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保险公司的内部管理是由承保管理、核保管理、理赔管理、财务管理、人事管理、行政管理、分保管理等各专业管理共同组成的.其中,以资金运动管理为核心的财务管理具有很强的综合管理性质,是公司内部管理的中心环节.本文就保险公司财务管理存在的问题进行了分析,同时提出了相关对策,以提高保险公司整体财务管理水平.  相似文献   

This paper examines organic growth and its impact on shareholder value creation. At a conceptual level, organic and external growth are readily defined; yet, at a practical level, decomposing revenue growth into its constituent elements presents methodological challenges. We develop a method to decompose revenue growth into organic growth, external growth, exchange rate effects, and under- or outperformance. Using extensive data from three insurance companies, AXA, Generali and ING, we analyzed the period from 1995 to 2005. Exchange rate effects were of minor importance, unless companies entered markets at inopportune times. Primarily, the findings indicate that only organic revenue growth enhanced shareholder value. Therefore, managers should focus on marketing as a key driver of organic growth to create value.  相似文献   

Consumers have traditionally made purchase decisions at the store shelf, giving institutional brick-and-mortar retailers great power to learn about and influence behaviors and preferences. With the rise of e-commerce, mobile shopping, and most recently smart technologies, new competitors threaten this long-standing supremacy. Adopting a value-creation perspective, we analyze how digitization started the erosion of institutional retailing as the primary interface to the customer. We develop a framework that identifies five new sources of value creation and propose how these advance and transform competition for this interface. Depending on the importance of the new sources of value creation (in different purchase situations), stationary retailing may prevail as an important interaction point in a multichannel decision journey. However, increasing diffusion of branded-product platforms including connected devices and online retail platforms is shifting this authority to new players. For the parties involved in this multilayered competition, acknowledging the changes and actively managing their position in the evolving eco-systems is crucial.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of generating inferences (or failure thereof) with incomplete advertising messages on consumer's belief formation. A factorial design is used to systematically investigate the roles of product knowledge, message structure, and inference prompting in this process. The results show that inference generation or failure affects not only the belief per se, but also the confidence in the belief and that strength of learned beliefs about the product tends to be congruent. Specifically, high knowledge consumers' inferred beliefs are stronger, held with higher confidence, and more congruent with their existing beliefs than those of low knowledge consumers. Interaction effects are also observed between product knowledge and message structure for low knowledge consumers. High knowledge consumers are not affected by message structure or inference prompting condition. Implications of these findings for inference-persuasion research, advertising effectiveness, and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Since it was first introduced 13 years ago in 2000, the UN Global Compact has become the world's largest voluntary corporate responsibility initiative. The benefits for companies that have voluntarily affiliated with the UN Global Compact have been little documented from an empirical perspective, especially regarding the integration of this information by capital markets. This study attempts to address this question, drawing on a sample of French companies listed on the SBF 250 index. Results suggest that, within the French context at least, investors significantly value a firm's affiliation with the UN Global Compact. In addition, the firms affiliated are those that appear to present the least risk.  相似文献   

Business Economics - Commercial real estate investors prefer coastal, gateway, markets for liquidity, demand density, and durable returns. Yet, these areas are more vulnerable to the effects of...  相似文献   

The impact of corporate behavior on perceived product value   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This research examines how ethical and unethical corporate behavior influence the perceived value of a firm's products, operationalized as the price consumers are willing to pay for that product relative to the competition. We propose that if consumers expect companies to conduct business ethically, then ethical behavior will not be rewarded but unethical behavior will be punished. The results of the first study confirm this expectation. The second study explored ways a firm can improve the perceived value of its products after an unethical act has been committed. Our results indicate that after a firm has committed an unethical act, consumer's perceptions of that company and its products were positively influenced by ethical behavior, corporate philanthropy, and cause-related marketing. However, our analyses revealed that these different strategies varied in their effectiveness. The third study used a choice task, rather than a judgment task, to confirm the finding that corporate behavior does influence perceived product value and is therefore likely to influence market choices. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The impact of new firm formation on regional development in the Netherlands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the relationship between new firm formation and regional employment change in The Netherlands. Using a new regional data base for the period 1988–2002, we examine the time lags involved in the relationship. We also investigate whether the relationship differs by sector and by degree of urbanization. We find that the maximum effect of new businesses on regional development is reached after about 6 years. Our results also suggest that the overall employment impact of new-firm start-ups is positive but that the immediate employment effects may be small in The Netherlands. Furthermore, we find that the employment impact of new firms is strongest in manufacturing industries and that the employment impact of new firms is stronger in areas with a higher degree of urbanization.
André van StelEmail:

The quality of a firm's exports: Where you export to matters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
What drives export quality? Using Portuguese firm-level data on exports by product and destination market, we find that f.o.b. unit values increase systematically with distance, and tend to be higher in shipments to richer nations. These relationships reflect not only the sorting of firms across markets, but also the within-firm variation of unit values across destinations. Within product categories, higher-productivity firms tend to ship greater quantities at higher prices to a given market, consistent with higher quality. In addition, firm productivity tends to magnify the positive effect of distance on within-product unit values, suggesting that high-productivity, high-quality firms are more able to serve difficult markets.  相似文献   

