectives in a market economy. Consequently, design alternatives are hardly comparable and an integrated valuation of a company’s assets is impossible. The status quo is astonishing for several reasons: First, process management decisions usually imply investment projects with different risk/return positions and capital tie-up. Second, the need for designing processes according to their contribution to corporate objectives has been explicated repeatedly. Third, the paradigm of value-based management is an accepted theoretical framework from economic research that enables to consistently valuate the risk/return effects of decisions across functional areas, hierarchy levels, and asset classes. This suggests the hypothesis that process management in general as well as the goal orientation of process management decisions in particular have evolved almost independently of value-based management. In the paper at hand, this hypothesis is confirmed based on a sample of process management publications. We therefore explicate the research gap as regards value orientation in process management. In order to bridge the gap between value-based management and process-oriented organizational design, we transfer economically well-founded objective functions to process management decisions.  相似文献   

The perception of the investment management profession and the investing public towards derivatives is ambiguous. To most, derivatives are tools for efficiently managing risk. However, to others, derivatives are still highly suspect. There are still many investors who are not allowed to use derivatives, due to internal or external regulation. We will make the point that the reservations and myths surrounding derivatives are unfounded. We expect the usage of the tools of the risk manager (derivatives) to expand, the demystifying process to continue, the liquidity in derivatives markets to increase, and even greater product customization in risk management and corporate finance to unfold in the future. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

万涛  赵源 《商业研究》2006,(15):201-203
日本型经营体系中充满了员工与员工的和谐,员工与管理者的和谐,管理者与组织的和谐,组织与社会的和谐;日本型经营形成了充分发挥子系统和系统成员的能动性、创造性的条件、环境和氛围;系统中各子系统的活动相互协调,系统最终达到整体和谐。“和谐”是日本企业和管理者的管理哲学,和谐思想已渗透到日本企业的各个层面,可以说和谐是日本型经营体系的主体和精髓。  相似文献   

Ally-building can be an ethical pursuit in developing sources of power for the business manager. The commitment to social responsibility is a source of power, as well as an ethical practice for corporate endeavors. Pfeffer promotes a business manager’s ability to develop effectiveness with ties to powerful others in an intra-organizational environment. This paper advances an analysis about how individuals in corporations may use an inter-organizational approach to developing sources of power through a notion of corporate social responsibility. As such, a more meaningful qualitative reciprocity between corporations and the communities in which they operate can be developed. And, this relationship develops a source of power for the individual involved in this effort. In other words, relationships with powerful others in the community could develop by revisiting CSR based on reciprocity and exchange of sustainability in a community, rather than on a notion of paternal responsibility to some particular construct in society. Denise Kleinrichert has published papers on the areas of business ethics, corporate social responsibility, and applied ethics, as well as a book and a forthcoming chapter in socio-economic history. She has a Master in Liberal Arts degree in Humanities with an emphasis in Social and Political Thought from the University of South Florida, as well as her Bachelors degree in Economics with minors in Political Science and Sociology from Indiana University. She also has extensive corporate experience in human resources and risk management. Currently, she teaches Ethics and Business and Honors Applied Ethics at University of South Florida and is finishing her Ph.D. in Philosophy at this University.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2020,63(1):121-130
Business models and business model innovation—and particularly their opportunities—have been a popular topic recently, but we find the extant literature on the subject lacking. The risk and uncertainty aspect typical of business models has not been sufficiently addressed. We draw upon the existing literature and triangulate results with an extensive expert group interview to identify 28 risk and uncertainty factor groups, creating a checklist that can be used as the first step in an integrative business model risk management process for existing and new iterations. With an established process for managing and identifying risk in business models, managers can make more conscious and well-informed decisions.  相似文献   

近年来,随着环境政策日趋严格,环境负面消息累积导致的股价崩盘风险不断提高。文章基于2007-2019年中国沪深两市A股重污染企业的经验数据,探讨了环境管理体系认证对股价崩盘风险的影响。研究发现,环境管理体系认证能够显著抑制股价崩盘风险,且当媒体关注越高、分析师关注越高时,环境管理体系认证对股价崩盘风险的抑制作用更强。进一步探讨影响机制发现,环境管理体系认证主要通过治理机制和信息机制来影响股价崩盘风险,换言之,环境管理体系认证能够通过提高公司环境绩效和公司信息透明度来抑制股价崩盘风险。研究结论揭示了环境管理体系认证具有资本市场有效性,丰富了股价崩盘风险的影响因素研究,对于政府完善环境管理体系认证制度以提高资本市场稳定性、企业优化战略决策以提升企业价值具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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