Policyholders and other claimants in insurance companies are interested in “solidity,” i.e., the ability of insurers to meet their claims obligations in both the short run and the long run. Insurance regulators exist in order to represent the interests of consumers. Great emphasis is placed by the regulators of the market on the mandatory and uniform disclosure of relevant financial and operating aspects of insurers. This paper employs simple gametheoretic techniques to address two aspects of the general issue of the desirability of establishing a regulator to assess the solidity of insurers. First, why would uniform information about insurers be desirable? Given that uniformity is desirable, it could be achieved by voluntary agreement of insurers or via regulation. The second issue is how that uniformity is to be achieved; that is, what is the value of a regulator in achieving uniformity? Insurance provides an interesting instance of the general problem. A key determinant is the structure of costs and benefits of securing voluntary agreements across firms.  相似文献   

What drives export quality? Using Portuguese firm-level data on exports by product and destination market, we find that f.o.b. unit values increase systematically with distance, and tend to be higher in shipments to richer nations. These relationships reflect not only the sorting of firms across markets, but also the within-firm variation of unit values across destinations. Within product categories, higher-productivity firms tend to ship greater quantities at higher prices to a given market, consistent with higher quality. In addition, firm productivity tends to magnify the positive effect of distance on within-product unit values, suggesting that high-productivity, high-quality firms are more able to serve difficult markets.  相似文献   

We analyze the role of the accumulation of long-term secured loans on the participation of firms in exporting activities. Internal sources of finance, such as cash balance and its equivalent as well as operating cash flow, may alleviate concerns on liquidity shocks and finance shorter-term variable costs but long-term secured loans are likely to be required to finance fixed costs related to investments in plant, machinery and other fixed assets that complement exporting activities. Exporting activities may involve hysteresis such that the likelihood of a firm to participate in exporting activities is influenced by the accumulation of long-term secured loans in the period prior to the export transactions. Even though the availability of internal sources of finance and the capital structure of a firm has greater economic significance, we observe that lagged long-term secured loans influences participation in exporting activities. Furthermore, we analyze the impact of one-year lagged long-term secured loans on the participation of firms in exporting activities based on the financial characteristics at the industry-level. This relationship holds for firms within industries with higher levels of long-term secured loans, higher levels of finance leverage, higher levels of asset tangibility and lower levels of total assets.  相似文献   

Globalization can have far reaching implications for human resource management (HRM) and management practice in general. For some, globalization creates pressures for a common, often taken as ‘best’, transferable set of HRM practices that can spread around the world. These best practices are considered powerful enough to override existing systems. In contrast, others see national based HRM systems as more resilient, partly because of the systemic underpinnings of particular cultural and institutional milieu. Both views contain important implications and lessons. We outline these, a framework for viewing them and the case of HRM in South Korea to demonstrate the issues, contradictions and dilemmas and ways of thinking so that practitioners can make informed choices concerning HRM practices to develop competency enhancing HRM systems.  相似文献   

由于生产要素具有稀缺性和高能性的特点,科技创业企业形成了独特的所有权结构.基于此,本文首先分别分析了科技创业企业两个主要生产要素的产权特征,然后深入地分析了这类企业产权结构的特点,最后给出了有价值的结论.  相似文献   

一、案情简介 山东某进出口B公司以“FOB青岛”向美国A公司出口一批化工品,双方约定付款方式为即期付款交单(D/P at sight),装船时经双方认可的检验机构检验,货物符合合同规定。船舶起航时间为2003年10月11日晚,由于刚好赶上周末,B公司于10月13日从船务公司拿到了提单并立即向A公司发出了装船通知。但载运货物的船舶在起航后15个小时,即10月12日漕遇了恶劣天气.  相似文献   

供应链契约是一种重要的供应链协调机制。在不同的供应链企业关系中,企业会采取不同的博弈策略,进而会影响供应链契约的选择。本文首先就供应链中的企业合作关系进行博弈分析,引入了一个柔性批量订货契约模型,在此基础上,研究了不同供应链企业关系下的企业博弈问题及供应链契约选择问题,提出了基于供应链企业关系的供应链契约选择策略。研究表明,只有当博弈各方对未来的收益具有足够重视时,双方长久的合作关系才能建立和维持,并会选择着眼于合作的供应链契约。  相似文献   

As service user involvement in health and social care research has become more firmly embedded in health policies, both in the UK and internationally, there is increasing interest in evaluating its potential benefits and outcomes. Impact studies have highlighted a range of different types of service user involvement, using diverse research methods, within various research topics and involving different stakeholders. Potential benefits to research, researchers and the service users actively involved in research have been identified, along with the possibility of some negative consequences. Many impact studies have been criticized for being based on informal retrospective accounts of researchers and service users working together. Few have been underpinned by conceptual models, and there is a paucity of detailed accounts of the process of involvement that would enable replication. This paper reports an account of a prospective, qualitative exploration of service user involvement within a study, where the aims of the evaluation were agreed beforehand. Reflective discussions about the process and progress of service user involvement at different stages of the study were recorded, transcribed and analysed. The qualitative analysis identified perceived benefits to research, researchers and service user researchers that endorsed previous findings. The analysis also highlighted subjective and interpersonal aspects of service user involvement that have seldom been reported. This evaluation demonstrates the benefits of allowing time for structured reflection and adds to the understanding of the process and meaning of service user involvement in research.  相似文献   

Building on research in institutional theory and market categories, we argue that media coverage, through the effects of cognitive and sociopolitical legitimacy, influence the creation of new market categories. Using data on the broadband access industry, we develop and test a media coverage model of market category entries, demonstrating the legitimacy effects of media-based information exchange on the emergence of new market categories. We include two post hoc analyses on mediation effects to test the relationship between population density and media coverage. These results indicate a possible mediation relationship, which we discuss in the implications of our study.  相似文献   

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